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(全卷满分:150分 考试用时:120分钟)


第 I 卷



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. Which sport does the man think is the most popular?

A. Badminton. B. Swimming. C. Table tennis. 2. When did the meeting begin?

A. At about 9: 30. B. At about 11: 00. C. At about 11: 30. 3. What will the man do next?

A. Check out books. B. Study in the library. C. Fetch his library card. 4. What does the woman plan to do?

A. Have a trip on a bicycle. B. Take photos of the city. 5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. An article. B. A country. C. A rainforest. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. What will the man do first after school?

A Prepare for a test. B. See a film. C. Buy a novel. 7. Where will the man meet his friends?

A. At the bookstore. B. At the cinema. C. At the ice cream shop. 请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. How did the man know his ankle was broken?

A. From the test results. B. From the bleeding. C. From the nurses. 9. How is the man now?

A. He is fully recovered. B. He is still in hospital. C. He can walk normally. 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What relation is the man to Mary?

A. Her teacher. B. Her husband. C. Her father. 11. How does Ryan usually go to school?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot. 12. In which aspect did Ryan do well?

A. Learning the alphabet. B. Tying the shoes. C. Telling time. 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13. What was the man’s second destination?

C. Take a bus tour.

A. London. A. Rainy.

B. Paris. C. Cairo.

14. What was the weather like in Cairo during the man's visit?

B. Cloudy. C. Windy.

15. Why didn’t the man go to Bondi Beach?

A. It was a little expensive. B. The weather was bad. C. He was feeling bad.

16. How many countries has the man been to?

A. Five. B. Six.

C. Seven.


17. How many students are starting at the college this year? A.430. B.520. C.970. 18. What take place in the Robinson Building every month? A. Exhibitions. B. Films. C. Lectures.

19. Why can’t students use the Sports Centre for part of next term? A. National competitions will be held there. B. Some building work will start there. C. Students will take exams there. 20. What should students do after their tour? A. Talk to other students. B. Return to the college hall. C. Speak to their subject teachers.





Scholastic Art: What is your job?

Jayson Fann: I build human-sized nests all over the world. SA: Can people sit in your nests?

JF: Yes! People have dinner parties in my nests. They read and relax in them. Some of my

nests even have several rooms. My nests are even used as hotel rooms. SA: How do you make a nest?

JF: First, I make a design for the nest. Then I review the design with my client(客户).

After the design is final, I collect wood and work with a team to build it. SA: What do you use to make your nests?

JF:I use eucalyptus(按树)wood, which is soft and easy to bend when it is young and freshly

cut. But when it dries, it becomes extremely hard. So it holds its shape and can support weight. But the structure’s strength also comes from the engineering -- how I weave the wood, and how I join major sections by bolting(用螺栓固定)them together. SA: What makes a great nest design?

JF: Placement is important. The lines of the branches(树枝) create movement and energy, resulting

in a cleaner, simpler background -- such as smooth stone or the sky -- which really fits the nest. For me, it’s all about balance. SA: What skills do you need for your job?

JF: You have to be able to draw and use different artistic tools. But you also have to know how

to speak to people -- your clients and the people who work for you. SA: What inspires you?

IF: I love to see how other artists, like Andy Goldsworthy, take common and natural materials

and make something special with them. SA: What is the best part of your job?

JF: I get to be creative in a way that doesn’t harm the environment! 21. Jayson Fann’s nests are .

A. used for different purposes B completely made of wood C. usually built at his home D. just used for exhibition 22. When Jayson Fann makes a nest, he usually .

A. builds it on his own B. places it on a eucalyptus tree

C. asks his client to design it first D. takes its surroundings into consideration 23. Jayson Fann is actually .

A. an animal lover B a fashion designer C. a famous engineer D. an environmental artist


My first impression of Miss Vicki was a highly authoritative(权威的) person towering over me. She spoke in a loud voice and the earth shook whenever she marched. That was in the first year of high school. She was a knowledgeable literature teacher then. However, during my first year in school, she struck terror into my heart(使我胆战心惊). And everyone else’s of course. Just the mention of her name made the most unruly classes silent.

Nevertheless, the two years of junior high passed by rather quickly. Soon, I went to senior high class. I had worked hard and gotten the subject combination that I wished for. Together with a group of old friends, I soon settled down in class comfortably.

To everyone’s surprise, she was fortunate enough to be my teacher that year. I was shocked when I heard the news. This time round, however, I decided not to hide in terror whenever she was near. I decided to face the fact that we were going to meet each other for the next 365 days. Instead of trying too hard to lick her boots, I tried my best to my natural self in front of her.

Still, I could not shake off the ice-cold impression that she put in my heart. True, her jokes sometimes sent me into fits of laughter, yet at other times these jokes simply fell flat the moment she told them. My lovely class, however, was already ready to laugh at the right time of her amusing stories. After all, we would not want to run the risk of provoking(激怒) her.

Unluckily, life was not to remain boring. One day we received news that Miss Vicki was to leave Singapore for the Philippines where she would take part in a voluntary teaching program for the poor. We did not know what to say actually. All of us cried at the airport. 24. During the first year in school, the author thought Miss Vicki was .

A. proud but patient B. beautiful but strict C. scholarly but serious D. humorous but single-minded

