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1、有些汉语句子的主语是:“人们”、“有(些)人”、“大家”等概念较为模糊的词,翻译成英语时最好用被动语态,避开主语,不影响意思。如: 1) 人们相信,好书如益友。(equal)

It’s believed that a good book is equal to a good friend. 2) 有人以为睡前锻炼影响睡眠。(effect)

It's though that doing exercises before bed has an effect on sleep.

2、有些所给汉语尽管没有明确的主语,但能从汉语的特点进行判断。如: 1) 不努力则—事无成。

You/We/One can achieve nothing if you/we/he doesn't work hard.

当然,也可以省略主语来翻译:Nothing can be achieved without efforts. 2) 不到长城非好汉。

One who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

3、有些所给汉语不强凋动作的施动者,译成英语时可以翻译成被动。 1) 应该鼓励学生将课堂所学应用到实践中去。(apply)

Students should be encouraged to apply what is learned to practice. 2) 事故发生后不久就采取了紧急措施。(measure)

Urgent measures were taken soon after the accident happened. 4、有些汉语句子的主语是“人”,但译成英语时却要作相应的调整。如: 1) 如果你方便的话,请帮我从邮局取同包裹。(2002年高考)

If it is convenient to you, please fetch the parcel for me from the post office. 2) 如果不抓紧,你不可能在晚饭前完成任务。(impossible)

If you don't hurry, it is impossible for you to complete the task before dinner. 3) 我们有必要让家长知道日程的改变。(inform)

It is necessary for us to inform the students’ parents of the change in the schedule. 5、有些没有明确主语的汉语译成荚浯时可以使用固定搭配。如: 1) 据报道,那个省又遭台风袭击。(report)

It is reported that a typhoon struck that province again.

= According to the report, that province was struck by a typhoon again. 2) 据说那位歌星曾当过超市收银员。

It is said that the singer once worked as a cashier at a supermarket. = The singer is said to have once worked as a supermarket cashier.



姚明Yao Ming;老王Lao Wang;杨力伟Yang Liwei。

2、地名一般用汉语拼音来翻译,专有名词和普通名词间空一格,如: 江苏省Jiangsu Province:诲南岛Hainan Island 有些地名有特定的英语翻译,如:

西藏Tibet;长城the Great Wall;豫园theYuyuan Garden;泰山Mount Tai 城市名翻译成英语通常只有一个单词,如: 上海Shanghai;石家庄Shijiazhuang 有些城市有特定的英泽,如:

香港Hong Kong;澳门Macau;哈尔滨Harbin



1) 勤冼乒是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。(infect) (2003年高考)

Washing hands regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by disease. 2) 上周因为生病我缺了一些课,但是我会努力赶上大家的。 (2004年高考)

Because of my illness last week, I missed some lessons, but I will try to catch up with others. 直译不是“死译”或“乱译”。有时如果直接将汉语“硬”译成英语,译文会显得没有意义,恐怕中国人和外国人都会感到困惑。这时不妨试着找寻英语中较接近的表达方法,翻译后的英语虽然句式变换了,但基本保持了汉语的原意,这就叫“意译”。 3)此地无银三百两。

The more is concealed, the more is revealed.

4) 许多外国游客都想去长城一游,他们知道“不到长城非好汉”。(visit) (2002春季高考) Many foreign tourists want to visit the Great Wall. They know that “He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”

5) 请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机。(or) (2003年高考)

Please make your decision as early as possible, or you'll miss the golden chance.

6) 他进公司后不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。(so) (2005高考) He finished a difficult task independently soon after he entered the company, so his

colleagues looked at him with new eyes.

7) 这小孩太调皮,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常心烦意乱。 (So…) (2006高考) So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work. 8) 毫无疑问,旅行使人开阔眼界,增长知识。(doubt) (2009春季)

There is no doubt that travelling broadens one's mind and increases one's knowledge.




I find it hard to concentrate/focus under great pressure.



The increasing population is a great drain on the limited resources on the earth.


Working as a doctor calls for/involves/takes a great sense of responsibility, for it means the difference/ all the differences between life and death.

4.尽管被警告多次,学生依旧上课开手机,甚至老师也熟视无睹。(in spite of)

In spite of repeated warnings, students still kept their mobile phones on in class so that even the teachers turned a blind eye to it.


(bear in mind)

You may not succeed the first time you make an attempt/try, but bear in mind that only through hard work/by working hard will you be/become good at things/doing something.

6.他许诺给我们他的电邮。(promise) He promised to give us his E-mail address.

7.我们应该鼓励他再试—次而不是批评他。(another) Instead of criticizing him, we ought to encourage him to have another try.

8.我们尊敬那位将她一生和关爱都致力于孤儿的老妪。 (who)

We all respect the old lady who has devoted all her life and care to the orphans.

