基于51单片机的电子定时器论文 - 图文

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题 目:基于51单片机可定时电子时钟设计

学生姓名: XXX 学号:XXXXXX

院(系):计算机科学与电子技术系 专业:通信工程 入学时间: 2008 年 9 月 导师姓名: XXXX 职称/学位: 教授/博士



摘 要


Electronic clock can be timed based on 51 single-chip design


Twenty-first Century is the century of electronic information, the electronic industry is

developing rapidly, the timer is used more and more widely. The traditional timer is to use spring to drive type, motor drive type or a clock type mechanical timer. Based on single-chip electronic timer relative to conventional timer, small volume, light weight, low cost, high precision, long service life,safety and reliability, convenient adjustment, is suitable for multiple uses. This design uses the AT89C2051MCU as the core, elaborated the working principle of the system, gives the software flow. The electronic timer for electric power control, at the same time to facilitate the users of electronic timer operation. With the electronic timer application in all of us living in the increasingly wide range of months, the timer is bound to various places in our lives, the electronic timer to like tell you it works and the main components. Lay the foundation for future electronic timer in people's lives

Keyword: SCM ;Timer ;Relay;LCD

目 录

1绪论 ......................................................... 6 1.1课题的来源和意义 ......................................... 6 1.2电子定时器的应用 ......................................... 6 1.3电子定时器的发展前景 ..................................... 6 2 51单片机内部结构及计数原理 .................................. 7 2.1 51单片机内部机构 ........................................ 7 2.1.1 运算器(ALU)的主要功能 .............................. 7 2.1.2 程序计数器PC ........................................ 8 2.1.3 指令寄存器IR ........................................ 8 2.1.4 指令译码器ID ........................................ 8 2.1.6 数据寄存器DR ........................................ 8 2.1.8 时序部件 ............................................. 9 2.2 计数原理 ................................................. 9 2.2.1 定时器/计数器的结构: ................................ 9 2.2.2 定时计数器的原理: ................................... 9 2.2.3 定时器/计数器方式寄存器TMOD: ...................... 10 2.2.4 定时器/计数器控制寄存器TCON: ...................... 10 2.2.4 定时器/计数器的初始化: ............................. 11 3 电子定时器的设计 ........................................... 14 3.1 总体的设计要求 .......................................... 14 3.2 系统硬件电路设计 ....................................... 14 3.2.1 芯片的选择 ......................................... 14 3.2.2 交流控制接口电路 ................................... 15 3.2.3 显示电路 ............................................ 15 3.2.4 报警电路 ............................................ 15 3.3 系统程序的设计 ......................................... 15 4 重要元件及重要电路 ......................................... 15 4.1 AT89C51的内部结构及功能和引脚说明 ...................... 15 4.1.1 AT89C51主要性能 .................................... 16 4.1.2 AT89C51的内部结构 .................................. 16 4.1.3 AT89C51的引脚说明 .................................. 17 4.2 继电器 .................................................. 19

4.2.1 电磁继电器的工作原理和特性 .......................... 19 4.2.3 继电器的电符号和触点形式 ............................ 20 4.3 1062液晶显示器 ......................................... 20 4.3.1 液晶显示器原理 .................................... 20 4.3.2 液晶显示器的注意事项 ................................ 21 5 实验操作与现象 .............................................. 21 6 结论 ....................................................... 21 参考文献 ......................................................... 24 附录 ............................................................. 25 致 谢 ......................................................... 37

