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NC Error Text Table : acpex acpex.waf [NC Error Text Table] ID Text

acp10 version 1.050 Error strings

1、 Parameter ID invalid 参数ID号无效。

2、 Parameter can not be read (value is not available at the moment) 参数不能读(数值在当时不能用)。 3、 Write access for a read only parameter 对只读参数进行写操作。

4 、Read access for a write only parameter 对只写参数进行读操作。 5 、Value of parameter is invalid 参数数值无效。

REAL Value of Parameter 参数的实数值。

6 、Value of parameter is invalid 参数数值无效。

UDINT Value of Parameter 参数的无符号长整数值。 7、 Value of parameter is invalid 参数数值无效。

DINT Value of Parameter 参数的长整数值。

8 、Data block read access already initialized 读数据块操作,已经初始化了。

9 、Data block write access already initialized 写数据块操作,已经初始化了。 10 、Data block read access not initialized 读数据块操作,还没有初始化。

11 、Data block write access not initialized 写数据块操作,还没有初始化。

12、 Data block write access still active (INIT for read access not possible) 数据块正在进行写操作,(初始化读操作不允许)

13 、Data block read access still active (INIT for write access not possible)


数据块正在进行读操作,(初始化写操作不允许) 14 、Timeout for Read Response 读响应超时

15 、Timeout for Write Response 写响应超时

16 The Data segment at data block read is already the last 要读的数据段已经是数据块的尾部。

17 The Data segment at data block write is already the last 要写的数据段已经是数据块的尾部。

18 The Data segment at data block read is not yet the last 要读的数据段没有在数据块的尾部。 UDINT Data block offset


19 The Data segment at data block write is not yet the last 要写的数据段没有在数据块的尾部。 UDINT Data block offset


20 Checksum after data block read is invalid 读数据块后,校验和无效。

21 Checksum after data block write is invalid 写数据块后,校验和无效。

22 Parameter ID in data block is invalid (data block read) 在数据块中参数ID号无效(读数据块时) 'PARID' Parameter ID 错误的参数ID号

23 Parameter ID in data block is invalid (data block write) 在数据块中参数ID号无效(写数据块时) 'PARID' Parameter ID 错误的参数ID号

24 System module download not allowed in this boot state 在引导状态不允许下载系统模块 UINT Boot state 引导状态号

25 Burn system module only allowed immediately after download 将系统模块烧到EEROM,必须在下载后立即执行

26 Requested change of boot state is not allowed in this boot state 在该引导状态下不允许修改引导状态


UINT Boot state 当前引导状态

27 Start of operating system not possible (operating system is not on the FPROM)

不能启动操作系统(FPROM没有操作系统) 28 Read parameter not allowed in this drive state 在当前驱动状态,不能读参数 UINT Drive state 当前驱动状态

29 Write parameter not allowed in this drive state 在当前驱动状态,不能写参数 UINT Drive state 当前驱动状态

30 Read parameter not possible because of hardware error 由于硬件错误,不能读参数。 UINT Hardware error 当前硬件错误

31 Write parameter not possible because of hardware error 由于硬件错误,不能写参数。 UINT Hardware error 当前硬件错误

32 Command parameter is invalid 命令参数无效

'PARID' Parameter ID 无效的命令参数

40 Value of parameter higher than maximum value 参数数值超过最大值。 REAL Maximum value 该参数最大值(实数)

41 Value of parameter higher than maximum value 参数数值超过最大值。 UDINT Maximum value


42 Value of parameter higher than maximum value 参数数值超过最大值。 DINT Maximum value 该参数最大值(长整型)


43 Value of parameter1 higher than maximum value 参数1数值超过最大值。 REAL Maximum value 该参数最大值(实数)

44 Value of parameter1 higher than maximum value 参数1数值超过最大值。 UDINT Maximum value


45 Value of parameter1 higher than maximum value 参数1数值超过最大值。 DINT Maximum value 该参数最大值(长整型)

46 Value of parameter2 higher than maximum value 参数2数值超过最大值。 REAL Maximum value 该参数最大值(实数)

47 Value of parameter2 higher than maximum value 参数2数值超过最大值。 UDINT Maximum value


48 Value of parameter2 higher than maximum value 参数2数值超过最大值。 DINT Maximum value 该参数最大值(长整型)

49 Value of parameter3 higher than maximum value 参数3数值超过最大值。 REAL Maximum value 该参数最大值(实数)

50 Value of parameter3 higher than maximum value 参数3数值超过最大值。 UDINT Maximum value


51 Value of parameter3 higher than maximum value 参数3数值超过最大值。 DINT Maximum value 该参数最大值(长整型)


52 Value of parameter lower than minimum value 参数数值小于最小值 REAL Minimum value 该参数最小值(实数)

53 Value of parameter lower than minimum value 参数数值小于最小值 UDINT Minimum value


54 Value of parameter lower than minimum value 参数数值小于最小值 DINT Minimum value 该参数最小值(长整型)

55 Value of parameter1 lower than minimum value 参数1数值小于最小值 REAL Minimum value 该参数最小值(实数)

56 Value of parameter1 lower than minimum value 参数1数值小于最小值 UDINT Minimum value


57 Value of parameter1 lower than minimum value 参数1数值小于最小值 DINT Minimum value 该参数最小值(长整型)

58 Value of parameter2 lower than minimum value 参数2数值小于最小值 REAL Minimum value 该参数最小值(实数)

59 Value of parameter2 lower than minimum value 参数2数值小于最小值 UDINT Minimum value


60 Value of parameter2 lower than minimum value 参数2数值小于最小值 DINT Minimum value 该参数最小值(长整型)

61 Value of parameter3 lower than minimum value


参数3数值小于最小值 REAL Minimum value 该参数最小值(实数)

