浦东补习班新王牌小班辅导教学设计教案 高二英语A1学生版

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杜Z老师 高二英语 新王牌


班级代号 季 度 课题名称 教学重点 高二英语A1 春季班 上课地点 上课次数 金桥校区 上课时间 教师代号 10:20-12:20 杜z 高二重点知识点及各大题型做题技巧训练+同步重点词汇及语法讲解+拓展词汇 重点词汇及语法活学活用 教学难点 各大题型做题技巧掌握及灵活运用 教 学 内 容 高中基础知识自测题 I.Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) At thirteen, I was diagnosed with kind of attention disorder. It made school difficult for me. When __25__ else in the class was focusing on tasks, I could not. In my first literature class, Mrs. Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it, all within 45 minutes. I raised my hand right away and said, ―Mrs. Smith, you see, the doctor said I have attention problems. I __26__ not be able to do it.‖ She glanced down at me through her glasses, ―you are no different from your classmates, young man.‖ I tried, but I didn’t finish the reading when the bell rang. I had to take it home. In the quietness of my bedroom, the story suddenly all became clear to me. It was about a blind person, Louis Braille. He lived in a time__27__ the blind couldn’t get much education. But Louis didn’t give up. __28__, he invented a__29__ (read) system of raised dots, __30__ opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind. Wasn’t I the ―blind‖ in my class, being made __31__ (learn) like the ―sighted‖ students? My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to dance. I completed the task within 40 minutes. Indeed, I was no different from others; I just needed a quieter place. If Louis could find his way out of his problems, why should I ever give up? I didn’t expect anything when I handled in my paper to Mrs. Smith, so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day with __32__ ―A‖ on it. At the bottom of the paper were these words: ― See what you can do when you keep trying?‖ B Take five Chinese teachers, put them in a British classroom with fifty students for four weeks of Chinese-style education and what do you get? You get the BBC TV series Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School. The series__33__(design) as a competition between Chinese-style education and British-style education. At the end of the four weeks, the fifty students __34__(teach) by the Chinese teachers were tested against the rest of their 13- and 14-year-old Year 9 classmates at Bohunt, one of the best schools in England, to see __35__ group got the best marks. To almost everyone’s surprise, especially Bohunt’s head teacher’s, the Chinese-taught group scored ten percent higher in all subjects, including Math, Science and Mandarin. That outcome wasn’t obvious at the beginning of the experiment. __36__ the students liked some parts of the Chinese system, like the outdoor morning exercises, they were not happy with the long school day—five hours longer than the British school day—and, in class, they quickly became bored with the ―chalk-and-talk‖ Chinese style of teaching. British-style education__37__ (involve) more classroom activities and class discussions. As a result, there were discipline problems with some students and the Chinese teachers became frustrated. But, eventually, the students began to respond to the Chinese teachers. The teachers were clear in their explanations and clear about__38__ they expected from the students. Many students liked the idea __39__ they were being challenged to perform better and they felt they were really learning. At the end of the four weeks, the students expressed their gratitude to the Chinese teachers and many cried when they said their goodbyes. 1 / 8

