地大机械原理大作业 - 图文

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3-28 试用矩阵法对题3-15所示机构进行运动分析,写出C点的位置、速度及加速度方程。已知:L6=70mm,L1=40mm,L4'=60mm,L4=35mm,L3=75mm,L2=50mm,原动件以等角速度w1=10rad/s回转。试以图解法求在δ 1=50°时C点的速度Vc和加速度ac。


由封闭形ABCDEA与AEFA有: L1+L2=L6+L3+L4 L’1=L6+L’4

即L2-L3-L4=-L1+L6 -L’4+L’1=L6

(1) 位置方程

L2cos δ2 ??-L3cos δ3-L4cos( δ 4+180°)=-L1cos( δ 1+180°)+L6 L2sin δ 2-L3sin δ 3-L4sin( δ 4+180°)=-L1sin(φ1+180°)

-L’4cosδ4+ L’1cosφ1=L6 - L’4sinδ4+ L’1sinφ1=0



Yc= L1sin(φ1+180°) +L2 sinδ



-L2sinδ2 L3sinδ3 L4cos(δ4+180°) 0 w2 L2cosδ2 -L3cosδ3 -L4cos(δ4+180°) 0 w3

0 0 L’4sinδ4 cosφ1 w4 = 0 0 -L’4cosδ4 sinφ1 L’1

L1sin(φ1+180°) Vcx= -L1w1sin(φ1+180°)-w2 L2sinδ2 -L1cos(φ1+180°) L’1 sinφ1 -L’1cosφ1

Vcy=Lw2cos(φ1+180°)+ w2 L2cosδ2

(3)加速度方程 -L2sinδ2 L3sinδ3 - L4sinδ4 0 a2 L2cosδ2 -L3cosδ3 L4cosδ4 0 a3 0 0 L’4sinδ4 cosφ1 a4 0 0 -L’4cosδ4 sinφ1 L1’’

- w2 L2cosδ2 w3 L3cosδ3 -w4L4cosδ4 0

= _ -w2 L2sinδ2 - w3 L3sinδ3 -w4L4sinδ4 0 0 0 w4L’4cosδ4 -w1sinφ1 0 0 w4L’4sinδ4 -w1cosφ1

w2 w1L1cosφ1

w3 w1 L1 sinφ1 w4 + w1 w1 L1’ cosφ1+v sinφ1 L1’ w1L1’ sinφ1+v cosφ1

acx= w12L1cosφ1 - w22 L2cosδ - a2L2sinδ2

acy= w12L1 sinφ1 - w22 L2 sinδ2 +a2 L2cosδ2

根据位置方程式编制如下rrrposi.m函数: function y=rrrposi(x)



%script used to implement Newton-Raphson mechod for %solving nonlinear position of RRR bar group %

%Input parameters %x(1)=theta-1

%x(2)=theta-2 guess value %x(3)=theta-3 guess value %x(4)=theta-4 guess value %x(5)=l1 %x(6)=l2 %x(7)=l3 %x(8)=l4 %x(9)=l6

%x(10)=lA guess value %x(11)=lB %

%Output parameters %


%y(2)=theta-2 %y(3)=theta-3 %y(4)=theta-4 %

theta2=x(2); theta3=x(3); theta4=x(4); lA=x(10) %

epsilon=1.0E-6; %



x(6)*sin(theta2)-x(7)*sin(theta3)-x(8)*sin(theta4+pi)+... x(5)*sin(x(1)+pi);

-x(11)*cos(theta4)+lA*cos(x(1))-x(9); -x(11)*sin(theta4)+lA*sin(x(1))]; %

while norm(f)>epsilon

J=[0 -x(6)*sin(theta2) x(7)*sin(theta3) -x(8)*sin(theta4);

0 x(6)*cos(theta2) -x(7)*cos(theta3)



cos(x(1)) 0 0 x(11)*sin(theta4); sin(x(1)) 0 0 -x(11)*cos(theta4)]; dth=inv(J)*(-1.0*f); lA=lA+dth(1);

theta2=theta2+dth(2); theta3=theta3+dth(3); theta4=theta4+dth(4);



x(6)*sin(theta2)-x(7)*sin(theta3)-x(8)*sin(theta4+pi)+... x(5)*sin(x(1)+pi);