62 Value of parameter3 lower than minimum value 参数3数值小于最小值 UDINT Minimum value


63 Value of parameter3 lower than minimum value 参数3数值小于最小值 DINT Minimum value 该参数最小值(长整型)

64 Hardware ID in B&R module is invalid (data block write) 在B&R模块中的硬件ID号是无效的(写数据块) USINT Hardware ID 该硬件ID号

65 Hardware Version in B&R module is invalid (data block write) 在B&R模块中的硬件版本是无效的(写数据块) USINT Hardware Revision 该硬件版本

66 Hardware ID of operating system is incompatible to the existing network 操作系统的硬件ID号与现存网络不兼容。 USINT Hardware ID 硬件ID号

1001 Error FIFO overflow FIFO溢出错误。

1002 Parameter outside the valid range 参数超出有效范围。

1003 Writing parameter is not allowed during loop control is active 正在循环控制时不允许写参数。 1004 Timeout in network live sign control 网络通讯超时。

1005 Writing parameter is not allowed during a movement is active 正在运动中不允许写参数。

1006 Invalid parameter for trigger event (digital input + edge) 触发事件的参数无效(数字输入+上升或下降沿)。

1007 Master for network coupling deactivated - one master is already sending



1008 Master for network coupling deactivated - Encoder error 主站的网络连接关闭-编码器错误。 1009 Error on memory allocation 内存驻留错误。

1010 Function FIFO overflow 函数的FIFO堆栈溢出。 1011 Quickstop input active 急停输入激活。

1012 Breakdown of cyclic network communication 循环网络通讯断

1013 Station is not available for network communication 没有可进行网络通讯的站号

1014 AC112 command interface is occupied AC112 命令接口被占用

1016 Maximum cycle time exceeded - CPU load too high 最大循环时间超出范围—CPU负载太高。 1017 Invalid parameter ID for cyclic read access 循环读操作的参数ID无效。 'PARID' Parameter ID 无效的参数ID

1018 Invalid parameter ID for cyclic write access 循环写操作的参数ID无效。 'PARID' Parameter ID 无效的参数ID

1019 Data type of input and output parameter ID is not compatible 参数的数据类型不兼容。

1020 Write parameter not allowed: Compensation movement active 补偿运动激活时不能写参数。

1021 Write parameter not allowed: Function block active 功能块激活时不能写参数。

2001 Upload of trace data not allowed: Recording active 记录激活时不能上载跟踪数据。 2002 No trace data available for upload 没有跟踪数据可用。

2003 Trace start not allowed: Recording active 记录激活时不允许启动跟踪。


2004 Trace start not allowed: No trace test data defined 跟踪数据没定义,不允许启动跟踪。 2005 Invalid parameter ID for trace test data 跟踪数据的参数ID号无效。 'PARID' Parameter ID 无效的参数ID

2006 Initialization of trace parameters not allowed: Recording active 记录激活时不允许初始化跟踪参数。

4002 Invalid action code in simulation command 该动作编码在仿真命令中无效

4004 Invalid action code in controller command 该动作编码在控制命令中无效

4005 Switch controller on not possible: Drive in error state 伺服驱动在错误状态,不能激磁。 4007 Lag error stop limit exceeded 滞后距离超过停止限制。 REAL Current lag error 当前滞后距离

4008 Positive limit switch reached 到达正限位

4009 Negative limit switch reached 到达负限位

4010 Switch controller on not possible: Both limit switches are closed 正负限位同时动作,不能激磁。

4011 Switch controller off not possible: Movement active 正在运行,不能停激磁。

4012 Switch controller on not possible: Initial parameter missing or not valid 初始化参数丢失或无效,不能激磁。 'PARID' Parameter ID 参数号

4014 Two encoder control: Stop limit of positions difference exceeded 两个编码器控制中,偏差超限。 REAL Current positions difference 当前位置偏差。

