
更新时间:2023-05-27 07:25:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Lesson 1

一、 单词:

picture family his her dad mum Smith father mother under have cup tea parents

二、 短语:have a look , a cup of tea , old apple tree , sit down, please

三、 重点句子:

① Look at the picture of my family. 看我家的照片。

② This is 这是

③ His/Her name is 他/她的名字叫

④ Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴 !

⑤ How do you do? 你好吗?

四、 句型转换:

① This is my dad. (対画线部分提问) Who is this ?

② His name is 对画线部分提问) What’s his name ?

③ My name 对画线部分提问) What’s your name ?


Lesson 2

一、 单词:who uncle aunt cousin tall short fat thin teacher doctor

二、 短语: come to see

三、 重点句子:

①Come to see my uncle’s family. ⑤Who’s that ?

②He is my cousin . ⑥This boy is my

③Who’s he ? ⑦He is tall .

④He is a teacher.

四、 词形转换:

Who’s=who is she’s=she is he’s=he is who’re=who are

五、 句型转换:

① He is my uncle.(对画线部分提问) Who is he ?

② This boy is my cousin.(对画线部分提问) Who is this boy?

③ He is 对画线部分提问) How old is he ?

④ This is 改为一般疑问句) Is this my aunt ?

⑤ He is a teacher. (对画线部分提问) What is he ? cousin.


一、 单词:grandpa grandma love kind lovely friend friendly

二、 短语:family tree

三、 词形转换:they’re=they are

四、 重点句子:

① I love them . ④ Who are they ?

②They are 他/她们是 ⑤They’re kind .

③He is friendly .

五、 句型转换:

① They are 对画线部分提问) Who are

② This is my friend .(改为一般疑问句) Is this my friend ?

③ This is my friend . (改为否定句) This is not my friend .

④ This is my friend . (改为复数句) These are my friends .

⑤ She is my grandma .(改为一般疑问句) Is she my grandma ?

⑥ This is my aunt . She is kind .(改为一句话) My aunt is kind .

they ?


一、 单词:people beach cinema park table start begin end over

二、 短语: in Tom’s family on the beach in the cinema in the park on the table let’s count

how many each other in the tree a happy family

三、 词形转换: let’s = let us 表示某人有某物: 人名+ ’s monkey复数 monkeys

四、 重点句子:① How many people are there in your family ?

②We love each other .

③ You have a happy family .

④ There are three people on the beach .

⑤ Let ‘ s count .

五、 句型转换:

① There are three people in my family. (对画线部分提问) How many people are there in your family?

② My sister ’s name is Linda . (对画线部分提问) What’s your sister’s name ?

③ It’s 对画线部分提问) What’s this ?

④ 对画线部分提问) How many footballs are there in his hand?


一、 单词:engineer girl brother sister housewife taxi driver

二、 词形转换:she’s=she is what’s=what is they’re=they are isn’t=is not we’re=we are

aren’t=are not I’m=I am

三、 重点句子:

① My father is an engineer. ③ Is the man your father ?

② What is he ? ④ He’s an engineer .

四、 句型转换:

① What is he ?(同义句) What does he do ?

② What does your mother? (同义句) What does your mother do ?

③ He is a 对画线部分提问) What is he ?

④ He is my dad . (对画线部分提问) Who is he ?

⑤ He is an engineer . (变为一般疑问句) Is he an engineer ?

⑥ I’m 对画线部分提问) Who are you ?


一、 单词: nurse photo cook barber doctor policeman policewoman little

二、 词形转换: what’s = what is

三、 重点句子:

①What is your mother ? ②What’s in your hand ?

③A photo of my family . ④What is he ?

⑤ She is a teacher. ⑥What are you ?

四、 句型转换:

① What is your mother ? (同义句) What does your mother do ?

② What is she? (同义句) What does she do ?

③ 对画线部分提问) Who is she ?

④ She is a doctor. (对画线部分提问) What is she ?

⑤ I’m a pupil. (对画线部分提问) What are you ?

⑥ I’对画线部分提问) What are you ?

⑦ She’s 对画线部分提问) How old is she ?


Lesson 7

一、 单词:welcome daughter son boy girl Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms

二、 重点句子:

① Come in ,please ./ Please come in. ⑥ My daughter is lovely .

② Is this your son ? ⑦ Welcome to our school .

③ Are you a pupil ? ⑧ This is our new classmates .

