PEP三年级下册英语期末总复习资料句子+单词+练习 - 图文

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【Unit 1】

1、Hi! /Hello! 你好! ——用于比较熟悉的人打招呼 2、I’m Amy. 我叫埃米。 ——用于自我介绍

3. A: Nice to see you again. B: Nice to see you, too.很高兴见到你。 4、A: Where are you from? 你来自哪里? ——用于问别人是哪儿人时

B: I’m from America /Canada /China. 我来自美国/加拿大/中国。—用于介绍来自哪个国家 PRC 中国 USA美国 CAN加拿大 UK英国 5、We have a new friend. 我们有一位新朋友。 6、Watch out! 小心!

7、A: Student: I’m sorry. 学生:对不起。——常用于抱歉、承认错误时 B: Teacher: It’s OK. Come in. 教师:没关系。进来。 8、Welcome back to school. 欢迎同学回校。 9、A: Happy Women’s Day! 妇女节快乐! B: Thank you. 谢谢你们。

【Unit 2】

1、A: Who’s that woman? 那个女人是谁? B: She’s my mother. 她是我的妈妈。 2、A: Who’s that man? 那个男人是谁? B: He’s my father. 他是我的爸爸。 3、A: Is she your sister? 她是你的妹妹吗?

B: Yes,she is.\\No ,she isn’t. 是的,她是。\\不,她不是。 4、A: Is he your brother? 他是你的弟弟吗?

B: Yes, he is. \\ No, he isn’t. 是的,他是。\\不,他不是。 5、This is my family. 这是我的家庭。 6、Come on,BaiLing. 快来,白玲。 7、Let’s watch TV. 让我们一起看电视吧!

8、How funny! 真有趣啊! How beautiful! 真漂亮啊! 9、What a big fish! 好大的一条鱼啊!


—用于询问 人物之间关系

一、 写出下列单词的意思。

boy( ) father( ) girl( ) dad( ) mother( ) teacher( ) mom( ) student( ) man ( ) this( ) woman( ) my( )

grandmother( ) friend( ) grandma( ) I’m=I am( ) grandfather( ) nice( ) grandpa( ) good morning( ) sister( ) good afternoon( ) brother( ) meet( ) let’s=let us( ) goodbye( ) great( ) too( ) great( ) welcome( ) really( ) back( ) and( ) new( ) how( ) where( ) family( ) you( ) come( ) from( ) who’s=who is( ) America( ) that( ) see( ) she( ) again( ) he( ) class( ) fish( ) we( ) goose( ) today( ) watch( ) Miss( ) TV( ) watch out( ) wow( ) oh( ) funny( ) sorry( ) big( ) ant( ) ice--cream( ) apple( ) ice( ) Mr( ) come in( ) egg( )

二、 写出下列句子的意思。

1. We have a new friend today.__________________9.What a big fish.___________________. 2. A: Where are you from?____________________.10.A:I’m sorry.______________________. B:I’m from America.________________________. B:It’s OK._______________________. 3. A:Who’s that woman?______________________.11.A:How are you._________________. B:She’s my mother._________________________. B:I’m fine._____________________. 4. A:Nice to meet you.________________________.12.A:How old are you.._______________.

BNice to meet you,too______________________. B:I’m nine._____________________ . 5. A:Who’s that man?_________________________.13. A:What’s your name?_____________. B:He’s my father.___________________________. B:My name is Mike.______________. 6. A:Who’ s this boy?_________________________14.A:Where is your mouth?____________ B:He’s my brother._________________________. B:Here it is!______________________ 7. A:Who’s this girl?_________________________. 15A:May I have a look?______________ B:She’s my sister.__________________________. B:Sure._________________________. 8. I have a rabbit.___________________________. 16.Here you are.____________________


【Unit 3】

1、A: How many kites can you see? 你能看到多少只风筝? B: I can see 12. 我能看到十二只。

—用于问有 2、A: How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支蜡笔? 多少什么东西

B: I have 16. 我有十六支蜡笔。

3、The black one is a bird. 那个黑色的是一只鸟。 4、 Line up. 用英语集合.

5、Look at my new crayons! 看我的新蜡笔! 6、Oh, how nice! 噢,真漂亮!

7、I have some chocolates. 我有一些巧克力.

8、What’t in your box? 你的盒子里有什么? ——用于询问盒子里有什么物品 9、Open it and see! 打开它看看! 10、That’s right! 答对了! 表示正确的。

11、Let’s pick up the apples. 让我们摘苹果吧!Let’s have a race. 让我们来比赛吧!12、Good idea ! 好主意!

13、Who are you? I’m … 你是谁? 我是…… ——用于询问别人的名字

【Unit 4】

1、 A: Do you like peaches? 你喜欢桃吗?

—用于问 B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。


喜欢吃 2、 A: What about pears? 梨怎么样?

某种水果 B: I like them very much. 我非常喜欢它们。

3、 Let’s have some peaches and pears. 让我们买一些桃和梨吧。 4、 It tastes good. 它尝起来很好吃。

5、 Draw a peach. Colour it pink. 画一个桃子。把它涂成粉红色。 6、 Let me share with you. 让我和你一同分享吧! 7、 Sorry , I don’t like bananas. 对不起,我不喜欢香蕉。 8、 A: Can I have an apple,please? 请问我能吃一个苹果吗?