5001 Target position > positive SW limit 目标位置大于正向软限位

5002 Target position < negative SW limit


目标位置小于反向软限位 5003 Positive SW limit reached 到达正向软限位

5004 Negative SW limit reached 到达反向软限位

5005 Start of movement not possible: Position controller inactive 位置控制没激活,不能启动运动。

5006 Start of movement not possible: Axis not referenced 轴未寻参,不能启动运动。

5010 Move in pos. direction not possible: Pos. limit switch is closed 正向限位动作,不能正向运行。

5011 Move in neg. direction not possible: Neg. limit switch is closed 反向限位动作,不能反向运行。

5012 Start of movement not possible: Stop ramp active 正在停止运动,不能启动运行。

5013 Switching on cyclic set value mode is not possible: Movement active 正在运动中,不能切换设定模式。

5015 Start of movement not possible: Homing procedure active 正在寻参,不能启动运动。

5016 Write parameter not allowed: Homing procedure active 正在寻参,不能写参数。

5017 Homing procedure mode not possible: Position controller inactive 位置控制没激活,不能启动寻参。

5018 Homing procedure not possible: Movement active 电机正在运行中,不能寻参

5019 Homing parameter outside the valid range 寻参参数超出有效范围。 'PARID' Parameter ID 该参数ID号。

5020 Homing procedure not possible: Both limit switches are closed 正反限位都动作,不能寻参。

5021 Limit switch closed: No direction change for this homing mode 限位动作,这种寻参方式没有方向转换。

5022 Second limit switch signal received: Reference switch not found 第二个限位信号动作,寻参开关没有动作。

5023 Incorrect limit switch signal received for current movement direction 在当前运动方向,不正确的限位信号动作了。


5024 Cyclic set value mode aborted: Set positions missing 设定位置丢失,循环设定方式异常中断。

5025 Set homing offset with correction of counting range not possible 无法正确的设定寻参偏移量。

5026 Basis movement parameter (with override) exceed speed limit value 基本运行参数(包括重载)超出速度限定。

5027 Basis movement parameter (with override) exceed acceleration limit value

基本运行参数(包括重载)超出加速度限定。 5028 Current movement is no basis movement 当前运动不是基本运动。

5029 Trigger ignored - remaining distance exceeds SW limit 目标忽略,原位置已经超过软限位。

5030 Homing procedure mode not possible: Position controller active 位置控制已启动,不能启动寻参模式。

5031 Homing procedure mode not possible: Cyclic set values mode is off 循环设定模式关闭,不能启动寻参模式。

5032 Acceleration too low - braking distance exceeds positive SW limit 加速度太小,刹车距离超出正向软限位。

5033 Acceleration too low - braking distance exceeds negative SW limit 加速度太小,刹车距离超出反向软限位。

5101 Cam profile compensation gears: Limit values exceeded 电子凸轮配方中补偿段超限值。

5102 Too many changes of cam profile per cycle (master period too short) 电子凸轮中一个循环改变了太多配方(主轴周期太短)。 5103 Slave trigger FIFO full 从轴FIFO堆栈满。

5104 Slave trigger FIFO empty 从轴FIFO堆栈空。

5105 Master trigger FIFO full 主轴FIFO堆栈满。

5106 Master trigger FIFO empty 主轴FIFO堆栈空。

5107 Start cam profile linkage not possible: Parameter outside the valid range

参数超出有效范围,不能启动电子凸轮配方。 'PARID' Parameter ID



5108 Master compensation trigger FIFO full 主轴补偿部分FIFO堆栈满。

5109 Master compensation trigger FIFO empty 主轴补偿部分FIFO堆栈空。

5110 Cam profile linkage aborted: Cyclic set positions missing 电子凸轮配方中断,循环设定位置丢失。 5111 Cam profile linkage aborted: Encoder error 电子凸轮配方中断,编码器错误。

5112 Command not allowed: Cam profile linkage not active 电子凸轮配方没启动,该命令不能执行。 5113 Command not allowed: Controller is still active 控制器正在运行,该命令不能执行。

5114 Write parameter not allowed: Cam profile linkage active 电子凸轮配方正在执行,不能写参数。

5115 Restart command not possible: The cam automat is not active 电子凸轮没有激活,重启动命令不能执行。

5201 Write parameter not allowed: Drumsequencer active 鼓序列正运行,不能写参数。

5202 Drumsequencer: Switch positions not in ascending order 鼓序列发生器:开关位置不是递增顺序。 5300 Data block for upload is not available 要上载的数据块不存在。

5302 Write parameter not allowed: Cam automat active 电子凸轮正在激活,不能写参数。 5303 Cam profile data not available at index 在索引中的电子凸轮配方不可用。 5304 Format error in cam profile data 电子凸轮配方数据中的格式错误。

5306 Compensation gears: Speed for entrance exceeds limit value 电子凸轮中的补偿部分,进口速度超限值。

5307 Compensation gears: Speed for connection exceeds limit value 电子凸轮中的补偿部分,连接速度超限值。 5308 Compensation gears: Maximum jolt exceeded 电子凸轮中的补偿部分,最大偏差超限值。 5311 Cam automat: Event leads to non initialized state 电子凸轮:初始化状态没有起头事件。


5312 Only event type ncTRIGGER1/2 possible for entry in ncLATCHPOS compensation


5315 Download error: Cam profile data in use by cam automat or function block

下载错误:电子凸轮配方数据正被电子凸轮或功能块用着。 5316 Event type ncST_END+ncNEGATIVE is not possible for entry in compensation gears

事件类型ncST_END+ncNEGATIVE不能作为补偿部分入口。 5317 Start of cam automat leads to non initialized state 没有初始化状态的电子凸轮不能启动。

5318 Relative distance of master axis higher than cam profile period 主轴的相对距离高于电子凸轮配方周期。 5319 Cam profile data not allowed for state 0 电子凸轮配方数据不能用于状态 0

5329 No valid cam profile data or state deactivated 没有可用的电子凸轮数据或状态被关掉。

6000 Master sampling time is not a multiple of position controller sampling time

主轴采样时间不是位置控制器采样时间的倍数。 6001 Sync controller: Timeout for sync telegram occurred 同步控制器:同步报头超时。

6002 Sync Controller: Error tolerance of system time difference exceeded 同步控制器:系统时间误差超过允许值。 6003 Controller is still active in position mode 控制器正在位置控制模式。

6004 Controller is still active in speed mode 控制器正在速度控制模式。

6005 Controller is still active in torque mode 控制器正在钮矩控制模式。

6006 Controller is still active in stator voltage rotating field mode 控制器正在固定电压、旋转磁场模式。

6007 Controller is still active in stator current rotating field mode 控制器正在固定电流、旋转磁场模式。 6008 Controller is still active 控制器仍被激活。

6009 Parameter is write protected for existing motor type 当前电机类型参数是写保护的。


6010 Parameter is write protected for existing encoder type 当前编码器类型参数是写保护的。 6011 Controller is not in speed mode 控制器没在速度控制模式。

6012 CAN controller: No CAN object free CAN控制器:没有空闲CAN模块。

6013 Encoder used by drive controller. Command not allowed. 被伺服控制器用的编码器,不接受该命令。 6014 Drive initialisation active 伺服控制器正被初始化。

