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必修五第三单元导学案 1.aspect 复数: aspects方面 面貌 方位,方向 形势 Climate and weather affect every __________ of our lives... He was interested in all__________ of the work here

Our journey had taken on a new __________ The countryside was no longer familiar 2. impression 印象,感觉 影响,效果 盖印,印记复数: impressions;动词:impress过去式: impressed 过去分词: impressed 现在分词: impressing 第三人称单数: impresses形容词:impressive What were your first __________ of college?... My __________ is that they are totally out of control... I was very __________ by one young man at my lectures What__________ him most was their speed... Cannon's film__________ on many levels

Rick: Well, he's succeeded __________ half the world This is an__________ book

3. take up开始从事 接受(提议) 占用;【take--took--taken--taking--takes】 Mr Max__________ the case

Dr Mahathir intends to __________ the proposal with the prime minister... Angela used to be a model and has decided to__________ it __________again 4. constant不断的,持续的 永恒的,始终如一的 坚定 忠实的;constantly She suggests that women are under __________ pressure to be abnormally thin He has been her __________ companion for the last four months The direction of the wind is __________ changing

We are __________ being reminded to cut down our fat intake 5. previous 先前的 以前的 过早的 (时间上)稍前的;previously She has a teenage daughter from a __________ marriage

He seemed to have been in good health __________ to the fatal injury. __________, MPs played no role in the process A despair greater than any she had __________ felt

6. uncertain不确定的 不稳定的 不明确的 无常的;比较级: more uncertain 最高级: most uncertain;certain某一 必然的 已确定的;certainly;名词:certainty It wasn't a balloon — I'm __________ of that He was __________ about his brother's intentions He entered the hallway and stood __________

The matter has__________ been handled expeditiously by the authorities I know for a __________ that the company has been bought up

7. guide引路 指导 操纵 影响;指导者 向导 导游;复数: guides 过去式: guided 过去分词: guided 现在分词: guiding 第三人称单数: guides Our 10-page __________ will help you to change your life for the better We've arranged a walking tour of the city with your __________. Captain Shelton__________ his plane down the runway and took off Precision instruments are used to help pilots in __________ their aircraft. 8. tablet复数: tablets碑,匾 药片 便笺簿 小块; It is never a good idea to take sleeping __________ regularly Man, gimme a brain__________.

9. steward管家 乘务员 干事,理事 [部门,工厂]的工会代表 stewardess 复数: stewards

He saw himself as the __________of the whole nation The __________ all wore armbands

10.Opening动词:open过去式: opened 过去分词: opened 现在分词: opening 第三人称单数: opens

__________ the door, she made a face at the musty smell.

A host of problems may delay the __________ of the Channel Tunnel He __________ the window and looked out...

The church doors would__________ and the crowd would surge out She __________ her umbrella, and walks up River Street

11. surrounding环境,周围的事物复数: surroundings;动词:Surround过去式: surrounded 过去分词: surrounded 现在分词: surrounding 第三人称单数: surrounds

The shell __________ the egg has many important functions Once settled, he likes to explore his __________

He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself __________ Shooting broke out after the guards __________ a villa in the city. He __________ himself with attractive, intelligent, or well-known people

12. tolerate 过去式: tolerated 过去分词: tolerated 现在分词: tolerating 第三人称单数: tolerates 名词:toleration

She can no longer__________ the position that she's in

The cousins __________ each other, but did not really get on well together

Religious minorities were allowed a wide measure of __________ Their relationship was __________ but not encouraged Love means __________ imperfection of the person I love The government __________smoking but not taking drugs.

13.lack缺乏,缺少 需要的东西;复数: lacks 过去式: lacked 过去分词: lacked 现在分词: lacking 第三人称单数: lacks The charges were dropped for__________ of evidence

There is a __________ of people wanting to start up new businesses It __________ the power of the Italian cars... Certain vital information is__________ in the report We__________ neither food nor clothing today. She __________ the strength to do the work.

The company__________sufficient money to invest in new products

14. adjustment调解,调整 调节器 调解,调停 (赔偿损失的)清算;复数: adjustments动词:adjust过去式: adjusted 过去分词: adjusted 现在分词: adjusting 第三人称单数: adjusts

The company made an __________ in my salary.

