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篇一:美语三级跳 013A
美语三级跳:013A 电脑: 初级课程 Chloe的电脑出了点毛病,她打电话给朋友Matt,让他帮忙看看。
Professor: That's right, Winnie. Isn't it good to have friends who understand computers?
Chloe: Hi Matt, thanks for coming over to help me fix my computer. Matt: No problem. I know everything about computers. What's the problem? Chloe: I can't surf the Internet. What do you think the problem is?
Matt: Well it could be a software problem, or it could be a hardware problem. Matt 说,只要是有关电脑的东西,没他不懂的,口气还真大,希望他不是吹牛。 Professor: Well, we will see. Winnie, what is wrong with Chloe's computer? 她说,她不能"surf" the Internet. Professor Bowman, surf不是冲浪的意思么? Professor: Yes, but you can also use it to talk about browsing the Internet. For example, I spend three hours every day surfing the Internet.
我明白了,surf the Internet就是上网。Matt说,Chloe的电脑不能上网,这不是hardware problem - 硬件的问题,就是software problem - 软件的问题。
Professor: That's right! Let's see if Matt can help fix the computer.
Matt: Well, let's see if the computer can turn on. Here, I'll just press the power button.
Chloe: Uh ... Matt? That's not my computer. That's my TV.
Matt: Huh? Oh yes, of course. Where is your computer?
Chloe: My computer is over on the desk. See? It is turned on, but when I try to open the browser, there is no connection to the Internet.
这个Matt,怎么连电脑和电视都分不清!他说开电脑,却伸手去按TV的power button - 电视开关!
Professor: He doesn't sound like a computer expert at all.
可不!不过Professor, Chloe说,她想打开browser的时候,没法连接网络。 Browser就是上网用的浏览器吧?
Professor: Correct. You can also say you opened a browser window.
哦....open a browser window就是打开一个浏览窗口。我倒真想看看Matt是不是真懂电脑。
Matt: Hmm .... have you tried re-starting your computer?
Chloe: Matt, of course I tried re-starting my computer. That was the first thing I did!
Matt: Really? Well if that didn't work, I don't know what to do.
Chloe: That's your only idea? You said you know everything about computers. I should have just called technical support.
Matt: Well re-starting the computer always works for me.
我猜的没错!Matt唯一的办法就是re-start the computer,重新启动电脑,这谁不会啊!
对了,重启电脑是不是也可以说re-boot the computer?
Professor: That's right. Re-start and re-boot mean the same thing.
看来,Chloe对Matt很失望,觉得自己还不如打电话给电脑公司的technical support - 技术服务部门呢。
Professor: Matt has one more idea to fix the computer. Let's listen.
Matt: Wait! I know how to fix the problem!
Chloe: Great! What should we do?
Matt: We should contact the Internet company to see if their service is down. Let's log on to their website to find their phone number.
Chloe: Uh, Matt? The Internet isn't working. How can we log on to the website? Matt: Oh yeah.
Professor: So Winnie, what is Matt's solution for fixing the computer?
Chloe: 他出馊主意说,去网络公司的网站找他们的联络电话,然后打过去问问是不是网络出问题了!
Professor: Exactly. But that's impossible because the Internet is down.
就是!Chloe的问题就是不能上网,Matt却要上网查东西,这不是瞎出主意么!对了,Professor, Chloe说Internet is down, 就是说网坏了吧?
Professor: Yes. For example, you can say "I couldn't go to work today because the subway is down." You can also say that your E-mail or phone service is down. 我明白了。希望Chloe不是因为什么急事需要上网,要不然都让这个假行家Matt给耽误了! Professor: Well, let's listen next time to find out!
篇二:美语三级跳 024B
美语三级跳:024B 体育运动: 中级课程 Ryan跟自己的好朋友Alice学习打篮球。今天,Alice带Ryan去看球赛,好让他学学比赛规则。
Professor: That's right, Winnie. Alice is taking Ryan to watch a basketball game, but it's not a professional game like you might think.
Ryan: Alice, I can't believe you brought me to a children's basketball game! How can I learn how to play basketball watching children?
Alice: Well, Ryan, you're a beginner, and they are beginners too. That will make it easier for you to understand the rules.
Ryan: Ugh ... I guess so. But watching kids is so boring. The professional basketball league is much better.
Alice: OK Ryan, stop complaining and watch what's happening on the court. 啊?原来Alice带 Ryan去看儿童篮球赛啦!
Professor: I know it sounds silly, but why does Alice say she brought him there? Alice 说,Ryan是 beginner - 初学者,所以,看和他水平差不多的人打球,能更好地了解比赛规则。对了, professor, Ryan 说 professional basketball league,是指职业篮球联盟么?
Professor: Right, and in baseball, you might hear about the major leagues and minor leagues.
对,在棒球中, major league就是“大联盟”,而minor league是“小联盟”。 让我们来听听,在basketball court--篮球场上,比赛进行地如何吧!
Ryan: Alright Alice, let's watch the game. Which team are we rooting for? Alice: We are rooting for the home team because my nephew is playing for them. Ryan: Oh, cool! Does he really like to play basketball with the other kids? Alice: Oh yeah, these team sports really build their confidence. This is a big game, because they are playing their rivals.
原来,Alice的侄子就在球场上! 他是home team -“主场球队”的一员,Professor, 和“主场”相对的是“客场”,这要怎么说呢?
