
更新时间:2023-11-08 03:54:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




一、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) CAACB DCBBA BAADD

C 1. (2010湖南卷)Dina, for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A. struggling B. Struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle

A 2. (2010北京卷)I'm calling to enquire about the position in yesterday's China Daily. A. advertised B. to be advertised C. Advertising D. having advertised C 7. (2010全国卷)Mrs.White showed her students some old maps from the library. A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowing

A 3. (2010福建卷)Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, supplies to Yushu, Qinghai province after the earthquake.... A. sending B. to send C. having sent D. to have sent C 4. (2010江西卷)The lady walked around the shops, _______ an eye out for bargains. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep B 5. (2010江西卷)There were many talented actors out there just waiting ______. A. to discover B. to be discovered C. discovered D. being discovered B 11. (2010全国卷)His first book next month is based on a true story. A. published B. to be published C. to publish D. being published D 6. (2010辽宁卷)Alexander tried to get his work _______in the medical circles. . A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized

A 12. (2010上海卷)Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues with her stories. A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused

B 8. (2010全国卷)with Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ____________presents for my Dad. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought B 9. (2010山东卷)I have a lot of readings _____ before the end of this term. A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed A 10. (2010陕西卷)_____ from the top of the tower ,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees . A. Seen B. Seeing C.Have seen D. To see

A 13. (2010上海卷) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.

A. Approaching B. Approached C. To approach D. To be approached D 14. (2010浙江卷)The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and ____ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. A. being weighed B. to weigh C. weighed D. weighing

D 15. (2010重庆卷)Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one ______first is the library. A. repaired B. being repaired C. Repairing D. to be repaired

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二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) BDBCA ADACB DABBA CDCDA

I was successful at my job.I worked very hard,but it 16afforded me and my family a fabulous (极好的) lifestyle.I’d worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director. 17However ,one afternoon last May,I was called to the office,and it was 18gently explained to me that they were letting me go.I just sat there 19as they talked on and all I could think was,“I’ve 20failed .” I’d been so well respected; 21suddenly I was of no value.For six weeks,I was in a very 22dark place. I wandered around my house like a zombie (僵尸).I could 23see things needed doing,but would not do anything.My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive (积极的) in everything 24deserted me.

Then,in late June,my youngest son’s football team made the city cup final.The year before,he’d been very sad when I 25missed the same final,so he was 26delighted when I told him I’d go.Not only did they win,but the look on his face as he saw me 27cheering him on was unbelievable.From then on,I spent the summer enjoying my sons and their passions (激情).I attended match after match and performances of my elder son’s band—I 28even went to another city to watch him play.These moments were so 29meaningful .My life had been so much devoted to 30work for so long,and I felt 31thankful that my sons were happy to welcome me into their world. 32Unexpectedly,being unemployed gave me back a sense of purpose—I was someone’s mum!I felt a sense of being 33valued again. Now I feel more positive about my professional 34future and I’m getting on better with my family than I ever have.Losing my job made me realize just how 35important it is to achieve real balance in life. 16. A. promised B. afforded C. showed 17. A. Therefore B. Anyhow C. Otherwise 18. A. quickly B. gently C. partly 19. A. until B. after C. as 20. A. failed B. finished C. tried 21. A. suddenly B. finally C. immediately 22. A. secret B. quiet C. lonely 23. A. see B. get C. suggest 24. A. defended B. directed C. deserted 25. A. watched B. missed C. lost 26. A. disappointed B. worried C. honoured 27. A. cheering B. taking C. leading 28. A. just B. even C. still 29. A. hopeful B. meaningful C. difficult 30. A. work B. family C. matches 31. A. successful B. thoughtful C. thankful 32. A. Naturally B. Doubtfully C. Disagreeably 33. A. employed B. comforted C. valued 34. A. education B. experience C. relationship 35. A. important B. interesting C. simple 三、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)

D. left

D. However D. easily D. so

D. changed D. shortly D. dark

D. understand D. disturbed D. won D. delighted D. passing D. almost D. strange

D. performances D. peaceful

D. Unexpectedly D. encouraged D. future D. surprising


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When you are little, the whole world feels like a big playground. I was living in Conyers, Georgia the summer it all happened. I was a second grader, but my best friend Stephanie was only in the first grade. Both of our parents were at work and most of the time they let us go our own way. It was a hot afternoon and we decided to have an adventure in Stephanie’s basement. As I opened the basement door, before us lay the biggest room, full of amazing things like guns, dolls, and old clothes. I ran downstairs, and spotted red steel can. It was paint. I looked beyond it and there lay even more paint in bright colors like purple, orange, blue and green.

“Stephanie, I just found us a project for the day. Get some paintbrushes. We are fixing to paint.” She screamed with excitement as I told her of my secret plans and immediately we got to work. We gathered all the brushes we could find and moved all of our materials to my yard. There on the road in front of my house, we painted bit stripes of colors across the pavement. Stripe by stripe, our colors turned into a beautiful rainbow. It was fantastic!

The sun was starting to sink. I saw a car in the distance and jumped up as I recognized the car. It was my mother. I couldn’t wait to show her my masterpiece. The car pulled slowly into the driveway and from the look on my mother’s face, I could tell that I was in deep trouble. My mother shut the car door and walked towards me. Her eyes glaring, she shouted, “○36What in the world were you thinking? I understood when you made castles out of leaves, and climbed the neighbors’ trees, but this! Come inside right now!” I stood there glaring back at her for a minute, angry because she had insulted my art.

“Now go clean it up!” Mother and I began cleaning the road. Tears ran down my cheeks as I saw my beautiful rainbow turn into black cement.

