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一、 培养目标



3、注重英语学习中的中西文化的交融,培养学生与人交流的意识 4、力求融合各学科知识,帮助学生开阔视野

二、 适合人群:





周六、周日、 寒、暑假

五、 课程设置及学时分配


六、 教学计划进程表 课时 教学内容 第1-3课时 Lesson1 教授“听力理解”和“对话练习”(也就是学生用书每课的前4 页) Lesson2 第4-6课时 教授“语音”、“句型练习”(适当地讲解语法)、一项“书面练习”、 “听写”或“游戏”。 教授“听力”、“听、说和写”(该练习只出现在“教学说明”和 录音材料里,学生用 七、 教学内容与要求



文都基于一个英语家庭和他们朋友间发生的日常故事,材料真实、地道、精炼、幽默,介绍当代英国文化的同时,帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养跨文化交际意识。 1. 基础模块

上册( 课时)

教学单元 教学内容与要求 教学提示与活动建议 教学目标 1. 掌握新单词、短语。 2. 掌握 enjoy,mind 等词后接动名词的用法。 3. 掌握反义疑问句。 4. 了解职业选择的一些情况。 词汇与短语: Proper, chat, surprised, wash up, Guess what! Bump into, mind, on one’s own 1.Brainstorm:jobs 2.单词大比 3.分角色对话 Unit 1 句型与结构词: A proper 1、She was a fashion model. She was so successful. job (6课时) 2、She wanted/didn’t want a job. 3、have/has got a job 4、love/like /enjoy/hate/(not)mind + working as a model 5、动名词:being, working, traveling, having, seeing 语言教学重点: love/like /enjoy/hate/(not)mind +动名词+宾语 a、陈述句(Statements) b、一般疑问句(Simple Question) c、特殊疑问句(Wh-question) 教学目标 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握动词不定式后置的用法。 3、初步了解现在完成时态。 4 、学会礼貌用语。 Unit 2 Just like your mother! (6课时) 词汇与短语: extra, brilliant, couple, flight, offer Excuse me, stretch out, front row, Would you like…? 句型与结构词: 1、It’s great to stretch out. 2、I’d like a magazine, please. 3、--Would you /he like a drink/some water? --Yes, I/he/ she would. / No, I/he/ she wouldn’t, thanks. 4、I’ve just/already had one/ some. He/ she’s just one/ some. 语言教学重点: 用would提供帮助或提出要求;用 has/have already had + noun 回答 a、 陈述句(Statements) A、Brainstorm:description of people (personality and appearance) B、ask and answer questions i.肯定句(Affirmative) ii.否定句(Negative) b、一般疑问句(Simple Question) c、特殊疑问句(Wh-question Free talk: Show students 1、 掌握新单词、短语。 2、继续学习现在完成时的用法,区别 have been to 和 have some pictures about morning gone to. activities and 3、掌握感叹句式。 let them talk 词汇与短语: about “what Market, worry, text, board, still,Home country, on time, have a will they talk when they meet good time their friends .” 句型与结构词: 教学目标: 1、—Have you been to + 地点? Unit 3 —We’ve (just/already) been to + 地点 We’ve had a long 2、—Have they gone to the US ? morning! —They’ve gone to the US for two montns. (6课时) 3、I’ve/we’ve just /already had + noun. 4、How + adj. eg How exciting! What + noun. eg What a worry! 语言教学重点: 比较went与have been;比较have been与have gone Went to + 地点,一般过去时指发生在过去并在过去的某一确切时间之前完成的动作。 a.陈述句(Statements) b.一般疑问句(Simple Question) c.特殊疑问句(Wh-question) 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、继续学习现在完成时的用法,It’s been there for years. 3、掌握感官动词的句型。 Unit 4 A museum piece (6课时) 词汇与短语: Since, noting, several, funfair,Hard disk, for ages 句型与结构词: 1、—How long has it been there? —It’s/It has been there for years. —It’s/It has been there since we moved into this house. 