6015 CAN controller: CAN bus disturbance (receive error counter >= 96) CAN控制器:CAN总线受到干扰,接收错误>= 96 USINT Slot


6016 CAN controller: CAN bus disturbance (transmit error counter >= 96) CAN控制器:CAN总线受到干扰,发送错误>= 96 USINT Slot


6017 Software: Watchdog active 软件:看门狗激活。

6018 Hardware: 15V power supply fail 硬件:15V电源丢失。

6019 Hardware: Overcurrent in IGBT

硬件:IGBT(伺服驱动输出模块)过流 6020 Hardware: 24V power supply fail 硬件:24V电源丢失。 6021 Enable input active


6022 Current controller: Permissible current offset values exceeded 电流控制器:可容许电流偏移超。 6023 Enable input active (intern) 没有使能输入信号(内部)

6024 Current was latched befor conversion (OpSys error in ABLS) 电流在转换前被锁存。(操作系统错误)

6025 Temperature was latched befor conversion (OpSys error in ABLS) 温度在转换前被锁存。(操作系统错误)

6026 Holding brake: Stator current limit exeeded during release



6027 Holding brake: Manual operation not permitted 刹车:不允许人工操作。

6028 Holding brake: Undervoltage/-current (wire breakage, check 24V supply)


6029 Holding brake: Voltage- or currentfail (wire breakage, check 24V supply)


6030 Holding brake: Brake output is active, but no brake entered in motor data

刹车:刹车有输出,可是电机数据中没有刹车。 6031 System module already deleted 系统模块已经被删除。

6032 Interface: FPGA configuration error 接口:FPGA配置错误。 USINT Slot


6033 Serielles EEPROM: Critical datum is not valid 串行电可擦除存储器:临界数据不可用。

6034 Cyclic set value mode aborted: Set speeds missing 循环设定模式中断:设定速度丢失。 6037 Torque limit <= 0.0 扭矩限制小于 0

6038 Torque limit > maximum permissible torque 扭矩限制大于 最大允许值。

REAL Maximum permissible torque 扭矩最大允许值。

6039 PID controller error stop limit exceeded PID控制器错误停止超限。

REAL Current PID controller error 当前PID控制器错误。

6040 Operating system version is less than allowed minimum version 操作系统版本小于最低允许版本。

6041 Operating system version is greater than allowed maximum version 操作系统版本大于最高允许版本。

6042 Operating system version is not in the allowed range


操作系统版本不在允许范围内。 6043 PHASING_MODE is not valid 相位模式不可用。


7014 Encoder: CRC error during transfer parameter 编码器:在传参数时发生校验和错误。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7015 Encoder: Timeout error during transfer parameter 编码器:在传参数时发生超时错误。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7016 Encoder: Busy error during transfer parameter 编码器:在传参数时发生占线错误。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7017 Encoder: Error while reading encoder parameter 编码器:在读参数时发生错误。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7019 OEM data not valid OEM电机数据不可用。 7020 OEM data: Data write error OEM电机数据:写错误。 USINT Slot 槽号。

7021 Encoder: Timeout error while reading absolut position 编码器:在读绝对位置时发生超时错误。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7022 Encoder: Initialization is active 编码器:正在初始化。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7023 Encoder: Parameter transfer is active 编码器:正在传输参数。


USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7025 OEM data: Invalid motor type OEM数据:电机类型不可用。

7028 OEM data: Data modul not compatible with operating system OEM数据:数据模块与操作系统不兼容。。 7030 Encoder: Analog track disturbance 编码器:模拟轨道干扰。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7032 Encoder: No connection 编码器:没有连接。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7036 Encoder: Interface ID invalid (Check slot and Interface EEPROM data)

编码器:接口ID号不可用(检查槽和接口EEPROM数据)。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7038 Encoder: Position value not synchronous with absolute value 编码器:位置值与绝对值不同步。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7039 Incremental encoder: Cable disturbance track A 增量式编码器:A相信号受干扰或线断。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7040 Incremental encoder: Cable disturbance track B 增量式编码器:B相信号受干扰或线断。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7041 Incremental encoder: Cable disturbance track R 增量式编码器:R相信号受干扰或线断。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7042 Incremental encoder: Edge distance of quadrature signal too small 增量式编码器:方波信号边缘太小。


USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7043 SSI encoder: Cable disturbance track D SSI编码器:D相信号受干扰或线断。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7044 SSI encoder: Parity SSI编码器:奇偶错误。 USINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7045 Resolver: Signal disturbance (plausibility check) 旋转变压器:信号干扰 USINT Slo 编码器槽号。

7046 Resolver: Cable disturbance 旋转变压器:线断或干扰。 UINT Slot 编码器槽号。

7100 Parameter function not supported. (Modul ?) 参数功能不支持。

7102 Parameter outside the valid range 参数超有效范围。

7200 DC link circuit: Overvoltage detected by Hardware 直流电路:硬件检测到过电压。 REAL DC link voltage 当时的直流电压。

7201 DC link circuit: Overvoltage 直流电路:过电压。 REAL DC link voltage 当时的直流电压。

7210 DC link circuit: Voltage too low or unstable (check the power line) 直流电路:电压太低或不稳定(检查供电电源) REAL DC link voltage 当时的直流电压。

7211 DC link circuit: Voltage breakdown (check the power line) 直流电路:电压丢失(检查供电电源) REAL Low voltage limit



7212 DC link circuit: Voltage breakdown -> Emergency-Stop interrupted 直流电路:电压丢失,紧急中断。 REAL Low voltage limit 低电压限值。

7213 DC link circuit: Time constant determination with activ power line 直流电路:电源时间常数错误。 REAL DC link voltage 当时的直流电压。

7214 DC link circuit: Inrush resistor hot (too many power line fails) 直流电路:浪涌吸收电阻过热(多相电源错误)。

7215 DC link circuit: At least one phase of the power line failed 直流电路:至少一相电源错误。

7216 DC link circuit: Bleeder power higher than maximum value 直流电路:制动功率大于最大值。。 7300 Digital IO: IO Configuration invalid 数字量IO:IO配置错误。 UINT Slot 槽号。