-x(11)*cos(theta4)+lA*cos(x(1))-x(9); -x(11)*sin(theta4)+lA*sin(x(1))]; norm(f); end;


y(2)=theta2; y(3)=theta3; y(4)=theta4;

再进行数据输入,运行程序进行运算。这里我们根据上面分析的δ1 的极限位置取δ1 的范围为40°~55°并均分成15个元素: clc clear

x1=linspace(40*pi/180,55*pi/180,15); x=zeros(length(x1),11); for n=1:15

x(n,:)=[x1(:,n) pi/6 8*pi/9 2*pi/3 40 50 75 35 70 75 60]; end

p=zeros(length(x1),4); for k=1:15

y= rrrposi(x(k,:)); p(k,:)=y; end >> p

p =

93.3149 0.7163 2.5455 1.5461 91.3071 0.7045 2.5617 1.5902 89.2387 0.6929 2.5786 1.6347 87.1076 0.6815 2.5963 1.6796


84.9113 0.6703 2.6147 1.7250 82.6463 0.6592 2.6339 1.7709 80.3086 0.6482 2.6539 1.8174 77.8931 0.6372 2.6747 1.8646 75.3930 0.6263 2.6965 1.9126 72.7998 0.6154 2.7192 1.9616 70.1019 0.6043 2.7431 2.0118 67.2833 0.5930 2.7683 2.0635 64.3217 0.5812 2.7950 2.1169 61.1835 0.5687 2.8237 2.1728 57.8153 0.5551 2.8549 2.2319

输出的P、矩阵的第二列到第四列分别是δ2 、δ3 、δ4 的值,第一列是AF杆的长度L1’。


根据速度方程式编写如下rrrvel.m函数: function y=rrrvel(x) %

%Input parameters %

%x(1)=theta-1 %x(2)=theta-2 %x(3)=theta-3 %x(4)=theta-4 %x(5)=dtheta-1 %x(6)=l1 %x(7)=l2 %x(8)=l3 %x(9)=l4 %x(10)=l6 %x(11)=lA %x(12)=lB %

%Outout parameters %


%y(2)=dtheta-2 %y(3)=dtheta-3 %y(4)=dtheta-4 %

A=[-x(7)*sin(x(2)) x(8)*sin(x(3)) x(9)*sin(pi+x(4)) 0; x(7)*cos(x(2)) -x(8)*cos(x(3)) -x(9)*cos(x(4)+pi) 0; 0 0 x(12)*sin(x(4)) cos(x(1)); 0 0 -x(12)*cos(x(4)) sin(x(1))];


B=[x(6)*sin(x(1)+pi);-x(6)*cos(x(1)+pi);x(11)*sin(x(1));-x(11)*cos(x(1))]*x(5); y=inv(A)*B;

根据第一步得到的数据进行数据输入,运行程序计算各速度值。程序如下: x2=[x1' p(:,2) p(:,3) p(:,4) 10*ones(15,1) 40*ones(15,1) 50*ones(15,1)... 75*ones(15,1) 35*ones(15,1) 70*ones(15,1) p(:,1) 60*ones(15,1)]; q=zeros(4,15); for m=1:15

y2=rrrvel(x2(m,:)); q(:,m)=y2; end q q =

1.0e+003 *

Columns 1 through 8

-0.0064 -0.0062 -0.0061 -0.0061 -0.0060 -0.0059 -0.0059 -0.0058 0.0085 0.0089 0.0092 0.0096 0.0101 0.0105 0.0109 0.0114 0.0235 0.0237 0.0239 0.0241 0.0244 0.0247 0.0250 0.0255

-1.0578 -1.0897 -1.1226 -1.1568 -1.1926 -1.2302 -1.2704 -1.3137

Columns 9 through 15

-0.0058 -0.0059 -0.0060 -0.0062 -0.0065 -0.0069 -0.0078 0.0119 0.0125 0.0131 0.0139 0.0148 0.0159 0.0175 0.0259 0.0265 0.0272 0.0281 0.0292 0.0306 0.0327 -1.3610 -1.4136 -1.4734 -1.5431 -1.6273 -1.7337 -1.8767 程序运行得到q矩阵,第一行到第三行分别是a2、a3、a4 的值,第四行是杆AF上滑块运动的速度,即F点的速度。