Professor: The opposite of the home team is the visiting team. Most people at the game root for the home team.
没错!比赛时,主场队总是人气更旺! 大部分观众都root for it--给主场球队加油助威。那么,root for除了表示在赛场上支持某只球队外,还有别的用法么?
Professor: Sure! For example, I am really rooting for the new law to pass, because it would lower my taxes.
哦,root for表示“支持”,所以我们可以说,root for the new law - 支持这条新的法律。Professor, Alice还提到,这两只队伍是rivals - 这是“劲敌,对头”的意思么? Professor: That's right!
Ryan: Wow, these kids are really good! I can't believe how athletic they are.
Alice: Yeah, my nephew practices a lot. He's the captain of the team.
Ryan: He's the captain? He must be the best player on the team. When I was his age, the only sports I played were sports video game.
Alice: Hmm .... well I'm sure playing all those sports video games really gave your fingers a good workout.
怪不得Ryan篮球打得这么臭,他小时候从不运动,唯一的爱好就是play sports video games--在游戏机上玩儿运动游戏!
Professor: Right. And what about Alice's nephew? Is he more athletic than Ryan was? 当然了! Alice的侄子是篮球队的captain--队长,他特别 athletic - 爱运动!
Ryan: My gosh, Alice, these kids are half my age, and they are so much better at basketball than me!
Alice: Don't get discouraged; with lots of practice, you will be as good as them one day.
Ryan: I don't have that much dedication. Man, getting in shape is so much work! Alice: Well, you don't have to play basketball. There are lots of other ways to get in shape. Do you have any other ideas?
Ryan: Mmm ... Actually, I have a great idea!
看着小孩子篮球打得比自己强那么多,Ryan有点觉得discouraged - 泄气了。他不想打篮球了,想用另外一种方法来锻练身体,保持体形。不知道他有什么好主意?
Professor: Well, listen next time to find out!
篇三:美语三级跳 019A
美语三级跳:019A 婚礼: 初级课程 John和Carmen订婚了,俩人商量婚礼该怎么办,可发现彼此的想法大相径庭。
Professor: That's right, Winnie. Carmen wants a traditional wedding, but John wants to get married in Las Vegas.
John: Carmen, I have a great idea for our wedding.
Carmen: Me too! I want to get married in a small church in my home town. John: What? That's so boring. Let's get married in Las Vegas.
Carmen: Las Vegas? That's the last place I want to get married.
John想去拉斯维加斯结婚,这也不错啊! 我听说,很多名人都在拉斯维加斯结婚,人们还会找模仿猫王的人主持婚礼、载歌载舞呢!
Professor: Yes, but where does Carmen want to get married?
Carmen想在自己的家乡,找个小教堂,举行一个traditional wedding - 传统婚礼。不过John觉得这种婚礼太没意思,很老套。对了,Professor Bowman, Carmen说拉斯维加斯是"the last place," she wants to get married,这是什么意思?
Professor: That means it is the worst choice. For example, "I like to have fun on the weekend, so doing my homework is the last thing I want to do." 我明白了,就是最差的选择,是你最不想要的。
John: Carmen, you know I love Elvis. Getting married by Elvis would be a dream come true.
Carmen: My parents are very religious, and I don't think they like Elvis. John: We could get married by someone else. What about Michael Jackson? Carmen: John, I think you're missing the point.
原来,John是猫王的粉丝,所以他的梦想就是到拉斯维加斯找个假猫王主持婚礼! Professor: That's right, Winnie, but what does Carmen say?
Carmen说,自己的父母是虔诚的教徒,不喜欢这种搞怪的婚礼,而且他们也不喜欢猫王。谁知John说,那就请个假 Michael Jackson来主持婚礼!
Professor: That's why Carmen says John is "missing the point". It means he doesn't understand the important part of what she said.
哦,miss the point就是“没抓住重点”,“没说到点子上”。Carmen其实并不在乎找假猫王还是假Michael Jackson,关键是她不喜欢拉斯维加斯婚礼的形式。
John: I know. If we get married in Las Vegas, you can choose where we go for our honeymoon.
Carmen: I don't care about the honeymoon! Go to Las Vegas for your bachelor party. John: Really? You won't be mad if I have a bachelor party in Las Vegas?
Carmen: Of course you can have your bachelor party wherever you want! You will just need to find a new fianc□
Professor: Too bad Carmen says she doesn't care about the honeymoon.
对啊,Carmen并不买帐。她还说,John如果去拉斯维加斯办"bachelor party" -“新郎的告别单身派对”,她就要和John说bye-bye!
Professor: What do you think, Winnie? Will this marriage end in divorce? 只要John遵守婚姻的至尊法则,他们就肯定不会离婚!
Professor: What is that?
John: But Carmen, when we got engaged, you said I could help plan the wedding. Carmen: Of course, honey! You can help me plan our wedding, in a small church in my home town.
John: (Sigh) Ok ...... Married life is going to be great!
Professor: So Winnie, where do you think John and Carmen will get married?
看来他们真的要在Carmen的家乡举行婚礼了。John说,在他们 got engaged - 订婚的时候,Carmen还说让他帮忙策划婚礼呢,原来啊,这婚礼的大主意还是要Carmen拿!
Professor: Sounds like Carmen wins. What kind of a wedding do you think they will have?
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