④ Sit down ,please ./Please sit down . ⑨ Are you a pupil in Grade Four ?

⑤ I am a pupil in Class Two , Grade Four .

三、 句型转换:

① What about you ? (同义句) How about you ?

② You’re a pupil in Grade Four .(一般疑问句) Are you a pupil in Grade Four ?

③ Come in ,please . (对画线部分提问) May I come in ?

④ I am a pupil in Class Two. (对画线部分提问) What class are you in ?

⑤ Is this your son ? (变为陈述句) This is your son .

⑥ Are you a pupil ? (变为陈述句) You are a pupil .


Lesson 8

一、单词:left right middle pretty beautiful young old wrong again

二、短语:on the right on the left in the middle young woman my family picture old man

三、词形转换:young(反义词)old right(反义词)left/wrong old(反义词)new beautiful(近义词)pretty


① Who is the young woman on the right ?

② What a beautiful photo !

③ This is my family picture .

④ The old man on the right is my grandpa.

⑤ Who is the girl in the middle ?

⑥ Banana is not on the left .

⑦ Who is the girl in the middle ?

⑧ Who is on the left ?


① The girl in the middle is me . (对画线部分提问) Who is the girl in the middle ?

② My mother is on the left . (对画线部分提问) Who is on the left ?


Lesson 9

一、单词:Sunday dinner fruit evening plate together food sky bright round moon

big all eat today moon cake great wonderful

二、短语:get together a big dinner on the table in the sky bright and round

Watching TV play the piano on Sunday evening have dinner/supper

三、重点句子:① The family are getting together . ④ Today is my birthday .

② They are having a big dinner . ⑤ Let’s get together this evening . ③ The moon in the sky is bright and round.


① (对画线部分提问) Who is listening to the music?

② (对画线部分提问) What are the boys doing ?

③ (对画线部分提问) What are the children doing ? ④ (对画线部分提问) What are you doing ?

⑤ It’ (对画线部分提问) What day is it today ?

⑥ They’re having dinner .(改为一般疑问句) Are they having dinner ?

⑦ I’m having cakes .(改为否定句) I’m not having cakes .


Lesson 10

一、单词:village farm house flat live wood vegetable pond country side

二、短语:on the farm in a village in a pond in a woods in the sea

in Beijing a new flat a lovely house many vegetables

三、重点句子:① Where do you live ?

② What picture is it ?

③ What a big family you have !

④ Do they live in Xi’an ?

⑤ We live happily in it .


① I live in Lanzhou . (对画线部分提问) Where do you live ?

② He lives in Beijing . (对画线部分提问) Where does he live ?

③ The cow lives on a farm. (对画线部分提问) Where does the cow live ?

④ The monkeys live in the tree . (对画线部分提问) Where do the monkeys live ?

⑤ They live in a new flat . (对画线部分提问) Where do they live ?

⑥ They live in Lanzhou . (对画线部分提问) Do they live in Lanzhou ?


一、单词:goat duck hen farmer horse grass flower water every little small help snow fly

二、词形转换:teach(名词形式)teacher drive(名词形式)driver farm(名词形式)farmer work(名词形式)worker play(名词形式)player have(单三形式)has you’re(完全形式)you are that’s(完全形式)that is

三、短语: on a farm welcome to little dog

四、重点句子:① Where do you live? ④ Is the farm big ? ⑦ I have a cow .

② I live on the farm. ⑤ You’re a little farmer .

③ What do you have? ⑥ Welcome to my farm and have a look .


① I live on the farm. (对画线部分提问) Where do you live?

② Is the farm big ? (改为陈述句) The farm is big .

③ I have a cow ,a dog and a hen . (对画线部分提问) What do you have?

④ My uncle has a horse . (对画线部分提问) What does your uncle have ?

⑤ The farmer has a cow . (对画线部分提问) What does the farmer have ?

⑥ The farmers live on his farm . (对画线部分提问) Where do the farmers live?

⑦ I have a cow ,a dog and a hen .(改为一般疑问句) Do you have a cow ,a dog and a hen ?


一、单词:bedroom living room clean tidy kitchen follow bathroom dirty first second third playmate

二、短语:big and bright small and nice clean and tidy nice and clean

be good to be good for on the second floor


① This is our new flat.

② Welcome to our new flat.

③ The big one is for my parents.

④ The living room is in the middle.

⑤ Our living room is big.

⑥ Her kitchen is big.

