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弹性力学基础及有限单元法 课件旨在帮助学者通过本文件更快地掌握弹性力学基础及有限元法基础知识 仅供参考

有限元法与实践-1 Finite Element Method (FEM) & the Practice

Mechanics-Elasticity - Finite Element Method (FEM)Elasticity-FEM & ANSYS-1


内蒙古科技大学 机械工程学院 刘学杰 2015-03

弹性力学基础及有限单元法 课件旨在帮助学者通过本文件更快地掌握弹性力学基础及有限元法基础知识 仅供参考

Introduction: Outline 课程概要

1. Introduction of this course

2. The mechanics and the elasticity 3. The basic problems and the methods of the elasticity

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The study in University

Taking courses, and doing well in courses means getting the right answers on tests Should includes presentation and discussion

It is even more important to create your own works.

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Introduction: the course

1. Goal(目的):

2. Teaching method(教学方法)

1)to build a theoretical basis for students to learn FEM software; 2) to let students master the basic operations of ANSYS 3)to enable students to create own works

1) the combination of theoretical study with the operations of ANSYS 2)Case study(案例教学) 3) Partial Bilingual (部分双语)

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Introduction: the course

3. Grading(考核)

① Attendance of lecture and recitation 10%; ② Homework assignments, Lab practice and test 20%; ③ 70%

Study reports Or Final exam 。

4. 要求

认真做笔记、复习、作业、练习; 掌握基本概念、总体思路、基本方法; 掌握ANSYS的基本操作; 努力创作优质学习报告和案例报告。

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Topics suggested of the reports

1. 2. 3. 4.

有限元法在本专业中的应用(综述) 有限元法在本专业中的一个案例分析 该案例的改进 自创案例:



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Introduction:简要日程内容 弹性力学 有限元法 概念、方程组、 解法 概念、方法、 细节 静态分析:桁 架、平面、轴 对称; 动态分析 方式 授课 授课 授课 上机 学时 6 10 12 16 10 2 总学时 56


讨论、报告、 总复习、考试

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1. 《弹性力学基础及有限单元法》,任学平、高耀东主编,华中科 技大学出版社,2007年10月第一版。 2. 《工程中的有限元方法》[英文版],T. R. Chandrupatla, A. D. Belegundu著,机械工业出版社,2005年4月第一版。 3.《有限元法基础及ANSYS应用》,王新荣、陈永波主编,科学出 版社,2008年第一版。 4. 《ANSYS机械工程应用精华30例》,高耀东主编,电子工业出 版社,2010年1月第二版。 5.The Documentation for ANSYS, including ① Basic Analysis Guide;② Structural Analysis Guide;③ ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference;④ Operations Guide;⑤ Commands Reference;⑥ Element Reference,and so on. (这些资料包 含在教学版ANSYS软件中,学生可以随时阅读)。

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nics:structure, interaction

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力学 Mechanics

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力学 Mechanics


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力学 Mechanics

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1. What did you study in the theoretical mechanics (理论力学)? What objects have be studied? The properties? The methodology? 2. What did you study in the mechanics of materials (材料力学)? What object to be studied? The properties? The methodology? 3. What differences are between them?

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Mechanics overview

固体力学(Solid Mechanics)

运动学(Kinetics):点的运动;刚体运动 刚体静力学(Rigid body statics):力和力矩,力系;平衡条件,桁架,摩擦力

刚体动力学(Dynamics):牛顿定律,动量矩守恒,能量守恒 振动(Mechanical vibration):单自由系统,自由振动,强迫振动 材料力学(Materials Mechanics),弹性力学(Elasticity):可变形

流体力学(Fluid Mechanics)

物体(Deformable body),应力和应变,胡克定律,典型变形(拉、压、扭、弯) 塑性力学(Plasticity): 屈服准则,流动规律

水动力学(液体) 气体动力学

连续体力学:还有热力学,电磁场力学 非连续体力学:原子级,波动方程,量子力学

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Continuum mechanicsSolid mechanics The study of the physics of continuous materials with a defined rest shape.Elasticity Describes materials that return to their rest shape after an applied stress. Plasticity Describes materials that permanently deform after a sufficient applied stress. Non-Newtonian fluids

Continuum mechanics The study of the physics of continuous materials

Fluid mechanics The study of the physics of continuous materials which take the shape of their container.

Rheology (流变) The study of materials with both solid and fluid characteristics.

Newtonian fluids (满足牛顿粘性定律的流体,比如水和空 气)

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Elasticity – 弹性力学

The object studied (被研究物体): 变形体 弹性变形体 The goal(目的):研究弹性体由于外力作用或温度改变等原因而发生的应力、形变和位移。

The basic hypothesis:

1. 连续性: 保证可微分 2. 均匀和各向同性:弹性常数(E、μ)不随坐标方向而变化 3. 完全弹性、理想线弹性:物体完全服从胡克(Hooke)定律, 应力与应变间成线性比例关系 4. 小变形:使求解的方程线性化 5. 初始无应力应变状态

The methodology: Differential method, Infinite element method

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Elasticity – 基本定义

载荷(loads) :

点的位移(the displacements: u, v, w) 应力(stress):受力物体截面上内力的集度,即单位面积上的内力

分布载荷(the distributed force acting on surface per unit area,) 体力(the body force per unit volume, ) 集中载荷(the load acting on a point,P )



应变(strain):物体内任一点因各种作用引起的相对变形 ,以百分数(%)表示,无量纲。

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The analysis Model

Under what conditions? The steady loads The fixed displacements

The object to be studied: elastic body

Elemental volume

1. Elasticity

2. FEM – theoretical method3. FEM -- ANSYS

The concerted items The displacements: u, v, w The highest stress and stress distribution The largest strain and strain distribution

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Elasticity: unknown values位移/displacements u, v, w 应力/stress x , y , z , xy , yz , zx

x , y , z , xy , yz , zxElemental volume


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Static analysis

Elemental volume

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Stress & Equilibrium

The equilibrium equations x xy xz fx 0 x y z xy y yz fy 0 x y z xz yz z fz 0 x y z

