新视野大学英语(第三版)Book3 Unit8 知识点

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Book 3 Unit 8 教材总结

Text A


New words



confuse sb. completely; be too difficult or strange for sb. to understand or explain 使困惑;难住 The mystery that baffled him most was Jos' sudden disappearance from the lakeside cottage. 最让他困惑的谜团是乔斯在湖边小屋的突然失踪。



intended to make people angry or upset; intended to make people argue about sth. 挑衅的;煽动的;引起争端的

For our conservative small town, \topic. 对我们这个风气比较保守的小镇来说,―工作场所的性骚扰‖是特别令人义愤填膺的话题。



having very strong opinions that you are not willing to change 固执己见的;顽固的

Ever since I've known Betty, she has been very opinionated, and she thinks that she is right about everything. 自从我认识贝蒂起,她一直都十分固执,认为自己每件事都是对的。


vt. (fml.)

1 (~ with) not use or do sth. that people usu. use or do, because it is not necessary (因无必要而)摒弃;不用(做)

You can apply for a license from your local council, which means that you can dispense with the formality. 你可以向当地委员会申请一个许可证,从而就可以省掉正式手续。 2 give sth. to people, esp. in fixed amounts (尤指以固定数额)分发,分配(某物)

A soup kitchen was set up by the Red Cross which dispensed food to over a thousand refugees. 红十字会设立了施舍处,为一千多难民分发食物。



1 [C] sth. you do or say to be polite 礼貌的行为(言语)

When hiking in the hills, we met a young man, exchanged courtesies, and talked for a while. 当我们在山


中徒步游玩的时候,碰见了一个年轻人,我们互致问候,并聊了一会儿。 2 [U] polite behavior and respect for other people 有礼的举止;礼貌

I'm upset because you didn't even have the courtesy to inform me that I might not be giving the lecture which I've prepared for next week. 我很难过,因为你甚至都没有礼节性地通知我:我为下周准备好的演讲不能做了。



(fml. or medical) (of people) very fat, in a way that is not healthy 臃肿的;虚胖的;病态肥胖的 We often find that teenage girls who are just slightly overweight see themselves as massively obese. 我们常常发现十几岁的小女孩稍微超重就认为自己极其肥胖了。



eat or drink so much of sth. that you cannot eat or drink any more 拼命吃喝;塞饱

Luke doesn't eat much in the presence of his mother; yet, every time she is away, he gorges himself with pizza, ice cream, candies and other junk food. 妈妈在场的时候,卢克吃得不多,然而每次趁她不在的时候,他都狼吞虎咽,大吃比萨、冰淇淋、糖果和其他垃圾食品。 n.

[C] a deep narrow valley with steep sides (山)峡;峡谷

We believe that it is the water from the spring that makes the river that snakes along the gorge a few hundred meters away. 我们相信是泉水形成了几百米外沿峡谷蜿蜒流淌的小河。



showing kindness toward people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary 善良的;仁慈的;人道的

To have an ideal world, our international community needs to end wars, hunger and disease and aim for a just and humane society. 为了实现理想世界,国际社会需要结束战争,消除饥饿和疾病,建立一个公平人道的社会。



based on strong beliefs or ideas, esp. political or economic ideas 思想上的;思想体系的;意识形态的 Despite wide ideological disagreements, they remained friends, mutually respectful and mutually supporting. 他们尽管意识形态上存在巨大的分歧,但依然是朋友,相互尊敬,相互支持。




hold sth. gently, as if to protect it 轻拥;轻抱;捧住

He cradled the baby in his arms, his hands cupping her tiny skull.他轻轻地抱住婴儿,双手捧着她的小脑袋。 n.

