石景山区2017初三统一练习暨毕业考试英语试卷 - 图文

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英 语 试 卷

1.本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 考生 须知 2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和学号。 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。答题卡上的选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 4考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片,每段对话你将听两遍。 (共5分,每小题1分)



A. B. C. 3.

A. B. C. 4.

A. B. C.

A. B. C. 初三英语试卷第1页(共12页)


A. B. C. 二、听对话,根据对话内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话你将听两遍。(共15 分,每小题1.5 分)

请听一段对话,完成第6 至第7 小题。 6. What?s wrong with Mike? A. He hurt his hand. B. He hurt his arm. C. He hurt his leg.

7. What does the doctor advise him to do? A. Stay in bed.

B. Have an operation. C. Take some medicine.

请听一段对话,完成第8 至第9 小题。 8. Who was the party for?

A. Lucy. B. David. C. Sally. 9. What did the boy do on Sunday afternoon? A. He stayed at home. B. He visited friends. C. He saw a movie.

请听一段对话,完成第10 至第11 小题。

10. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. The man?s life in the past. B. The woman?s history classes. C. The time of some inventions. 11. When were cars invented?

A. In 1876. B. In 1885. C. In 1927.

请听一段对话,完成第12 至第13 小题。

12. How many problems does the boy have in learning English? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. 13. What do we know about the boy? A. He has a funny pen friend. B. He studies words at home. C. He goes to school by train.


请听一段对话,完成第14 至第15 小题。 14. What is the speaker doing? A. Giving some advice. B. Leading a discussion. C. Making an introduction.

15. What can we do when we think the rules are too strict? A. Think of something worse. B. Learn to forget about them. C. Consider them as challenges.

三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10 分,每小题2 分)


Where to go Whom to go with When to go How to go Jane?s travel plan Switzerland with her 16. ___________________ on 2nd, 17. __________________ by 18. ___________________ ◆ go hiking in the mountain What to do ◆ visit the 19. ____________ and the clock museum ◆ 20. ________________ in the lake 知识运用(共25分) 四、单项填空

从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Miss Li is a very kind teacher. We all love__________ .

A. him B. her C. you D. them

22. We will celebrate our grandfather?s 80thbirthday __________ December. A. of B. at C. on D. in 23. ---__________does your mother go to the supermarket? ---Once a week.

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How much 24. ---Who ran __________ in the sports meetings, Tom or Sam? ---Tom did. I think.

A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest 25.__________I see your ID card, sir? I have to check it.

A. Must B. May C. Need D. Would 26. Smile to the world, __________ the world will smile back to you. A. and B. but C. although D. or


27. ---How about going for a walk?

---One moment, please! I __________my homework soon.

A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. will finish 28. Henry__________ in the zoo since last summer.

A. works B. is working C. worked D. has worked 29. A lot of big companies__________ to Xiong?an in the next few years.

A. moved B. are moved C. will be moved D. have been moved 30. ---Would you please tell me__________ yesterday? ---In a book shop near my home. A. where you buy the book B. where do you buy the book C. where you bought the book D. where did you buy the book 五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分)


I am the mother of two wonderful, beautiful and clever boys. I am also a policewoman who works on cases(案件)about children. It is my job to keep children__31__.

Several months before my son Thomas?s __32__ birthday, he asked me what I did for work. I told him that it was to keep little boys and girls safe, but I did not go into any more details. Over the next several weeks I would hear my son telling people that his mommy?s job was to keep little boys and girls safe. But then he seemed to __33__about it and didn?t mention it any more.

The day after Thomas?s third birthday, I decided to take the day off from work to spend time with Thomas and Alex, his twenty-one-month-old brother. After saying goodbye to their father I turned to my boys and said __34__that Mommy didn?t have to go to work. She was going to spend the whole day with her boys! I looked down at Thomas.__35__to see an excited look on his face, but instead I saw tears in his eyes. I bent down(弯腰)close to him and asked him what was wrong. He looked at me with tears __36__down his face and said, “Who will keep little boys and girls safe if you don?t go to work?” I could not believe that my son who just __37__three the day before was worried about the little boys and girls he did not even know.

I took my son in my arm and gave him a big hug. And I __38__that there were other people who worked with mommy to keep the little boys and girls safe. We hugged each other for several minutes. And I tried to make him believe that the little boys and girls would __39__be safe even if Mommy stayed home. When he finally felt better he went off to play with one of his new toys.

I sat there on the floor for a few minutes longer and was just __40__by the feelings my son had for these children that he had never met. I never explained what “safe” meant to


three-year-old Thomas, but I believe that he understands its meaning very well.

31. A. healthy B. popular C. polite D. safe 32. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 33. A. dream B. talk C. worry D. forget 34. A. nervously B. excitedly C. worry D. forget 35. A. expecting B. offering C. starting D. deciding 36. A. flying B. moving C. walking D. running 37. A. turned B. grew C. changed D. counted 38. A. suggested B. explained C. insisted D. complained 39. A. just B. never C. still D. also

40. A. bored B. surprised C. troubled D. frightened





Family learning programme at Manchester Art Gallery(美术馆)

Here is an overview of our family programme, for more information please visit our website: www.Manchesterartgallery.org.

Baby Art Club The first Friday of the month 1:00 –2:00 pm Baby Art Club is a space where parents and babies can play in our art collection. This programme is for babies who aren?t walking yet and their parents. You need to book it by calling our front desk at 10:00 am on the Friday. Mini Art Club The second Friday of the month 10:15 –11:15 am At Mini Art Club, our goal is to help children with their language by looking at art works and sharing ideas in our studios(工作室). For children aged 1-4 with their parents. You need to book it by calling our front desk at 10:00 am on the Thursday. Family Weekend The second weekend of the month 1:00 –3:00 pm Each month we are inviting a different artist to come to our studio. So people are able to discuss and learn together with different artists over the year. For children aged 5 –11 with their parents. Drop –in, no need to book. Open Doors The third Saturday of the month 9:15 –10:45 am Open Doors is a series of creative activities especially for children who have social communication problems, their families and parents. Come along to enjoy. For children and teenagers aged 11 –16 with a parent. You need to book it on the gallery?s website.


