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Title: The Translation of English Film Titles

Chapter One Introduction

Clarify the research background and meaning, theoretical frame organization structure of this thesis.

Chapter Two The analysis of English movie titles I. Types of film

II. General features of English film titles i. Language characteristic ii. Artistry

iii. culturality (文化性) ⅳ. Commercial

III. The principles of English film titles translation i. Information value principle ii. Aesthetic principles iii. Goal orientation principle ⅳ. Cultural value principle

Chapter Three The function and role of English film titles I. Correspond with the film and be easily understood II. Concise and easy to be remembered

III. Attract audience and increase the box-office income

Chapter Four The translation methods and skills of English film titles

and I. Translation methods of English film titles i. Literal translation ii. Free translation

II. Translation skills of English film titles

i. Combination of literal translation and free translation ii. Compiling method Chapter Five Conclusion

Summarize the whole passage, put forward some suggestions to the translation of film titles. Also points out the limitation of essay writing and bring up some suggestions in future research.

第一章 绪论

阐明本文的研究背景、写作目的、理论框架和组织结构。 第二章 英语电影片名的分析

对英语电影片名做了一个总体分析:介绍了电影的种类,分析了电影片名的基本特点和原则,为探讨其翻译方法奠定了基础。 2.1电影的种类

根据电影的不同内容和性质,我们大致可将其分为爱情片、战争片、伦理片、科幻片、悬疑片等。 2.2英语电影片名的基本特点 2.2.1语言特色 2.2.2艺术性 2.2.3文化性 2.2.4 商业性

2.3 英语电影片名翻译的原则 2.3.1信息价值原则 2.3.2美学欣赏原则 2.3.3 目标取向原则 2.3.4文化价值原则

第三章 英语电影片名的功能及作用

本章具体探讨了电影片名所具有的三种基本功能,即1)切合原影片的内容、反映原影片的主题、突出原影片的风格;2)言简意赅、便于记忆;3)吸引观众、增加票房收入。 3.1切合影片,通俗易懂 3.2言简意赅,便于记忆


第四章 英语电影片名翻译的方法及技巧 4.1英语电影片名的翻译方法 4.1.1直译 4.1.2意译

4.2英语电影片名的技巧 4.2.1直译意译结合 4.2.2编译法 第五章 结论


