外研版高中英语选修10《Module 1 Pride and Prejudice)word教案

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Module 1 Pride and Prejudice I. 模块教学目标


1. 教材分析

本模块的话题是“Pride and Prejudice”,含背景介绍、节选精读、听力拓展、


1.1INTRODUCTION 部分主要是对作品和作者的简要介绍,此部分的背景信息输入为理解模块话题提供了必要的语言准备,同时也为升华模块话题提供了预备性材料。

1.2READING AND VOCABULARY(1)共设置了7个活动。Introduction主要讲述了Bennet一家的两个最受欢迎的女儿Jane和Mr. Bingley、Elizabeth和Bingley的好朋友Darcy恋爱故事开始的基本背景。两个Extracts分别以舞会相识和达西求婚为场景,以精彩的对白和语言描述简要介绍了小说主题—Pride and Prejudice. 7个活动设计以语言学习和语段理解为目的,帮助学生理解小说的主题和语言特色。

1.3 LANGUAGE IN USE(1)着重学习very, most和in的用法。活动设计寓词法学习于语境中,体现了学为所用的教学思想。

1.4 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING部分以听力输入为主要方式,补充了模块信息。听力训练部分可以提炼为三部分:Pre-listening,while-listening和post listening。Pre-listening(activity 1)是听前准备,主要是对听力材料中词汇的处理;While-listening(activities 2 & 3)设置了回答问题和选词理解两种学习活动;Post-listening(activity 4)是对主题的升华和对听力材料的再加工。

1.5 LANGUAGE IN USE(2)学习had, my 和will的用法。难点是will这个词,由于其语用范围广, 用法灵活并多涉及到其语气和语境功能,因此需要补充相应的练习来强化will在语境中的理解和运用。

1.6 READING AND VOCABULARY (2)的是对作品主题内容的一个书评。书评的结构分明:分为背景介绍、情节概述、人物性格分析和写作特点分析;书评的语言规范,文字表述干净明了。针对书评所设计的活动,有利于促进学生对书评从结构到语言的整体理解和把握,为学生独立写好书评提供了很好的范本。

1.7 PRESENTATION SKILLS以学习讲故事为语言训练载体,Activity 1和Activity 2 给出了故事发展和结尾两个支架,分解了训练难度。Activity 3强调了故事情节中的时态运用。活动设计序列性强,相辅相成。

1.8 READING PRACTICE以Bennet一家的一次家庭讨论会为场景,通过精彩对白展示人物的性格特性。本部分的语言表述细腻,对Mr. Bennet 和Mrs. Bennet的性格表现力极强。另外,Reading后的活动设计有脚手架作用,能为分解和完成阅读任务提供必要的帮助。

1.9 CULTURAL CORNER是文学作品中的诗歌欣赏。诗歌的文字优美,语言浅显易懂,意境同《琵琶行》有相似之处。本课题设计有利于培养学生的文化交际意识,通过文化对比赏析,可促进学生的跨文化理解能力。

1.10 WRITING是本模块的最后阶段:作品形成阶段。由于模块任务的前期工作非常到位,作品鉴赏和范本赏读等课题的设计为最后学生形成作品奠定了坚实的基础。

2. 教材重组

2.1 INTRODUCTION是对作者作品特点以及背景信息的介绍,此部分同READING AND VOCABULARY(1)部分具有很大的相关性。INTRODUCTION 可以作为Pre-reading的活动设计,结合Reading部分的教学活动可以设计一节文学作品阅读课。

2.2 LANGUAGE IN USE (1)和(2)部分主要强调一些重点词汇的语境运用功能。可以整合这两部分的内容上一节语法课。

2.3 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING是对模块话题的知识补充。PRESENTATION SKILLS是内化Reading知识和技能的支架,同时本部分内容又是学生表达性技能形成的转化阶段,讲故事的表述载体就成为了Task Cycle的半成品。可以整合这两部分内容上一节听说课。