第三步进行加速度计算: 编写加速度计算函数rrra.m: function y=rrra(x) %

%Input parameters %

%x(1)=th1 %x(2)=th2 %x(3)=th3 %x(4)=th4


%x(5)=dth1 %x(6)=dth2 %x(7)=dth3 %x(8)=dth4 %x(9)=r1 %x(11)=r3 %x(12)=r4 %x(13)=r6 %x(14)=lA %x(15)=lB %x(16)=V %

%y(1)=ddth2 %y(2)=ddth3 %y(3)=ddth4 %y(4)=a %

A=[-x(10)*sin(x(2)) x(11)*sin(x(3)) -x(14)*sin(x(4)) 0; x(10)*cos(x(2)) -x(11)*cos(x(3)) x(14)*cos(x(4)) 0; 0 0 x(15)*sin(x(4)) cos(x(1)); 0 0 -x(15)*cos(x(4)) sin(x(1))];

B=[-x(10)*x(6)*cos(x(2)) x(11)*x(7)*cos(x(3)) -x(12)*x(8)*cos(x(4)) 0;

-x(10)*x(6)*sin(x(2)) -x(11)*x(7)*sin(x(3)) -x(12)*x(8)*sin(x(4)) 0;

0 0 x(15)*x(8)*cos(x(4)) -x(5)*sin(x(1)); 0 0 x(15)*x(8)*sin(x(4)) x(5)*cos(x(1))]; C=[x(6);x(7);x(8);x(16)];



根据第一步和第二步输入数据,运行程序得到各加速度的值: x3=[x1' p(:,2) p(:,3) p(:,4) 10*ones(15,1) q(1,:)' q(2,:)' q(3,:)' ...

40*ones(15,1) 50*ones(15,1) 75*ones(15,1) 35*ones(15,1) 70*ones(15,1) p(:,1) ... 60*ones(15,1) q(4,:)'];

f=zeros(4,15); for m=1:15

y3=rrra(x3(m,:)); f(:,m)=y3; end >> f


f =

1.0e+005 *

Columns 1 through 8

-0.0038 -0.0040 -0.0042 -0.0044 -0.0047 -0.0050 -0.0054 -0.0058 0.0060 0.0064 0.0068 0.0072 0.0077 0.0083 0.0089 0.0097 0.0033 0.0036 0.0039 0.0042 0.0046 0.0050 0.0056 0.0062 -0.3601 -0.3723 -0.3866 -0.4033 -0.4231 -0.4468 -0.4755 -0.5107

Columns 9 through 15

-0.0064 -0.0071 -0.0081 -0.0094 -0.0112 -0.0139 -0.0185 0.0106 0.0117 0.0131 0.0150 0.0176 0.0214 0.0276 0.0070 0.0080 0.0093 0.0110 0.0134 0.0171 0.0231 -0.5548 -0.6111 -0.6851 -0.7857 -0.9290 -1.1462 -1.5071

接下来计算C点在δ 1 =55°,w1 =10rad/s时的速度,加速度:




ay=100*40*cos(50)-q(1,10)^2*50*cos(p(10,2))-f(1,10)*50*sin(p(10,2)); 输出结果:

Vx= -230.2208;Vy=-231.1533;

表1 各构件的位置、速度和加速度

θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 L1’ W2 mm W3 W4 V mm/s x10^3 a2 a2 a2 al mm/s^2 x10^5 rad rad/s rad/s^2 x10^3 9

