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开头 Good morning ,ladies and gentlemem,welcome to take part in the English drama competition !First,let's welcome XX.(早上好,女士们先生们,欢迎来到英语剧比赛,现在,有请....)

结尾 With all our enjoyment.Our competition has gone to the end.I believe,you all tried your best.Thank all of you for give your notice!(在欢笑中我们的比赛也到了尾声,我相信,大家都将自己做到了最好,谢谢你们的关注

A:Hello,everyone, Merry Xmas!

B:Merry Xmas, and thank you for coming to our English Drama Party. A:The stroke of the New Year’s Day is going to strike. The wheel of the time reminds a deep mark. Go with the sunshine at this perfect winter, the New Year’s Day of 2009 is coming!

B:At this moment, we have experienced the spring’s breath. This is our department’s spring, this is our school’s spring, this is everybody’s spring! A:We get together here this evening. Sharing the happiness. Enjoying this period of wonderful time.

B:We get together here this evening. Feeling the truth by heart. Meltting the snow by love.

A:We get together here this evening. Opening your heart. Releasing your enthusiasm.

B:We get together here this evening. Here will break into a sea of rejoicing. A:To celebrate the New Year’s Day, our foreign language department hold this modern drama competition.

B:Now I’d like to introduce the distinguished guests to all of you , they are… A:And the honoured judges, …

B:Thank you for being a part of the party. And hope you a happy evening. A:Ladies and gentlemen, now, the English Drama Party formally start. The first program is...

Welcome to the finals of the speech Contest!欢迎参加演讲比赛的决赛!

2.Thank you for coming to the speech Contest!谢谢大家光临演讲比赛!

3.Welcome and thanks to our judges!欢迎并感谢我们的评审!

4.Now let’s begin and let’s all give the speakers our support.现在我开始,并让我譬都来为我们的演讲者加油。

5.It is a great pleasure for me to declare open the speech Contest.我很荣幸宣布演讲比赛开始。

6.I now formally declare the speech contest open.我现在正式宣演讲比赛开始。

7.Thank you very much for coming here today.今天非常谢谢大家的光临。

8.Congratulations to you all!恭喜你们每一位!

9.We hope that the speakers will make the most f this rare opportunity to speak to the judges individually and ask them for a more detailed analysis of the good as well as weak points of the speeches they made.我希望演讲者善加利用这少有的机会个别向评审谈谈,并请求他们对于发表的演讲的优点和缺点作更详细的分析。

10.Now I wasn’t to make just a few remarks in closing this debating contest.现在结束这彭辩论比赛,我想讲几句话。

11.I now formally declare this speech contest closed.现在我正式宣布演讲比赛结束。

12.Thank you all for coming, and we’ll look forward to seeing you next year at the next contest.感谢大家的光临,我们期待明年下一次比赛再与大家见面。

13.What a joy it is to stand here before you welcoming the members of our debate team who distinguished themselves so well in the Debating Finals held in Kaohisung week.能够站在大面前欢迎我们的辩论队队员,真是高兴,他们上个礼拜在高雄举办的辩论决赛中表现优异。

14.Allow me to conclude by once thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck.最后再一次感谢评审们的合作,并祝每位演讲者好运。


2008年05月27日 星期二 22:32


我们的心如变幻的彩虹,我们的心如欢乐的海洋。 新世纪的太阳是我们的,新世纪的鲜花是我们的。

六月储存着我们流逝的岁月,六月托起了我未来的希望。 六月是我们小朋友的节日。 看那张张笑脸,幸福欢畅。


在这里,我代表慧童幼儿园的全体教师,祝小朋友节日快乐。 庆六一文艺汇演现在开始

May breeze away, ushering in June in Chaoyang, June is the cradle of childhood, June is the childhood dreams, childhood is the sun in June, June is childhood. Our hearts such as changes in the rainbow, our hearts such as the joy of the ocean. The new century is our sun, the new century is our flowers. June save us the passage of time, June Tuoqi I hope for the future. June is our children's festival. Zhang going to see a smiling face and happy Huanchang. Let us sang aloud, in a happy day Huanchang. Here, on behalf of Hui girls of all teachers in kindergarten, I wish the children happy holidays. - The show will now begin on June 1