杜Z老师 高二英语 新王牌 One thing is certain, though. The TV series proved that Chinese teachers are among the__40__ (qualify) and dedicated in the world. They deserve our admiration and respect. II. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 诚实、谦虚、大度、合作是我校精英气质的体现。(generous) 2. 政府采取的措施比预期的发挥了更有效的经济推动作用。(play a role) 3. 我知道他在说谎,可我无法揭穿他编织的谎言。(refute) 4. 毫无疑问我们现在的头等大事就是为受灾地区输送食物及药品物资。(priority) 5. 抗战伟大胜利重新确立了中国在世界上的大国地位,使中国人民赢得了世界爱好和平人民的尊敬。(win) III. Reading Comprehension Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Women, I have always felt, are the backbone of the world. Only they have the __51__ and means to bring the miracle of life to Earth. Throughout history, they have been the caretakers and nurturers. Women work alongside men in the fields, in the factories, in the offices and then__52__ home—not to put their feet up in front of the television like their husbands, but to set dinner on the table and __53__their families. There is nothing women cannot __54__ I won’t debate that women are superior to men or inferior to men. I’ll simply say that to be a woman is one of the greatest honors that can be accorded to a person. To be a woman is to be blessed with the natural__55__, understanding, and supernatural love of a mother. To be a woman is to be simultaneously strong and soft in body. To be a woman is to have the possibility of being __56__. There is nothing women cannot deal with. Women today need to realize that. Especially in today’s first world societies where women__57__ receive equal rights as men, women need only to make the most of their talents and assets in order to get what they want . And if they set their minds on something and fully strive for it, the sky is the __58__. Women were born tailored for__59__ It doesn’t matter what a woman’s particular talent is. If she is skilled with a pencil and paper, she can become a famous author or a successful journalist. If she is handy with math, she can become the CEO of a big investment company. If she has a flair for drama, she can become the next Gong Li. If she has a knack for chemicals and equations, she can discover a __60__for cancer. If her best asset is her friendly personality, she can become a popular talk show host. If she is simply very __61__, she can be the new cover model of Vogue. All very different scenarios, but all successes. Every woman was born tailored for accomplishment, no matter what their talents are. __62__, the talent isn’t even visible—but it’s definitely there. Women must simply remember that they are capable forces to be reckoned with and that they have a right to participate in the activities of the world. They must be forceful, determined, and assertive. They cannot shy back and accept the minor jobs that men don’t __63__ and leave for them. If women want to be kindergarten teachers, that’s wonderful. Kindergarten teachers are important and __64__ members of the community. If women want to stay at home and simply be mothers, that’s fantastic. Being a mother is one of the hardest careers in the world. __65__ it is vital that they understand that they are not limited to these options. As long as women are aware that anything is theirs for the taking, there should be no stopping them. 51. A. brain B. strength C. honor D. heart 52. A. build B. leave C. return D. own 53. A. take care of B. look down upon C. put up with D. make use of 54. A. think B. learn C. provide D. do 55.A. sensitivity B. attention C. sympathy D. patience 56. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 57. A. increasingly B. generally C. admittedly D. inevitably 58. A. edge B. limit C. obstacle D. stage 59.A. fashion B. bravery C. love D. success 60. A. way B. key C. secret D. cure 61. A. pretty B. tall C. confident D. special 62. A. However B. Besides C. Sometimes D. Furthermore 63. A. want B. ignore C. fit D. create 64. A. unapproachable B. incomprehensible C. irreplaceable D. inaccessible 65. A. So B. But C. For D. As 2 / 8

杜Z老师 高二英语 新王牌 Words and Phrases 单词 词性 中文解释 1. (人)过度肥胖的;臃肿的 2. 咆哮着说 3. 使着迷 4. 相距;相隔 5. 爆炸;炸开 6. 追拍;遥摄 7. 巨大的;非凡的 8. 水道 9. 命中注定的 10. 臭氧 11. 消耗;损耗 12. 流行病 13. 含氯氟烃 14. 雾化器;气雾剂 【词汇精讲】 1. foresee v. (foresaw, foreseen) 预料;预见;预知 for / in the foreseeable future 2. consequence n. (+ for sb. /sth. ) ※ 他因高速驾驶被罚款。 in consequence (of sth.) 由于,作为……的结果 ※ 由于世界大战,数百万人无家可归。 consequent adj. 随之发生的;作为结果的( + on/upon sth. ) ※ 税收降低与随之引起的消费增长 consequently adv. 因此;所以 3. obsess v. 使着迷,使迷恋 be obsessing about sth. (对……)牵挂,念念不忘 他迷上了电脑游戏。 obsession n.[U]痴迷,着魔,困扰(+with sb./sth.) ※ 他对篮球的痴述最终导致了他期未考试的失利。 4.flash v. 闪光;突然想起 ※ 突然.一个好主意闪现在他的脑海里。 a flash in the pan 5.directly directly还可作连词,表示―一……就……‖,相当于as soon as。 ※ 他一做完作业就去打乒乓球。 6.apart adv. 相距;相隔(一般指时间或空间上的距离) 学生们每隔两米种一棵树。 谈判双方的意见仍相去甚远。 7.cut down 砍倒 与cut相关的短语还有: cut across/through cut away cut back cut in cut off 8.profit 3 / 8

