2016届上海市13校联考第一次考试高三英语 - 图文

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考试时间 :120分钟 满分:150分

第I 卷(共103分)

I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Librarian and student. B. Boss and secretary. C. Publisher and salesman. D. Customer and shop assistant. 2. A. 1:45. B. 1:55. C. 2:05. D. 2:15. 3. A. She approves of building the highway. B. She is strongly against this plan.

C. She still hesitates whether it is feasible. D. She hasn’t heard about it yet.

4. A. Michael would not keep on doing the experiment. B. Michael had got the result of the experiment already. C. Michael thought the experiment was well done. D. Michael had expected the experiment to be easier. 5. A. Go for a walk along the lake. B. Speak before the class. C. Enjoy the sunshine. D. Prepare the presentation. 6. A. Internet surfing. B. Stock exchanging. C. Mountain climbing. D. Job hunting. 7. A. She doesn’t think it’s very hot here. B. She wants to open the window by herself. C. She thinks that the man is open-minded. D. She agrees to open the window. 8. A. It was broadcast on television. B. Tickets for it were rather expensive. C. Many people went to attend it. D. Few people heard about it.

9. A. She has too many dreams in her life. B. Her ideas can’t help solve the problems. C. She likes sleeping in the daytime. D. She doesn’t put her ideas into practice. 10. A. Steven has found a job as an actor.

B. Steven has been in his position for quite a long time. C. Steven’s job as a manager is difficult.

D. Steven’s behavior may cause his loss of the job.

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Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following report. 11. A. Introduce yourself to them. B. Tell the host directly. C. Complain to the host indirectly. D. Leave their house as you like. 12. A. Friendliness and seriousness. B. Kindness and politeness. C. Friendliness and openness. D. Politeness and seriousness. 13. A. How to deal with Americans. B. How to adapt to American culture. C. How to do business with Americans. D. How to go traveling in America.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. Government funding. B. Car renting. C. Taxi-sharing. D. More subways building.

15. A. Passengers are encouraged to share a ride with each paying 60% of the fare.

B. Some taxis are fitted with sharing meters to calculate the fares for each passenger. C. More taxi drivers are employed to provide the service for the passengers. D. Taxi drivers can charge each passenger the full fare after the ride. 16. A. Taxi drivers can make more money from taxi-sharing.

B. The company only supplies limited number of taxis to passengers. C. Some passengers may conflict with each other during the ride. D. Many passengers are worried about their privacy and safety.

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. The Federal Express Sender’s information: The invoice or pickup address, a ____17____ phone number. Receiver’s information: Full name, address, phone number. Parcel information: Weight and specification --- height, width, length, value and the full ____18_____. Time for delivery: 1-2 _____19____ days. PS: Don’t seal the parcel for the driver can check the ____20____ when collecting it. Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. What does the man think of skateboarding? It highlights participation and courage, giving people the extreme ____21______. Why does the man advise wearing equipment? Because the condition of _____22______ may be dangerous. Why did the German engineer invent the To solve his ______23_______. scooter? What does the woman think of skateboarding Both are ______24_____. and scooter?

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


There were emotional scenes as President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, waved while their limousine swept out of Albert Square in Manchester at the conclusion of their weeklong state visit to the UK.

The square in front of the city's town hall, where the couple had just had lunch with civic leaders, (25)_______ (surround) by thousands of Chinese, many of them local students. They shouted, \Xi Dada!\“uncle” in Chinese.

This reflected both a youthful nationalism and a confidence in the new direction of the country. Apart from South African president Nelson Mandela nearly two decades ago, it was perhaps in 1977 (27)_________ you could witness such crowd scenes for a foreign leader's visit.

Xi's visit was a redefining one in many ways. (28)________(agree) on about 30 billion pounds ($45.94 billion) of investment in major projects indicates the UK’s resolution to be open to business with China.

