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Module1 Unit 1(第一课时)


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一、 选出单词中划线部分的音标

( )1.paint A. / ei /B. / ai / C. / i: / ( ) 2.line A. / i / B. / ai / C. /i: / ( ) 3.whose A. /D / B. / u / C. /u: / ( ) 4.hers A. /e / B. / ?: / C. / i ? / 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. Look, Linda_______(dance) . She’s a good ________(dance). 2. – (who) _______ is that? – It’s ______(I).

3. Those are not ________(she) shoes. _________(she) are new. 4. Danny, _______ ________ (not put) it on the sofa. 5. – Is that T-shirt ______(you)? –No, it’s ______(he). 三、按要求改写句子

1. Those gloves are theirs. (划线部分提问) ______ ________ ________ gloves? 2. That’s her scarf. (改为同义句) That _______ ________ _________.

3. Put the ball in your bedroom. (改为否定句) _________ _______ the ball in your bedroom.

4. There are some brushes in the box. (一般疑问句) _______ _______ _______ brushes in the box? 5. Is that storybook hers?(复数句) ______ ______ _______? 四、阅读短文填入所缺的单词

Mrs Li teaches English in our school. She is Chinese. She likes to sing. She can sing both English and Chinese songs. She likes to read, too. Mrs Li usually goes to the swimming pool in Zhongshan Park. She likes to swim. At night, she likes to watch TV. She doesn’t like to listen to the radio. 1. Mrs Li is a ________.

2. Mrs Li can _______ both English and Chinese songs. 3. She goes _______ in Zhongshan Park. 4. She doesn’t like ________ to the radio.

Module1 Unit 1(第二课时)


班级( )姓名( )学号( )


1. --Whose paint is it? -- It’s _______ (I).

2. –Is that _______(she) school bag? – No, it’s ______(he).

3. _________( they)classroom is on the second floor. _____(our) is on the third floor.

4. Mum, give ______(I) a pencil case, please.

5.That car over there is _______(they). _______ (you) is here. 6. Listen, Danny _________(sing) in the hall. 7. There ______(be) some glue on the desk.


1. Those books are ours. (划线部分提问) _______ _______ those books?

2. This pencil case is his. (改为同义句) This _______ _______ pencil case.

3. Are these their schoolbags? (改为单数) ________ _______ _______ schoolbag?

4. Peter puts the football under his bed.(否定句) Peter _______ ________ the football under his bed.

5. Those crayons are Danny’s . (用Alice改为选择疑问句) _______ those crayons Danny’s _______ ________?


Miss Brown is a twenty-year-old girl. She works in a post office. She gets up at five thirty every morning, and has breakfast thirty minutes later. Then she drivers her car to work because the post office is far from her home. She begins to work at eight. She works hard. She goes home at four thirty. Then she does the housework. In the evening she sometimes reads books, sometimes watches TV.

1. What time does Miss Brown get up?________________________ 2. How does she go to work? ______________________________ 3. Does Miss Brown go home at half past four? _______________ 4. What does she do in the evening?__________________________

Module1 Unit 1(第三课时)


班级( )姓名( )学号( )


whose mine white weight mess have what play with pen / ei /________ __________ / ai /__________ __________ / e /__________ ________ /w/_________ _________ /h/ __________ _________ 二、选择填空

( ) 1. Excuse me, is this watch________?

A you B.yours C.your

( ) 2. Let’s do ______ homework now.

A. our B.us C.ours

( ) 3. Give _______ some milk.

A. they B. them C. their

( ) 4. --May I borrow your bicycle?– Sorry, this bicycle isn’t___.

A. my B.mine C.me

( ) 5. Put it _______ your bedroom, Peter.

A. in B. on C. under

( ) 6. Tidy ______ your room, Danny. A. on B. in C. up 三、按要求改写句子

1. These storybooks are Danny’s. (划线部分提问) _______ ______ ______storybooks?

2. Those brushes are theirs. (改为单数) ________ _______ is _________.

3. This notebook is mine. (改为同义句) This _______ _______ notebook.

4. Jim’s in his father’s workshop. (一般疑问句) ________ ________ in his father’s workshop?

5. The crayon is hard and smooth. (划线部分提问) ________ ______ the crayon feel?

Module1 Unit 1(第四课时)


班级( )姓名( )学号( )


( )1. / ei/ A. stay B. mess C. eleven ( )2. / ? / A. hammer B.awake C. glasses ( )3. / ? / A. star B.durian C. plum ( )4. /ai/ A. in B.light C. this

( )5. / i:/ A. break B.wheel C. empty 二、用适当词的填空

1. – Whose sweets are these? Are they ______? –Yes, they’re mine. 2. My son reads a book and your son________TV every evening. 3. Our room is on the third floor and yours is on the ______floor. 4. I go home by bicycle. Mary goes home by ________.