2、 It was already a museum piece when I bought it. 3、 —Has Jack ever been to the circus? —Jack went to the circus when he was little,but he hasn’t Game: long? How been since then. 语言教学重点: Has/have been in + for + 时间段/since + 时间点 Has/have gone to + for + 时间段/since + 时间点 a..陈述句(Statements) b.一般疑问句(Simple Question) c.、特殊疑问句(Wh-question) 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握现在完成时的疑问句及其回答。 3、学会状语在句子中的顺序。 4、学会合理安排自己的时间。 词汇与短语: Worldwide, huge, necessary, during, annoyed, choose,one way or another, up to, 句型与结构词: 1、 Have you finished your homework yet? 2、 Why haven’t you finished your homework yet? Survey: 问卷调查 Unit 5 How long is 3、 I haven’t finished my homework yet. your day? 4、 I have already finished my homework. (6课时) 5、 Come home, from school, after school 语言教学重点: 规则动词的现在完成时与just和yet连用 1、 陈述句 (Statements) a.肯定句:现在完成时(Affirmative:Present Perfect) b.否定句(Negative: Present Perfect) c.肯定句/否定句:一般过去时(Affirmative/Negative:simple past) 2、 一般疑问句(Simple Question) 3、特殊疑问句(Wh-question) 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握复合形容词。 Unit 6 Bird-brained! (6课时) 3、了解一些俚语。 Crossword puzzle (填词游戏) 游戏:你来比划词汇与短语: 我来猜 Bird-brained, hopelessly, admiring, faithjful, interest, secret, fall in love, in particular, show off, get married, be angry with 句型与结构词: 1、 Mr.P. has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. 2、 Have found/has fallen/has made/has won 3、 He has been faithful since he was five/for three years. 4、 at home 语言教学重点: 一些不规则动词的现在完成时 a.这些不规则动词的现在完成时与“for + 时间段 ”,“since+ 时间段”连用。Since 后可跟短语和句子。 b.陈述句 (Statements) c.一般疑问句(Simple Question) d.特殊疑问句(Wh-question) 教学目标: 1、 掌握新单词、短语。 2、 掌握提建议的句型:let’s + 动词。 3、掌握合成不定代词。 4、了解西方演讲角文化知识 Unit 7 Speakers’ corner (6课时) 词汇与短语: Secret, health, tradtion, speech, without, nobody, anybody, somebody, anywhere, somewhere, nowhere 句型与结构词: 1、 Let walk through the park. 2、 Anyone can say anything they like about anything. 3、 Everybody needs love. 4、 They talk a lot and say nothing. 语言教学重点: Some-/any-/no-/every-复合词 1.Free talk: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 a.Where did 2、 掌握句型:look/sound/…+ adj you go 3、掌握感官动词。 last summer? b.What did you 4、了解西方艺术文化知识。 do there? 词汇与短语: Unit 8 Simple, recently, horrible, delicious, touch, wooden, smell, c.Where will Crazy about you go this taste, woollen, attractive, art gallery, have a great day summer? Alexander 句型与结构词: d.What will you Calder 1、 You look tired! do there? (6课时) 2、 They looked heavy, but they were light. 2.yes/no game 3、 It’s made of aluminium/of triangular pieces of metal. 3.role play 4.Guess game:4、 The whole thing/all the pieces what is it?用语言教学重点: sound, look等1、 感官动词与形容词连用:look,sound,smell,taste,feel 词来描述 2、 made of + 名词,或者be + “材料” 形容词 + (名词) 教学目标: Free talk; Do you know English corner?