The UK was also sending a message (29)_________the world has now changed fundamentally, so you cannot ignore China's rise to be the world's second-largest economy, and instead, you (30)_________ cooperate with China. The UK was going to lead the way towards the future (31)_________ a new \era\

The latest issue of The Economist magazine makes it clear that this is considered a brave move. \has a visiting head of state been granted such a tour and never before has British government attached (32)_______ (great) importance to one relationship,\

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“New Year's Eve, 1999. After an early morning machine-gun attack by a madman called the Digger leaves dozens dead in the Washington, D.C. subway, the mayor's office receives a mail (33)_______ (demand) twenty million dollars by midnight or more innocents will die. With the mail as the only evidence, Special Agent Margaret Lukas calls on retired FBI agent Parker Kincaid, (34)_______ (join) the hunt for the killer, the Digger. If the mayor doesn’t meet his demand, the first day of the new century (35)_______ (be) the last for hundreds of innocent people on the earth.”

In the novel The Devil’s Teardrop, thriller readers can get extra value from Jeffery Deaver, an international number-one bestselling author. Jeffery Deaver is expert at finishing his story with a surprising ending. Just like (36)_______ in The Terminator, the bad guys in this book just won’t quit, and they create violent disturbance in the last 50 pages to fill a whole new book. It was also adapted for the screen, (37)_______ starred Tom Everett Scott and Natasha Henstridge.

Best (38)_______ (know) for his thrillers starring criminalist (刑事专家) Lincoln Rhyme, Jeffery Deaver now has a new mission to bring Bond into the 21st century in a new 007 novel although Jeffery Deaver himself looks more like a brainy villain (反派人物) in a James Bond movie than a hero.

Other novelists have written Bond novels since Ian Fleming's death in 1964, but (39)_______ they dealt with all took place in the original era. Deaver is taking a new approach. “(40)_______there's no more Cold War to fight,” says Deaver, “his new Bond will fight post-9/11 evil.” Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. promoting B. channeled C. readiness D. inviting E. cultivate F. conclusions G. importantly H. innocent I. conveyed J. safely K. guarantee Few children grow up without watching Teletubbies, a very popular show featuring interesting and fun characters that keep children absorbed. Like other animated creatures that have entertained children by way of television, Teletubbies are unique in their great contribution to preschoolers’ formal school ____41____. The program fits well into the style of broadcasting that airs on PBS, a non-profit broadcasting service ____42____ high quality, educational programs without commercial interruption. A company by the name of Ragdoll Productions in the United Kingdom developed the Teletubbies figures and their stories. Teletubbies’ producers, Anne Wood and Andrew Davenport, conducted extensive research to ____43____ the effectiveness of their production as a teaching tool. They interviewed young children, linguists, and nursery school teachers. The ____44____ they reached were put very well into words by Ms. Wood when she said, “I want children to smile. If they are smiling, they will be relaxed. If they are relaxed, they will be confident. If they are confident, they will dare to be curious. If they are curious, they will

grow in understanding.” Much creative energy and innovation were ____45____ into each one of the 365 shows that’s been broadcast.

What exactly makes Teletubbies so visibly and emotionally ___46_____ to young children? The answer is that they are completely designed from their point of view, being plump(fat and rounded in a pleasant way) and ____47____, as well as playful, warm, and funny. They live in a vibrant and magical world, part technological and part nursery rhyme.

More ____48____, the characters communicate very special, elementary ideas to the children: Teletubbies love each other very much; Teletubbies love to dance and sing; Teletubbies love their favorite things and interacting with their surroundings. These messages, ____49____ in very basic, repetitive language, invite interaction with children, helping kids aged from 1 to 4 _____50___ the skills they need to watch and listen at the same time, which is key to the development of a child’s thinking abilities.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

You paid for that music album in your iTunes library and enjoyed that best-selling novel on your e-reader. But now what? Can you lend them to your friends? Can you sell them again like you did with your physical albums and books?

Family members of the deceased (已故的) would usually inherit their diaries and photos. But what about blog entries and photos stored in online clouds? Can they be ____51____ to the next generation?

Technology has changed the way we consume literature and music. It has changed the way we ____52____ memories and share experiences.

But if you think your online possessions are yours to deal with as you please, then you are ____53____.

