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- 学生该用手机的英语辩论赛推荐度:
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Hello, Kehan. Hello Jenny! I recently read a piece of news , it said there was a survey in a large forum , which was whether students should be forced to wear uniforms. 85.7% of the participants voted ‘Yes’, while 2.2% voted ‘No’. In my opinion, it has its reason that this tradition can exist among countries with different development degrees of education all over the world. For schools, uniform can be a reflection of a school’s appearance and a symbol of a school. It can make a school look neat instead of looking like a place of public community or somewhere. It’s easier to manage the students and point out the different people to ensure the safety of students. I have learned that serious violence in school occurred frequently, especially the things in Jiangxi and Zhejiang. So my point is it’s better for students to wear uniforms.
Well , that’s a good point, but I want to say, for students, uniforms can also be the signs of them. It can remind students who they are and what they should do. Junior and high school students are mostly in adolescence and often express their feelings through the clothing that they wear, if they keep focusing on this kind of behavior, then they will miss the other part of individuality establishment. Wearing uniforms can alleviate this problem and reduce the situation of material comparisons made by dressing in order to let the students put their more energy on the study rather than what they should wear today. In that way, every one looks equal no matter handsome or not so handsome. Therefore, I believe it’s better for students to wear uniforms.
北京大学国家发展研究院研究生导师 徐晋涛05-16
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