
更新时间:2023-06-04 04:22:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



世界旅游日World Tourism Day
标准/豪华游normal/luxury tour(travel)
黄金线路/景点hot travel route/spot
出境游/国内游outbound/inbound tourism
自助游independent/do-it-yourself travel
随团旅游group travel
外滩(上海) the Bund
风景区scenic areas
宁静环境peaceful environment
美丽景色beautiful views
如画的风景picturesque landscape
水乡泽国the water resort
独特的人文景观unique human landscape
物华天宝a land of plenty
人杰地灵rich land fostering more talents
人文山水a unique culture in a nice natural surrounding
优美的高山高原自然风光beautiful plateau natural scenery
出土文物unearthed cultural relics
古建筑群ancient architectural complex
古文化遗址sites of primitive cultures
陵墓emperor’s mausoleum/tomb
古墓ancient tomb
皇城imperial city
佛教建筑the Buddhist architecture
历史古迹historical sites
土特产品local specialties
星级饭店star-rated hotel
文明风景旅游示范点model civilized scenic site
国际旅游局China National Tourism Administration
入境游客international tourist arrivals
顾客 customer
旅游者 tourist
旅游散客 independent traveler
旅游团队 tour group
旅游服务供方 service supplier in tourism
旅游服务组织 service organization in tourism
旅游服务企业 enterprise of service in tourism
旅游定点企业 designated tourism enterprises
旅游服务特性 characteristics of service in tourism
旅游服务提供 service delivery in tourism
旅游服务等级 service grade in tourism
星级评定 star-rating
旅游服务产品 product of service in tourism
观光旅游 sightseeing tour
度假旅游 vacation tour
专项旅游 specific tour
会议旅游 convention tour
奖励旅游 incentive travel
特种旅游 special interest tour
旅行社 travel service; travel agency
导游人员 tour guide
海外领队 overseas escort
旅游交通 tourist communications
旅游汽车 tourist automobile
旅游船 cruise ship
游览船 sightseeing boat; sightseeing ship
星级游船 star-rated cruise ship
旅游住宿 tourist lodging
旅游涉外饭店 hotels catering to overseas tourists
星级饭店 star-rated hotel
涉外公寓 apartment for aliens
涉外写字楼 office building for aliens
旅游餐饮 tourist catering
旅游定点餐馆 designated tourist restaurant
旅游团队餐 meals for tour group
游览地 place of sightseeing
游览区 sightseeing district
度假区 holiday resort
游览点 sightseeing spot
参观点 visiting spot
旅游购物 tourist shopping
旅游定点商店 designated tourist shop
旅游娱乐 tourist recreation
文化类旅游娱乐场所 tourist recreational spot of cultural kind
康乐类旅游娱乐场所 tourist recrea
tional spot of health and pleasure kind
旅游服务质量 service quality in tourism
旅游服务规范 service specification in tourism
旅游服务质量标准 standards of serv


ice quality in tourism
旅游服务质量评定 evaluation of service quality in tourism
旅游服务质量认证 validation of service quality in tourism
旅游安全管理 management of tourist safety
旅游投诉管理 handling of tourist complaint
旅游投诉 tourist complaint
旅游投诉理赔 settlement of tourist complaint