—用于 Can I have a watermelon,please? 请问我能吃一个西瓜吗? 请示别人 Can I have some orange juice,,please? 请问我能喝一些橙汁吗? 是否可以 吃某食物 B: Certainly./ Sure. Here you are. 当然可以。/当然可以。给你。


9、 A:Have some more ? 再吃一些吧?

B:No , thank you. 不,谢谢。 10、It’s cheap! 它很便宜!

11、I want some apples,bananas and oranges.我想要一些苹果、香蕉和橙子 12、I’m hungry./ I’m full. 我饿了。/ 我饱了。

13、Dog bag, please. No way! 请给我打包。 绝不可以。


一、 写出下列单词的意思。

eleven( ) peach( ) twelve( ) pear ( ) thirteen ( ) orange( ) fourteen( ) watermelon( ) fifteen( ) apple ( ) sixteen( ) banana( ) eighteen ( ) strawberry ( ) nineteen ( ) grape ( ) twenty ( ) like ( ) how many ( ) some ( ) can ( ) thanks ( ) look at ( ) hungry ( ) fly ( ) yes ( ) draw ( )

please ( ) picture ( ) don’t=do not ( ) beautiful ( ) them ( ) jeep ( ) very much ( ) jump ( ) hmm ( ) kangaroo ( ) taste ( ) key ( ) queen ( ) guess ( ) quiet ( ) open ( ) fruit ( ) right ( ) certainly ( ) lion ( ) more ( ) lock ( ) rainbow ( ) night ( ) rain ( ) nest ( ) snake ( ) tiger ( ) taxi ( )


1.Have some juice!___________________

2.A: Can I have some chiken?_____________B: Sure , here you are._________________ 3.A: Thank you.______________________. B: You’re welcome.___________________. 4.This is my friend._____________________. 5.A: What about pears?___________________. B:I like them very much.______________

6.A: How many balloons?_________________B:Twelve._________________________. 7.A:How many kites can you see?__________ .B:I can see 11.________________________ 8.A: How many crayons do you have?_____________ B:I have 13.____________________. 9.A:Do you like pears?______________________.B:Yes,I do.____________________________. 10.A:Do you like oranges?____________________. B.No,I don’t. ________________________.


11. Let’s eat the birthday cake.______________.

12.A:Let’s have some peaches and pears.___________. B:OK._________________

13.A:Can I have an apple,please?_______________ B:Certainly!______________________ 14.A:Have some more._____________________. B:No,thank you._______________________


【Unit 5 】

1、Mom, where is my car ? 妈妈,我的小汽车在哪里?

On your desk ? 在你的课桌上吗? ——用于询问 In the toy box ? 在你的玩具箱里吗? 别人某物在哪里

It’s under the chair. 它在那把椅子下面。 3、 Look out != Watch out! 小心! 4、 Excuse me. 对不起,打扰了!

5、 A: Amy. Can I use your pencil?Amy. 我能用一下你的铅笔吗?

B: No problem. 没问题。

6、Let’s play a game. 让我们玩游戏吧。 Let’s play hide and seek. 让我们玩捉迷藏吧。7、A: Are you ready?你准备好了吗?

B:Yes ! 好啦!

6、A: Where are you ? I can’t find you. 你在哪里?我找不到你。

B: I’m behind you. 我在你背后。 7、A: Happy Children’s Day! 儿童节快乐!

B: Thank you . 谢谢! 8、This is for you . 这是给你的。

9、Put on your new dress! 穿上你的新连衣裙!

【Unit 6】

1、Wow ! It’s so big. 哇!它是如此的大。

2、It has a long nose and a short tail. 它有一个长鼻子和一条短尾巴。 3、You’re right. 你说对了。

4、I have a rabbit. It has long ears. 我有一只兔子。它有长耳朵。 5、A: How many animals do you know? 你知道多少动物?

B: I know all the animals! 我知道所有的动物!



一、 写出下列单词的意思。

Bus( ) small( ) bike( ) big( ) taxi( ) long( ) jeep( ) short( ) desk( ) tall( ) chair( ) giraffe( ) walkman( ) deer( ) lamp( ) cute( ) your( ) lovely( ) zoo( ) at( ) play( ) feed( ) game( ) feed( ) in( ) animal( ) on( ) children( ) here( ) so( ) toy( ) has( ) box( ) tail( ) under( ) CAN( ) yeah( ) PRC( ) look out( ) UK( ) umbrella( ) USA( ) violin( ) A.M.(a.m) ( ) vest( ) P.M.(p.m) ( ) window( ) zebra( )

wind( ) yo-yo( ) excuse me( ) fox( ) no problem( ) here you are( )

二、 写出下列句子的意思.

1. A: Where is my car?___________________________________.

B:It’s under the chair.__________________________________. 2. It’s on your desk.______________________________________. 3. It’s in the toy box._____________________________________. 4. A: Can I use your pencil?________________________________.

