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Chapter 1 introduction

What is social research?

Way of knowing social reality by direct experience

Definition The differences between ―social research‖ and ―社会调查研究“


Functions or purposes of social research


A major purpose of many social scientific studies is to describe situations and events. The researcher observes and then describes what was observed. Since scientific observations is careful and deliberate, however, scientific descriptions are typically more accurate and precise than casual descriptions. (P73) Examples





The second general purposes of social scientific research is to explain things. Reporting the voting intentions of an electorate is a descriptive activity, but reporting why some people plan to vote for candidate A and others for candidate B is an explanatory activity. Reporting why some cities have higher crime rates than others is a case of explanation, but simply reporting the different crime rates is a case of description.



For example, the goal of regression analysis is find out the relationship between two or more variables.


2. Types of research methods

Objetctive dimension

A. Census(普查).

An enumeration(列举) of the characteristics of some population(总体). A census is often similar to a survey, with the difference that the census collects data from all members of the population while the survey is limited to a sample.



B. Sampling survey (抽样调查)

Careful probability sampling provides a group of respondents whose characteristics may be taken to reflect those of the larger population, and carefully constructed standardized questionnaires provide data in the same form from all respondents.


C. Case study (个案研究)

Take only several members from the population and study them in detail.


Purposive Dimension

descriptive studies (描述性研究)explanatory studies (解释性研究)


time dimension.

Cross-sectional Study(横剖研究). A study that is based on observations representing a single point in time. Longitudinal Study(纵贯研究). A study design involving the collection of data at different points in time, as contrasted with a cross-sectional study.


Longitudinal studies are designed to permit observations over an extended period. Three types of longitudinal studies should be noted here. Trend studies (趋势研究) are those that study changes within some general population over time. Examples would be a comparison of U. S. Census over time, showing growth in the national population, or a series of Gallup Polls during the course of an election campaign, showing trends in the relative strengths and standing of different candidates.


Cohort Studies (同期群研究) examine more specific subpopulations (cohorts) as they change over time.

Typically, a cohort is an age group, such as those people born during the 1920s, but it can also be based on some other time grouping, such as people attending college during the Vietnam War, people who got married in 1964, and so forth.


An example of cohort study would be a series of national surveys, conducted perhaps every 10 years, to study the economic attitudes of the cohort born during the depression of the early 1930s. a sample of persons 20-25 years of age might be surveyed in 1960, and another sample of those 40-45 years of age in 1970. Although the specific set of people studied in each of those surveys would be different, each sample would represent the survivors of the cohort born between 1930 and 1935.


Panel Studies(定组研究,追踪研究) are similar to trend and cohort studies except that the same set of people is studied each time. One example would be a voting study in which the same sample of voters was interviewed every month during an election campaign and asked for whom they would intended to vote. Such a study would make it possible to analyze overall trends in voter preferences for different candidates, but it would have the added advantage of showing the precise patterns of persistence and change in intentions.


For example, a trend study that showed that Candidates A and B each had exactly half of the voters on September first and on October first as well could indicate that none of the electorate had changed voting plans, that all of the voters had changed their intentions, or something between. A panel study would eliminate this confusion by showing what kinds of voters switched from A to B and what kinds switched from B to A, as well as other facts.


Procedures of social research

Preparatory stage(准备阶段) Data collection stage (收集资料阶段) Analysis stage (分析阶段) Summary stage (总结阶段)


Chapter 2 research design

1. Choose a research project

a) How to choose a research project b) Factors relating with research project choice c) Principles regarding research project choice a) Literature review b) Filed observation

2. Preliminary Exploration

3.Research Project Design

a) Research hypothesis b) Research plan


2.1 Literature Review

1. Purposes of Literature Review

To avoid redundant research and try to make new contributions To provide bases for hypothesis To take other researches as references for your research plan Snowball method: according to the references and notes of the existing literature to look for more related literature Electronic resources

2. How to Review Literature


2.2 Field Observation

Methods: colloquia(座谈会), interview, refer to literature Purpose1 : for questionnaire design

Example: how to measure peasant family income into three levels: ―high‖, ―medium‖ and ―low‖

Purpose 2: for hypothesisExample: Economic develop


Villagers’ participation

Implementation of electoral system


3. Research Project Design

3.1 Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis: An expectation about the nature of things derived from a theory. Functions of hypothesis:

To guild a research To relate theoretical concepts with empirical data To explore new theoretical knowledge Consistent with existing theories Consistent with confirmed facts Can be verified by experience

Principles for making hypothesis


3.2 Research Project Design

Purposes Population and objects Sampling methods Methods of data collection and data analysis Organization Budget and facilities

Wages, travelling expenses, expense for copying and printing Facilities: camera, tape recorder, computer



Chapter 3 Sampling

3.1 Introduction to Sampling

1. The history of sampling 2. Sampling concepts and terminology

3.2 Probability Sampling (随机抽样)

1. Simple random sampling (SRS) 简单随机抽样 2. Systematic sampling 系统抽样 3. Stratified sampling 分层抽样 4. Cluster sampling 整群抽样 5. Multi-stage sampling 多段抽样1. Purposive or judgment sampling 立意抽样 2. Quota sampling 配额抽样 3. Snowball sampling 滚雪球抽样

3.3 Non-Probability Sampling(非随机抽样)