9.无论发生什么,我们必须在周五前完成实验。(no matter)

No matter what happens, we must finish the experiment before Friday.


In order to lose weight and keep fit, he has had the

habit of going swimming every day in summer for years.


What we have learned is basic to our future life in many ways.


One of the tasks of education today is to enable

every student to obtain the ability of living independently after graduation.

13.现代科技没有先进到可以解释宇宙中的所有事的地步。 (so…as to…)

Modern science and technology is not so advanced/developed as to be able to account for/explain everything in the universe.

14.没有证据表明经理在列表上用他的名字顶替了别人。 (substitute v.)

There is no evidence that the manager substituted his name for someone else’s on the list.


Recently many students and teachers have had a

heated discussion on whether the students who cheat in the examinations should be punished. 16.仅凭你提供的证据不能证明他是有罪的。(provide) The proof/evidence you’ve provided alone can’t prove that he is guilty/his guilt.


The policy of limiting the issuing of license plates/

number plates aims to ease/ aims at easing the serious traffic jams in Shanghai.


The 12 Real Estate Deal has been issued in

Shanghai to stop the housing prices from rising, causing many housing agencies to close down./ leading to many housing agencies closing down. 19.只有当我们完全理解生命的价值时我们才会珍惜

幸福的每一刻并且帮助周围的人。(Only…) Only when we fully/quite understand the value of life can we cherish/treasure every moment of happiness and help the people around.



Talking of the reasons for the current rise in some

commodity prices, a certain official said that there were four (reasons): excessive amount of currency, natural disasters, rising labor cost and speculation. 21.学校图书馆在暑假每天开放。(available)

The school library is available every day during the summer vacation.


Boys ranging in age from six to ten are usually very naughty.


While online shopping is convenient, the security of personal information can’t be ignored/ neglected.

24.无论已发生了什么或将会发生什么,我们永远不会失去我们的价值。(no matter)

No matter what has happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value.


们是否能过上幸福安宁的生活。(determine) Our ability to deal with change and disturbance

determines, to a great extent, whether we can live a peaceful and happy life.

26.对于我的问题她给了个机敏的答案。(give) She gave a clever answer to my question. 27.我想知道我们何时能离开这儿。(wonder)

I really wonder when we can leave here. 28.我们应该把新技术运用到农业中去。(apply) We should apply the new technology to agriculture. 29.当你收到信时,我已离开国家了。(By..) By the time you received the letter, I had left the country.

或 By the time you receive the letter, I will have left the country.


I had two or three students decorate the classroom with flowers and lights to create a better effect. 31.他刚进公司不久就独立完成了—项棘手的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。(task)

He finished a difficult task on his own soon/shortly

after he entered the company, so his colleagues all looked at him differently/ with new eyes/ regarded him in a totally different light. 32.请不要当众喧哗。(speak)

Please don’t speak loudly in public.


I can make a lot of friends by taking part in/ participating in/joining in team games/sports like basketball and football.


I will keep my mobile off when I am having classes, so/but you can send me short messages.


Unusual weather indicates that our living

environment is getting worse, which is the warning to us from nature.



The purpose of our meeting today is to discuss how

to solve the problem, not who (has) caused it, so please don’t waste time arguing about who is to blame any longer.

37.这听上去是个好主意,但它实用吗? (sound) It sounds like a good idea/ This idea sounds good, but will it work in practice?

38.如果你怀疑煤气泄漏,请不要开电灯。(If…) If you suspect a gas leak, do not turn on an electric light please.


He found it difficult (for him) to get his Chinese humor across to an English audience.

40.他指责我玩忽职守,这违背事实。(contrary) He accused me of/blamed me for/criticized me for

neglecting my duty/ for my being irresponsible for my duty, which was contrary to the fact.


Obviously,/It is obvious that there is no possibility

that the exploring team will accomplish the voyage in five weeks.

42.很多科学家宁愿默默无闻也不愿意参加与他们专业无关的各类会议。(would rather)

Most scientists would rather remain unknown than

attend various meetings that have nothing to do with/are not concerned with their own majors. 43.随着电脑的更新发展,世界越来越像一个大家庭。


With the update and development of computers, the

world is more and more like a large family. 44.动物的灭绝有很多理由,但人类在其中扮演了很重要的角色。(part)

There are many reasons for animals dying out, but

the most important one is the part (that/which) human beings have played.

45.据说由于污染,很多奇怪的疾病在一些地方已经出现。 (It)

It is said that many strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

46.去咨询Smith教授,他很善良,总会乐意给予你指导。 (who)

Go and consult Professor Smith, who is so kind that he is always ready to give you guidance.


Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them

exactly what to do, while some others prefer to be left to study/ research on their own. 48.无论我们是否通过,请告诉我。(whether)

Whether we (have) passed or not, please tell me that.


