中职英语 unit1-Nice to meet you!

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Book 1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!





第一课时 Lead in + Listening and speaking 第二课时 Reading and writing

第三课时Grammar focus (Verb “be” Pronouns)

第四课时Vocabulary practice + Supplementary reading


第一课时 Lead in + Listening and speaking



本课时系《英语基础教程 1》第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:了解常见的问候方式,听懂并掌握交流个人信息的相关词汇和句型。 2.教学重点、难点


听懂并掌握交流个人信息的词汇、句型; 主要见面问候方式的英语表达; ⑵教学难点



1. 知识目标

(1) 识记并掌握关于问候方式的基本短语,如:

kiss on the cheeks,shake hands,say hello to the guest, make a respectful bow,hug each other

⑵ 识记并掌握提供或询问个人信息时所使用的句型,如: 1) About greeting: Nice to meet you.

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Glad to meet you.

2) About personal information: I’d like to introduce myself. Where do you come from? Where are you from?

Which company are you from? What do you do? I come from …

I’m a student from a vocational school. 2. 能力目标

(1) 学生能听懂关于问候方式的短语。

(2) 学生能灵活运用关于交流个人信息的关键句型。 3. 情感目标 (1) 在师生间、生生间建立融洽的关系,学生能逐步了解英语在跨国交流中的桥梁作用。 (2) 学生能理解在问候和其他生活场景中学会“入乡随俗”的重要性。


Step One Lead-in

1. The teacher greets the students and tries to know more about them: Good morning. Nice to meet you. I’m your new English teacher. May I have your name, please? Which school are you from? 教师和学生之间交流时可配合握手等身体语言。

(设计意图:教师熟悉班集体,鼓励学生大胆发言,在自然交流中导入本单元重点。) 2. Activity 1 Match and think.

(1)Brainstorm:How do people greet each other in foreign countries?

Possible answers: shake hands, bow to each other, kiss, hug… (The teacher collects different answers on the blackboard)


(2) Match the phrases with the pictures. And the students read the phrases after the teacher. kiss on the cheeks,shake hands,say hello to the guest,

make a respectful bow,hug each other (3) List the countries on the blackboard.

How do the Japanese/American/Chinese people greet each other? (设计意图:熟悉主要的问候方式,为听说练习做准备。)

Step Two Listening and speaking 1. Activity 2. Listen and circle.

Listen to the dialogue and circle the two countries from the list on the blackboard. The teacher tells the students their listening task before listening, sharing one of the listening skills.

(We always read the questions before listening in order to make sure what we should pay attention while listening.)

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(设计意图:对对话形成初步印象,了解对话的主题。) 2. Activity 3. Listen and choose.

Listen to the dialogue again. Before listening, the teacher asks the students to read the three comprehensive questions and tells the students we should pay more attention to the key words and phrases according to the questions.


3. Activity 4. Listen and fill.

The teacher encourages the students to fill in the blanks. Then the students listen to the dialogue for the third time.


4. Activity 5. Listen and repeat

(1) Encourage the students to read the dialogue in groups/pairs.


(2) Ask Ss to read after the audio sentence by sentence and pay attention to imitate the tone of the audio. (Or read after the teacher if necessary.) Then Ss read altogether(or in groups) by themselves.

(设计意图: 通过逐句跟读、集体朗读、分组朗读,训练学生正确的语音语调,培养学生模仿英美原音语音语调的学习习惯。)

(3)T: Wang Feng talks about custom with his new friend. Which topics will you choose to chat with a foreign friend?

Where do you come from? What do you do? It’s a nice day.

(4) The teacher leads students to conclude: Do in Rome as the Romans do.

(设计意图:引导学生总结适合与外宾的交流的话题,总结入乡随俗的基本原则,帮助学生感受文化差异。) 5. Activity 6. Practice and act.

Have students make conversation with their partners according to these sentence patterns. The teacher will give an example if it’s necessary. Then ask some pairs to demonstrate their performances (greet each other and ask for personal information)


Step Three Production

1. Think of ten ways of greetings.

Hi. Hello.

How’s it going? How do you do? How are things?

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How are you?

Haven’t seen you for ages. Great to see you again. Nice to meet you.

Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening. (设计意图: 通过小组竞赛的方式,集思广益让学生罗列10条问候语,并请学生当堂记忆。 明确数量,可以帮助学生记忆。)

2. T: What else would you like to know about your classmates? Ask your classmates some questions and get to know your classmates. e.g. What is your favorite animal?

What is your favorite city in China? What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite day of the week? Why? What is your favorite drink?

What is your favorite vegetable?

What's your favorite word in English? Why do you like it? Who is your favorite actor? Who is your favorite actress? Who is your favorite athlete? Who is your favorite singer? What is your best friend's name? Who is your favorite teacher? Why? What is your favorite subject in school?


3. T: We’ve learned 5 different greeting ways. Do you know more greeting ways? Would you like

to show these greeting ways with your classmates?


Step Four Summary

Make a short summary of what we’ve learned today.

(1) Key phrases: kiss on the cheeks,shake hands,say hello to the guest, make a respectful bow,hug each other

(2) Useful sentence patterns about greetings and personal information. Glad to meet you. Where are you from?

I’d like to introduce myself. Where do you come from? What do you do? I come from …


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Step Five Homework

1. Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class.

2. Make a similar dialogue in pairs, talking about personal information. 3. Make an introduction of yourself.

4. Complete the parts “Language application” and “Complete the dialogue” in the workbook .


Unit 1. Glad to meet you! Ways of greeting kiss on the cheeks shake hands say hello to the guest make a respectful bow hug each other I’d like to introduce myself. I’m a student from a vocational school. Where are you from? Where do you come from? What do you do? Do in Rome as the Romans do.

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