The mechanic made the necessary __________ to the engine. They should make __________ to the new environment I felt I had __________ to the idea of being a mother very well

We have been preparing our fighters to __________ themselves to civil society __________ your tie is often a sign of nervousness He quickly__________ to the alien environment

15. carriage复数: carriages运输,输送 (旧时载客的)四轮马车;动词:carry过去式: carried 过去分词: carried 现在分词: carrying 第三人称单数: carries He sat in the corner of a second-class __________ Two extra __________ were joined on the train at York He was __________g a briefcase...

He__________the plate through to the dining room The ship could__________ seventy passengers In India, the cycle of abuse__________ on.

16. Press压,按 逼迫 紧抱;新闻报道复数: presses 过去式: pressed 过去分词: pressed 现在分词: pressing 第三人称单数: presses Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the __________

He__________ his back against the door

Police might now__________ for changes in the law Trade unions are __________ him to stand firm Time __________: I must finish those shoes

17. fasten系牢,钉牢 过去式: fastened 过去分词: fastened 现在分词: fastening 第三人称单数: fastens

She got quickly into her Mini and __________ the seat-belt

My mind attempted to calm itself by __________ on this trivial detail This dress __________ up at the back 18. belt复数: belts 安全带safety belt I opened my coat and let him see the __________

These tree__________effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand.

19.flash使闪光,使闪烁; 过去式: flashed 过去分词: flashed 现在分词: flashing 第三人称单数: flashes

A sudden __________ of lightning lit everything up for a second Lightning __________ among the distant dark clouds.

He saw the __________ lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror Fireflies give off __________ of light when they fly at night.

20. Switch开关 转换;复数: switches 过去式: switched 过去分词: switched 现在分词: switching 第三人称单数: switches; Tell the new bank that you want to __________.

Every time I __________ on the TV, there's football. It's overkill Estonia is __________ to a market economy... My mother's interest had __________ to my health...

If you buy a drier, look for one with a sensor which __________ off when clothes are dry.

21. slide滑落 下跌;复数: slides 过去式: slid 过去分词: slid slidden 现在分词: sliding 第三人称单数: slides The US dollar continued to __________ I __________ the wallet into his pocket. Tears were __________ down his cheeks

Latest reports say that mud __________ buried entire villages The piston __________ noiselessly up and down

1.Optimistic乐观的; optimism乐观 乐观主义;optimist乐观主义者 乐天派;复数: optimists 副词:optimistically

Both sides have spoken ____________ about the talks He is an ____________ young fellow

____________ made him alive through the hard days

An ____________ is someone who is hopeful about the future. ____________ reckon house prices will move up with inflation this year 2.mud 泥,泥淖;形容词:muddy Their lorry got stuck in the ____________ The paper has turned a ____________ colour

3.desert 沙漠 荒地;沙漠的 荒芜的;复数: deserts 过去式: deserted 过去分词: deserted 现在分词: deserting 第三人称单数: deserts

Farmers are ____________ their fields and coming here looking for jobs After the show, the audience ____________ the Blackpool streets They went off to swim in the pool, which was now ____________ He has been ____________by most of his advisers Even today you will find it in the ____________ 4.citizen 复数: citizens;公民 国民 市民 平民

I invite every ____________ to carefully study the document Many senior ____________ have been through two world wars

5.typist 复数: typists; 打字员;typewriter打字机;动词:type类型, 打字;复数: types 过去式: typed 过去分词: typed 现在分词: typing 第三人称单数: types I'm quite a fast ____________

From somewhere distant he heard the clatter of a ____________

The two of us stood by while two ____________ typed out the whole document again.

There are various ____________ of the disease Have you done this ____________ of work before?... I can ____________ your essays for you

The letter consists of six closely ____________ pages

6.postage邮费,邮资; postcode邮编;post 张贴 宣布 设岗 邮寄;过去式: posted 过去分词: posted 现在分词: posting 第三人称单数: posts

We returned the laptop, posting it with proof of ____________ but heard nothing.