[C] a small bed for a baby which can be pushed gently from side to side 摇篮

When the new baby was born, her grandparents brought over the beautiful old hand-made cradle, which they had saved since their children had outgrown it. 宝宝出生的时候,外公外婆带来了手工制作的漂亮老式摇篮,这摇篮他们在自己的儿女长大不用后就一直保存至今。



1 (~ sb. / sth. from / against) protect sb. or sth. from unpleasant experiences or influences 使免除(不愉快的经历);使免受(不良影响);隔离

All around the world, extremely wealthy people live a rather protected lifestyle and are insulated from the suffering lives of the poor all around them. 纵观世界,巨富之人的生活都是被重重保护起来的,不受周围贫苦民众苦难生活的影响。

2 protect sth. with a material that prevents heat, sound, electricity, etc. from passing through 使隔热;使隔音;使绝缘

The roof is adequately insulated against extremely hot or extremely cold weather. 屋顶对极热和极冷的天气隔绝效果很好。



1 [C, U] (law) the act of supposing that sth. is true, although it has not yet been proved or is not certain 推定;假定;假设

I cannot make a statement about John's complaints against his neighbors based on presumptions since I don't really know anything about his case. 我不能仅凭推测就对约翰投诉邻居发表意见,因为我确实对这个案子一无所知。

2 [C] sth. that is thought to be true or probable 可能的事;认为真实的事

There is a general presumption that fatty foods are bad for your heart. 人们普遍认为含脂肪多的食物对心脏不好。



n. [C]

1 a very important stage or event in the development of sth. 重要事件;转折点;里程碑

Rituals mark a person's milestones in life and at work, and they bring members of the family together to celebrate those moments. 各种仪式标志着一个人生活和工作中的重要事件,能够将家庭成员聚在一起庆祝这些重要时刻。

2 a stone by the side of a road that shows how far it is to the next town and to other places 里程碑 The group of hikers, tired and thirsty, hoped that the next milestone might be reached soon. 这群远足者又累又渴,希望很快就能到达下一个里程碑。



slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain, embarrassed or unwilling 犹豫的;踌躇的;不情愿的 Bill was a little hesitant at first to speak before an audience, but he quickly blossomed into an eloquent speaker. 比尔在听众面前刚开始说话有点犹犹豫豫,但很快变得能言善辩。



1 [C, U] the ability to understand things and to think intelligently 才智;理解能力;思维能力

This postgraduate course shapes intellect and enthusiasm, and it provides practical and professional skills. 这门研究生课程培养学生的思维能力和热情,并传授实际的专业技能。 2 [C] sb. who is very intelligent 才智出众者

He is a first-rate intellect and he impresses people with his organization and his thoughtfulness. 他才智一流,组织能力和深思熟虑令人印象深刻。



1 very unpleasant 令人不快的;令人恶心的;使人厌恶的

I tried to eat the tablets. They were so gross that I spit them out again. 我想把这些药片吃下去,但太难吃了,我又吐了出来。

2 (only before noun) being the total amount of sth. before anything is taken away 总的;毛的

In some countries today, gross investment accounts for roughly 15 percent of national income. 在今天的某些国家,投资总额大约占到了本国收入的15%。




(~ of) used when saying that a particular fact has no effect on a situation and is not important 不受某事物影响;不考虑某事物;不问某事物

The way you approach practice greatly affects how much you improve, irrespective of your talent. 不管你才能如何,你的训练方式会极大地影响进展程度。



[U] the process of getting rid of sth. 丢掉;清除;处理

The new bill will also place a duty on council members to include recycling in their waste disposal plans. 新法案还将使议员们承担职责,把垃圾的回收利用包含在废物处理计划中。



strong and healthy and able to bear difficult living conditions 能吃苦耐劳的;坚强的;强壮的

A few hardy joggers were out running in the cold. 几个强健的慢跑锻炼者正在户外的寒冷天气中跑步。



of or relating to Confucius or Confucianism (与)孔子(有关)的;(与)儒家(或儒学、儒教)(有关)的

Business in China is still conducted in a traditional Confucian manner where politeness and the search for constructive relationships are of the essence, and successful business follows the establishment of such relationships. 在中国,做生意仍然以传统的儒家方式进行,十分讲究―礼‖和建设性的―关系‖,在建立各种关系后生意才会成功。



[C, U] a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group 教义;主义;学说;信条

The doctrine was based on three fundamental principles. 该学说基于三个基本原则。



1 (of beliefs, ideas or personalities) be very different and opposed to each other 迥然不同;不相容;抵触

I want you to have your own thoughts and feelings, even if they clash with mine. 我想让你拥有自己的思想和感受,即使它们和我的迥然不同。