Often it is content providers who have the ____54____ to decide over what they allow consumers to do with files they purchase and share online. So what rights do you have over accounts and goods that exist only ____55____? UK newspaper The Guardian recently provided readers with a brief guideline:

Music and films

In most cases you are leasing(租用的) content, not buying it. This is because you are generally being sold the ____56____ to use a song or film, but not the actual item itself. If you download music or films to a physical device you can leave it behind for someone, but you cannot leave instructions to distribute files in your iTunes account.

When it comes to the account’s content, few digital providers allow the ____57____ of ownership from one person to another. Either their terms and conditions will rule out sharing downloads, or they will use language that implies rules ____58____ it.


As with music and films, your virtual library cannot be passed on to someone else. Amazon makes it very clear that Kindle content cannot be shared like a(n) ____59____ book.

____60____, you can’t move a book from one device to another or split up a collection of books

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among family and friends. You can however give the actual device ____61____ your collection to someone else.

Social media

Most social media users are bound by their account’s terms of business. If they should pass away, few service providers will allow other people to ____62____ their account, as it might contain personal data and break ____63____ rights.

Yahoo owns the photo-sharing site Flickr and runs an e-mail service. It states that users are ____64____ “personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right and license” to use its software. It also makes clear in its terms and conditions that it reserves the right to shut down ____65____ accounts.

51. A. gone through B. handed down C. taken on D. brought up 52. A. seek B. consult C. discover D. keep 53. A. mistaken B. suspected C. created D. contacted 54. A. favour B. quality C. right D. qualification 55. A. initially B. virtually C. traditionally D. naturally 56. A. relationship B. memory C. ideal D. license 57. A. response B. passage C. expense D. location 58. A. on B. among C. against D. behind 59. A. flexible B. physical C. electronic D. private 60. A. Nevertheless B. Therefore C. Moreover D. However 61. A. joining B. consuming C. holding D. conveying 62. A. confirm B. insult C. access D. benefit 63. A. literary B. figure C. library D. privacy 64. A. granted B. informed C. awarded D. persuaded 65. A. average B. inactive C. relevant D. similar Section B

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.


The science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Talking about magic in the 21st century, however, is reserved for Harry Potter fans. But imagine if someone from the 16th century were transported to our times-- they would probably perceive all the advanced technology around them as magic. We know from fairy tales that there are different kinds of magic: white magic, which aids nature and black magic which acts against nature. So what kind of magic would our visitor from the 1500s think some of these recent scientific advancements were? Genetic hybrids (杂交品种)

Using selective breeding and genetic technology, scientists are now able to create genetic hybrids of

two species. The hybrids created so far are geep---a goat and sheep hybrid, cama---a camel and llama hybrid, liger---a lion and tiger hybrid (the liger is actually the largest cat in the world) and zorse---the zebra and horse hybrid.

Glow-in-the-dark puppy

In some American states, you can actually go to a pet store and buy glow-in-the-dark fish that do not exist in nature. The bioluminescent gene present in certain species of jellyfish and coral was added to the fish’s genes to produce the glow-in-the-dark effect. Bioluminescent cats, dogs and other mammals have also been (B) Look at the drawings on these two pages. They all show the same figure but have been drawn with different pencils, pens, paints and ink. Can you see how changing the medium changes the look of the sketch(素描)? created in laboratories around the world. Chemical factories

Scientists can now engineer animals to be state-of-the-art chemical factories: in South Korea, pigs are being genetically engineered to produce certain kinds of drugs in their milk and meat. Animal preservation

Genetic engineering can save endangered species from extinction. Cattle and sheep genes are being used to preserve species such as the mouflon(a type of wild sheep), and the gaur (or Asian ox). The animals created as a result of this process are not pure species, as they have two sets of DNA in their bodies. Remote-controlled rats

Scientists are now able to connect the brains of insects such as cockroaches, beetles or moths to a steering device which controls their movements. A rat has also been used in a similar experiment. Life maker

DNA synthesizers can be used to create completely new organisms virtually from scratch. A team of scientists led by Graig Venter were the first to create an artificial cell with a completely artificial genome, which replicated in the same way as a natural cell. 66. What does the quote by Arthur C.Clarke imply?

A. If the technology is highly advanced, people may think it is magic. B. Any technology that is complex enough is the same as magic. C. There is no difference between magic and advanced technology.

