2019版高考英语黄冈中学内部第一轮复习绝密资料(全国通用版) 四
更新时间:2023-03-08 04:35:40 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载
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Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
1. (2018·宜昌模拟)The tradition _________ (survive) thousands of years and giving hongbao to children and the elderly remains popular among Chinese people all over the world.
2. The lady took him by the hand, _________ (go) into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy.
3. When the owner Mr Xue saw the money and letter, he _________ (touch) by the student’s deed and decided to return the money. 4. (2018·福州模拟)When it comes to the food which greatly _________ (benefit) your brain, some Chinese hold the view that eating pig brains will keep their minds sharp and some Americans often eat uncooked eggs to increase their intelligence.
5. Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera _________ (list)by UNESCO as a cultural heritage. 世纪金榜导学号79060227 6. (2018·石家庄模拟)There is no doubt that the world climate__________________ (change) in recent years.
7. You __________________ (work) late every night since last month. 8. News and World Reports ______(say) that the average annual tuition at
a four-year college is $ 35, 000. 答案:1. has survived 2. went 3. was touched 4. benefits 5. are listed 6. has been changing
7. have been working/have worked 8. says Ⅱ. 单句改错
1. (2018·长春模拟)The life in the countryside were so wonderful.
( )
2. The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind, and refuse to marry him.
( )
3. (2018·福州模拟) We usually left home at three o’clock in the morning, stayed in a local restaurant for breakfast, and then travel on to one of his
hunting destinations. ( )
4. I looked in the direction of the cry and I found that a little boy had been fallen into the river. ( )
5. I like basketball very much, and I know basketball is also your favorite sport, so I was inviting you to watch the game.
( )
6. (2018·南昌模拟)Our headmaster was to meet you on Monday morning and he will say something about our school.
( )
答案:1.were→was 2. refuse→refused 3.travel→travelled 4.去掉been 5. was→am 6. was→is
Ⅰ. 语法填空
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Beijing’s Forbidden City is a place full 1.
wonder. From
its thousands of rooms to its many beautiful artifacts(手工艺品), it’s no wonder it’s one of China’s most popular tourist 2.
But even more than 600 years after it was built, it’s still managing to serve up surprises. Since 3. the Forbidden City 4.
Ming Dynasty, it’s estimated that
(survive) more than 200 earthquakes. And
(resist) natural disasters, it
while most structures aren’t made 5.
seems that the Forbidden City was built to stand up to anything.
2019版高考英语黄冈中学内部第一轮复习绝密资料(全国通用版) 四03-08
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