0.6981 0.7168 0.7355 0.7542 0.7729 0.7916 0.8103 0.8290 0.8477 0.8664 0.8851 0.9038 0.9225 0.9412 0.9599 0.7163 0.7045 0.6929 0.6815 0.6703 0.6592 0.6482 0.6372 0.6263 0.6154 0.6043 0.5930 0.5812 0.5687 0.5551 2.5455 2.5617 2.5786 2.5963 2.6147 2.6339 2.6539 2.6747 2.6965 2.7192 2.7431 2.7683 2.7950 2.8237 2.8549 1.5461 1.5902 1.6347 1.6796 1.7250 1.7709 1.8174 1.8646 1.9126 1.9616 2.0118 2.0635 2.1169 2.1728 2.2319 93.3149 91.3071 89.2387 87.1076 84.9113 82.6463 80.3086 77.8931 75.3930 72.7998 70.1019 67.2833 64.3217 61.1835 57.8153 -6.3578 -6.2487 -6.1469 -6.0541 -5.9726 -5.9054 -5.8561 -5.8299 -5.8340 -5.8786 -5.9789 -6.1587 -6.4572 -6.9440 -7.7555 8.4725 8.8575 9.2469 9.6433 10.0502 10.4720 10.9145 11.3856 11.8957 12.4601 13.1005 13.8507 14.7646 15.9364 17.5470 23.5099 23.6948 23.9018 24.1350 24.3994 24.7013 25.0491 25.4538 25.9305 26.5003 27.1937 28.0569 29.1637 30.6408 32.7288 -1.0578 -1.0897 -1.1226 -1.1568 -1.1926 -1.2302 -1.2704 -1.3137 -1.3610 -1.4136 -1.4734 -1.5431 -1.6273 -1.7337 -1.8767 -0.3790 -0.3960 -0.4156 -0.4386 -0.4656 -0.4976 -0.5361 -0.5829 -0.6409 -0.7144 -0.8099 -0.9386 -1.1206 -1.3948 -1.8491 0.6037 0.6395 0.6788 0.7225 0.7715 0.8274 0.8919 0.9677 1.0587 1.1707 1.3128 1.4999 1.7586 2.1406 2.7600 0.3334 0.3590 0.3879 0.4210 0.4592 0.5038 0.5567 0.6205 0.6989 0.7976 0.9255 1.0976 1.3402 1.7052 2.3084 -0.3601 -0.3723 -0.3866 -0.4033 -0.4231 -0.4468 -0.4755 -0.5107 -0.5548 -0.6111 -0.6851 -0.7857 -0.9290 -1.1462 -1.5071 接下来输出图像: 角位置图像,程序如下

plot(x1,p(:,2),'--',x1,p(:,3),':',x1,p(:,4),'*') title('角位置');


ylabel('\\theta2、\\theta3、\\theta4/rad'); 输出图像如图:


AF长度图像,程序如下: plot(x1,p(:,1))

xlabel('\\theta1/rad'); ylabel('L1''/mm'); 输出图像如下:


plot(x1,q(1,:),'--',x1,q(2,:),':',x1,q(3,:),'*') xlabel('W1 rad/s');

ylabel('W2、W3、W4 rad/S');



F点速度: plot(x1,q(4,:)) xlabel('W1 rad/s'); ylabel('V mm/s'); title('F点速度');


plot(x1,f(1,:),'--',x1,f(2,:),':',x1,f(3,:),'*') xlabel('W1 rad/s');


ylabel('\\alpha2、\\alpha3、\\alpha4 rad/S^2'); title('角加速度');

F点的加速度:plot(x1,f(4,:)) xlabel('W1 rad/s'); ylabel('a mm/s^2'); title('F点的加速度');



4-23 在图示的正弦机构中,已知lAB =100 mm,h1=120 mm,h2 =80 mm,W1 =10 rad/s(常

数),滑块2和构件3的重量分别为 G2 =40 N和 G3 =100 N,质心S2 和S3 的位置如图所示,加于构件3上的生产阻力Fr=400 N,构件1的重力和惯性力略去不计。试用解析法求机构在Φ1=60°、150°、220°位置时各运动副反力和需加于构件1上的平衡力偶Mb 。






(1)滑块2:VS2 =LAB W1 ① as2 = LAB W12 ② 构件3:S=LAB sinΦ1 ③


V3 =LABW1 COSΦ1 ④ a3 =-LABW12 sinΦ1 ⑤ (2)确定惯性力:F12=m2as2=(G2/g)LABW12 ⑥ F13=m3a3=(G3/g)LABW12sinΦ1 ⑦

(3)各构件的平衡方程: 构件3:∑Fy=0,FR23 =Fr-F13 ∑Fx=0,FR4’=FR4

∑MS3 =0,FR4=FR23LA cosΦ1/h2 构件2:∑Fx=0,FR12x=F12cosΦ1

∑Fy=0,FR12y=FR32-F12sinΦ1 构件1: ∑Fx=0,FR41x=FR12x ∑Fy=0,FR41y=FR12y ∑MA =0,Mb =FR32LABcosΦ1 总共有八个方程,八个未知数。 归纳出一元八次方程矩阵:

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FR23 Fr-F13 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 FR4’ 0 -LABCOSΦ1/h2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 FR4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 FR12x = F12cosΦ1 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 FR12y -F12 sinΦ1 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 FR41x 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 FR41y 0 -LABCOSΦ1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Mb 0




首先编写函数F用于实现上述运算功能: function y=F(x) %

%input parameters %

%x(1)=lAB %x(2)=h1 %x(3)=h2 %x(4)=W1 %x(5)=G2 %x(6)=G3 %x(7)=Fr

%x(8)=theta1 %

%output parameters



%y(1)=FR23 %y(2)=FR4' %y(3)=FR4 %y(4)=FR12x %y(5)=FR12y %y(6)=FR41x %y(7)=FR41y %y(8)=Mb %

A=[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0;

-x(1)*cos(x(8))/x(3) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0; -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0;

-x(1)*cos(x(8)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1];



接下来运行程序计算Φ1=60°的各未知量值: lAB=0.1; h1=0.120; h2=0.08; W1=10; G2=40; G3=100; Fr=400;


x=[lAB h1 h2 W1 G2 G3 Fr th1]; y=F(x) y =

313.3975 195.8734 195.8734 20.0000 278.7564 20.0000 278.7564



得到:Φ1=60°时FR23=FR32=313.3975 N;FR4=FR4’=195.8734 N;FR12x=20.0000 N;FR12y=278.7564 N;FR41x=20.0000 N;FR41y=278.7564 N;Mb=15.6699 N*m。

运行程序计算Φ1=150°的各未知量值: >> th1=150*pi/180;

>> x=[lAB h1 h2 W1 G2 G3 Fr th1]; >> y=F(x) y =

350.0000 -378.8861 -378.8861 -34.6410 330.0000 -34.6410 330.0000 -30.3109

得到:Φ1=150°时FR23=FR32=350.0000 N;FR4=FR4’=-378.8861 N;FR12x=-34.6410 N;FR12y=330.0000 N;FR41x=-34.6410 N;FR41y=330.0000 N;Mb=-30.3109 N*m。

运行程序计算Φ1=220°的各未知量值: >> th1=220*pi/180;

>> x=[lAB h1 h2 W1 G2 G3 Fr th1]; >> y=F(x) y =

464.2788 -444.5727 -444.5727 -30.6418 489.9903 -30.6418 489.9903 -35.5658

得到:Φ1=220°时FR23=FR32=464.2788 N;FR4=FR4’=-444.5727 N;FR12x=-30.6418 N;FR12y=489.9903 N ;FR41x=-30.6418 N;FR41y=489.9903 N;Mb=-35.5658 N*m。

接下来取Φ1=0~360°范围分析其受力: h1=0.120; h2=0.08; W1=10; G2=40; G3=100; Fr=400;


th1=linspace(0,2*pi,36); x=zeros(length(th1),8); for n=1:36

x(n,:)=[lAB h1 h2 W1 G2 G3 Fr th1(n)]; end

p=zeros(8,length(th1)); for k=1:36

p(:,k)=F(x(k,:)); end >> p p =

Columns 1 through 8

400.0000 382.1443 364.8625 348.7101 334.2061 321.8169 311.9404 304.8943 500.0000 470.0039 426.9963 374.1872 314.6014 250.8119 184.7735 117.7719 500.0000 470.0039 426.9963 374.1872 314.6014 250.8119 184.7735 117.7719 40.0000 39.3572 37.4494 34.3380 30.1229 24.9396 18.9547 12.3607 400.0000 375.0020 350.8075 328.1941 307.8886 290.5436 276.7166 266.8521 40.0000 39.3572 37.4494 34.3380 30.1229 24.9396 18.9547 12.3607 400.0000 375.0020 350.8075 328.1941 307.8886 290.5436 276.7166 266.8521 40.0000 37.6003 34.1597 29.9350 25.1681 20.0650 14.7819 9.4218

