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小学英语(Join In Book 4 Unit 3 Animals )




3、教材版Join In剑桥小学英语



通过网络资源了解熊猫等野生珍稀动物的特征与生活习性,知道保护野生动物的重耍性。二、教学课题Join In Book 4 Unit 3 Animals (Part 1 &Part 2)




本教案是Join In Book 4 Unit 3的第一课时,教学Part l&Part 2,本节课所需课时为1课时,40分钟。(木单元共有8个部分,Part 3至Part 8都是围绕Part 1与Part 2设计的一些练习、操练与延仲。)

Part 1 的6 个单词(mountains, fly, fur, swim, walk, bamboo)中,只有bamboo -词是生词,其余单词在Z前均以三会词形式出现过;Part 2是四小段阅读材料,主耍介绍panda等四种濒危动物的外貌特征与一般生活习性,让孩子们通过对课文的学习能够对-些濒危动物进行简单描述,并学习单词:panda, the South China Tiger, kingfisher 与Snow leopard,熟练运用句了:It l ives ????It cats ????It has got ????It can ???? Let's help /save ????

因此,我决定把Part 1的单词融入Part 2的阅读材料,利用图片与现代化教学设备创设情景,在真实的语境中教学单词,在活动中教学语篇。结合教材内容与学生实际情况,我把本节课的重点放在四会掌握Part 1、Part 2的单词与熟练运用句了描述动物这两方面,难点是动词一般现在时第三人称单数的运用。


(1)、四会掌握单词:bamboo, mountains, panda, South China Tiger, kingfisher,

snow leopard,熟练运用句子:It lives in ???. It has ????It eats ????It can ???? Let's ????

(2)、能用It lives…等句子介绍某种动物。




①、四会掌握单词②、熟练运用It lives -等旬子介绍某种动物的生活习性, 树立爱护动物、






(2)《英语课程标准》倡导运用“任务型教学”模式实施教学,让学生在“学屮用,用中学”。在木课时的教学中,我设计了让学生向世界介绍我们的国宝panda 这-任务与小组制作poster呼吁人们保护野生动物的活动,让孩子们运用语言去做事。





Step 1? Warming up


2.Listen to a song: In the zoo.听歌曲猜动物


T: Hello, boys and girls. Please listen to the song. What animals can you hear?

Si: I can hear a monkey. S2: I can hear a tiger. S3: I can hear elephants


3.Brain storming:头脑风暴说动物

T: Can you say any other animals?

Ss: Polar bear / arctic hare/ arctic fox ...


4.Free talk:自由谈论最喜爱动物

T: Excellent! You know so many animals. Then, what,s your favourite animal?

S: My favourite animal is ....

T: What colour is it? S: It is ....

T: Where does it live? S: It lives ....

T: What does it eat? S: It eats ...

T: What can it do? S: It can ...


Step 2. Pre-reading

1.Leading in:导入

T: We all like animals. Because they are lovely and cute. But today, some of the wild animals are in dange匚What happen to them, do you know? Can you tell me anything about that?


Si: Some people keep the wild animals as pets.

S2: Some people kill the wild animals for their beautiful fur.

S3: Some people kill the wild animals and eat them?…


Step 3. While-reading

1.Watch, listen and answer.初步感知课文

T: Now, boys and girls, let's watch the video and listen to the tex匸Try to find out:

How many animals are there? What are they?

(看录像,听课文录音,初步了解阅读材料。并引导学生回答,同时教学单i可panda, South China tiger, kingfisher, snow leopard 并板|i)


2.T: Let's read the first paragraph.教师指导细读第一段

(1)Try to answer the questions:

①What is the panda like? It has got....

②Where does it live? It lives ...(板书句了:It lives ...并教学单词:mountain)

③What does the panda eat? It eats ...(板书句了:It eats ...并教学单词bamboo)

④What can the panda do? It can ...

⑤How many pandas are there? There are only ...

(2)Introduce the panda to the world.

T: Can you introduce the panda to the world?