2.4 READING AND VOCABULARY (2)既有利于衔接阅读部分,同时又为后面的书评写作奠定了基础,因此Reading的读前和读后设计很重要,起到了输入技能转向输出技能的中介作用。因此,可以根据这部分内容设计为一节精读课。

2. 5 READING PRACTICE是阅读拓展部分,语言优美,对白精彩。对白既有幽默风趣的一面,又入木三分地刻画了作品中的人物性格特征。阅读材料内容即是对单元知识的扩充,又是训练学生阅读能力的好材料。因此可以将这部分内容设计一节泛读课。

2.6 CULTURAL CORNER旨在培养学生的跨文化意识和文化理解欣赏能力。因此可以根据本课内容上一节文化欣赏课。

2.7 Workbook的两部分内容是输入性技能向输出型技能的转化,可以整合这两部分内容上一节表达课来合理搭配单元课型结构,并为WRITING的设计做好铺垫。

2.8 WRITING是模块任务链的终结性成果,是学生终结性作品的形成阶段,同时也检验和评价单元任务的完成效果。因此可将本部分内容设计为一节写作课。

III. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用6课时教完)

1st period Reading (I)

2nd period Language study

3rd period Listening and speaking

4th period Reading (II)

5th period Extensive reading

6th period Culture appreciation

7th period Speaking

8th period Writing

The First Period Reading (I)

Teaching goals 教学目标

Target language目标语言

1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语

acknowledge, comfort, fortune, good-looking, income, personality, possession, universal, upset, assure, comment on, insult, make a remark, respectable, unsociable, unwilling, whisper

2. Important sentences (formal language in the passage)

Elizabeth was amazed that Darcy had chosen her as his partner.

Elizabeth decided that it would punish Darcy more if she forced him to speak.

She made a remark about the dance.

He smiled and assured her that he would say whatever she wanted him to say.

That answer is acceptable.

It’s not right for me to comment on my character.

Ability goal能力目标

Enable students to talk about and analyze the characters in the novel.

Learning ability goal学能目标

Help students learn how to talk about and analyze the characters in the novel. Teaching important points教学重点

How to analyze the characters in the novel.

Teaching weak points教学难点

How to talk about Jane Austen and her novel.

Teaching methods教学方法

Cooperation and task-based learning.

Teaching aids教具准备

A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Warming up

Activity one: Know the major characters of the novel

Picture one Picture two Picture three

Show the above pictures.

T: Some people are born with the character of pride, and this kind of character will isolate him/her from other people. As a result, people with the personality will find himself/herself unsociable and lack of communication skills. Prejudice exists in everyone’s heart. If the kind of prejudice is a one-to-one business, it may be melted by communication and understanding. However, if handled improperly, it may cause hatred and gap. Friendship and love comes after the elimination of understanding and change of negative attitude. Based on such an assumption, the author Jane Austen presented to worldwide readers her famous works—Pride and Prejudice. Look at the first picture and tell me who they are.

Ss: They are Mr. Bennet and his five daughters. His five daughters are Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia.

T: Look at the second and the third picture and tell me who they are.

Ss: They are hero Darcy and heroine Elizabeth.

Picture four Picture five

Activity two: Predict the plot

T: Look at the cover of the book (Picture four) and predict who are the hero and heroine of the novel.

Ss: I think Darcy and Elizabeth are hero and heroine of the novel.

T: Look at picture five and predict what the story is about.

Ss: Probably the story is about romance.

Step II Lead-in

Activity one: Know about Jane Austen and her works

T: Look at activity one in INTRODUCTION and try to match the words of box B with the words in box A.

Show the following.

Activity two: Questions and answers

T: Look at the INTRODUCTION part again. They are the beginnings of four different novels by the 19th century English author, Jane Austen. Read carefully and then answer the two questions.

Sample answers:

Sa: Jane Austen’s novels are mainly about romance, family and marriage.

Sb: Jane Austen writes about the young ladies and their life.

Activity three: Discussion

T: Look at activity 1 and finish the task in pairs by following the sample.