5. The box _______ onto the floor. The nails are _____ the floor. 6. The tenth of __________ is Teachers’ Day. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. Ben ______(wash) his face every evening. 2. That cake _______(smell) good. I like it.

3. Ben ________(not like) his pencil case. He ______(like) Kitty’s. 4. Look! The old lady_______(sleep). ______(not make) any noise. 四、选择填空

( ) 1. – May I use ______ car? —Sorry, _______ is not here. A. yours, ours B. your, ours C. yours, our ( ) 2. That pair of gloves _______ my brother’s. A. is B. are C. /

( ) 3. _______likes this bear. It’s ________. A. She, her B. She, hers C. We, ours 五、按要求改写句子

1、They ride their bicycles to the park. (用May改写) May_______ ______ bicycle to the park.

2. These small cherries are hers. (划线部分提问) ________ _______ _______ small cherries?

3. Jim’s father gives him a black stone.(改为现在进行时) Jim’s father _______ ______ him a black stone.

Module1 Unit 2(第一课时)


班级( )姓名( )学号( )


1.又小又白 _______________ 2.一条绿色的毛毛虫 _____________ 3.一个棕色的茧 ____________ 4.一只美丽的蝴蝶 _______________ 5.在笼子里 _______________ 6. 产许多丝 _____________________ II.用所给词的适当形式填空。(mine, your, his, hers, ours, theirs) 1.-Peter, Danny, are these books _______? –No, they are not _______. 2.Eddie’s cushion is inside his bag. That old one is not _______. 3.-Whose Gameboy is this?Is it Alice’s? Yes, it is ______.

4.-Do you have any pears, Children? –Sorry, We don’t have any. These pears are not _______.

5.They don’t like caterpillars. These caterpillars are not ________. III.按要求改写句子:

1. That big kite is mine.(改为同义句)

_________________________________ 2. These red books are theirs.(改为同义句) _________________________________ 3. This is her balloon.(改为同义句)

____________________________________ 4. This long rope is yours.(对画线部分提问)

_________________________________________ 5. Those are his skateboards.(对画线部分提问) ______________________________________ 6. Mine is nice.(对画线部分提问)

______________________________________ 7. that, dog ,black, is, his. (连词成句)


Module1 Unit 2(第二课时)


班级( )姓名( )学号( )


1.Jim’s bird ____ in the cage. But now he can’t find it.(was/ is)

2.It ___ half past two in the afternoon. The pupils ______ in the classroom now. In the morning, they ______ in the park.(were/is/are)

3.My mother _____ a teacher, but now she works in a shop. She _____ a shop assistant.( is/ was) II 选择题

( )1. _______ are brown.

A.Their B. Theirs C. The ( )2.The green bird is _______.

A. Grandma Wang and Grandpa Wang’s B. Grandma Wang’s and Grandpa Wang’s C. Grandma Wang and Grandpa Wang

( )3. The ______ computer room isn’t big, but it’s clean.

A. / B my C. mine

( )4.- Is this ______ chick? – No, it’s _______.

A .his, her B .his, hers C.her, hers

( )5.My mother works at the police station. She’s a _______. A.policeman B.policewman C postman

( )6.These umbrellas are not theirs. Theirs _____ on the wall.

A.is B. were C. are

( )7._______ White works at school. He is a teacher.

A. Miss B. Mrs C. Mr

( ) 8. Look, the cage is _______. The parrot is lost. A. open B. opening C. opens

M1U2Exercise 3

I. 选词填空。(am, is, are, was,were) 1.My sister _____ thin. Now she _____ fat.

2.-Where ___ the boys? I don’t know. They _____ in the library. 3. -____ Mary and May in the playground?

- No, they _____ in the playground. But now they _____ in the teachers’ office.

4.It _____ half past three. The pupils _____playing ball games. 5. Eddie’s blue pen ______on the desk.Now he can’t find it. II.按要求改变句子

1. The butterfly was on the leaf(对划线部分提问) __________________________________________ 2.There were some apples on the table.(改为单数句)

______________________________________________ 3. I want to buy some books. (改为一般疑问句)

____________________________________________ 4. The frog can swim in the pond. (对划线部分提问) ________________________________________________ 5.There was some fish in the fridge (用what 提问)

Module1 Unit 2(第三课时)


班级( )姓名( )学号( )


( ) 1. A parent B. piano C. caterpillar D. have ( ) 2.A. building B. silly C.child D. minute ( )3.A. many B.chick C.letter D.bench ( )4.A.their B.hair C.year D. square 5.( )A. super B.blunt C.jungle D. just


( ) 1.The spaceship _____ into the sky. A. flying B. flew C. jumping ( )2. It was _____ in my room. A. quiet B. quietly C. light

( ) 3.Yesterday I ____ home at five o’clock.

A. to B. went C. went to

( ) 4. The spaceship isn’t yours. It is _____.

A. our B.mine C.her

( )5.- _____ man is your father? The man is white. A. Whose B. Who C. Which

( )6. Today my teacher got a card from the students of ________. A.she B. her C. hes

( )7.________ beautiful butterfly it is.