Though years have now passed, I still wonder where my rainbow has gone. I wonder if, maybe when I get older, I can find my rainbow and never have to brush it away. ○37I guess we all need sort of rainbow to brighten our lives from time to time and to keep our hopes and dreams colorful. B36. In his mother’s eyes, the writer_______. A. was a born artist B. always caused trouble C. was a problem solver D. worked very hard

C37. The underlined word “rainbow” in the last paragraph refers to ______. A. the rainbow in the sky B. the stripes on the pavement

C. something imaginative and fun D. important lessons learned in childhood D38. It can be learned from the passage that parents should ________.

A. encourage children to paint B. value friendship among children

C. discover the hidden talent in children D. protect rather than destroy children’s dreams


Businesses are witnessing a difficult time, which has in turn produced influence on consumers’ desire to go green. However, shoppers are still laying stress on environmental concerns. 【Two thirds of customers say that environmental considerations inform their purchases to the same degree as they did a year ago, while more than a quarter say that they are now even better aware of the environmental effect on what they buy. 】

This may help to influence how shops store goods on their shelves. And the companies should still make efforts to become more environmentally friendly. 【 Two out of three people think it is important to buy from environmentally responsible companies, with about one in seven saying

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that they had even decided to take their custom elsewhere if they felt a company’s environmental reputation was not good enough. 】

Harry Morrison, chief executive(主管)of the Carbon Trust, sympathizes:“I understand this situation where survival is very important now. But from environmental considerations, the clock is ticking—we don’t have much time. In addition, cutting carbon has an immediate effect as costs drop and a medium-term benefit for the brand.”

Larger companies have an extra motivation to look at reducing their carbon footprint, as new rules next year will require businesses to buy carbon allowances to make up for their emissions(排放). Those that have taken early action will have a head start. More than two thirds of consumers are not clear about which companies are environmentally responsible. This suggests that firms that are able to relay clearly their message to the public will be in a pole position to attract shoppers. The Carbon Trust believes that it can help by informing customers about the good work companies are doing. “When companies are granted the standard, they can use a logo in all their marketing which makes it clear that they are working towards cutting emissions,” Mr. Morrison said.

39. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Businesses are finding ways to send their message to the shoppers. B. Companies will soon get information about cutting carbon emissions. C. Firms are making efforts to encourage customers to keep goods at home.

D. Firms are urged to cut carbon emissions by shoppers’ environmental awareness. 40. The underlined word “inform” in Paragraph 2 probably means“ ”. A. affect B. change C. disturb D. reject 41. According to Harry Morrison, businesses . A. will benefit from cutting carbon emissions B. should buy carbon allowances for shoppers

C. are required to make up for their carbon emissions

D. have encouraged shoppers to take their custom elsewhere 42. We can learn from the passage that businesses will . A. have a strong desire to reduce costs B. use the same logo in their marketing C. gain advantages by taking early action D. attract more shoppers by storing goods DAAC


When it comes to your skin, there is an extremely important fact that you must keep in mind: Your skin is the largest organ of your body. As an obvious result, skin health and maintenance is vital. Your skin does everything from protecting you from the elements to assisting you with breathing. Your skin keeps your body hydrated(含水的) and regulates your body's temperature. In the end, this really is only the beginning of all of the various vital functions that your skin provides to you. Despite the extreme importance of a person's skin, the reality is that many people simply do not pay much attention to issues relating to the health of their skin. With that in mind, there are some prime tips and pointers that you must always keep in mind ○43when it comes to the health and protection of your skin.

Protection against harmful rays from the sun is one of the most important steps that you need to take. With this in mind it is vitally important that you make certain you ○45use solid protection

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when you go out into the sun.

Your diet also has a direct effect on the health of your skin. 【The most important aspect of your diet in relation to the health of your skin is to make certain that you eat a proper amount of food items that contain the proteins and nutrients necessary for cellular maintenance, repair and regeneration(再生). 】 With this in mind, ○45your skin cells actually rely on a sufficient amount of carbohydrates.

Water is also important to the Health of your skin. While you certainly have heard it before, it actually is true that you should ○45drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fresh and pure water every day. There are many health benefits you can get from drinking water daily, including maintaining healthy skin.

Finally, when it comes to the health of your skin today and into the future you should avoid smoking all together. In addition, you should drink alcohol only in moderation. ○45Both smoking and too much alcohol consumption can negatively affect the health of your skin in significant ways.

43. The most suitable title of the passage may be _______. A. An essential organ of our body B. Tips for soft and smooth skin C. Habits and skin health D. How to keep our skin healthy 44. The writer lists some of the functions of skin in the beginning part to _______. A. make an analysis of the main topic of the passage

B. draw readers’ attention to the main topic of the passage C. give a brief introduction to the main topic of the passage D. give the readers a summary of the main topic of the passage

45. Which of the following DOES NOT help maintain the health of skin? A. Drinking alcohol in moderation.

B. Including adequate carbohydrates in diet.

C. Using solid protection when exposed to the sun. D. Drinking enough fresh and pure water every day. DBA

四、任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Health researchers have noticed that some groups of people are more consistently healthy than others, and wondered… Is it race? Income? Where you live? In the United States, these disagreements in health outcomes have been the focus of intense research for the past several decades.

Harvard University health policy researcher Ellen Meara says scholars have found some clues as to why some groups of people have more or less disease than others. She says one important factor in people's health is the amount of ○46education they have.

In her most recent paper, Meara looked at data from the United States census. These counts of people occur every 10 years. Meara and her colleagues examined data from several decades. “We looked at life expectancy(预测寿命)at age 25,” Meara says.

“How many additional years can you expect to live if you arrive at age 25 and your education

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