Columns 9 through 16

300.9050 300.1007 302.5072 308.0472 316.5427 327.7205 341.2215 356.6116 50.4893 -16.8300 -84.1427 -151.3378 -217.9780 -283.0943 -345.0675 -401.6200 50.4893 -16.8300 -84.1427 -151.3378 -217.9780 -283.0943 -345.0675 -401.6200 5.3693 -1.7946 -8.9008 -15.7210 -22.0359 -27.6425 -32.3607 -36.0388

261.2670 260.1410 263.5101 271.2661 283.1597 298.8087 317.7101 339.2563 5.3693 -1.7946 -8.9008 -15.7210 -22.0359 -27.6425 -32.3607 -36.0388

261.2670 260.1410 263.5101 271.2661 283.1597 298.8087 317.7101 339.2563 4.0391 -1.3464 -6.7314 -12.1070 -17.4382 -22.6475 -27.6054 -32.1296

Columns 17 through 24

373.3963 391.0361 408.9639 426.6037 443.3884 458.7785 472.2795 483.4573 -449.9252 -486.8273 -509.1470 -514.0376 -499.3489 -463.9495 -407.9684 -332.9190 -449.9252 -486.8273 -509.1470 -514.0376 -499.3489 -463.9495 -407.9684 -332.9190 -38.5585 -39.8390 -39.8390 -38.5585 -36.0388 -32.3607 -27.6425 -22.0359 362.7548 387.4505 412.5495 437.2452 460.7437 482.2899 501.1913 516.8403 -38.5585 -39.8390 -39.8390 -38.5585 -36.0388 -32.3607 -27.6425 -22.0359 362.7548 387.4505 412.5495 437.2452 460.7437 482.2899 501.1913 516.8403 -35.9940 -38.9462 -40.7318 -41.1230 -39.9479 -37.1160 -32.6375 -26.6335

Columns 25 through 32

491.9528 497.4928 499.8993 499.0950 495.1057 488.0596 478.1831 465.7939


-241.6872 -138.3782 -28.0349 83.7439 191.2451 289.0952 372.6779 438.4701 -241.6872 -138.3782 -28.0349 83.7439 191.2451 289.0952 372.6779 438.4701 -15.7210 -8.9008 -1.7946 5.3693 12.3607 18.9547 24.9396 30.1229 528.7339 536.4899 539.8590 538.7330 533.1479 523.2834 509.4564 492.1114 -15.7210 -8.9008 -1.7946 5.3693 12.3607 18.9547 24.9396 30.1229 528.7339 536.4899 539.8590 538.7330 533.1479 523.2834 509.4564 492.1114 -19.3350 -11.0703 -2.2428 6.6995 15.2996 23.1276 29.8142 35.0776

Columns 33 through 36

451.2899 435.1375 417.8557 400.0000 484.2616 509.2386 513.9257 500.0000 484.2616 509.2386 513.9257 500.0000 34.3380 37.4494 39.3572 40.0000 471.8059 449.1925 424.9980 400.0000 34.3380 37.4494 39.3572 40.0000 471.8059 449.1925 424.9980 400.0000 38.7409 40.7391 41.1141 40.0000


