
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:51:37 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Band 5:

The graph shows similarities between the birth rates of China and the USA from 1920 to 2000. Band 6:

The graph provided reveals some surprising similarities between the Chinese and US birth rates during the period from 1920 to 2000.

Band 5:

Clearly, the birth rates of both countries fluctuated dramatically, with lows in the 1940s and highs in the 1950s. Band 6:

It is evident that the fertility rates of both nations fluctuated considerably, with lows during the 1940s and highs during the 1950s.

Band 5:

These two figures are about crime in Britain. Band 6:

The two figures given concern criminality in Britain. Band 7:

Given are two figures concerning criminality in Britain


1. 词类记忆法

2. 情景记忆法 最为常见的方法

3. 构词记忆法------记忆长单词最有效的方法 4. 同义记忆法 5. 反义记忆法

6. 联想记忆法 kangaroo 7. 谐音记忆法 最有趣的方法 8. 群组记忆法 9. 比较记忆法

10. 重复记忆法※ (没有它,以上方法全是白扯)


1. 听力:单词量大,在第三、第四部分常因为单词导致听不懂 2. 口语:想上六分要熟练运用至少高中单词量(Can you?) 3. 阅读:单词量极大 4. 写作:词汇丰富性

1. decoration n.

词类记忆法:decorate vt.

2. transport n. 运输工具, 运输 public transport 公共交通;公共交通工具,公交车辆 transportation n. 运送, 运输

情景记忆法:The transportation of goods by air costs a lot.


构词记忆法:port-carry: portable, porter, export, import, purport, report, support, passport

Trans-across, through: transaction, transfer, transform, transformation, translate, translation, transmit, transmission 3. lecture n.

词类记忆法:lecturer n.

情景记忆法:I take it as a pleasure to attend your lecture. 构词记忆法:-lect-( gather ): collect, collection, (choose): elect, select

(read): intellectual, neglect, recollect, recollection 4. departmental a. 部门的 构词记忆法: De-: apart(=dis-) -part-: 部分,分开

部分:Apartment(flat), compartment, partial, participate, participant, participation, particle,

particular, partner, counterpart 分开:depart, departure 情景记忆法:

The WZCS estimates that there are about 10,000 zoos in the world, of which around 1000 represent a core of quality(adj. collection capable of participating in coordinated conservation programmes.

Some may choose entrepreneurship(企业家身份) because it allows them a degree of independence, is less exploitative than many forms of paid employment, and is flexible enough to allow them to participate in other activities such as education and domestic tasks. 5. 谐音记忆法: essay n. “我说”

badge n. “摆着” (徽章)

tremendous a. “吹人都死” (极大的,巨大的) panic n. “pa”为“怕你”音 abandon vt. “一个笨蛋”

bonus: bon (“包“之音) us-我们:包上给我们-奖金,红利 (谐音+联想记忆法) bachelor “白扯了”-单身汉,学士 economy (俞敏洪)依靠农民 chill “吃了” (寒冷,打战) confine “看犯人” (vt. 限制) curse “克死” (诅咒,咒骂) dig “地沟”(挖)

din “叮叮” (n. 嘈杂声)

dawn “当当” –联想:更夫敲梆子-(黎明) dread “惴惴(不安)” –害怕 famine “(要)饭的民” (饥荒) pant “胖的” (vi. 气喘,心跳) flavor “风味”

gangster “干死他” (歹徒,暴徒) genius “真牛死”


lace “勒死”

mansion “门神” (大厦) naughty “闹腾” (淘气) pale “怕了”

parley “巴黎(会谈)” (vi. 与某人谈判) paw “刨”

porridge “泡水吃”

robust “乐百氏” (健壮的)

scatter “散开它” (分散,驱散) slit “撕裂它” (切开,撕开) stroll “四周(转一转)” (散步) toss “投” (扔,抛,掷) weep “呜呜(哭)” (哭) nausea “闹心” (作呕,恶心)

ponderous “胖得要死” (沉重的,笨重的) rant vi. “嚷嚷” (怒吼)

shun vt. “闪” (躲避,闪避) sue vt. “诉”(起诉)

tentative a. “探探底” (试探性的) spore n. “孢” (孢子)

lobster n. “老不死的”(龙虾) pest n. “拍死它” (害虫) vacation “我开心” (假期) attorney “偶托你” (律师) pajamas “趴着没事” suburb “傻伯伯” ambition “俺必胜” ambulance “俺不能死”

pigsty “猪+呆” –“猪呆的地方”猪圈 seduce “se-色” duce-lead cant n. “can’t” (隐语,术语)

asthma “阿诗玛有哮喘” (哮喘) 6. document n. documentary n. 纪录片 构词记忆法:Doc-:teach docile, doctor 7. fossil n.