7301 Digital IO: Interface not available 数字量IO:接口不可用。 UINT Slot 槽号。

7302 Digital IO: Set wrong resolution or increment error 数字量IO:分辨率或脉冲数设定错误。

UINT Measured increments per encoder revolution 测量编码器每转脉冲数。

7400 Invalid parameter ID for cyclic data 无效的循环参数号

7401 Parameter position exceeds maximum data length 位置参数超过最大数据长度。

7402 Processing of parameter sequence aborted: Write error 参数序列处理中断:写错误。 UINT Index of parameter 参数序列序号。

7403 Processing of parameter sequence is still active 参数序列正在处理中。


7404 Parameter sequence not available at index 参数序列的序列号不可用。 8001 EEPROM select not valid EEPROM选择无效。

8002 EEPROM address not valid EEPROM地址无效。 8003 Table index not valid 参数表序号无效。

8004 EEPROM variable type not valid EEPROM变量类型无效。 8005 EEPROM type not valid EEPROM类型无效。

8006 Value of EEPROM parameter is zero EEPROM中的参数值是零。 UINT EEPROM Parameter ID 该EEPROM参数号。

8007 Value of EEPROM parameter is not valid EEPROM中的参数值无效。 UINT EEPROM Parameter ID 该EEPROM参数号。

8008 Value of EEPROM parameter higher than maximum value EEPROM中的参数值高于其最大值。 REAL Maximum value 该参数最大值。

8009 Value of EEPROM parameter lower than minimum value EEPROM中的参数值低于其最小值。 REAL Minimum value 该参数最小值。

8010 Modul identification not valid 模块标示号无效。

INT Modul (0 processor plate,1 power plate,2 slot1,3 slot2,4 slot3,5 slot4) 模块(0处理器板,1电源板,2槽1,3槽2,4槽3,5槽4)。 8020 Invalid switch frequency 无效的开关频率。

9000 Heatsink overtemperature 散热器过热。

REAL Heatsink temperatur



9002 Temperature sensor in the heatsink is not connected or destroyed 散热器温度传感器未接或坏掉。 REAL Heatsink temperatur 散热器当时温度

9003 Temperature sensor in the heatsink is not connected or destroyed 散热器温度传感器未接或坏掉。 REAL Heatsink temperatur 散热器当时温度

9010 Motor overtemperature 电机过热。

REAL Motor temperatur 电机当时温度。

9012 Motor temperature sensor is not connected or destroyed 电机温度传感器未接或坏掉。 REAL Motor temperatur 电机当时温度。

9013 Shorted Motor temperature 电机短时超温。

REAL Motor temperatur 电机当时温度。

9030 Junction overtemperature 半导体结超温。

REAL Junction temperatur 实际半导体结温度。

9031 Junction overtemperature (Without Emergency-Stop) 半导体结超温。(没有内部急停) REAL Junction temperatur 实际半导体结温度。 9040 Bleeder overtemperature 制动单元超温。

REAL Bleeder temperatur 实际制动单元温度。

9050 Peak current overload (i2t)

电流峰值过载。(电流平方乘以时间) REAL Peak current load [%] 实际电流峰值负载%


9060 Continuous current overload (i2t)

电流持续过载(电流平方乘以时间)。 REAL Continuous current load [%] 电流持续负载。

9070 Motor overtemperature (temperature model) 电机过热(温度模块)。

REAL calculated Motor temperatur 电机计算温度。

9300 Current controller: Overcurrent IGBT (current not measurable) 电流控制器:IGBT过流(电流没检测到)。 REAL Absolute value of the biggest phase current 最大相电流绝对值。

9301 Current controller: Stop due to overcurrent IGBT (current not measurable)

电流控制器:由于IGBT过流停止(电流没检测到)。 REAL Modulo of the current phasor 该相模块电流。

32001 Error at call of CAN_xopen() 调用CAN_xopen()函数时出错。 UINT Status of CAN_xopen() CAN_xopen()函数状态。

32002 Error at definition of Write COB for Broadcast Command 在定义广播命令时写配置定义出错。

UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

CAN-ID(在高两位),CAN_defineCOB()函数状态在低两位。 32003 Error at definition of Write COB for Parameter Read Request 在定义

UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32004 Error at definition of Write COB for Parameter Write Request UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32005 Error at definition of Read COB for Parameter Read Response UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32006 Error at definition of Read COB for Parameter Write Response UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in


MLB and LB)

32007 Error at definition of Read COB for Monitor Data from the drive UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32008 Error at sending Read Request (network error ?) UINT Status of CAN_sendCOB()

32009 Error at sending Write Request (network error ?) UINT Status of CAN_sendCOB()

32010 No response of drive for Read Request (exists drive in network ?) 伺服对读请求没有响应(网络中有伺服吗?)。

32011 No response of drive for Write Request (exists drive in network ?) 伺服对写请求没有响应(网络中有伺服吗?)。 32012 Error at reading module description of system module 在读系统模块描述时出错。

32013 No operating system existing on the drive 伺服内无操作系统。

32014 Operating system version on the drive not compatibel with NC manager version

伺服内操作系统版本与NC管理系统版本不兼容。 UINT Operating system version on the drive 伺服内操作系统版本。

32015 Error at creation of message queue 信息序列创建错误。 UINT Status of q_create() q_create()函数状态。

32016 Error at sending a idle time command to the NC Manager Task UINT Status of q_send()

32017 Wrong boot state after start of operating system UINT Boot state

32018 Invalid Parameter ID in system module

32019 Download of NC system module not allowed (the module exists on the PCC)

32020 System module data could not be read from the drive at NC manager INIT

32021 System module data could not be read from the drive after download ID Text

32022 Error at abort of data block access before download 32023 Error at reading boot state before download

32024 Error at reading boot state after SW Reset before download


32025 Wrong boot state after SW Reset before download 32026 Error at INIT of data block write access for download 32027 Error at sending data segment for download 32028 Timout after sending data segment for download