Sample version:

Sa: I find the first sentence funny. Maybe it was the truth in Victoria Era in England in 18th century, but it is not true for people today because nowadays some people prefer to stay single.

Sb: I think the second sentence tells us a truth. Most of the time when we read the first sentence of a story, we may predict what may happen. From this sentence we can guess Catherine Morland was born in an inferior family and in her childhood she was not prominent and outstanding.

Activity four: Word study

Requirement: Fill in the blanks with the right word from the box in activity 3.

1. I prefer stories, because they are exciting and full of risky stories.

2. The story was a story and the hero won his happy marriage in the end.

3. He is a man full of and he likes to tell jokes.

4. She is and lovely and most people love her.

5. We should have positive no matter how bad our situation is.

6. In class we should our attention on our teacher.

7. Only a small group of his soldiers the war.

8. Which kind of music do you prefer, rock or light music?

9. His real to attend the meeting is to find a partner.

Keys: adventure, romance, humor, gentle, attitude, focus, survived, style, motive Activity five: Read and find

T: Look at exercise 3 and read the two descriptions, then answer the questions. Sample answers:

Sa: I believe description B is correct.

Sb: I prefer adventure story because it is full of exciting adventures and experiences. Besides, the plot is always attractive.

Sc: I like romance stories. This kind of stories deals with our emotional world and they make people clear about what we think and how we feel.

Activity six: Word study

Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box of activity 2 on page 2 and get familiar with the words in the passage and know the words in advance.

Step ⅢReading

Activity one: Scanning

T: Go through the following questions carefully and try to get a clear picture of the text by answering these questions.

Show the following.

1. Who is Elizabeth? Who is Darcy?

2. Why was Elizabeth so surprised when Mr. Darcy asked her to dance?

3.Did Mr. Darcy talk a lot when they were dancing?

4.In what way did Mr. Darcy surprise Elizabeth in Extract 2?

5.What was Elizabeth’s reaction then?

6.How did Elizabeth feel when she heard Darcy had chosen her as his partner?

7.In what way did Elizabeth want to punish Darcy?

8.According to the dialogue, how did Elizabeth laugh at Darcy?

9.Why did Elizabeth greet Darcy with cold politeness?

10.What prevented Darcy from winning Elizabeth’s heart?

Sample answers:

1. Elizabeth is the heroine of the story and Darcy is the hero of the romance.

2.Because Elizabeth never expected Darcy who she didn’t like would ask her for a


3.No, he didn’t talk much because he was an unsociable and silent person.

4.Darcy asked Elizabeth to marry him.

5.Elizabeth didn’t like h im and refused him.

6.She felt surprised and thought it was unbelievable.

7.She forced him to speak to amuse him.

8.She laughed at his unsociable and silent character.

9.Because his insult at her family prejudiced her against him.

10.His proud and arrogant manners.

Activity two: Detail check

T: Read the passage again and answer the questions in activity 3.

Sample answers:

1. It refers to the fact that the two single men rent a house and came to live in their neighborhood.

2.Though Darcy is very proud, at that moment he may want to please Elizabeth and

say something that is pleasant.

3.Yes, she accepted his answer, but not to her 100 percent satisfaction.

4.She would talk to her partner when she was dancing.

5.Because she didn’t want to speak more about her character. And Darcy should

judge himself.

6.Darcy spoke very quickly.

7.Darcy wanted to make sure about his complicated feeling: to love or not to love


8.When I feel shy or ashamed I blush.

9.Elizabeth caused Darcy pain by refusing his request.

Activity three: Check understanding

T: Do exercise 4 and 5 without reading back. In this way you can check how well you understand the reading materials.

Step ⅣPost reading

Activity one: Questions and answers

Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the questions in activity 6.

Sample answers:

1. Elizabeth has the Prejudice and Darcy has the Pride.

2. I think sentence (1) is the beginning of Pride and Prejudice. Because from the introduction we can see: when two single, wealthy young men------Bingley and

Darcy rent a house nearly, the whole neighborhood sees it as an opportunity for their daughters to find a rich husband.