杜Z老师 高二英语 新王牌 (1) n. 利润 net profit 纯利润 (2)v. 获益,得到好处(+by/from sth.) ※ 我们应努力从错误中吸取教训。 profitable adj. 有利润的,赢利的;有好处的 [反] 9.doomed adj. 命中注定的 (+to sth.) ※ 他们的计划从一开始就注定要失败。 doom n. 死亡;毁灭 10.newly—discovered adj. 新发现的 newly-可与过去分词构成形容词,表示―最近……的‖,―新近……的‖。 ※ e. g. newly-wed newly-born

newly-elected newly-built

11. depletion n. 消耗;损耗 ※ 他没通过考试,因此对所有科目都失去了信心。 deplete v. 耗尽;使枯竭 ※ 食物供应已严重不足。 Translation. 1. 多行不义必自毙。(be doomed to) _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 这个新潮摇滚乐队只是昙花一现。(flash) _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 不耐烦地等了两个小时以后,他最终离去了。(impatiently) _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 他命令所有在场人员坐着不许动。(command) _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 玛丽咆哮着对汤姆说―不要让我再看见你‖。(growl)_______________________________________________________________________________ 6. 一位好的老师对学生的发展是至关重要的。这是人们都普遍接受的观点。(vital)_______________________________________________________________________________ 7. 臭氧层损耗是对全球环境的一大威胁。(depletion)___________________________________________________________________________________ 知识要点: 1. 重点单词: 单词 protest puzzle award company survive 2. 重点词组 对…着迷 在…过程中 留下 大量的

词性 中文含义 v. 抗议 v. 使困惑 V. n. v. 授予 陪伴 幸存 衍生词 n. puzzlement v. accompany n. survival 相关常见词 protest against 抗议 to one's puzzlement 令人感到困惑的是… award sb sth keep sb company 陪伴 survive the air crash 在空难中幸存 be fascinated by in the course of leave behind a wealth of 4 / 8

杜Z老师 高二英语 新王牌 come to power 上台 知识精讲: 1.qualify v. (1)qualify sb.for/as/to be使具备资格 e·g·The training course will qualify you as/to be a teacher in a junior high school. 参加这个培训课程之后你就可以做初级中学老师了。 Your ID card should qualify you to live independently of your parents. 身份证应该使你有权利离开父母独立生活。 (2)be qualified for(经过训练,考试等)具备了资格的,合格的 2. protest v. (1)protest about/against/at: 强烈抗议,反对 e·g·The strikers protested against the cut of their wages. 罢工者强烈抗议将他们的工资降低。 (2)declare solemnly or firmly严正声明 e·g·She protested that she was not involved in that robbery. 她坚持说她与抢劫案没有任何牵连。 make/present a protest against/over/at sth. 反对…… 3. company n. (1)being together with others陪伴 e.g.I enjoy my students’company. 我喜欢跟学生们在一起。 (2)keep sb.company陪伴某人 Mother being ill, I will stay home and keep her company.妈妈病了,我要呆在家里陪伴她。 (3)陪伴 v. e.g. I really appreciate your accompanying me home. 很感激你陪我回家。 4.survive v. (1) survive from/survive on: continue to live or exist 继续生存或存在 e.g. Some customs have survived from ancient times. 有些风俗习惯源远流长。 (2) remain alive or exist after something disastrous幸存下来(注:此含义只有及物用法) e.g. It was a wonder that my whole family survived that earthquake. 我全家都幸免于那次地震,真是个奇迹。 (3)outlive sb. 比……活得长 e.g. She survived a11 her children, which makes her feel lonely and sad. 她所有的孩子都先她去世,这使她感到孤独且伤心。 5.too much (1)too much+不可数名词 e·g·He found it difficult to deal with too much information in such a short time. (2)be too much for sb. e.g. Such a long trip is too much for an old man like my grandfather. much too + adj. /adv. e. g. This article is much too difficult for me to translate. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese given. 1. It was in 1921 that____________________________. (他被授予了诺贝尔物理奖。) 2. In order to improve his listening,___________________________________. (他花了很多时间听英语新闻。) 3.__________________________________that he didn't notice my arrival. (他是如此对那本小说着迷。) 4._______________________________that it will bring disaster to human beings. (他强烈反对核武器的原因是) 5.1 really appreciate________________________________. (你在我孤独的时候陪伴我) 6._________________________________, this great scientist found much pleasure in simple pastime.(除了科研工作外) 7. People all over the world were in deep sorrow at the news_________________________. (这位杰出的科学家因突发的心脏病而逝世。) 5 / 8

