综合英语一上册第十三课lesson thirteen

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Lesson Thirteen Hobbyist

Fredric Brown

Hobby (业余)爱好,嗜好(不包括阅读等) Hobbyist 有某种癖好者 Rumor 传闻,传言,谣言 Absolutely 绝对地;完全地 Druggist 药商,药剂师

Drugstore (美)药房(也出售日用品及食品,冲洗胶卷等) Completely Undetectable Poison Doorway Break Ring Be ringed with Coffee-pot Motion Upraise Convince Deserve Shrug Briefly Freely Case Murderer Antidote Possibility Double-cross Blackmail Pistol Chuckle Deadly Bluff Growl Reasonable Wallet Confession Intention Former Evidence


觉察不到的,发现不了的 毒药,毒物 门口

休息时间 充满

被……装满 咖啡壶

用动作或手势示意 抬起,抬高

使信服,说服,使相信 值得,应得 耸肩 简短地 免费地 事例,实例 凶手,杀人犯 解毒药,解毒剂 可能性

(俚语)欺骗行为,出卖行为 敲诈,勒索 手枪

低声地笑,自笑 致命的

虚张声势,吓唬(人) 咆哮,发火

合理的,有理由的 钱包

自白,供认,承认 目的,意图,打算 以前的 证据 Useful Expressions

Make sure (that) 确定;确保 Be about to do 正要做…… Be convinced that 确信,信服 Give out 分送,分发

Charge (sb.) for (sth.) (就……)向某人索取……的费用 Count out 数出(钱等) Go ahead (and do) 请做,请说 In case 以防,还是 Just the same (= all the same) 仍然,还是 Do you need any help?

No, I can manage it, but thank you just the same. Otherwise 否则

You must mend your ways, otherwise you’ll end up in trouble. Within the reach of sb. /within sb.’s reach

While reading I always have a dictionary within my reach. Insist on sth./doing sth. 坚决要求某事或做某事 He insisted on his rights.

My friend insisted on going with me. He insisted on my going to see a doctor.

I don’t like him/his lending my money.

My mother forbids me/ my smoking in the housed I miss you /your bringing me cups of coffee at night

The old lady hated the children/ children’s playing in her garden. The little girl loves her mother/ her mother’s reading to her in bed.


1) 他在一次事故中失去了一条腿,但他的妻子仍然很爱他. In an accident he lost one leg, but his wife love him just the same. 2) 我正要出门时一个远亲来看我了.

A distant relative came to see me when I was about to go out. 3) 就这项服务他向我要了20元.

He charged me twenty yuan for the service. 4) 如果有问题要问我,就请吧.

If there is a question to ask me, go ahead, please. 5) 把药放在孩子们能够着的地方是危险的.

It is dangerous to place the drugs within the children’s reach. 6) 班长坚持要吧真相告诉每一位同学.

The class president insisted on telling the truth to every student. 7) 他确信已记熟了每个单词后采取参加考试.

He made sure that he had kept every word in mind before he went to take part in the examination. 8) 把这些钱带上以防有意想不到的事情发生.

Take this money with you in case something unexpected happens. 9) 我愿(你)付给我百元大票.

I would like you to pay me hundred-dollar bills. 10) 最后老师确信孩子们应该得到休息.

Finally the teacher was convinced that the children should have a rest. 11) 告诉我为什么要这种药,不然我不给你.

Tell me why you want to get this kind of medicine otherwise I won’t give it to you. 2

1) 人们不大明白这个富裕的小伙子为什么参军

People don’t quite understand the rich young man’s joining the army. 2) 年轻人讨厌父母拆看他们的信件

The young men dislike the parents reading their letters. 3) 我赞赏他公开承认自己的错误.

I admire his admitting his mistakes in public. 4) 我记得他说过他是一名医生.

I remembered his saying he was a doctor. 5) 她阻止我把这一秘密告诉她的朋友.

She prevented me telling the secret to her friend.

Questions on the text

1) what did Sangstrom come to the druggist for?

He came to the druggist for a completely undetectable poison.

2) The druggist didn’t give him what he wanted immediately, did he? What did he do instead? No, he didn’t.

The druggist asked him to go with him and have a cup of coffee. 3) The druggist wasn’t really about to take a coffee break, was he? No, he wasn’t really about to take a coffee break.

4) Where did the druggist take Sangstrom? What was the room like?

The druggist took Sangstrom to a back room. The room was ringed by shelves of bottles from floor to ceiling.

5) Whom did Sangstrom want to kill? Did he want to tell the druggist this at first? Sangstrom wanted to kill his wife.

No, he didn’t want to tell the druggist this at first.

6) What did the druggist mean when he said “ I must be convinced that you deserve what I can

give you”?

The druggist might make sure that Sangstrom deserved to be given the poison. 7) How did Sangstrom understand these words?

Sangstrom thought that the druggist wanted to know whom he wanted to kill and why he wanted to kill.

8) When Sangstrom asked the druggist to give him the poison, What answer did he get? The druggist told him that he had already given the poison to him.

9) How much did the druggist charge for the poison? How much for the antidote? The druggist didn’t charge for the poison.

The price for the antidote was a thousand dollars.

10) Sangstrom didn’t believe what the druggist had said, did he? Why did he pay for the antidote


Yes, Sangstrom believed what the druggist had said.

Because he couldn’t find the antidote among those thousands of bottles. The druggist told him that the poison he had been given started to work within three hours.

11) What did the druggist tell Sangstrom to do before he took the money? Why? What else did he

want Sangstrom to do for him? Why?

The druggist told Sangstrom to write a confession of his intention-his former intention, he hoped to murder his wife.

For the safety of his wife and the druggist.

The druggist also wanted Sangstrom to help spread the word about his undetectable poison.

12) Do you believe that the druggist had put poison in the coffee? Why did he say he had? Do you

think it is right to prevent murder and make money the way the druggist did? No, I don’t believe that the druggist had put poison in the coffee. The druggist wanted to charge Sangstrom for the antidote.

No, I don’t think it is right to prevent murder and make money the way the druggist did.