3. We can also see Elizabeth is sociable, quick in reaction, talkative and expressive.

4.He will fell disappointed and leave the room, frustrated.

5.I think Darcy is really very proud. Maybe it is his social background and his

unsociable character that make him form such a resistant character.

6.Their language is very formal.

Activity two: Language feature analysis

Ask students to give examples to show the formal language in the dialogue between Darcy and Elizabeth.

Sample sentences:

1. Elizabeth was amazed that Darcy had chosen her as his partner.

2. Elizabeth decided that it would punish Darcy more if she forced him to speak.

3. She made a remark about the dance.

4. He smiled and assured her that he would say whatever she wanted him to say.

5. That answer is acceptable.

6. It’s not right for me to comment on my character.

T: Judging from the use of these big words and formal language, what conclusion can we arrive at about Jane’s writing style?

Ss: We can conclude that Jane is skillful at using words to make her novel expressive. No wonder her novels are still very popular worldwide.

Activity three: Discussion

T: Work in pairs. Imagine you are a friend of Darcy’s and decide what advice you would give him. You can use the following expressions.

Sa: I would explain that it was his pride that isolated him from Elizabeth. And he should change his attitude a little.

Sb: I would tell him that he should take more chances to communicate with Elizabeth and try to approach her. Besides, he should try to diminish Elizabeth’s prejudice against him.

Step ⅤHomework

1. Ask students to review the words and recite the phrases below.

Show the following.

1. acknowledge the truth

2. live in comfort

3. make a fortune

4. a good-looking young man

5. a large sum of income

6. a charming personality

7. in possession of a large house

8. universal entertainment

9. an upset story 10. adventure experiences11. positive attitude 12. focus one’s attention on sth 13. gentle character 14. raise one’s motive 15. a romance world 16. a brilliant style 17. survive the war 18. assure sb 19. comment on one’s character 20. insult one’s family 21. make a remark about one’s dress 22. be unwilling to do sth 23. whisper to sb 24. an unsociable person 25. a respectable neighborhood

2. Preview language in use (1-2).

The Second Period Language study

Teaching goals 教学目标

Target language目标语言

1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语

wide awake, sound/fast asleep, much alike, completely finished, much younger, rather older, in surprise, in anger, fall in love with, in ink, in black, in a soft voice, in German, in his suit.

2. Usages 重点语法

Enable students learn to master the usage of “very, most, in, will”.

Ability goal能力目标

Enable students learn to use “very, most, in, will” in real context and acquaint them with the use of “my, had”.

Learning ability goal学能目标

Help students learn how to use “very, most, in, will” in real context and acquaint them with the use of “my, had”.

Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点

How to master the usage of “very, most, in, will”.

Teaching methods教学方法

Cooperation and task-based learning.

Teaching aids教具准备

A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Learn to use “very”

Greet students and check the homework.

Activity one: Read and recite

Ask students to read the examples sentences and choose the correct words, and then read about the uses of “very”.

T: “Very” can be used to intensify a large number of adjectives, but it can not be used in some situations. Now please finish activity one.

Check the answers with the class.

Activity three: Translation

Ask students to do the following translation work and get acquainted with the uses of “very”.

Show the following.

1. 他走得很快。(very fast)

2. 他们很相像。(much afraid)

3. 他的女儿非常害怕被单独留在家里。(much afraid)

4. 昨晚直到深夜2点我还很清醒。(wide awake)

5. 他恰恰是第一个品尝西红柿的人。(the very first)

6. 她的年龄看上去比她的丈夫大得多。(much older)

7. 你还想在这个房子被完全毁掉之前看一眼它吗?(completely finished)

8. 当我走进屋子时,小婴儿正在熟睡。(sound asleep)

Sample answers:

1.He walks very fast.

2.They are much alike.

3.His daughter was much afraid of being left alone at home.

4.I was wide awake until late 2 o’clock in the night last night.

5.He was the very first person to taste tomatoes.

6.She looks much older than her husband.

