
更新时间:2023-10-12 01:34:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





? 主持人:喜欢喝咖啡的朋友对星巴克咖啡公司一定不会陌生。这家起源于美国西雅图

的公司是全球著名的咖啡零售商。他们有近9000家分店遍布世界。2000年星巴克来到中国,如今它已经出现在中国很多城市的街头巷尾了。今天我们请到了星巴克公司的董事长Howard Schultz先生,他正好到中国来出差。很高兴您能参加我们的节目,Schultz先生。 ? Anchor: If you love coffee, you must be familiar with Starbucks, a leading global

coffee retailer that originates from Seattle, with some 9000 coffee houses around the globe. It came to China in 2000, and now its stores can be found in corners of many Chinese cities. Today we have Howard Schultz, the Chairman of Starbucks with us as he is on the trip to China. Nice to have you here Mr. Schultz.


? Howard Schultz:Nice to meet you and I’m glad to be here. ? 你好,很高兴来到这里。

? 主持人:Schultz先生,我知道,您有着非常雄心勃勃的发展计划,您将会在明年开张


? I was very impressed when I heard about your ambitious expansion plans: you

are opening up to 1800 new stores next year, 1300 in the United States and 500 abroad. Are they too many? Is the speed too fast?


? Howard Schultz:Well, not at all. I mean, if you go back to the history of the

company, you will see that we have been a growth company for the last 20 years and the hallmark of that growth has been our ability to invest ahead of the growth curve. That’s exactly what we’ve been doing. We’re opening 5 new stores a day. We are serving 40 million customers a week, and our international business had a 79% increase in operating income last year. We are in a position right now to really capitalize on the investments we’ve made over the last couple of years. We are very optimistic about the balance of the year, and specifically what is going on internationally and in China.


? 一点也不会。看看我们公司的发展历史就会发现,过去20年来我们一直在增长,我们