32029 Response error after sending data segment for download 32030 Error at command for burn system module after download 32031 Error at reading status for burn system module after download 32032 Error at burn system module after download 32033 Timeout at burn system module after download 32034 Error at SW Reset before download 32035 Error at SW Reset after download

32036 Different system module data after download

32037 Error message(s) lost because of FIFO overflow (acknowledge errors) 32038 Error at searching INIT parameter module UINT Status of function MO_modul_search() 32039 Error at reading INIT parameter module UINT Status of function MO_read()

32040 Version of INIT parameter module is not compatible to NC manager UINT Version of INIT parameter module 32041 The module acp10cfg does not exist

32042 The module acp10cfg is no NC data module

32043 The NC module type of the module acp10cfg is invalid

32044 The NC module type of the module acp10cfg cannot be read 32045 The data address in module acp10cfg cannot be read 32046 The data section of module acp10cfg is empty UINT Number of data section

32047 A CAN node number in module acp10cfg is invalid

32048 A CAN node number in module acp10cfg is multiple used 32049 Trace is already active at trace start 32050 A Trace Data Upload is already active 32051 Invalid Trace Status for Trace Data Upload 32052 Error at ev_send() for Trace Data Upload UINT Status of function ev_send()

32053 Error at definition of Write COB for Parameter Read Request 2 UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32054 Error at definition of Write COB for Parameter Write Request 2 UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32055 Error at definition of Read COB for Parameter Read Response 2


ID Text

UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32056 Error at definition of Read COB for Parameter Write Response 2 UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32057 Error at access to HS task class table UINT Status of SS_get_entry()

32058 Error at access to task class table UINT Status of SS_get_entry()

32059 Parameter tk_no invalid for access to task class table UINT Value of tk_no

32060 Timeout for cyclic data from drive => Indications invalid (network error ?)

32061 Timeout for sending a Read Request Telegram (network error ?) 32062 Timeout for sending a Write Request Telegram (network error ?) 32063 Data address zero (set/read parameter via service interface)

32064 Parameter with that type cannot be set with option ncDATA_TEXT 32065 Parameter with that type cannot be read with option ncDATA_TEXT 32066 Parameter ID zero (set/read parameter via service interface) 32067 Parameter ID invalid (set/read parameter with option ncDATA_TEXT)

32068 Download of new version of BS Loader acp10bsl to the drive is necessary

UINT Version of BS Loader on the drive

32069 The data address of the ACOPOS parameters in module acp10cfg cannot be read

32070 Drive for ACOPOS parameters in module acp10cfg not found UINT Interface index (in HB) and node number (in LB) of this drive

32071 The ACOPOS parameters are invalid (an update of AutomationStudio is necessary)

32072 Wrong boot state after SW Reset UINT Boot state

32073 Download of NC system module: Error at reading NC HW Version of BS Loader

32074 Incompatible NC HW Version: Download of BS Loader not possible 32075 Incompatible NC HW Version: Download of operating system not possible

32076 FIFO for messages with high priority to NC Manager Task is full 32077 A Powerlink node number in module acp10cfg is invalid


32078 A Powerlink node number in module acp10cfg is multiple used 32079 With this version one CAN interface must be in module acp10cfg 32080 With this version one Powerlink interface must be in module acp10cfg

32081 With this version only one Powerlink interface is allowed in module acp10cfg

32082 Module acp10cfg contains a CAN interface without any drive node 32083 Module acp10cfg contains a Powerlink interface without any drive node

32084 In module acp10cfg not any drive node is defined

32085 Module acp10cfg invalid (AutomationStudio from V2.2 on necessary)

32086 With this version no CAN interface is allowed in module acp10cfg 32087 With this version no Powerlink interface is allowed in module acp10cfg

32088 The INIT parameter module specified in the deployment module does not exist ID Text

32089 NC-HW-ID of INIT parameter module is not compatible to NC manager

UINT NC-HW-ID of INIT parameter module

32090 NC object type of INIT parameter module is not equal to NC object UINT NC object type of INIT parameter module

32091 Invalid block data in INIT parameter module (data range exceeded) UDINT Offset in data section of INIT parameter module 32092 Error at sending a command to the NC Idle Task UINT Status of send function

32095 Value of drive group in CAN-CFG-Module higher than maximum value

UINT Maximum value

32096 Size of data buffer for trace data upload in module acp10cfg too small 32097 All counts of used network interfaces in module acp10cfg are zero 32098 Version of the module acp10cfg is not compatible with NC manager 32099 Length of data section of module acp10cfg is too small UINT Number of data section

32100 Memory for NC error text management cannot be allocated UINT Status of SM_malloc()

32101 Error at access to NC error text module in B&R module table UINT Status of SS_get_entry()

32102 Version ID of error text module not equal to that of NC manager


32103 Data section of error text module cannot be read UINT Number of data section

32104 Data section of error text module is empty UINT Number of data section

32105 Length of data section of error text module is too small UINT Number of data section

32106 Error list of error text module not equal with that of NC manager UINT First invalid error number

32107 Parameter list of error text module not equal with that of NC manager UINT First invalid parameter ID

32108 The last error number of error text module is not equal to 65535 32109 The last parameter id of error text module is not equal to 65535 32110 Length of data section of CAN-CFG-Module cannot be read UINT Status of function MO_section_lng()

