分析凝结水溶解氧偏高的原因 - 图文

更新时间:2023-11-18 13:54:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



摘 要






Coal-fired power plants operation in normal circumstances,condensate dissolved oxygen is qualified, because of many reasons, resulting in condensate dissolved oxygen is high , so that units can not be a safe and stable operation, it must be reasons for the high condensate analysis of dissolved oxygen and let dissolved oxygen reach standard value.

This paper introduces condensed water from the system ,according to introducing the composition of the system obtained in the condensate flow in the system.The condensation of water recycling, inevitably contain corrosive and impurities, and with the power unit capacity increases, improve water quality requirements, but also must be polishing condensate.Then by introducing the condensate polishing system, the analysis of the causes of contaminated condensate polishing system, and should be filtered and the desalination of two parts, the removal of metal corrosion products and suspended impurities and dissolved salts, but high levels of dissolved oxygen of the harm in the condensate is not removed. Then introduced the high levels of dissolved oxygen in the condensate harm, and may cause high levels of dissolved oxygen causes and solutions,. Finally,Mengda power generation companies and power companies and Xinhe of Shanxi Wuxiang example, according to these two causes of the high dissolved oxygen plant, after they take appropriate and effective measures to reduce the dissolved oxygen to meet the standard value, the unit can be Normal operation, this not only improves the resource utilization, but also reduce the operating costs of production.

Keywords: Condensate; polishing; dissolved oxygen;


目 录

引言 ............................................................... 1 第一章 凝结水系统 ............................................... 2

1.1凝结水概述 .................................................. 2 1.2 凝结水系统组成 .............................................. 2

1.2.1凝结水泵及其管道 ....................................... 3 1.2.2凝结水精处理系统 ....................................... 4 1.2.3轴封加热器及凝结水最小流量再循环 ....................... 4 1.2.4低压加热器 ............................................. 5 1.2.5补充水系统 ............................................. 6 1.3除氧器介绍 .................................................. 6 第二章 凝结水精处理概述 ......................................... 8

2.1凝结水受污染原因 ............................................ 8 2.2凝结水精处理的目的 .......................................... 9 2.3凝结水处理的重要性 ......................................... 10 2.4凝结水精处理系统 ........................................... 11

2.4.1凝结水过滤 ............................................ 12 2.4.2凝结水混床除盐 ........................................ 14 2.5凝结水处理设备与热力系统的连接方式 ......................... 17

2.5.1低压凝结水精处理系统 .................................. 17 2.5.2中压凝结水精处理系统 .................................. 17

第三章 凝结水溶解氧偏高原因的分析 .............................. 18

3.1凝结水溶解氧偏高的原因 ..................................... 18 3.2凝结水溶解氧偏高的危害 ..................................... 20 3.3凝结水溶解氧偏高的解决措施 ................................. 21 3.4分析凝结水溶解氧偏高原因实例 ............................... 23

3.4.1蒙达公司凝结水溶解氧超标原因分析及改造 ................ 23 3.4.2 600MW直接空冷机组凝结水溶氧偏高分析及解决措施 ........ 25

结论 .............................................................. 29 参考文献 .......................................................... 30 谢辞 .............................................................. 31



作为国家基础设施的一部分,火力发电厂可谓是用水大户,我国电力工业发展迅速,火电厂用水困难问题也日益突出,而环保要求日趋严格。虽然我国水资源总量丰富,但人均水资源占有量仅相当于世界人均水资源占有量的 1/4,在全国600多个城市中,有400多个城市存在供水不足的问题,其中缺水比较严重的城市有110个,全国城市缺水年总量达60亿立方米。同时,水资源在全国范围的分布严重不均。又由于水资源主要依靠大气降水来补充和再生,因此,受到不同地区、不同的气候影响,人类经济活动的周期内,水资源的储量是不恒定的,水资源的状态很脆弱,恢复能力也很弱,同时由于人类对水资源的过度开采以及工业对水生系统的污染,因此,我国的水资源面临着严峻的危机。



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