D. Talking about the magic and science is reserved for Harry Potter fans. 67. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Scientists have so far created four hybrids, using selective breeding and genetic technology, B. Glow-in-the-dark dogs will be available at the pet store in the near future.

C. Endangered species can be preserved without any change by means of Genetic engineering. D. Genes from both coral and jellyfish were used to create bioluminescent fish. 68. The word “replicated” means __________. A. updated B. copied C. shared D. maintained 69. Why does the author mention magic in this passage? A. To demonstrate that Arthur C. Clarke was right.

B. To show that science can be used to do both good and bad things. C. To make the reader associate nature with science.

D. To illustrate what the advanced technology will catch up with magic one day.

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? Some more ideas Choose a sketchbook that you can carry around easily--A4 or smaller should be fine. Using a rubber can stop you from learning from your mistakes. If a design isn’t working, you won’t find out why by removing the problem. Instead you should draw over it, and find a new line in a different direction. Avoid rulers, too--they create hard, mechanical-looking lines. ? Where and how to work Experiment with different places for drawing. Working flat--on a table or at a desk, or even on the floor-- may be right for you. Or perhaps you could try working on a board at an angle. If it helps to relax you, play music while you draw. 70. You can read it from______. A. a magazine on how to design clothes

B. a book on how to draw a sketch like a designer C. a booklet on how to choose pens

D. an advertisement of DIY self-painted clothes

71. When you start to draw a sketch, using _____ can help you focus on outline and the details of a


A. hard pencil or soft pencil B. watercolour or ink C. hard pencil or pen D. gouache or India ink 72. India ink is harder to control than other media because __________. A. it can only gives soft line

B. it is hard to revise the mistakes

C. you should be confident and bold enough D. you need to add color to your drawing

73. When you learn to draw a sketch, what suggestion can the author give you? A. An A4 or smaller sketchbook, a ruler and a rubber are necessary. B. You’d better work on a flat table or a board without any angle.

C. You can be a qualified designer if you have a good command of 2 or 3 of the media. D. You won’t find out why your design isn’t working, if you remove your mistakes.

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The broad definition of migration, “permanent change of residence”, usually includes a move across a city or a town. What we are concerned about is movement between nations, not internal migration within nations, although such movements often go beyond international movements in volume. Today, the motives of people who move short distances are very similar to those of international migrants.

Students of human migration speak of \, which influence an individual’s decision to move from one place to another. Push factors are associated with the place of origin. A push factor can be as simple a matter as difficulty in finding a suitable job, or as painful as war, or severe famine.

Pull factors are those associated with the place of destination. Most often these are economic, such as better job opportunities or the availability of good land to farm. The latter was an important factor in attracting settlers to the United States during the 19th century. In general, pull factors add up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin. When there is a choice between several attractive potential destinations, the deciding factor might be a non-economic consideration such as the presence of relatives, friends, or at least fellow countrymen already established in the new place who are willing to help the newcomers settle in. Considerations of this sort lead to the development of migration flow.

Besides push and pull factors, there are what the sociologists call “intervening(干预) obstacles”. Even if push and(or) pull factors are very strong, they still may be outweighed by intervening obstacles, such as the distance of the move, the trouble and cost of moving, the difficulty of entering the new country, and the problems likely to be encountered on arrival.

The decision to move is also influenced by “personal factors” of the potential migrant. The same push-pull factors and obstacles operate differently on different people, sometimes because they are at different stages of their lives, or just because of their varying abilities and personalities. The prospect of packing up everything and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environment may appear interesting and challenging to an unmarried young man and rather difficult to a slightly older man with a wife and small kids. Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may excite one person and frighten another.

Regardless of why people move, migration of large numbers of people causes conflict. The United States and other western countries have experienced adjustment problems with each new wave of immigrants. The newest arrivals are usually given the lowest-paid jobs and are resented by native people who may have to compete with them for those jobs. It has usually taken several decades for each group to be accepted into the mainstream of society in the host country.

74. Suppose Michael is thinking of migrating to a new place but he is faced with several choices of destinations, what may contribute to his final decision? A. The people he knows. B. Better job opportunities. C. Good land to farm.