表一 Φ1 FR23/FR32 FR4 FR4’ FR12X FR12Y FR41X FR41Y Mb rad N N N N N N N N*m 20

0 0.1795 0.3590 0.5386 0.7181 0.8976 1.0771 1.2566 1.4362 1.6157 1.7952 1.9747 2.1542 2.3338 2.5133 2.6928 2.8723 3.0518 3.2314 3.4109 3.5904 3.7699 3.9494 4.1290 4.3085 4.4880 4.6675 4.8470 5.0265 5.2061 5.3856 5.5651 5.7446 5.9241 6.1037 6.2832 400.0000 382.1443 364.8625 348.7101 334.2061 321.8169 311.9404 304.8943 300.9050 300.1007 302.5072 308.0472 316.5427 327.7205 341.2215 356.6116 373.3963 391.0361 408.9639 426.6037 443.3884 458.7785 472.2795 483.4573 491.9528 497.4928 499.8993 499.0950 495.1057 488.0596 478.1831 465.7939 451.2899 435.1375 417.8557 400.0000 500.0000 470.0039 426.9963 374.1872 314.6014 250.8119 184.7735 117.7719 50.4893 -16.8300 -84.1427 -151.3378 -217.9780 -283.0943 -345.0675 -401.6200 -449.9252 -486.8273 -509.1470 -514.0376 -499.3489 -463.9495 -407.9684 -332.9190 -241.6872 -138.3782 -28.0349 83.7439 191.2451 289.0952 372.6779 438.4701 484.2616 509.2386 513.9257 500.0000 500.0000 470.0039 426.9963 374.1872 314.6014 250.8119 184.7735 117.7719 50.4893 -16.8300 -84.1427 -151.3378 -217.9780 -283.0943 -345.0675 -401.6200 -449.9252 -486.8273 -509.1470 -514.0376 -499.3489 -463.9495 -407.9684 -332.9190 -241.6872 -138.3782 -28.0349 83.7439 191.2451 289.0952 372.6779 438.4701 484.2616 509.2386 513.9257 500.0000 40.0000 39.3572 37.4494 34.3380 30.1229 24.9396 18.9547 12.3607 5.3693 -1.7946 -8.9008 -15.7210 -22.0359 -27.6425 -32.3607 -36.0388 -38.5585 -39.8390 -39.8390 -38.5585 -36.0388 -32.3607 -27.6425 -22.0359 -15.7210 -8.9008 -1.7946 5.3693 12.3607 18.9547 24.9396 30.1229 34.3380 37.4494 39.3572 40.0000 400.0000 375.0020 350.8075 328.1941 307.8886 290.5436 276.7166 266.8521 261.2670 260.1410 263.5101 271.2661 283.1597 298.8087 317.7101 339.2563 362.7548 387.4505 412.5495 437.2452 460.7437 482.2899 501.1913 516.8403 528.7339 536.4899 539.8590 538.7330 533.1479 523.2834 509.4564 492.1114 471.8059 449.1925 424.9980 400.0000 40.0000 39.3572 37.4494 34.3380 30.1229 24.9396 18.9547 12.3607 5.3693 -1.7946 -8.9008 -15.7210 -22.0359 -27.6425 -32.3607 -36.0388 -38.5585 -39.8390 -39.8390 -38.5585 -36.0388 -32.3607 -27.6425 -22.0359 -15.7210 -8.9008 -1.7946 5.3693 12.3607 18.9547 24.9396 30.1229 34.3380 37.4494 39.3572 40.0000 400.0000 375.0020 350.8075 328.1941 307.8886 290.5436 276.7166 266.8521 261.2670 260.1410 263.5101 271.2661 283.1597 298.8087 317.7101 339.2563 362.7548 387.4505 412.5495 437.2452 460.7437 482.2899 501.1913 516.8403 528.7339 536.4899 539.8590 538.7330 533.1479 523.2834 509.4564 492.1114 471.8059 449.1925 424.9980 400.0000 40.0000 37.6003 34.1597 29.9350 25.1681 20.0650 14.7819 9.4218 4.0391 -1.3464 -6.7314 -12.1070 -17.4382 -22.6475 -27.6054 -32.1296 -35.9940 -38.9462 -40.7318 -41.1230 -39.9479 -37.1160 -32.6375 -26.6335 -19.3350 -11.0703 -2.2428 6.6995 15.2996 23.1276 29.8142 35.0776 38.7409 40.7391 41.1141 40.0000


输出FR23和FR32的图像,程序如下: plot(th1,p(1,:),'--')

ylabel('FR23,FR32/N'); xlabel('\\theta1/rad');


输出FR4和FR4’的图像,程序如下: plot(th1,p(3,:),'--') xlabel('\\theta1/rad'); ylabel('FR4,FR4''/N');

输出FR12 x的图像,程序如下: plot(th1,p(4,:),'--') ylabel('FR12x/N'); xlabel('\\theta1/rad');


输出FR12 y的图像,程序如下: plot(th1,p(5,:),'--') ylabel('FR12y/N'); xlabel('\\theta1/rad');

输出FR41X的图像,程序如下: plot(th1,p(6,:),'--') xlabel('\\theta1/rad'); ylabel('FR41x/N');


输出FR41Y的图像,程序如下: plot(th1,p(7,:),'--') xlabel('\\theta1/rad'); ylabel('FR41y/N');

输出Mb的图像,程序如下: plot(th1,p(8,:),'--') xlabel('\\theta1/rad'); ylabel('Mb/N*m');



