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Sheraton Hotel Position: Executive Housekeeper Department: Housekeeping Report to: Prepared by General Manager Job Description Grade:7 Division: Rooms Division Approved by: 喜来登集团酒店 职位:行政管家 部门:管家部 管辖:管家部 拟稿:总经理 岗位概述: 岗位职责 级别:7 隶属:房务部 上级: 批准: Job Summary: Responsible for the operation of the Housekeeping Department, i.e. guest room floors, public areas, laundry, uniforms and linen. Overall responsible for the cleanliness of the hotel. 负责管家部工作如楼层、公共区域、洗衣房、制服房及布草房等 保持酒店的清洁 Duties & Responsibilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Responsible for the Housekeeping department Supervise and control all Housekeeping and Laundry operations Responsible for the overall cleanliness of the hotel Ensure prompt reporting of maintenance issues Maintain regular spring cleaning schedules Ensure proper handling of Lost and Found Responsible for strict key control Co-operate with the Reception on room discrepancies to ensure accurate room status at all times 9. Set up systems to monitor achievement of departmental goals and objectives 10. Manage department strategic planning and development 11. Institute suitable processes to allow for the efficient and effective utilization for departmental resources 12. Institute suitable processes to allow for introduction of managed change within the department 13. Set up systems to capture guest feedback and report this to Management on a regular basis 14. Design internal reporting systems required by the department 15. Manage the development of new products and services 16. Measure the quality of service 17. Manage quality improvement 18. Establish benchmarking for the hotel 19. Prepare and manage a cost effective budget with measurable targets for the 职责义务: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 负责管家部工作 管理和控制所有客房和洗衣房的运行 负责酒店全面的清洁 确保迅速报告维修数据 保持定期的清洁计划 确保恰当的处理客人的失物与招领 负责严格控制钥匙领用程序 与接待处合作有关于房间状态的问题,以确保在任何时间里房间的状态被准确的记录 9. 建立监督部门目标完成情况的系统 10. 管理部门战略的制定和发展 11. 建立使部门内资源得以有效充分使用的合理程序 12. 建立管理方式变更时的部门内贯彻程序 13. 建立系统获取客人的反馈并定期向管理层汇报 14. 根据部门要求设计部门内报告系统 15. 管理新产品和服务的发展 16. 衡量服务质量 17. 管理质量的改善 Last Update: 4/14/2013 PAGE: 1/4

Sheraton Hotel Position: Executive Housekeeper Department: Housekeeping Report to: Prepared by General Manager Job Description Grade:7 Division: Rooms Division Approved by: 喜来登集团酒店 职位:行政管家 部门:管家部 管辖:管家部 拟稿:总经理 岗位职责 级别:7 隶属:房务部 上级: 批准: Department within the financial parameters set down by the hotel budget 20. Effectively monitor and analyze variations from the budget 21. Develop systems that measure the cost effectiveness of the department 22. Prepare financial performance reports 23. Develop procedures that track, report on, and control the running costs of the department 24. Develop and monitor the implementation of purchasing procedures 25. Develop stock control procedures 26. Handle and store stock according to stock control procedures 27. Develop performance standards for operations in the department 28. Monitor productivity of the unit 29. Prevent and resolve grievances 30. Resolve disputes 31. Discipline staff when necessary 32. Determine and plan for future staffing needs 33. Recruit staff together with Human Recourses Department 34. Prepare staff rosters to meet business demands 35. Facilitate multiskilling 36. Maintain up-to date staff records 37. Manage staff training and development 38. Implement staff performance appraisals 39. Carry out exit interviews 40. Provide ongoing advice and support to staff under your supervision 41. Supervise staff performance 42. Implement appropriate management practices that provide staff motivation and communication 43. Manage the delivery of high quality service to guests 44. Deliver high quality service to guests 45. Ensure guest needs and reasonable requests are met Last Update: 4/14/2013