32111 Length of data section of CAN-CFG-Module is too small UINT Expected length

32112 The data address in the CAN-CFG-Module cannot be read UINT Status of function MO_read()

32113 The enable code in the CAN-CFG-Module is invalid

32114 Values not equal to zero in reserved area of CAN-CFG-Module

32115 The basis CAN ID for WR/RD channel1 in the CAN-CFG-Module is invalid ID Text

32116 The basis CAN ID for WR/RD channel2 in the CAN-CFG-Module is invalid

32117 The basis CAN ID for WR/RD channel3 in the CAN-CFG-Module is invalid

32118 The basis CAN ID for monitor data in the CAN-CFG-Module is invalid

32119 Invalid basis CAN ID for cyclic data to the drive in CAN-CFG-Module

32120 Invalid basis CAN ID for cyclic data from the drive in CAN-CFG-Module

32121 The CAN ID for the SYNC telegram in the CAN-CFG-Module is invalid

32122 The CAN ID for the braodcast command in the CAN-CFG-Module is invalid

32123 Error at definition of Read COB for WR2 Request (special mode) UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)


32124 Error at definition of Read COB for WR2 Response (special mode) UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32125 Error at definition of Read COB for RD2 Request (special mode) UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32126 Error at definition of Read COB for RD2 Response (special mode) UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32127 Error at deletion of Write COB for Broadcast Command (special mode)

UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_deleteCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32128 Error at definition of Read COB for Broadcast Command (special mode)

UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32129 Error at Read COB Def. for cyclic user data from the drive (special mode)

UDINT CAN-ID (in HB und MHB) and Status of CAN_defineCOB() (in MLB and LB)

32130 This special mode is only allowed with one CAN interface UINT Count of used CAN interfaces

32131 The specified NC data module does not exist 32132 The specified module is no NC data module

32133 The NC module type of the specified NC data module is invalid UINT Requested type (in HB) and type of NC data module (in LB)

32134 The NC module type of the specified NC data module cannot be read UINT Status of function MO_read()

32135 The data address of the specified NC data module cannot be read UINT Status of function MO_read()

32136 The Data section of the specified NC data module is empty UINT Number of data section

32137 Data address of structure for a data block operation is zero 32138 Data address zero (user data for data block operation) 32139 Data length zero (user data for data block operation)

32140 Data block operation: Data module name or data address must be zero 32141 Invalid data format in a parameter sequence

32142 ID or type of a parameter invalid in parameter sequence with text format


UDINT Index of this parameter in the parameter sequence

32143 Data of a parameter in a parameter sequence longer than 4 bytes ID Text

UDINT Index of this parameter in the parameter sequence

32144 Error for the ACOPOS parameter module specified in the deployment module

32145 The ACOPOS parameter module does not exist

32146 The ACOPOS parameter module is no NC data module

32147 The NC module type of the ACOPOS parameter module is invalid 32148 The NC module type of the ACOPOS parameter module cannot be read

32149 The data address in ACOPOS parameter module cannot be read 32150 The data section of ACOPOS parameter module is empty 32151 Error at initialization of memory buffer for XML parser 32152 No XML element existing in ACOPOS parameter data

32153 The name of the first XML element is invalid in ACOPOS parameter data

32154 The data contain no ACOPOS parameter

32155 Nesting depth for ACOPOS parameter groups exceeded

32156 ID or type of an ACOPOS parameter invalid for text conversion UINT Parameter ID

32157 Length of parameter data too large for ACOPOS parameter in XML data

UINT Parameter ID

32158 ACOPOS-Parameter: An attribut ist nicht definiert (ID) UINT Order number of parameter within ACOPOS parameter data 32159 ACOPOS-Parameter: An attribut ist nicht definiert (Value) UINT Order number of parameter within ACOPOS parameter data

32170 For this data block operation a data module name has to be entered UINT Subject code of NC action

32171 Index zero is not allowed (user data for data block operation)

32197 Error at download of BsLoader to ACOPOS (additional info in Log Book)

32198 Error at download of operating system to ACOPOS (additional info in Log Book)

32199 Basic initialization aborted (from now on operation is blocked !!!) 32200 Error at call of plAcycWrite() (read parameter) UINT Status of plAcycWrite()

32201 Error at call of plAcycWrite() (write parameter) UINT Status of plAcycWrite()


32202 Error at call of plAcycRead() (read parameter) UINT Status of plAcycRead()

32203 Error at call of plAcycRead() (write parameter) UINT Status of plAcycRead()

32204 Timeout for parameter read via acyclic channel (exists drive in network ?)

32205 Timeout for parameter write via acyclic channel (exists drive in network ?)

32206 Cyclic channel: Read Request in spite of Wait for Response 32207 Cyclic channel: Write Request in spite of Wait for Response

32208 Error at plACTION_DEVICE_TO_BUS_NR (additional info in Log Book)

UINT Status of plAction() ID Text

32209 Error at plACTION_GET_IDENT (additional info in Log Book) UINT Status of plAction()

32210 Wrong interface ident at call of plState() (additional info in Log Book)

UDINT Interface ident

32211 Interface not existing at call of plState() (additional info in Log Book) 32212 Fatal interface error at call of plState() (additional info in Log Book) 32213 Timeout for Powerlink interface (additional info in Log Book) 32214 Error at call of plAcycOpen() (additional info in Log Book) UINT Status of plAcycOpen()

32215 Error at call of plCECreate() (additional info in Log Book) UINT Status of plCECreate()

32500 The Message FIFO is already existing 32501 Error at creation of Message FIFO UINT Status of RtkCreateFifo()

32502 The Command Semaphore is already existing 32503 Error at creation of Command Semaphore UINT Status of RtkCreateSemaphore()

32504 The NC Manager Idle Task is already existing 32505 Error at creation of Nc Manager Idle Task UINT Status of RtkCreateTask()