词汇与短语: Whisper, afraid, whether, fight,wonder 句型与结构词: 1、 Have you ask mom if I can start karate lessons? 2、 He doesn’t know whether you will let him. 3、 He’s afraid that you’ll say no. 4、 Do you mean that you don’t mind? 语言教学重点: 1、用ba afraid that, know 和 mean表达的间接陈述句。 2、用ask if/whether 和 know if/whether 表达的间接疑问句。 3、直接陈述句和间接陈述句的比较。 4、直接疑问句和间疑问句的比较。 Free talk: a.Where did 1、 掌握新单词、短语。 you go last 2、掌握used to + 动词的用法。 weekend? 词汇与短语: b. Can you Reservation, active, leave sth to sb, use to, pop music, be give a keen on, be fond of definition of 句型与结构词: “vacation”. 1、 It was my wife’s idea to come here. 教学目标: 2、I used to think taht, too. 3、when I was a little kid, I used to go out to play. 语言教学重点: used to + 动词 a.用于一般过去时 b. 后跟动词原形 c. 陈述句(Statements) b.一般疑问句(Simple Question) 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握过去完成时的用法 Unit 20 Answer, reply, home movie, invite in, fall asleep Game: There’s always a When I was 句型与结构词: first time 1、I had just got home the other night when my cousin, young…. (6课时) alice, rang the bell. 2、I had just parked my car outside. 3、The sad thing is , I am afraid I will. 语言教学重点: 词汇与短语: Unit 19 Now is enough! (6课时) 带有时间状语从句的句子的时态 过去完成时:had just/ already +过去分词, when +一般过去时 a. 陈述句(Statements) b.一般疑问句(Simple Question) c.特殊疑问句(Wh-question) 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、进一步掌握过去完成时 3、间接陈述句的时态 词汇与短语: Stare,onto, disappear, interview, wildlife park Unit 21 A very big cat (6课时) 句型与结构词: 1、I really believe that she had seen a very big cat. 2、Last weekend, they had invited us to go with them to bodmin. 3、About a year ago, Judy told me she had seen a puma in the garden. 语言教学重点: 1、 过去完成时 2、 间接陈述句的时态 Retell story the Game: What did he 2、掌握与when, where, how, if/whether 连用的带“倒移”say? 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 的间接疑问句。 词汇与短语: Knit, niece, mad, local,examiner, knitting needle, Chinese Unit 22 Does anyone still 1、I ask her where I could find knitting needle. knit? 2、I said that I always used to buy them on the first floor. (6课时) 3、I’m afraid that shops like that have disappeared these days.. 语言教学重点: 与when, where, how, if/whether 连用的带“倒移”的间接疑问句。 a. 带有间接疑问句的陈述句。 b. 带有间接疑问句的一般疑问句。 c. 回答中带有间接疑问句的特殊疑问句。 Knotting 句型与结构词: 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握用can’t be/can’t have been 和 must be /must have been 表示推断。 词汇与短语: Unit 23 Whose mistake? (6课时) Mistake, judge, receive, insist, traditional 句型与结构词: 1、It must be here. 2、It must have been a mistake. 3、They must have made a mistake. 语言教学重点: 用can’t be/can’t have been 和 must be /must have been 表示推断 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握When 和 while 引导的时间状语从句。 词汇与短语: Unit 24 No laughing allowed (6课时) Against,while,enter, decide, draw, hop, in trouble, set off, go out 句型与结构词: 1、when I looked at his screen, I starter to laugh. 2、While we were entering data on the system, Craig staterd to laugh. 语言教学重点: When 和 while 引导的时间状语从句。 Retell story the Game: Let’s make a story. Unit 25 Body image (6课时) Discussion: a.Which one is 1、掌握新单词、短语。 important, soul 2、掌握反身代词的用法。 or appearance? 词汇与短语: b.Will you Important, unhappy, improve,burn, admire, hurt,dress up have plastic in surgery? 句型与结构词: 教学目标: 1、When they look at themselves in the mirror, they are learning about style. 2、How do you feel about yourself. 语言教学重点: 反身代词 教学目标: Game: Spell it 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握关系代词 who, which, that作限定性关系从句的主语的关系从句。 Unit 26 Daisy gives some advice (6课时) 词汇与短语: Advice, begin, differently, forget, repair,according to, 句型与结构词: 1、The best movies are the ones which tell a story. 2、I don’t know where to begin. 语言教学重点: 关系代词作主语的关系从句。 关系代词 who, which, that作限定性关系从句的主语。 1.Game: Finger game 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、关系代词 who, which, that作限定性关系从句的宾(one plus one is two ..) 语。 2.Competition: 词汇与短语: 教学目标: Unit 27 Jonno! (6课时) Album, suppose, latest,remind, valuable, to tell you the truth, 句型与结构词: 1、He’s in that picture that you put on your ceiling. 2、I really liked the last album that you made. 语言教学重点: 关系代词作宾语的关系从句。 关系代词 who, which, that作限定性关系从句的宾语。 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握被动语态的用法。。 词汇与短语: Coin, hide, check, water,monkey business, on sale, look after 句型与结构词: Unit 28 Monkey business 1、The monkeys are given silver “coins”, and are taught to (6课时) use them as money. 2、When pieces of cucumber were offered as well, one group did something. 语言教学重点: 被动语态: a. 一般现在时:am/is/are + 过去分词 b. b.一般过去时:was/were +过去分词 Game: Whisper it 1.Competition: Boys vs girls 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握现在完成时的被动语态,将来时的被动语态,2. Discussion:What kind of 以及带can的被动语态。 bottled water 词汇与短语: do you Charge, carry, proud, recycle,make sense, eat out, Unit 29 like—still or Sparking, still or 句型与结构词: sparking? tap? 1、What’s the highest price you’ve ever been charged for a (6课时) bottle. 教学目标: 2、And think of all the billions of bottles that will be put into the garbage. 语言教学重点: 现在完成时的被动语态,将来时的被动语态,以及带can的被动语态 教学目标: 1、掌握新单词、短语。 2、掌握用so, neither, nor, too, either对前面的句子进行Unit 30 We all need to play more (6课时) 补充。 词汇与短语: Neither, enough, either, hike 句型与结构词: 1、I missed it.—so did I. 2、I’m not very fit.—neither am I. 语言教学重点: 用so, neither, nor, too, either对前面的句子进行补充。

Game: Agree with me