A. What a B. How C.What

( )8. I know _______ English. But I can’t speak English. A. many B. much C. little

Module1 Unit 2(第四课时)


班级( )姓名( )学号( )

听力部分 一.听录音,选出你听到的单词。

( )1. A.leaf B. left C. leaves ( )2.A. come in B. come into C. coming ( )3.A.chick B. chicken C. chickens ( )4. A. new B. news C. newspaper ( )5.A. June B. July C.juice ( )6.A. on B. off C. of ( )7.A.purple B. brown C.pink 二.听录音,给下列句子编号。

( ) It was a green caterpillar and it could make house. ( )Now the egg’s open. ( )It was a brown cocoon. ( ) Look at this egg.

( )Now it becomes a beautiful butterfly.

( )The green caterpillar comes out. ( ) It was a small white egg.

( )Now the cocoon is in the house. 三.听录音,选出相应的应答句。

( )1.A. Yes, it is Mike’s. B. It is Mike’s. C. Yes, it is mine.

( )2.A. We live in Puxi. B.He lives in Puxi. C. It lives in Puxi.

( )3.A. It was under the bed. B. It is under the bed. C. No, it wasn’t. ( )4.A. October 1st. B. June 1st C.Match 8th

( )5. A. On foot B. By bus C. Take a taxi

四.听短文,判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。 ( )1. Bill and Sue are sisters.

( )2.Bill and Sue are in the same school.

( )3.Bill and Sue can’t buy the rabbit because they have no money. ( )4.Bill and Sue help their father pick apples on Sundays. ( )5.Jack and his mother are poor now.


My pet is a _______. She likes _______. Now it is _______in the cage. It can talk with _____ mouth. It is so lovely. I like it very _________. 笔试部分


kitty is this puppy yours no


二.判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用T不同的用F。 1 .brown grow ( ) 2.cocoon football ( ) 3. hers his ( ) 4.police climb ( ) 5 .high night ( ) 6.story sport ( ) 7. pond only ( ) 8.last always ( ) 9. puppy duckling ( ) 10.easy every ( ) 三.选择填空

( )1.Duck is ______ mother.

A. chick’s B.duckling’s C. caterpiller’s

( )2.It was a brown tadpole. Now it is a _________.

A. green frog B. blue butterfly C. chicken ( )3.This butterfly doesn’t have ____ eggs.

A. any B. a few C.some

( ) 4. _______ it was a small egg it was black. A. What B. When C. Who

( )5. -_______ oranges are these? – Theirs.

A. Who B. Whose C. What

( )6. Frogs can’t live one or two days ______ water. A. not having B. with C. without

( )7.-Where’s Sam? He ______ here at half past six.

-Now he _____ in the police station. A. is ,was B. was, was C. was, is

( )8. Please give _____ a map. A. he B. him C .his 四.用适当的介词填空。

1. – Is there one nose _____ your face? – Yes, there is . 2. The big butterfly is _____ the tree.

3. The students ______Class Three are singing ____ the classroom. 4. I am Linda’s deskmate. So she is sitting _____ me. 5.-What’s that woman _____ purple? –She is a teacher. 6. I like music. I’m good _____ singing.

7. –Where do you have breakfast? - _______ school. 8. I touch and feel _____ my hands.

9. My father doesn’t go to work _______ Saturday and Sunday. 10. Yesterday was the twentieth ______ June. 五.按要求改写句子。

1. My paper butterfly was in the pencil-case.(对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________ 2.That robot is theirs.(改为同义句)

____________________________________________________ 3.This caterpillar is Mingming’s.(对划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________ 4.The ducks were on the river.(改为单数句)

_____________________________________________________ 5. Is that Mr and Mrs Wang’s dog?(改为肯定句)

_______________________________________________ 6. Peter’s , blue, the , red, and , kite, is.(连词成句)

__________________________________________________ 六.阅读理解

(一) 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。

I don’t go to school these days. There is something wrong with my right foot. My mother is a nurse. She makes me better. Today I can stand without helping . The day after tomorrow, our class will go to the Ocean Park. We will take a bus to get there. I believe that I can go with them.

( )1. The holidays are coming , so I don’t go to school. ( )2.There is something wrong with my foot.

( )3.My mother is a nurse. And she can make me better. ( )4. Tomorrow our class will go to the Ocean Park.

( )5. I believe that I can go with my classmates. (二) 阅读短文,回答短文。

Mr White was in London for a holiday. One day he wanted to go to the British Museum, but he didn’t know London well. There was a man near the bus stop. So he went up to him and asked, “Excuse me, how can I get to the British Museum?”

The man didn’t say anything. He took out a small book. He opened it and found something, then he read slowly. “ I am sorry. I can’t speak English.” 1. Who was in London for a holiday?

__________________________________ 2. Did he know London well?