B: No,problem.________________________________________. 5. Look at the elephant!___________________________________. 6. It has a long nose and a short tail.__________________________. 7. It has small eyes and bit ears._____________________________. 8. I have big eyes and small ears_____________________________. 9. 反义词:

Big( )—————small( ) long( )—————short( ) tall( )—————short( )



I—eye to—too—two b—be—bee there—their by—bye—buy for—four no—know aunt—aren’t C—see—sea here—hear son—sun our—hour who’s—whose R—are T—tea U—you Y—why 【近义词】

desk—table small—little gate—door close—shut like —love hi —hello home—house look —see class —lesson listen —hear photo —picture 【反义词】

big—small black—white clean—dirty open—close fat—thin yes—no tall—short long—short go—come up—down in—out new—old sit—stand happy—sad young—old hungry—full here —there cold —hot ask —answer dry—wet warm—cool 【缩写】

完整形式 缩写形式 完整形式 缩写形式 完整形式 缩写形式 I am I’m we are we’re is not isn’t they are they’re you are you’re are not aren’t she is she’s there are there’re has not hasn’t he is he’s what is what’s have not haven’t it is it’s who is who’s can not can’t Tom is Tom’s where is where’s that is that’s there is there’s 连线、选出答语。 第一组 Nice to see you. Where are you from? Good morning. Watch out! 第二组 Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. Goodbye. I’m sorry. 第三组 Can you read it.

I’m from America Good morning. Oh, no!

Nice to see you, too.

Goodbye. It’s ok.

Nice to meet you , too. Good afternoon.

Have some tea.


Who’s that man. Who’s that woman. Thanks. 第四组 Who’s that girl. Who’s that boy. Happy Women’s Day! Let’s watch TV. 第五组 Is she your sister.

How many kites can you see? Let’s draw a picture. Who are you. 第六组 I’m hungry. Do you like pears? Have some juice, please . Let’s have some paers. 第七组

Do you like bananas. Have some fruits.

Can I have an apple , please. Where is my car. 第八组

Where is the plane. Can I use your pencil. Here you are. Where are you. 第九组

Happy Children’s Day! Let’s go to the park.

He’s my father. She’s my mother. Sure.

Thank you. She’s my sister. Great. He’s my brother.

I can see 12. Ok.

I’m the Easter Bunny. No , my mom

Thank you. Certainly.

Sorry, I don’t like bananas. It’s under the chair.

Thank you. Certainly.

Sorry, I don’t like bananas. It’s under the chair.

No problem. Thank you. I’m behind you! It’s on the desk.

Look at the elephant. I’m tall.


It’s so big. Thanks.



Welcome back to school. We have a new teacher. Watch out ! I am from America. 第二组

你想做我的朋友吗? 跟我来。 你看的懂这个吗? 喝杯茶。 第三组 Come on! Well done. I love my mother. This is my mom. 第四组

咱们来过家家吧。 为什么你把它放了呢? 咱们来比赛吧。 你能看见多少只兔子? . 第五组

I can get the pears The rabbit likes pears. Colour the plane blue. Play a keyboard game.

I can get the apples. Great!

小心。 我从美国来。 欢迎回到学校。 我们有一位新老师。

Come and follow me. Have a cup of tea.

Do you want to be my friend. Can you read this?

我爱我的妈妈。 加油! 这是我的妈妈。 真棒!

Why did you let it go? Let’s all be a family.

How many rabbit can you see? Let’s have a race

玩键盘游戏。 把飞机涂成蓝色。 我能摘到梨。 兔子喜欢吃梨。



The big one is a elephant. 我来自英国。 The small one is a monkey. 大的那个是大象。 I’m from the United Kingdom. 我来自英国。 I’m from America . 小的那个是猴子。


Happy Children’s Day. 教师节快乐。 Happy Teachers’ Day. 没问题。 No problem. 给你。 Here you are. 儿童节快乐。

第八组 Just wait and see. 你我一起分享吧! Let me share with you.


Let’s have some peaches and pears. 咱们吃些桃和梨吧。 It has a long nose.


写出let’s do的汉语意思。



______________________________________________________________________________ 第二组



________________________________________________________________________________ 第三组


___________________________________________________________________________________ 第四组



____________________________________________________________________________ 第五组









( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

字母练习 1、默写字母。

2、根据大写字母写出其小写字母。 1. C

2. J 7. P 12.X

3. K 8. S 13.Z

4. M 9. U 14.F

5. N 10.V 15.L

6. O



A-a ( ) K-h ( ) Q-p ( ) U-v ( ) I-l ( ) M-w ( ) R-r ( ) F-f ( ) N-n ( ) X-x ( )


Q-o ( ) B-d ( ) P-b ( ) Y-I ( ) K-k ( ) 4、把下列字母及他们相应的小写字母正确地写在四线格上。



5、写出字母的左邻右舍。 A



e fh jl pr xz


Z km TV ac RT

Let’s make


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) AC





( ) A 、Draw a picture.

( ) B、 Make a window. ( ) C、Fold the card. ( )

D、 Give it to your friend. 17