32506 Error reading Taskclass Cycle Time UINT Status of GetTaskclassCycleTime() 32507 Error reading Taskclass Tolerance

UINT Status of GetTaskclassMaxCycleTime()

32508 Error at sending a idle time command to the NC Manager Task


UINT Status of RtkWriteFifo()

33000 Master cycle time is not a multiple of communication cycle time 主轴循环时间不是通讯循环周期的倍数。

33001 Monitoring and emergency stop deactivated for network errors 36001 Parameter limited to valid range

36002 Total time for the position loop controller limited to prediction time 37101 Calculated compensation distance on slave axis limited to maximum 37102 Calculated compensation distance on slave axis limited to minimum 37103 Slave trigger out of window 37104 Slave trigger missing

37105 Master compensation trigger out of window 37106 Master compensation trigger missing

37107 Displacement actual-/setposition to high during 'controller switch on' 37108 Calculated compensation distance of master axis limited to minimum 37109 Master trigger out of window

37110 Masterposition at start higher than 1. triggerposition

37111 Cam profile data: Difference between polynomial value y(xn) and slave period ID Text

REAL Difference

37112 Polynomial within cam profile data exceeds limit value UINT Detail

38000 Current controller: Calculation of current offset not possible

38001 Current quadrature component limited to maximal inverter current REAL Maximal inverter current

38002 ATTENTION: Mode may lead to uncontrolled movements 39001 Endat encoder: Position correction active USINT Slot

39002 Resolver: Speed limit for 14 bit resolution exceeded USINT Slot

39003 Endat encoder: Alarm bit is set USINT Slot

39004 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Lighting failure USINT Slot

39005 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Signal amplitude too small USINT Slot

39006 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Defective position value USINT Slot

39007 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Overvoltage USINT Slot


39008 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Undervoltage USINT Slot

39009 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Overcurrent USINT Slot

39010 Endat encoder: Alarm bit - Battery change required USINT Slot

39011 Endat encoder: Warning bit - Frequency too large USINT Slot

39012 Endat encoder: Warning bit - Temperature too large USINT Slot

39013 Endat encoder: Warning bit - Lighting reserve reached USINT Slot

39014 Endat encoder: Warning bit - Battery charge too small USINT Slot

39015 Endat encoder: Warning bit - Reference point not reached USINT Slot

39016 Incremental encoder emulation: Freqency too large UINT Slot

39017 Endat encoder: CRC error while reading position USINT Slot ID Text

39018 Reference pulse check: Defective Position, resolution or reference pulse


39200 DC link circuit: Single phase power line or less line voltage REAL Nominal dc bus voltage

39300 Digital IO: Output can not be set. Configurated as input. 数字量IO:配置为输入的点不能输出。 UINT Slot IO槽号。

39301 Digital IO: 24V power supply fail 数字量IO: 24V供电丢失。 UINT Slot IO槽号。

39302 Digital IO 1-4: Diagnose bit active (IO current, 24V supply) 数字量IO1-4:诊断状态(IO电流,24V供电)。 UINT Slot IO槽号。

39303 Digital IO 5-8: Diagnose bit active (IO current, 24V supply)


数字量IO5-8:诊断状态(IO电流,24V供电)。 UINT Slot IO槽号。

39304 Digital IO 9: Diagnose bit active (IO current, 24V supply) 数字量IO9:诊断状态(IO电流,24V供电)。 UINT Slot IO槽号。

39305 Digital IO 10: Diagnose bit active (IO current, 24V supply) 数字量IO10:诊断状态(IO电流,24V供电)。 UINT Slot IO槽号。

39306 Digital IO 9-10: Overcurrent 数字量IO9-10:过流 UINT Slot IO槽号。

41001 Heatsink overtemperature 散热器超温。

REAL Heatsink temperatur 实际散热器温度。

41011 Motor overtemperature 电机超温。

REAL Motor temperatur 实际电机温度。

41031 Junction overtemperature 伺服连接点超温。

REAL Junction temperatur 伺服连接点温度。

41041 Bleeder overtemperature 制动单元超温。

REAL Bleeder temperatur 实际制动单元温度。

41051 Peak current overload (i2t)

电流峰值过载(电流平方乘以时间)。 REAL Peak current load [%] 电流峰值过载%。

41061 Continuous current overload (i2t)



REAL Continuous current load [%] 持续电流负载%。

41070 Motor overtemperature (temperature model) 电机超温(温度模块)。

REAL Calculated motor temperatur 实际电机计算温度。

41300 Current controller: Overcurrent IGBT (current not measurable)

电流控制器:IGBT(伺服控制器输出端)过流(电流没检测到)。 REAL Modulo of the current phasor 当时电流矢量值(实数)。

41301 Current controller: Stop due to overcurrent IGBT (current not measurable)


REAL Modulo of the current phasor 当时电流矢量值(实数)。

64001 ncalloc in slower task class than defined for NC Manager Task 软件设定任务周期比NC管理系统设定低。

64002 Delay before SW Reset (network with ascending node numbers ?) 软件重启动前延时(网络地址要增加吗?)。

64003 Delay before NC System Start (network with ascending node numbers ?)

NC系统启动前延时(网络地址要增加吗?)。 64500 Positive speed limiter active 正向速度太高。

64501 Negative speed limiter active 反向速度太高。

64502 Positive direction acceleration torque limiter active 正向加速扭矩太高。

64503 Negative direction acceleration torque limiter active 反向加速扭矩太高。

64504 Positive direction deceleration torque limiter active 正向减速扭矩太高。

64505 Negative direction deceleration torque limiter active 反向减速扭矩太高。

64506 Regenerativ power limiter active (deceleration too high) 再生功率太高(减速度太高)


65535 Response Error 响应错误。


