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英语句子看上去纷繁庞杂,但仔细观察不外乎五个基本句式。这五个基本句式可以演变出多种复杂的英语句子。换言之,绝大多数英语句子都是由这五个基本句式生成的。这五个基本句式如下: S十V主谓结构 S十V十P主系表结构 S十V十O主谓宾结构

S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构 S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构


基本句型一: S十V主谓结构 这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,这些动词常见的有:run, study, arrive, come, happen,等。如:

1). Time flies. (S+Vi)

2). Students study hard. (S+Vi+adv) 3). He went on holiday. (S+Vi+Prep phrase) 4) We stoped to have a rest. (S+Vi+to do sth) 练习:

1. 冬天快要来了。 2. 他高兴地离开了。 3. 他们会在三点钟到 4. 我们明天一起去钓鱼。 5. 昨天他们去逛街。 6. 他起得早是为了读英语。

基本句型二:S十V十P主系表结构 除了be系动词外,还有一些动词也可以用作系动词: 表感官的动词: feel, smell, taste, sound, look, 等

表变化的动词:become, get, grow, turn, go, fall, run, come等 表延续的动词:remain, keep, stay, stand, continue, lie等 表表象的动词:seem, appear, look 等 表终止的动词:prove, turn out等 1) He is a good boy. (S+Lv+N/Pron) 2) She is beautiful. (S+Lv+adj)

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3) Class is over. (S+Lv+adv)

4) The film is interesting. (S+LV+Participle) 练习:

1. 桌子上的那本书是我的。 2. 阅读很有用。

3. 那个女孩还在办公室。 4. 那场篮球赛令人兴奋。 5. 昨晚你在家吗?

基本句型三: S十V十O主谓宾结构 这种句型中的动词应为及物动词或者可以后接宾语的动词短语。同时,句子中有时含有与宾语有关的状语。作宾语的成分常是:名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句。如: 1) I like music. / I like her. (S+Vt+N/Pron) 2) I want to help him. (S+Vt+Infinitive)

3) I don’t know what to do. (S+Vt+疑问词+Infinitive) 4) He practices speaking English everyday. (S+Vt+Gerund) 练习:

1. 我们已收到了他们的来信。 2. 他爸爸期待拥有一家工厂。 3. 我想知道什么时候出发。 4. 他每天都练习说英语。

基本句型四: S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构,O1=间接宾语;O2=直接宾语 这种句型中作间接宾语的常常指“人”,直接宾语常常指“物”。如: 1) I sent him a book. / I bought him a book. (S + Vt +N/Porn (间宾) + N (直宾))

2) I sent a book to him. / He bought a coat for me. (S + Vt +N (直宾) + to/ for +N /Porn (间宾)) 间接宾语前需要加to 的常用动词有:allow, bring, deny, do (带来), give,grant,hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, render, restore, sell, send, show, teach, tell, wish, write等。

3) Can you spare/ save some minutes/ time for the children? 间接宾语前需要加for 的常用动词有:buy,cash,choose,fetch,get,leave,make, order,paint,play(演奏),save,sing,spare等。

1. 我父亲给我姐姐带来了一台 PC。 2. 陈老师叫我们语文。

3. 他从来都不把他的小车借给别人。 4. 我将为你挑一份精美的礼物。 5. 我会为你给房间上油漆。

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基本句型五: S十V十O十C 主谓宾宾补结构 这种句型中的宾语+ 补语可统称为“复合宾语”, 作补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。如: 1) He paints the wall white. (S+Vt+N/Pron+adj) 2) We named our baby Tom. (S+Vt+N/Pron+N)

3) She always keeps everything in good order. (S+Vt+N/Pron+Prep phrase) 4) The teacher asked him to leave./ I made hime to leave. (S+Vt+N/Pron+Infinitive) 5) I feel something moving. (S+Vt+N/Pron+Participle)

6) He showed me how to do it. (S+Vt+N/Pron+Wh-word+Infinitive)

注意:动词have, make, let,后面所接的动词不定式作宾补时,不带to; 动词see, hear, notice, observe, watch等后可以加不带to的不定式或动名词做宾补,如: The boss made him do the work all day. 练习:

1. 我们选她做班长。

2. 我们认为这项工作很容易。 3. 请不要客气(就像在家一样)。 4. 老师鼓励我们每天锻炼身体。 5. 刚才我看见孩子们正在河边玩。 练习题 一、判断下列句子的类型 a,S V b, S V P c,S V O d,S V o O e,S V O C 1. She is a very good girl . (___________) 2. The girl is very good. (___________) 3. They ‖ laughed. (___________) 4. The kites ‖ fly in the sky. (___________) 5. I ‖ bought a new bike. (___________) 6. He ‖ plays volleyball. (___________) 7. She ‖ told me a story. (___________) 8. He ‖ gave me a good book. (___________) 9.He ‖ asked me to help him. (___________) 10.He ‖ made me happy. (___________) 11.Pleas tell us a story.(___________) 12.She smiled.(___________)

13. I have a lot work to do.(___________) 14. His job is to train swimmers.(___________)

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15. He noticed a man enter the room.(___________) 16. Please look at the picture.(___________) 二、中考题回顾

1. (2010山东省潍坊市20. 1)The cookies_______good .Could I have some more? A. taste B. smell C. feel D. sound

2. (2010.浙江18. 1) - Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Saturday?- Oh, that __ _ good. A. feels B. looks .C. tastes D. Sounds 3.(2012 天津)The cloth very soft and comfortable. A. tastes B. sounds C. smells D. feels

4. (2010.江苏省无锡市.9. 1)Though his grandmother lives ______,she never feels________. A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely .D. lonely; alone 5. (2010江苏省宿迁市9. 1)This piece of music _______ beautiful. A. looks B. sounds C. tastes . . D. smells 6. (2012·湖北省黄冈市,33)-Which T-shirt do you prefer? --The red one .It______more comfortable.

A. tastes B. smells C. feels D. sounds

7. (2010·广西省梧州市,39)Song Zuying's voice is very sweet and her songs_____very beautiful. A. taste B. sound C. smell D. feel

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