7.Do you still want to see the house before it is completely destroyed?

8.When I walked into the room I saw the little baby still sound asleep.

Step II Learn to use “most”

Activity one: Read and match

Ask students to read the sentences in activity 2 and match the sentences with the use o f “most”.

Activity two: Translation

T: Translate the following sentences into English using “most”.

Show the following.




Sample answers:

1.Most students/Most of the students in our class work very hard.

2.I was most surprised to hear your engagement.

3.He is one of the most experienced teachers in our school.

Step III Master the use of “in” in the context

Activity one: Read aloud

T: Read and recite the following expressions. Ple ase pay attention to the usage of “in” in these phrases.

Show the following.

in surprise, in anger, fall in love with, in ink, in black

in a soft voice, in German, in his suit

Activity two: Match work

T: Look at activity 3 and match the sentences with the uses of “in”.

Check the answers with the class.

Step IV Learn to use “will”

Go on with the uses of “will” on page 7.

Activity one: Match work

T: Look at activity 3 and match the sentences with the uses of will. There are al together 10 functions of “will” listed here. You had better learn to use them in the right situations. Now please finish activity 3 quickly.

Check the answers.

Activity two: Further practice

T: Here are some sentences and you can decide the functions of “will” in the context. Show the following.

1.Will you phone me later?

2.Fish will die out of water.

3.That will be Jack coming.

4.Will you two shut up?

5.Will you take my seat?

6.Will you be staying here?

7.I will never do that again.


1. a request

2.a description of a habit

3. a prediction

4. an order

5. an offer

6. an invitation

7. a promise

Activity four: Exercise

Step V Homework

Ask students to

1. finish activities 1 and 2 on page 7 and the exercises 1-3 in the workbook.

2. preview Review of Pride and Prejudice.

The Third Period Listening and speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

Target language 目标语言

1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语

apologize, approve of, convince, go mad, jewel, relieved, request

2. Learn the steps to end a story.

Ability goal能力目标

Enable students to listen to and present a story.

Learning ability goal学能目标

Help students learn how to listen to and present a story.

Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点

How to listen to and present a story.

Teaching methods教学方法

Cooperation and task-based learning.

Teaching aids教具准备

A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Activity one: Revision

1. In what situations can’t you use “very”?

Keys:“Very” can’t be used in the following situations:

1. Very can’t be used to strengthen compar ative or superlative adjectives.

2. Very can’t be used to strengthen adjectives which are already absolute, e.g. dead,

alive, finished, destroyed.

3. With many adjectives starting with a, e.g. awake, asleep, we use other words as intensifiers, not very.

2. Give me an example to show that “most” is similar to “very” in usage.

Keys: It is most (very) important to master a foreign language.

3. Translation

用钢笔写, 以温柔的方式说话, 穿着套装, 惊讶地, 在雨中

Sample answers:

in ink, in a soft voice, in a suit, in surprise, in the rain

Step ⅡListening

Activity one: Pre-listening

T: Turn to page 6 and look at activity 1. Answer the questions about the words in the box.

Sample answers:

1. After we landed safely on the airport we all felt relieved.

2. People wear jewels as necklaces and rings.

3. I think Mrs. Bennet will approve of the engagement.

4. Because he was too proud and insulted Elizabeth’s family, which hurt Elizabeth much.

5. Darcy invites Elizabeth to dance and in extract 2 he asked her to marry him.

6. Yes, because he is a proud man and he thinks she will.

7. It is very unpleasant to go mad.

Activity two: Prediction

T: According to the above answers, can you predict what will be the listening material about?

Ss: I guess Darcy will ask Elizabeth to marry her.

Activity three: Listening for the first time

T: Listen to another extract from Pride and Prejudice for the first time and answer the questions in activity 2.

Check the answers with the class.

Activity four: Listen for the second time

T: Listen to the tape again and find out the correct answers to the questions (activity three on page 6).

Check the answers by asking some students to read the sentences.

Activity five: Post listening

Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the questions in activity 4.

