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2014-2015 学年 第一 学期 时间10分钟 A卷

英语视听说(一)口语 课程 16 学时 1 学分 考试形式: 闭卷

专业年级: 2014级非英语专业学生 总分100分 占总评成绩 30 %

Test Paper 1

I. Reading Aloud (20%)

Directions: Please read aloud the following paragraph(s) and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

Doing homework is important, but it’s not always enough. In order to really understand the ideas, it’s better to meet with a small group of two or three students after you study. Complete the assignments with them. Those students who did this understood the information better. They felt more connected to the class, and participated more in their classes.

You can manage your time so that you will be successful in your studies. And, if you make a schedule and keep to it, you can have fun and enjoy yourself with the students in your classes. When you make time to work hard and leave time to play hard, you will succeed.

II. Making a Conversation (40%)

Directions: Two students form a pair and make a conversation according to the given situation for about 3 minutes.

Student A and Student B meet for the first time on the campus. They’re chatting about their majors, their registered courses, their personalities and their impression on the university, etc.

III. Answering Questions (40%)

Directions: Each student should answer one or two questions for at least one minute and a half. 1. Could you give some tips for success in the university?

2. Are there differences between your high school life and college life? Please give some examples. 2. Are there differences between your hometown and Changsha? Please give some examples. 3. What do you think of the canteens in CSU? What is your favorite food?


