2019高考英语大一轮复习资料 Book1 Unit2

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1.harmony n.和睦,和谐

2.senior n.年长者;adj.较年长的;(级别)较高的 3.elder n.长辈,老人;adj.年长的 4.annoy vt.惹恼

5.communicate vi.&vt.交流 6.respect vt.&n.尊重 7.in trouble有麻烦 8.be supposed to应该

9.be on good terms with sb.与某人相处融洽 10.in one’s opinion在某人看来


代沟(generation gap)一直是困扰着父母和孩子的一个普遍的社会问题。假如你是张明,你的朋友李华来信说她也遇到了这个问题。请你给她回信,就如何消除与父母之间的代沟提出你的意见。词数150左右。 佳作欣赏 Dear Li Hua,

I have received your letter,saying you are now worried about your relationship with your parents.

The generation gap has become a social problem,causing wide concern.There are actually many differences in living habits and thoughts between you and your parents.There will be quarrels with your parents when you can’t reach agreements.In fact,you can remove such disagreements if you learn to communicate with them appropriately.First,you should respect your parents,which will make them respect you as well.Second,communicate with your parents as often as possible,and you will avoid the generation gap.Third,staying calm when you meet disagreements with your parents is considered as an effective way.

Yours, Zhang Ming


本文运用了一些高级词汇和句式,为文章增添了色彩,如remove,appropriately,stay calm,be considered as;分词作结果状语,非限制性定语从句,祈使句+and+陈述句等。另外文章还使用了first,second,third,使文章层次分明、条理清晰。


1.frightened adj.受惊的;害怕的 frightening adj.令人恐惧的 frighten vt.使惊吓,使惊恐

fright n.惊吓;恐怖

2.behavior/behaviour n.行为,举止 behave vi.表现;vt.使举止规矩

3. upset adj.不高兴的,失望的;vt.使不高兴,使失望 4.defend vt.辩解,辩白;防御,保护 5.deserve vt.值得;应得;应受 6.explanation n.解释,说明 explain vt.& vi.解释,说明 7.rude adj.粗鲁的,无礼的 rudely adv.粗鲁地,无礼地 rudeness n.粗鲁,无礼 8.insist vi.坚持,坚持认为 9.freedom n.自由

free adj.免费的;自由的;v.释放;使自由 10.harm vt.&n.伤害 harmful adj.有害的

harmless adj.(反义词)无害的;无恶意的 11.foolish adj.愚蠢的 12.patience n.耐心 patient n.病人;adj.有耐心的 13.forbid vt.禁止 forbade (过去式)


14.normal n.&adj.正常(的),一般(的) abnormal adj.不正常的,不一般的 15.limit n.限制;极限;界限;vt.限制 limitation n.限制;控制 limited adj.有限的

16.balance vt.&vi.&n.平衡;抵消 Ⅱ.阅读识记单词

17.bend vi.弯腰,屈身;vt.(使)弯曲 18.starve vi.挨饿;饿死;vt.使挨饿 starvation n.饥饿;挨饿;饿死 19.tolerate vt.容忍;允许 tolerance n.忍受 tolerant adj.容忍的 20.fault n.过错,错误

21.scene n.(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色 22.hard adj.苛刻的,严厉的 23.handle vt.处理;应付 24.error n.错误 25.guidance n.指导,引导

guide vt.指导;n.有指导意义的事物;导游 26.argument n.争吵,辩论;论点,论据

argue vi.&vt.争吵,辩论

27.distant adj.不友好的,冷淡的,疏远的;遥远的 28.annoyed adj.愤怒的,生气的 annoying adj.使人恼怒的,使人生气的 annoy vt.使……不悦,惹恼 29.misunderstand vt.误解 30.confused adj.困惑的,不解的 31.physical adj.身体的;物质的 32.tend vi.往往,趋向;vt.照看 tendency n.趋势 33.wisdom n.智慧 wise adj.明智的

34.independence n.独立 35.challenge n.&vt.挑战 语境活用 [用所给词的正确形式填空]

1.He is physically(physical) unfit for this kind of work. 2.“You are forbidden(forbid) to say ‘one feels,’ or ‘people think’,”Lehanne told them.(2015·全国Ⅰ)

3.People often think of gossipers as harmless(harm),but cruel lies can cause pain.(2016·浙江) 4.She gave me a comforting smile,nodded while listening patiently(patient),and then printed out the ticket immediately.(2016·全国Ⅱ)

5.Many cyclists behave(behaviour) dangerously.(2015·湖南)

6.Others think that a man’s body cells have a tendency(tend) to age more quickly.(2016·四川) 7.The abnormal(normal) bleeding is your body’s own red flag of danger.

8.It was a wise(wisdom) decision.While too many couples grow apart,we were growing together.(2016·江苏)

9.But our funds were limited(limit),and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory.(2015·天津)

10.After a long argument(argue),he gave in.

1.can’t wait to do something迫不及待地做某事 2.be supposed to应该……,应当…… 3.be hard on对……苛刻,对……严厉 4.now that既然;由于 5.stay up不睡觉,熬夜

6.mix up混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和 7.insist on坚持,坚持认为 8.at present现在 9.along with与……一起

语境活用 [运用上述短语完成片段]

I had difficulty in getting along with my parents when I was a teenager.They 1.were hard on(对……严厉) me and they thought I 2.was supposed to(应该) be hardworking.Every time I came back from school,they 3.couldn’t wait to(迫不及待地) go through my homework.They insisted that it was foolish of me to 4.stay up(熬夜) chatting online.5.At present(现在),I myself,

am a teenager’s father.I have realized that I and my parents harmed each other.So I,6.along with(与……一起) my wife,am going to treat my son equally and listen to his explanation with patience.


But,but...you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow! 可是,可是……你们应该明天才回家的呀! 仿写 直到最后期限才写读书报告。(2016·天津) Book reports weren’t written until the final threat. 2.with复合结构

The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. 房间里一片狼藉,地板上扔着许多比萨饼盒子,洗碗池里堆着未洗的碗碟。 仿写 高考即将来临,我们都忙着在做准备。

With the College Entrance Examination coming,we are busy preparing for it. 3.have+宾语+宾语补足语

Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset. 丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看上去很不高兴。 仿写 事故后不久他就找人把车修理了。 He had his car repaired soon after the accident. 4.as if/though...

Sometimes he acts as if he doesn’t love us at all. 有时他表现得好像他根本就不爱我们。

仿写 是John打坏了窗户。为什么你说得好像是我打坏了似的?(2014·重庆) It was John who broke the window.Why are you talking to me as if I had done it? 5.every time...

Also,every time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying. 还有,每一次我看DVD时,他就打发我去睡觉或要我多花时间学习。

仿写 “每次你吃甜点的时候,就喝点绿茶。”这是妈妈过去经常对我说的话。(2014·浙江) “Every time you eat a sweet,drink green tea.” This is what my mother used to tell me.

frightened adj.受惊的;害怕的

(1)She was frightened that the plane would crash. 她害怕飞机会坠毁。(牛津词典)

(2)The little girl was frightened that her mother wouldn’t come back. 那小女孩害怕妈妈不再回来了。

(3)The numbers and statistics of this paper are real and frightening. 报纸上的数字和数据是真实的,也是可怕的。 (1)be frightened to do sth.吓得不敢做某事 be frightened of/that...害怕…… (2)frighten sb./sth.away/off把某人(物)吓走 frighten sb.into/out of doing sth.吓唬某人做/不做某事