©Group work ② Show time



3.Read the second paragraph in groups.引导学生提问,半扶半放学第2段。

T: Boys and girls, do you want to know more about the South China Tiger? Can you ask questions about the South China Tiger?

(Ss Ask questions)

SI: Where does it live? S2: It lives up in the mountains.

S3: What does it eat? S4: It eats other animals?

S5: What colour is it? S5: It is ....

S6: How many South China Tigers are there today?

S7: There are only …

(设计意图:引导学生提问质疑,围绕what, where, how等疑问词进行小组讨论,进行学法指导,培养学生自主学习的能力,养成良好的阅读习惯。)

4.Read and fill in the form.学生自主学习第3、4 段。

(1)T: Boys and girls, please read the 3rd and 4th paragraph by yourselves? And finish the form.

animal colour has got lives eats can Panda

South China Tiger


snow leopard

(2) Check the answer. Look at the form and retell the text.



5.Read and choose.(再次阅读课文,作更深层次的理解)

(1) T: Please read the whole text again. And then finish the worksheet?(2)教师

小结:The animals are in danger!引出语言输出活动。

(设计意图:深层理解课文,了解panda 濒危动物的生存环境,激发孩子们保护野生动物、保护环境的热情,为语言的输出活动做铺垫。)

Step 4. Post一reading

1.T: What can we do for the wild animals?(让孩子们经过小组讨论,说出我们可以做到的帮助野生动物的一些办法。如:Doni cut the bamboo to help the pandas. Doit wear the fur coat to save the snow leopards and the South China Tigers. Keep the water clean and make nests for the kingfishers.)

2.Let's help the animals. Make a postei*.(小组合作设引"一副海报,呼吁人们保护野生动物,然后进行展示解说,让孩子学会用语言做事)如下图:

Step 5. Consolidation:

T: Today we learned four animals.(ppt.) They are in danger.

So let's help to save the animals.

Step 6. Homework.

1.Listen and read the text.

2.Introduce your favourite animal to your parents or your friends

(设计意图:让课中学习到的东西在课后得到充分的巩I占I。让孩子们学英语的浓厚兴趣进一步得到发展和加强,为下一节课时的教学做准备。) 板书设计:

Unit 3 Animals

It lives in ….

mountains It has got ???. fur It eats ???.


[t can …. walk

fly swim

Let ,s …. help save 六、 教学反思

本节课的主要话题是动物,是孩子们所熟悉和喜欢的话题。在导入部分,我 采用听歌猜动物的形式引入,营造了轻松愉快的气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣。 在师生互动过程中引入课题,利用真实情景、Phonics 等教学法在语篇呈现过程 中教学单词,过渡口然,化难为易。

在教学过程中,我根据小学高年级孩子的认知特点,让学生首先通过看录像 听课文录咅,对课文有一个初步的总的卬象。在通读文章Z 后,能根据图片或上 下文解决短文中的单词与句子,为语言的输出做准备。在解决课文中的单词与句 了Z 后,冋到课文对整篇文章作进一步的理解。再让学生提笔设计制作海报,呼 吁人们保护野生动物,以此作为语言的输出。在听、说、读、写等方面做到了有 机的结合,这是木节课比较成功Z 处,基木达到了教学设计预期目的。

另外,我在木节课的教学过程中还渗透了学法指导,让学生运用所学阅读方 法与技巧阅读另外两段相关小短文,捕捉文章的主要内容与关键信息。从教学效 果來看,我班学生已基木能掌握和运用所学的阅读方法与阅读技巧,对What, where, how …等关键词的把握也比较到位。

木节课还有待完善的方面:(1)时间安排不够合理,最后留给学生的语言输 岀时间不充裕,课前的复习过程可以更简短些;在小组活动中,特别是介绍国宝 panda 这一活动的时间过短,应给学生更加充足的时间,让学生将学到的知识运 用到实际中,真正做到学以致用。(2)还要加强对学习困难生的关注程度,力争 让每个孩了都能在课堂中学有所获。

七、 参赛者信息

省份:广东省 学校:上元小学 South China Tiger 0 kingfisher

panda snow leopard