Step ⅢPresentation

Activity one: Warming up

T: Just now we listened to another extract of the story. Now you have known more about the whole story. And also you’ve been able to predict and develop a story in your own sense. This time please go through extract 1 quickly and predict the sequence of the story.

Sample prediction:

Sa: I think Elizabeth doesn’t enjoy dancing with Darcy. Darcy is silent and unsociable. They didn’t talk much when they were dancing.

Sb: I agree with Sa. But I think the reason is different. Elizabeth doesn’t like being together with Darcy because she has had the prejudice against Darcy. If her attitude doesn’t change, she will not like Darcy at all.

T: You have come to the same conclusion according to different reasons. This proves that you’ve understood the story very well. Now please write down the ending for the story.

Sample endings:

1. The silence continued for a few minutes and Elizabeth found it a pleasure to have mocked at Darcy. Just then, the music stopped and Elizabeth asked Darcy to excuse her and left.

2. Although Elizabeth forced her to speak, Darcy still kept silent after each mechanic question and answer practice. This made Elizabeth annoyed. She decided to end their partnership as soon as possible.

Ask students to write an ending for extract 2.

Sample endings:

1. After hearing Elizabeth’s refusal, Darcy felt very frustrated because he never expected he would be rejected. However, his pride made him not express his disappointment on his face. He left Elizabeth without a word.

2. Eliz abeth’s refusal didn’t hurt him at all. He thought he would still have chances to win her heart. However, the defeat really eliminated his pride. He left the room silently.

Activity two: Summarize skills to end a story

T: Just now we have learnt how to end a story, what skills do we need to end a story? Sa: First we should predict the sequence of the story in a reasonable way.

Sb: We can write down the reaction of the hero or heroine.

Sc: We can follow the clue of the story. It may be the character of hero/heroine or it may be the plot.

T: Good. We should find out the main clue and or characters of the story and predict the sequence in a reasonable way. This way we will develop our logic of prediction in a reasonable way.

Show the following.

1. Predict the result in a reasonable way.

2. Pick out the clue that threads the whole story such as the characters of the hero and heroine.

3. Write down the reaction of the hero or heroine.

4. Integrate all the factors.

5. Organize the language and write down the ending of the story.

Activity three: Develop a story

T: When we develop a story, we should use some skills to make your story readable. In extract 2 we can find a lot of expressions about time. These expressions are very useful because they can thread the story logically and make the story readable. Look

at the following connectives and learn to use them in your own story. Now pick out the original sentences with the connectives in the sentences and find out their functions in the whole text.

Sample answers:

Sa: The expressions of time are used mainly to continue or carry on the topic. They make the story develop continuously.

Sb: “But, unfortunately, in spite of” are used to change or convert the topic. Therefore, they are used to make the story full of excitement.

Sample connectives:

1. The doorbell rang, and a few minutes later, to her complete astonishment, Elizabeth saw…

2. He sat down for a few minutes, and then getting up…

3. After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her and …

4. Her silence enco uraged him to speak and …

5. He spoke well, but unfortunately, he did not…

6. In spite of her powerful dislike for him, Elizabeth…

7. Then, as he continued to insult her family, she began to …

8. When he at last finished speaking, she …

9. Unfortunately, I have no desire to …

10. However, I never meant to do so, and I …

T: Besides connectives, we should also pay attention to use correct tenses to develop a story. The proper use of tenses in the story makes the story develop logically. Therefore we should consider using correct and suitable tenses when we develop a story. When we read the story we find different speeches are used to organize the two extracts. Go through the story again and find out the functions of the two different speeches.

Sample answers:

Sa: In the extracts, Elizabeth and Darcy talk a lot when they are dancing. The dialogue (direct speeches)reveals their characters more clearly. In extract 2 there are two scenes which use direct speeches: Darcy asks Elizabeth to marry him, Elizabeth rejects his request. From the dialogue we can see direct speeches make the passage more readable.

Sb: In extract 2 the author uses a lot of indirect speeches. I find indirect speeches make the novel more story-like and continuous.

