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学号 2007 ~ 2008 school year, first semester examination papers in subject experimental acupuncture of gy college of TCM 题号 得分 一 二 二 三 三 四 四 五 五 六 六 七 七 总分 Total score 统分人签名 统分人签名 总复核人 second check number 一 score

一、名词解释 (共5题,每题3分,共15分)

一、Phrase Explianations (5 subjects in all ,3 points

得分 评卷人 复核人 each , 15 points totally )

1.实验针灸学 the subject of experimental acupuncture

2 2.经络现象 meridian phenomenon

3 3.耐痛阈 threshold of pain tolerance

4 4.电针镇痛耐受现象 the phenomenon of electro-acupuncture’s tolerance

to analgesic

5 5.经脉穴位与脏腑相关 Meridian and points are associated with organs

得分 评卷人 复核人 二、填空题(共30空,每空0.5分,共15分) Fill in the blanks (a total of 30 blanks, 0.5 point each, a total of 15 points) 系专业年级班级姓名1.针灸的三大作用是 , , 。 The three main functions of acupuncture are

2. 2.循经感传最基本的特征是 。

The most basic features of sequential passage is

第1页 总共8页

3.科研选题有不同的类型,依据研究目的,可将研究课题分为 、 、 三种类型

There are different types of project selection of scientific research ,there can

be 、 、 three types according to research targets.

4.穴位感受刺激的特点是:穴位可感受多种 ;穴位对刺激具有

_ __现象;穴位对刺激的感受有一定的_ _ _。

To stimulate the acupuncture points are characterized by : points can feel a number

of ; points have _ __ phenomenon to stimulation; the feelings points to stimulation have a certain degree of _ _ _.


对象具有_ _ _和__ _,以尽可能地反映__ ___ _____,这就是研究的“重复性”原则。

Objects of study are which factors will act on, in order to have the authenticity of the

conclusion of the study, the study objects should have __ _ _ _ and _, reflect the __ ___ _____as possible, this is a principle of study \

6.每个科研项目一定要有一个 、__ 、_ _ 、 能高度概括整个研究内容。

Each research project should have __, _ _, that can highly summarized the contents of the study.

7.脏腑病理或生理改变的体表反应有__ _、_ _ _、躯干和四肢体表皮肤电学性质变化、 、__ _。

The body surface reaction of Pathological or physiological changes in organs are _ __, _ _ _, , changes of electrical properties on the skin surface of trunk and limbs ,__ _.

8.现代针灸常用研究方法包括_ _ _ 、__ _和_ __。 Modern acupuncture commonly use the research methods _ _ _ ,and _ _ _ 9.感传线上局部__ _,能加快其感传速度。 Local of passage line _ __, can accelerate the speed of its pass.

11.穴位的功能表现为两方面,即 和_ __。

第2页 总共8页

The performance of the functions of acupuncture points includes…

12.穴位病理反应常有以下几种表现形式:__ _、_ 和 __ ___。

Pathological response of acupuncture points are often 得分 评卷人 复核人 expressed…

三、选择题 (共为20分) multiple choice questions

(一)单选题(共10题,每题1分,共10分) Single selections

1.实验针灸学的内容丰富了针灸学的内涵,促进了传统针灸学进一步与现代实验医学的( )

A.经验医学向实验医学 B.医学科学向朴素理论医学 C.实验医学向本能医学 D.朴素理论医学向经验医学

The contents of the experimental acupuncture has enriched the connotation of acupuncture , and promote further ( ) of traditional acupuncture with modern experimental medicine

A. Experience medicine to laboratory medicine B. Scientific medicine to Simple theory of medical science

C. Experimental medicine to instinct medicine D. Simple theory of medicine to the l experience medicine

2.科学实验证明,针灸对机体内环境的整体调衡,具有多系统、多方位、多环节、多水平、多靶点的特点,针灸作用很可能是通过哪种途径实现的( )

A.体液 B.血液 C.淋巴液 D.神经 E.神经体液

Scientific evidence shows that acupuncture’s overall adjustment on the body environment has characteristics of multi-system, multi-directional, multi-link, multi-level, multi-target, the role of acupuncture is likely to achieve through ()