18. 建立酒店服务质量评分标准 19. 根据酒店预算所确定的财务参数准备和管理本部门的目标可测量的有效成本预算 20. 有效控制和分析预算的变动 21. 建立系统测量部门成本的有效性 22. 准备财务表现报告 23. 建立程序跟踪、报告、控制部门的流动成本 24. 建立与监督采购程序的完成 25. 发展存货控制程序 26. 根据存货控制程序处理和储存存货 27. 建立t管家部的工作标准 28. 监督单元工作效率 29. 避免和调节抱怨 30. 解决争端 31. 约束员工遵守纪律 32. 明确和制定本部门各岗位所需人员的编制计划 33. 与人力资源部一起招聘员工 34. 按照工作需要准备员工排班表 35. 鼓励员工掌握多技能 36. 稳定员工,控制流失率 37. 管理员工培训和发展 38. 进行员工表现测评 39. 实施员工离职面谈 40. 给予所管辖的员工以不断的建议和支持 41. 指导员工表现

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Sheraton Hotel Position: Executive Housekeeper Department: Housekeeping Report to: Prepared by General Manager Job Description Grade:7 Division: Rooms Division Approved by: 喜来登集团酒店 职位:行政管家 部门:管家部 管辖:管家部 拟稿:总经理 岗位职责 级别:7 隶属:房务部 上级: 批准: 46. Seek opportunities to continually improve guest service 47. Identify VIP, regular and long staying guest, develop rapport to offer personalized service and assistance 48. Take appropriate action to resolve guest complaints 49. Adhere to the hotel’s security and emergency policies and procedures 50. Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements 51. Adhere to hotel cleaning and maintenance programs 52. Ensure a high level of cleaning is maintained in your work area 53. Prepare and conduct meeting and group presentations to keep staff/ management / other parties informed of hotel operations and other relevant issues 54. Prepare and maintain files, reports, letters, memorandums and other relevant business documentation 55. Ensure all reporting and servicing deadlines are met on a timely basis 56. Carry out other tasks as directed by your supervisors 42. 实施合适的管理方式给予员工动力和沟通 43. 负责向客人提供高品质服务 44. 提供高品质的对客服务 45. 确保客人需求与合理的要求被满足 46. 寻找机会不断发展对客服务 47. 确认VIP客人,常住客人和长包房客人。建立良好关系并提供个性化和超值服务 48. 采取合适的行动解决客人的抱怨 49. 坚持维护酒店安全制度、遵守紧急情况处理程序 50. 依照酒店要求记录安全日志和事故记录 51. 坚持酒店的清洁和养护 52. 保持维护所在工作区域的高度整洁 53. 准备和主持会议或小组展示向员工/管理者/其它组织通告酒店运作和其它方面的情况 54. 准备和维护文档、报告、信函、备忘录和其它相关业务资料 55. 保证所有报告和服务都按时完成 56. 完成你上级交待的其它任务 Job Knowledge / Skill: Good knowledge of all Housekeeping areas, i.e. Guest floor, P.A. and laundry Last Update: 4/14/2013

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Sheraton Hotel Position: Executive Housekeeper Department: Housekeeping Report to: Prepared by General Manager operation. Job Description Grade:7 Division: Rooms Division Approved by: 喜来登集团酒店 职位:行政管家 部门:管家部 管辖:管家部 拟稿:总经理 岗位职责 级别:7 隶属:房务部 上级: 批准: 具有良好的关于楼层,公共区域以及洗衣房方面的专业知识。 Education: University degree in Hotel Management preferred. Can be replaced by adequate experience. 教育: 具有酒店管理学位的优先,或有与之相等的工作经验。 Experience: Min 3 years in Assistant Housekeeper position, plus 3-5 years in other supervisory Housekeeping position. 经验: 至少3年以上助理行政管家工作经验,以及3—5年管家部其他职位工作经验。 Additional Skill required: Good manager of people. Administration skills. Quality improvement skills. 其它技能要求: 具有良好的管理才能。 懂得管理技巧。 不断改进品质的能力。 喜来登(Sheraton)酒店房务部行政管家岗位职责

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