After this, show the following.

Skills to develop a story

1.Make sure to use connectives when necessary.

2.Pay attention to the use of different tenses.

49568f26b6360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a5612268de different kinds of speeches to make your story readable.

Activity five: Start a story

T: We have learnt how to end and develop a story. Now I’ll show you some examples to start a story. Read the examples carefully and try to use them in your writing. Show the following.


Step ⅣPresent a story

Activity one: Write a story

T: Now please think out a story that happened to you or your friend. Next list the points you want to write down. Then learn to use the skills we have learnt to organize your story.

Sample version:

I had always expected that my visit to Mount Tai would be quite an experience. However, my expectation failed because of the bad weather and my illness. (Comparison to open the passage) On arriving at the foot of Mount Tai on May 1st, it began to rain heavily. We had to stay in the hotel waiting until it became sunny. The bad weather continued till the next evening. We were about to celebrate the coming sunny day when I caught a bad cold. I coughed and coughed. I got so sick that I had to be sent to hospital. My illness cast anxiety over the whole family. Besides, my cold also cost our family the whole holiday because it lasted 5 days. When I was getting better in the hospital, we had no time left to climb Mount Tai. Thus we had to leave Mount Tai with regret.

Activity two: Tell a story

T: Now you have learnt to organize a story. This time you can present your story in front of our class. But make sure to use the key points.

1. Change your voice to indicate different characters.

2. Look at the audience and speak slowly and clearly.

Step ⅤHomework

Ask students to

1. revise their stories.


The Fourth Period Reading (II)

Teaching goals 教学目标

Target language 目标语言

1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语

apologize, approve of, convince, go mad, jewel, relieved, request

2. Learn the steps to end a story.

Ability goals能力目标

Enable students to learn about the basic structure of a book review.

Learning ability goals学能目标

Help students learn how to write book review.

Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点

How to a book review.

Teaching methods教学方法

Cooperation and task-based learning.

Teaching aids教具准备

A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Greet the students and check the homework.

Activity one: Learn to paraphrase

T: Word guessing and paraphrasing are very important reading strategies to help us understand reading materials. Now turn to page 8 and look at activity 2. Match the meanings with the words and phrases in the box.

Check the answers by asking some students to read their work.

Activity two: Learn to ask questions

T: In order to fully understand a story, we sometimes need to inquiry and ask questions. Therefore learning to ask questions is another important skill which helps you to understand and comprehend. Now look at activity 4 on page 9. Read the answers to the questions and write the questions.

Ask students to read the answers.

Sample answers:

1.What’s the story about?

2.Why does she want to marry a rich man?

3.What is Darcy’s character?

4.Why does Elizabeth dislike Darcy and form prejudice against him?

5.What does she say about the characters of the book?

6.What is she famous for?

Activity three: Read critically

T: One or two beautiful sentences in an article may decide if the article is worth a read. Now look at the following two sentences and decide in what way the sentences are attractive in catching the readers’ att ention.

Show the following.

1.There are some themes that readers never grow bored with, and the search for a

suitable partner is one of them.

2.Everyone has their favorite character from fiction and Elizabeth Bennet is mine. T: The two sentences have a similar way of structure. The first part of the two sentences states the common feeling of the people on a certain topic and the second part starts to give the opinion. When we start a topic we can state a fact or truth of common sense. Then you can give your own opinion. This way you can find the sentence very attractive in catching the readers’ attention. Besides a hook, sometimes the writer will give the argument or opinion at the very beginning of each paragraph; you can predict what the paragraph is about before reading. Look at the following two topic sentences and predict what will happen next in the following paragraph.

Show the following.

1. The heroine of the story is Elizabeth Bennet and as in all good romantic novels, she and Darcy, the man she eventually marries, remain separate until the very end of the story.

2. Jane Austen is rightly famous for her style.

Sample prediction:

Sa: The first topic sentence deal with the two major characters. I guess following the topic sentence the author will tell why they remain separate and how they come into marriage.