A. body fluid B. blood C. Perilymph D. Neural E. Neurohumoral

3.循经感传路线与古典医籍所描述的经络主干基本相符的部位是( ) A.四肢 B.躯干部 C.头部 D.四肢末端 E.体腔

Sensation on the road by the Medical and classical meridians described in the parts of the backbone of the basic line is ()

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A. Limbs, B. Trunk C. Head D. Limbs, the end of E. Body cavity 4.实验针灸学与传统针灸学的关系是( )

A.各自独立的理论体系 B.紧密联系、相互渗透、相辅相成

C.两者均是 D.两者均不是

The relationship between experimental acupuncture and traditional acupuncture is () A. The separate theoretical system B. Close contact, mutual penetration, complementary C. Both D. None 5.科研选题的原则( )

A.需求性、先进性、科学性、可行性 B.需求性、创新性、科学性、可行性 C.需求性、先进性、科学性、严谨性 D.科学性、推测性、系统性、可验证性 The principle of scientific research topic( )

A. Demand, advanced, scientific, feasibility B. Demand, creativity, science, feasibility C. Demand, advanced, scientific, rigorous D. Scientific, speculative, systematic, verifiable

6.针灸科研过程中,目的在于克服对照组病人由于心理因素所造成的偏倚,这种空白对照的特殊性类型是( )

A.自身对照 B.标准对照 C.安慰对照 D.空白对照 E.配对对照 During the process of acupuncture research, in order to overcome the bias of the control group of patients caused by psychological factors, the special type is ()

A. Self-control B.Standard control C. Comfort control D. Blank Control E. Matching control

7.下列哪项不是实验效应指标的特点( )

A.客观性 B.精确性 C.灵敏性 D.特异性 E.重复性

Which of the following indicators are not the characteristics of the experimental effect () A. Objectivity B. C. Accuracy D. Sensitivity Specific E. Repeatability 8.下列哪种方法可以改变循经感传方向( )

A.加强电针刺激强度 B.加大艾灸量 C.点刺井穴出血 D.机械压迫经脉线 E.经脉线局部加温

Which of the following methods can be changed by a sense of mass on the direction ()

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A. Electro-acupuncture stimulation to enhance the strength B. Moxibustion to increase the volume of C. Well prick hole bleeding

D. Machinery of oppression Meridian Line E. Meridian Line local heating 9.以麻感为主的电针感冲动由下列哪类为主的粗纤维传入( ) A.I类 B.Ⅱ类 C.Ⅲ类 D.B类 E.C类

Electro-acupuncture impulses ,mainly refers to a sense of ,are passed by the following types of imported crude fiber ()

A. Class I B. Class Ⅱ C.. Class ⅢD B-type E. Class C 10.下列哪项不能阻滞循经感传( )

A.局部机械压迫 B.局部注射生理盐水 C.局部加温

D.局部注射受体阻断剂 E.局部注射盐酸普鲁卡因 Which of the following can not block the sequential passage ()

A. Local mechanical oppression B.. Local injection of normal saline C Local heating D. Local injection of receptor antagonist E. Local injection of procaine hydrochloride (二)多选题(共5题,每题2分,共10分)multiple selections

1.实验效应是研究因素作用于研究对象所呈现的结局,主要效应指标具有以下特征( )

A.关联性 B.客观性 C.精确性 D.灵敏性 E.特异性 F.多样性

The experiment effect is to examine the presented outcome of factors on objects, the main effect indicators have the following characteristics ()

A. Relevance B.Objectivity C. Accuracy D. Sensitivity E.Specificity F. Diversity

2.循经感传的速度常受各种因素的影响,其中哪些因素影响较大( ) A.刺激穴位的方法 B.受试者的体位 C.刺激强度

D.室内及局部温度 E.受试者的心态

The speed of sequential passage is often affected by various factors, especially by () A.. The method of stimulating acupuncture points B position of the Subjects C. Stimulus intensity

第5页 总共8页

