lesson13 I Love Autumn新冀教版八年级英语上册

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Unit 3Families CelebrateTogether

Lesson 13 I Love Autumn

Chat ShowWhat Chinese festivals are in autumn? Do you know any autumn festivals in other countries?

China 1)Mid-Autumn Festival


2)National Day

Thanksgiving 3) Chong Yang Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival


moon cake

watch the moon


big dinner


harvest time

give thanks

Vocabularycelebrate midlunar round however Thanksgiving ['sel bre t] [m d] ['lu:n ] [ra nd]v. 庆祝 prefix. 居中;在中间 adj. 月球的;阴历的 adj. 圆的 adv. 周而复始地 n. 庆祝


['sel 'bre n] [ha 'ev ] ['θæ ks'ɡ v ]

adv. 然而;不过 n. 感恩节


['w nd ]

v. 好奇;想知道

Read And Answer

Key Phrasescelebrate Mid-Autumn Festival 庆祝中秋节 在农历 in the lunar calendar 又圆又亮 round and bright 赏月 watch the moon a beautiful lady named Chang’e一位名叫嫦娥的美丽女士 a seven-day holiday 一个七天的假期

National Day celebration 国庆节庆祝仪式 my grandparents’ home我祖父母的家

Language Points1. Thank you for the e-mail!谢谢你的电子邮件! thank ... for ... 意为“因……而感谢……”, 相当于 thanks for ...。for 后跟名词,代词 或 V-ing 形式, 表示感谢的原因。e.g. Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。

2. I wonder…wonder 用作动词,意为“想知道,不知

道”,常跟由 if 或 wh-词引导的宾语从句。 e.g. I wonder if she will come to work on time.I wonder when he will come here.

3. 辨析

watch; read; look; see

We will watch the moon tonight, and look for Chang’ e.

watch意为“观看;观察”,通常指有目的地、 集中注意力地观看或注视,常用于看电视,体育 活动或比赛等。e.g. I often watch TV after school.

read意为“读;看”,通常指读书、看报。e.g. My father usually reads newspapers in the morning.

look是不及物动词,意为“看;瞧”,强调看 的动作,不强调结果。若后接宾语,要接 at。e.g. I look at the sky, but I can’t see anything. 我看着天空,但是没有看到任何东西。

see是及物动词,常与一些名词构成相关词组。e.g. see a film, see a doctor。

单独使用时,意为“看到”,强调结果。e.g. When I see him, he is crying. 当我看见他时,他正在哭。


HomeworkWrite a composition:

My Favourite Festival