Sb: According to topic sentence 2, I think the author will talk about Jane Austen’s writing style, including the language feature, characteristics of organization, etc. T: Great. Prediction is very important in reading. Therefore when you are reading learn to recognize and pick out the topic sentences and predict the development of the story in your won sense. This way you will keep interested in the whole process of reading.

Step II Lead-in

T: Look at the following comments from readers and answer the questions.

Show the following.

Different comments on Darcy’s real character:

Comment 1:

I hate Mr. Darcy and I like Bingley because Darcy hides his feeling and appears arrogant and proud. In his bott om of heart, he doesn’t want to show his real love and feeling and pretend to care nothing. This two-sides personality makes him vain and painful.

Comment 2:

I don't think I have ever thought of Darcy as being shy. I love the fact that he is so haughty and proud, it makes it easier to laugh at him. However, I don't think it would be so easy to laugh at a shy person. I laugh heartily at Darcy's expression when Mrs. Bennet tries to get his attention at the Meryton Assembly.(P&P2) The look on his face is priceless. There are plenty of other examples, but this was just a quick thought. Requirement: These comments are people who have different understanding about

Darcy’s character. After reading the two different opinions, you will learn to analyze people’s character in different views.


1. From these comments of different people, what do you know about Darcy?

2.Besides his flaws, what strong points can you find in Darcy?

3. Everyone has his/her strong points and weaknesses. How do you comment on Darcy?

4. Reflect on your own characters, can you find in yourself some characters that you like or dislike?


1.Darcy’s double character makes many people hate him and this isolate himself

from others.

2.Under his flaws, he is quick in mind.

3.Darcy’s double ch aracter may easily make people form negative opinions towards

him. On the other hand, at his bottom of heart he is kind and caring. Otherwise he would not win Elizabeth heart.


Step III Reading

Activity one: Pick out the main idea

T: Read the passage and answer the questions in activity 1.

Sample answers:

Sa: Para 4 describes how Jane writes.

Sb: Para 3 describes the characters.

Sc: Para 1 describes the historical background to the story.

Sd: The first sentence of the first paragraph summarizes the story.

Se: Para 2 describes the story in more detail.

Activity two: Build the structure chart

T: According to activity one, please list a structure chart of the book review.

Sample structure chart:

Activity two: Survey

T: Read the passage again and do activities 3 and 5 on page 9.

Sample answers to activity 5:

1.Partly I agree to it, because romance stories attract a large range of readers. But

some people show no interest in them. Therefore it only appeals to part of people,

not all.

2.Examples: (1)Everyone has their favorite characters from fiction and Elizabeth

Bennet is mine. (2)I can’t read the scenes with Mrs. Bennet without laughing. I may share or disagree these personal opinions which make us understand and appreciate the stories to a wide range.

3.Yes, the whole theme of the novel tells how the five daughters of the Bennets find

their par tners. And Elizabeth’s love affairs is leading the whole story.

4.Yes, I think so. They have opposite character, and this makes them attract each

other. Elizabeth is talkative and easy-going while Darcy is proud and unsociable.

In their nature they are kind and intelligent. Therefore they share a lot and attract each other.

5.The hero Darcy is proud and the heroine Elizabeth has formed the prejudice

against him. The two themes thread the whole story…

6.Yes, the language in the passage is funny and amusing and the plot is attractive. Activity three: Comprehending

Ask students to choose the correct answers.

1. At the time when the story took place, why did women try their best to find a wealthy family?

A. They were not independent and have no jobs.

B. They could find real love in wealthy families.

C. They were attractive to wealthy men.

2. Why does Mrs. Bennet get so anxious to have her five daughters married?

A. Because her daughters are old enough.

B. Because her daughters may live an unhappy life if one of their parents die.

C. Because her family is not rich.

3. Why does Elizabeth hate Darcy?

A. Darcy is too proud.

B. Darcy is unsociable.

C. Darcy insulted her family.

4. Why does the author of the review think Elizabeth is his favorite character?

