
更新时间:2023-07-29 10:39:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料



首段:个性开篇 + 作家立场

Have you ever annoyed by unexpected intrusions of noisethat prevents your peaceful trips. Have you exposed to bursts ofnoise when you work on one task. Have you felt tired of livingwith chronic city noise day after day.I believe every individualprefer a peaceful and quiet environment to a noisy one.



It is imperative for the government to strictly control theamount of noise in our life. First, a survey can prove my

stand,compared with students who attended schools in quietneighborhoods,the counterparts attended schools near noisyairport are liable to suffer from distraction. Also,the debatereminds me of my experience, as a columnist,I take pleasure increating new essays in a café and I pay high price for a quietenvironment,however,there are,sometimes,two inane

babblers to break the silence,I can hardly zero in on work undernoisy circumstances . Last, when I made a self-travel in England, Ifound that all travelers voluntarily switched phones to silent,

turned stereos off and kept chatter to a minimum. Conversely, inmy city, some people never notice that they become nuisancesby talking aloud, playing cell phone music in public. So, finingpeople for making a din will definitely dissuade the polluter andbe proved to be a neat solution.




Others,however,think differently.First, some people arguethat the noise might, at first , be quite

annoying,however,people might do well at their tasks after awhile because humans are capable of adjusting to a manifoldnoise levels. Further, some people may believe that making noiserandomly is a basic right which can never be deprived.

Hence,some people are in the habit of having a noisy party orloudly playing musical instrument at home, or constantly

honking the horn when driving a car. What I am worried about isthat the right of making noise might be abused.



Apparently,every government should be urged to reduce oreliminate the adverse effects of noise.


1. control over v控制……

2. noise pollution n噪音污染

3. noisy environment n吵闹的环境

4. intrusions of noise n噪音的干扰

5. expose to bursts of noise v接触到噪音

6. make noise randomly v任意制造噪音

7. make a din v 发出喧闹声

8. noise maker n发出噪音者

9. be annoyed by …… v 被 …… 烦扰

10. nuisance n令人讨厌的人或者物