To our relief, they all survived the disaster./What

made us relieved was that they all survived the disaster.

50.他的所做作为超出我们的想象。(out of)

What/All (that) he did/has done is out of my imagination.


l、注意逻辑主语的变化。 1) 他的话让我忍俊不禁。

I couldn't help laughing at what he had said. 2) 那个国家又发生地震了。

Another earthquake broke out in that country.

同样要注意的是take place, happen, appear, exist, occur, spring up等。再如: 他突然想到忘了带驾驶证。

It suddenly occurred to him that he had forgotten to take his driving license. 上海街头涌现了许多酒吧。

Lots of bars have sprung up in the streets of Shanghai. 3) 你不可能独立完成这项工作的。

It is impossible for you to complete the task alone.

同样要注意convenient, necessary, essential, important等词。再如: 你完全有必要向他们解释清楚。

It is absolutely essential that you (should) explain this to them. 4) 他五岁时母亲开始教他弹钢琴。

When he was five years old, his mother began to teach him how to play the piano.

不可以翻译成:At the age of five his mother…因为at the age of five的逻辑主语是his




1) 他决定报复对方。

He decided to avenge his opponent. 2) 他向我建议在网上看小说。

He suggested to me that I read novels online. 3) 他成功劝说妻子去买车。

He succeeded in persuading his wife to buy a car. 4) 我梦想有自己的书房。

I dream of having my own study. 5) 我要付给你多少钱?

How much shall I pay you? 6) 谁应为此事负责?

Who is to blame for this?

3、翻译时要根据英语习惯适当增词、删词。 1) 我爸爸是老师,在重点中学教书。

My father is a teacher and teaches in a middle school. 2) 每天早晨妈妈是全家第一个起床的人。

Every morning Mum is the first to get up in the family. 英语里没有量词,因此“天”不直接译出。 3) 这是妈妈告诉我的。

This is what Mum told me. 英语里—般由连词来连接一个句子。再如: 门突然开了,进来一位陌生人。

The door opened suddenly and in came a stranger. 不穿外套你很容易感冒的。

You will easily catch a cold if you don't wear a coat. 4) 他的包被抢了。

He was robbed of his bag. 英语里很多动词有其特定的用法,该句中of必不可少。 他抓住小偷的胳膊。

He held the thief by the arm.

5) 他虽然退休了,但仍关心着公司的业务。

Though he has retired, he still cares about the company business.




As I don't know German, I didn't join them in the three-day trip to Berlin.


Unless you make up for my loss, I will not let you go. 6) 我会安排人带你们参观我厂。

I will arrange for someone to show you around our factory. 7) 他和一位教授的女儿结了婚。

He married a daughter of a professor's.

marry为及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。另外一个典型的动词是serve。如: 我的工作是为老师们服务。 My job is to serve the teachers.

4、翻译有些汉语时应遵循英语的习惯表达,不能直译。 1) 为了提前完成任务,他饭也顾不上了。

In order to complete the task in advance, he had no thought for dinner. “为了做某事”不可以直译为for doing sth.。 2) 我一定会尽快通知你考试日程的。

I will inform you of the exam schedule. (“一定”不可译为must) 3) 希望你尽早康复。

I hope you will recover soon. (不能译成I hope you to recover soon.) 4) 有人看见一个黑衣人朝公园方向走去。

A man in black was seen walking in the direction of the park. (不可以说toward the direction of) 5) 我把你的电子词典忘在家里了。

I left your electronic dictionary at home.(“忘”不能译成forget) 6) 他因为考试成绩好而得到了老师的表扬。

He was praised for his good result in the exam. “因为”不可直接译成because) 7) 你一定会实现梦想的。

You are sure to realize your dream./ Your dream is sure to come true.


1) 所有出席会议的人都拿到一张电影票。

All those present at the meeting got a film ticket. 英语中,词组、句子修饰名词时应后置。再如: 最后离开教室的人必须关灯。

The last to leave the classroom must turn off the lights. 2) 我认为你找不到自行车了。

I don't think you can find your bicycle.

主句中主谓结构为I think/believe/suppose等,宾语从句中的否定应转移到主句。 3) 你认为我该去哪里买药?

Where do you think I should go to buy the medicine?

主句中主谓结构为do you think/believe/suppose等,引导宾语从句的特殊疑问词转移


4) 他越说越激动。

The more he said, the more excited he became. 5) 地上躺着一个入。

There lay a person on the ground.

6、有些汉语句子译成英语时要使用固定结构。如: 1) 她难过得哭了。

She was so sad that she burst into tears. 2) 他女儿己到上学年龄。

His daughter is old enough to go to school. 3) 你如能帮我修理电脑我将不胜感激。

I would appreciate it very much if you could fix the computer for me. 4) 使我们失望的是,运动会被取消了。

To our disappointment, the sports meeting was cancelled.


