外研版八年级下册英语Module2 Unit1课文翻译

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外研版八年级下册英语Module2 Unit1课文翻译

1Listen and number the words as you hear them.部分翻译 ever□ 曾经exciting□ 令人兴奋的tired□ 疲倦的visit□ 参观wonderful□ 精彩的2Listen again and choose the correct answer.部分翻译 1 Lingling has visited/hasn't ever visited the US. 玲玲已经去过/还没有去过美国。2 Betty has asked/hasn't asked her parents. 贝蒂已经请求/还没有请求她的父母。3 Lingling has travelled/hasn't travelled by plane.玲玲已经乘飞机旅行过/还没有乘飞机旅行过。Everyday English日常英语. Good luck! (祝你)好运!. That's a pity.太遗憾了。. That sounds wonderful!那听起来很好!3Listen and read.部分翻译 Tony: Hi,Lingling. What are you doing?

托尼:嗨,玲玲。你在做什么? Lingling: I'm entering a competition. 玲玲:我在报名参加一个比赛。 Tony:What kind of competition? 托尼:什么类型的比赛?

Lingling:A speaking competition. 玲玲:一个演讲比赛。

Tony:Great.It'll help you improve your speaking. And

maybe you will win a prize.


Lingling: The first prize is 'My dream holiday'. 玲玲:一等奖是“我的梦想假日”。

Tony:Have you ever won any prizes before? 托尼:你以前曾获过奖吗?

Lingling:No,I haven't.I've always wanted to go on a dream holiday.But I can't afford it.The plane tickets are too expensive.


Tony:Well,good luck!I've also entered lots of speaking competitions,but haven't won any prizes.I've stopped trying now.


Lingling:That's a pity.Have you ever thought about other kinds of competitions?

玲玲:太可惜了。你考虑过参加其他种类的比赛吗? Tony:What do you mean? 托尼:你的意思是?

Lingling:Look! Here's a writing competition: Around the World in 80 Days.To win it,you need to write a short story about a place you've visited.


Tony: That sounds wonderful,but I haven't travelled much. How can I write about?

托尼:那听起来很好,但我去的地方不多。我怎么写呢? Lingling:Don't worry. It doesn't need fo be true! You can make it up.

玲玲:不用担心。那不需要真实!你可以编写(一个故事)。 Tony:You're right.I'll try.I hope I will win,then I will invite you to come with me.


Lingling:Sorry! The first prize is only the book called Around the World in 80 Days!


Now check(√)what Lingling and Tony have or have not done.

现在在玲玲和托尼做过或没有做过的事情上打“√”。4Work in

pairs, Ask and answer questions about...部分翻译 -Has Lingling ever won any prizes before? 玲玲以前曾获过奖吗?-No,she hasn't. 不,她没有。5Complete the sentences with the correct form...部分翻译 aftord付得起competition 比赛dream梦想invite邀请pity遗憾prize奖项1 Her____was to study at a_good university one day.她的梦想是有一天在一所好大学学习。2 When I was in school,I won many____for my writing. 我在学校的时候,获得了许多写作奖项。3 You must enter the music____!You will beat everybody.你一定要参加这次音乐比赛!你会战胜所有人的。4 My family cannot____to buy a ticket for the match.我家买不蕉一张比赛的门票。5 It is a(n)____that you did not come to see the film with us.你没能和我们一起来看电影真是遗憾。6 John____his new friends to his birthday party last week. 上周约翰邀请他的新朋友来参加他的生日聚会。6Read and predict which words the speaker is...部分翻译 Have you ever wanted to travel around the world?你曾经想去环游世界吗?-Yes,I have. I've always wanted to travel around the world.是的,我想过。我一直想环游世界。-Have you ever visited New York? 你曾去过纽约吗?-No,I haven't. I've never visited the US. 不,我没有。我从未去过美国。-Have you ever entered a competition? 你曾经参

加过比赛吗?-No,I haven't.I haven't entered any

competitions. 不,我没有。我没有参加过任何比赛。7Work in pairs.部分翻译 Read the conversations in Activity 6 aloud.大声朗读活动6中的对话。8Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions...部分翻译 -Have you ever visited...? 你曾经游览过……吗?-Yes,I have./No,I haven't. I've... 是的,我游览过。/不,我没有。我…… 小编推荐:

