新目标九年级Unit 8 reading
更新时间:2023-09-02 22:07:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
assistance dogspecially trained dogI am hands. ______ B I am legs._____ A n. D I am acceptance.______ I am opportunity.________ C A.help people who is unable to walk B.help people who can’t open and shut doors or carry things. C.give blind or deaf people opportunity to live by themselves. v. D.help people to be accepted by others.
Dear Miss Li, I’d like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”, an organization set up to help disabled people. For sure, you have helped make it possible for me to have “Lucky”, who has filled my life with pleasure. Let me tell you my story. Being blind, deaf, unable to walk, or use your hands easily is something that most people cannot imagine. But there are many people who face these challenges, and I am one of them. Because I can’t use my arms or legs well, normal things like answering the telephone, opening and shutting doors, or carrying things have always been difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine said that she would like to help me out. She said she would talk to “Animal Helpers” to see if it would be possible for me to get a specially trained dog. she also thought a dog might cheer me up. I told her that I love animals, and that I’d love to have a dog. After six months of training with a dog at “Animal Helpers”, I was able to bring him home. My dog’s name is “Lucky” – a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I’m only able to have a :dog-helper” because of your kind donation! How does Lucky help me, you might ask? Well, he has been trained to understand different instructions. For example, I say, “Lucky! Fetch my book,” and he does it at once. He is very clever, and understands many English words, even some difficult ones like “upstairs”. Lucky is an amazing dog. I’ll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me too one day. And so I thank you again for supporting “Animal Helpers”. It is very important that this organization does not run out of money. Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. Best wishes, Liz Smith
Who is the letter to?To Miss Li.
Why does she write the letter?She would like to thank Miss Li for sending money to “Animal Helpers”.
Read paragraph 1 and 2 finish the three questions 1) What is “Animal Helpers”?
It is an organization set up to help disabled people. 2).Who can’t get help from “Animal Helpers” according to the passage? A. A man can’t use his hands easily. B. A girl is unable to walk. C. A man who is blind and deaf. D. A woman who is very poor. 3) How did Liz Smith’s friend help her? A. By giving a lot of money to her. B. By talking with her to cheer her up. C. By helping her get a specially trained dog. D. By helping her with chores.
Read paragraph 3,4 and 5 fill in the blanks.a specially trained dog name__________ Lucky
fromwhat to be trained to do
Training time examples of being clever
Animal Helpers _____________
understand different _________ instructions___________ six months _____ fetch a book for Liz
make…full of … what to fill Liz’s life pleasure happiness __________ with What does Miss Li do for “Animal Helpers”?
She _________some money to help the disabled people. donatesgive away sth to sb
Find out the relationships between people and things
Miss Li
( thanks )Liz Smith
( donated )
( trained ) Animal Helpers Lucky
( helps ) understand different instructions fetch books. understand many English words
A guessing game
判断词性并猜词义(parts of speech)
Being blind, deaf, unable to walk or use your hands easily is something that most people cannot imagine. can + do
A. n.
B. √ v.
C. adj.
A.想像 B.印象
I really appreciate your donation .
A. n.
B. v.A. 感激
C . adj. B. 适合的
I’m able to have Lucky because of your kind Because of + n. donation.organization instruction
A. √ n.
B. v.
C . adj.
donate 捐赠
donation 捐赠物
“Lucky! Fetch my book,” and he does it at once.祈使句动词
A. n.
B. v.
C . adj.
A.take B.bring C.go and bring
A friend of mine said that she would like to help me out.
A. n.
B. v.
C . adj.come out
帮某人从困境中 解脱出来
go outgive out hang out
The money is well used to help disabled people like. adj. + people
A. n.
B. adv.
C . adj. √
able disable
She said she would talk to “Animal Helpers” to see if it would be possible for me to get a specially trained dog. adv. + trained
A. n. B. adj. √ . adv. C特别地special adj.
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