1) 这家超市都能买到各种床上用品。

Bed clothes of all kinds are available at this supermarket. (adj.) 2) 每年都有许多物种灭绝。

Every year many species of animals become extinct. (adj.) 3) 那部小说很值得一看。

That novel is well worth reading. (prep.) 4) 我们都非常赞成你的提议。

We are all in favor of your proposal. (prep.) 5) 他强烈反对周末加班。

He is strongly against working extra time at the weekends. (prep.) 6) 由于缺钱,他不得不推迟度假。

Because of lack of money, he had to put off his Vacation.(n.) 7) 学生不能进教室阅览室。

Students have no access to the teachers’ reading room.(n.) 8、要注意特殊语法现象。如:

1) 我们去年是在伦敦度过圣诞节的。

It was in London that we spent last Christmas Day. (强调结构) 2) 只有借助词典才能看懂这本书。

Only with a dictionary can you understand the book. (倒装结构) 3) 我认为没必要提前订票。

I don't think it necessary to reserve tickets in advance. (形式宾语) 9、其它要注意的是:动词的时态、兼类词(如once, contact等)、多义词(如charge, apply, leave等)词的搭配等。这些都需要在平时的学习中积累。

1.几乎所有成功人士都将他们的成功归功于努力和勤奋。 (owe)

Almost all successful people owe their success to hard work/effort(s)/hard working/working hard and persistence/perseverance/insistence.

2.我第一次去南京参观时下榻的金陵宾馆坐落在市中心。 (locate)

The Jinling Hotel, where I stayed during my first visit to Nanjing, is located in the center of

the city.


It is not until the day when Alice became a mother that she realized how hard it was for her mother to have brought her up on her own/alone. 4.服药以后病人看上去好多了。(appear)

The patient appeared to be better after taking the medicine. 5.我向他们道别,继续乘火车北上。(continue) I said goodbye to them and continued north by train. 6.我们不要召开会议,除非完全有必要。(shall)

We shall not call the meeting unless it is absolutely necessary. 7.这顽皮的男孩从未有过任何正规教育。(never) The naughty boy has never had any regular education.


Taking up singing as a pastime, Mary didn’t expect that her songs were so popular./expect her

songs to be so popular.


(The) Indians believe in living in harmony with nature, unlike most people who desire achievement(s) and wealth.


Sixty years ago, the newly-born People’s Republic of China was not widely recognized by

most countries.

11.只有通过亲身经历你才能知道志愿工作是多么重要。 (figure out)

Only by your own experience can you figure out how important the volunteer work/service



The road is reported to have been widened/broadened to improve the traffic condition before

the EXPO.

或 It is reported that the road was widened…

13.使我们宽慰的,是当地震发生时碰巧无人在大楼里。 (there)

To our relief, there happened to be no one in the building when the earthquake occurred. 14.停车场大得可以容纳超过上百辆车,使居民停车很方便。(convenient)

The parking lot is big enough to hold more than a hundred cars, making it convenient for

residents to park their cars.或…, which makes it convenient…


She is so forgetful a girl that she is always leaving things here and there and sometimes has

no alternative but to buy something new.


The agriculture which is practiced in Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone is

called white agriculture.


Advertisements can increase product sales, which has been proved. 18.众所周知,勤能补拙。(as)

As we all know/As is known to all, diligence can make up for dullness. 19.他让自己陷入子—种危险的处境,他已经无法控制飞机了。(where)

He has gotten himself into a dangerous situation where he has lost control over the plane. 20.我永远无法忘记我国第一艘载人宇宙飞船上天的日子。(when)

I will never forget the day when the first manned spaceship of our country was launched. 21.我们无法理解他为何要缺席如此重大场合的原因。 (why)

We can’t understand the reason why he was absent from the grand occasion. 22.他打招呼的方式让我们印象深刻。(way)

The way (in which/that) he greeted made a deep impression on us. 23.我常用来削苹果的那把刀找不到了。(介词+which)

The knife with which I often peel apples can’t be found. 24.这是个让人如此难忘的精彩讲座。(as)

This is such a wonderful lecture as no one will forget. 25.能参加这次颁奖典礼是我的荣幸。(honor)

It is my honor that I can attend the award ceremony. 26.我喜欢读英语小说胜过做语法选择题。(rather)

I prefer to read English novels rather than do grammatical choices. 或 I would rather read

English novels than do grammatical choices.


Never once has the old couple quarreled with each other since they married 40 years ago. 28.青少年在见义勇为时先要保证自己的生命安全。(ensure)

Teenagers should ensure their own safety when they are ready to help others. 29.简直难以置信,世界上竟有过目不忘的人。(It)

It is hard to believe that there should be some people who will not forget whatever they have



As everyone is busy with his own business, it seems that we can hardly find anybody available for the urgent task./…, it is hard for us to find…