“发(化,南方人化发不分)石” (谐音记忆法) 情景记忆法:The fossils may be a million years old. 8. advertisement n. advertiser n. advertise vt. 构词记忆法: Ad-: to

-vert-(turn): extrovert, introvert 9. astronomy n. 构词记忆法:

Astro-: star (astrology,Astroboy)


-nom-: name (nominate vt.)

10. topic n. “top” 是在上面、总体性的东西---主题(联想记忆法) 11. curly a. “c” 像卷曲的样子 (联想记忆法)---卷曲的

12. slim a. “s”(s 型身材), “l”(瘦瘦的感觉) (联想记忆法) Cf. slender苗条的; 修长的

情景记忆法:Everybody of us admired her slender figure. 13. event n.

情景记忆法:Next day the newspapers reported the event. 构词记忆法: e-: out

-vent-(come): eventful, eventual, eventually, invent, invention, inventor, prevent, prevention,

preventive, intervention, vent (wind): ventilation 14. terminal n. 构词记忆法:

-termin-(boundary): terminate, termination, terminator, terminology, determine, exterminate, extermination 15. literature n. literary a. 构词记忆法:

Liter-(word): literate a.& n. illiterate a.& n., literal a. 16. monopoly n. monopolize vt. 构词记忆法:

Mono-(single, sole, alone): monocracy (cf. democracy), monogamy, monotonous, monotony -pol-: sell

情景记忆法:His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established. 17. essential a.

词类记忆法:Essence n.

情景记忆法:In the above chapter, we have learned what the essence of translation is.

A more complete explanation of “what went wrong” necessarily must consider the essence of what an organization actually is and that one of the financial inputs, the most important and often the most expensive, is people.

同义记忆法:central ,important, vital, significant, of great importance, of great significance 18. quality n. 质量 a. 上等品质的

情景记忆法:bring quality people to her wedding 词类记忆法:qualify vt. Be qualified for

qualification n.

19. emergency n. emergent a.

比较记忆法:Cf. emergence n. emerge vi. 20. biology n. 构词记忆法:

Bio-(life): biochemistry, biography, autobiography, microbiography 21. precious a.

构词记忆法:-prec-(value): appreciate, depreciate 情景记忆法:He has sent me most precious gifts.


Edgar and Glezer found that close to 90 percent of both husbands and wives agreed that the man should share equally in child care.

Doctors should meet the needs of different types of patients or customers and provide first-rate service to them.

22. assessment n. assess vt. 构词记忆法: As-ad-: to

-sess-(sit): obsess vt. Obsession n. Posess vt. Possession n. 比较记忆法:Cf. evaluation n. evaluate vt. Estimation n. estimate vt. 23. resource cf. source, origin, root (比较记忆法)

origin n. Many words in the English language are French in origin. 联想记忆法:origin 拼写似begin, 而二者意思相似

其他联想记忆法的例子:usher vt. “她(领着)我们” (引领) Astray ad. (a strange way) 迷路 词类记忆法:Originate vi. Origination n. original a. 情景记忆法:His book originated from a short story. 24. antibiotics n. 构词记忆法:

Anti-(against): antagonist (ant-=anti-, agony: great pain, -ist: person) 同义记忆法:adversary, opponent -bio-: life

25. accommodation n. 住处(尤指仅供短期使用的) 词类记忆法:accommodate vt.

情景记忆法:They provided comfortable accommodations for visitors. 比较记忆法:Cf. Residence n. 住处; 住宅; 公馆

26. identification n. 鉴定, 验明, 认出The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives. 词类记忆法:Identify vt. 鉴别,发现,认出 Identity n. 身份;个性, 特性 Identical a. 同样的,同一的

27. entertainment n. entertain vt. entertainer n. 情景记忆法:This is an interesting entertainment. 构词记忆法: Enter-: in

-tain-(hold, keep): contain, container, detain, maintain, obtain, sustain, sustainable, sustainment Curtain, certain 可持续发展: 28. carbon dioxide

比较记忆法:Cf. carbon monoxide 构词记忆法:

di-(double, twice): dilemma(-lemma-: assumption), diploma (-ploma-: folded)(两张对折的纸) 29. irrigation n. irrigate vt.

比较记忆法:Cf. irritation n. irritate vt.