四、 句型转换:

① This is our new flat. (改为一般疑问句) Is this our new flat ?

② This is our new flat. (改为否定句) This is not our new flat.

③ I live 对画线部分提问) Which floor do you live ?

④ The bedroom is in the middle . (对画线部分提问) Where is the bedroom ?


picture family his her dad mum Smith father mother under have cup tea parents who uncle 图片 家庭 他的 她的 爸爸 妈妈 史密斯 爸爸 妈妈 在 下 有 杯子 茶 父母 谁 叔叔 aunt cousin tall short fat thin teacher doctor grandpa grandma love kind lovely friend friendly 婶婶 堂兄弟 高 矮 胖 瘦 老师 医生 爷爷 奶奶 爱 和蔼的 可爱的 朋友 有好的 People beach cinema park table start begin end over engineer girl brother sister housewife 人 海滩 电影院 公园 桌子 开始 开始 结束 结束 工程师 女孩 兄弟 姐妹 家庭主妇 taxi driver nurse photo cook barber doctor policeman policewoman little welcome daughter son boy 出租车司机 护士 照片 厨师 理发师 医生 警察 女警 小的 欢迎 女儿 儿子 男孩 girl Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms left right middle pretty beautiful young old wrong again Sunday dinner 女孩 小姐 先生 夫人 女士 左 右/对的 中间 漂亮的 美丽的 年轻的 老的/旧的 错的 再一次 星期天 晚饭 fruit evening plate together food sky bright round moon village farm house flat live wood 水果 晚上 盘子 在一起 食物 天空 明亮的 圆形的 月亮 村庄 农场 房子 公寓 住 木/树林 vegetable pond country side goat duck hen farmer horse grass flower water every little small 蔬菜 池塘 农村 边缘 山羊 鸭子 母鸡 农民 马 草 花 水 每一个 小的 小的 help snow fly bedroom living room clean tidy kitchen follow bathroom dirty first second third 帮助 雪 飞 卧室 起居室 干净的 整洁的 厨房 跟随 浴室 脏的 第一 第二 第三 Playmate



have a look a cup of tea old apple tree sit down, please come to see family tree 看一看 一杯茶 老苹果树 请坐 来看 家谱

in Tom’s family on the beach in the cinema in the park on the table let’s count how many 在汤姆家 在沙滩上 在电影院里 在公园里 在桌子上 让我们数一数 多少

each other in the tree a happy family on the right on the left in the middle young woman 相互彼此 在树上 一个幸福的家 在右边 在左边 在中间 年轻妇女

my family picture old man get together a big dinner on the table in the sky bright and round 我的家庭照片 老人 团聚 一顿丰盛的晚餐 在桌子上 在空中 即明又圆 watching TV play the piano on Sunday evening have dinner/supper on the farm in a village 看电视 弹钢琴 在星期天晚上 吃晚饭 在农场 在村庄 in a pond in a woods in the sea in Beijing a new flat a lovely house many vegetables 在池塘里 在树林里 在海里 在北京 一座新公寓 一座可爱的房子 许多蔬菜

on a farm welcome to … a little dog big and bright small and nice clean and tidy 在农场 欢迎 一只小狗 既大又明 虽小但漂亮 既干净又整洁 nice and clean be good to be good for on the second floor

即漂亮又干净 对 好/对 很慈善 擅长于 在第二层楼



Look at the picture of my family. 看我家的照片。 Who’s that ? 那是谁?

This is 这是 This boy is my cousin.这个男孩是我的堂兄弟。

His/Her name is 他/她的名字叫 He is tall .他很高

Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴 ! Who are they ?他们是谁?

How do you do? 你好吗? They’re kind .他们很和蔼。

Let ‘ s count . 让我们数一数 。 Come to see my uncle’s family.来看我叔叔的一家。

He is my cousin . 他是我的堂兄弟。 How many people are there in your family ?你家有几口人? Who’s he ? 他是谁? My father is an engineer.我父亲是一名工程师。

He is a teacher. 他是一位教师 。 Is the man your father ?这个男人是你父亲吗?

I love them . 我爱他们。 What is he ? 他是干什么的?

They are 他/她们是 He’s an engineer .他是一名工程师。

He is friendly . 他很友好。 What is your mother ?你妈妈是干什么的?

We love each other . 我们彼此相互关爱。 What’s in your hand ?你手里拿的是什么?

You have a happy family . 你有一个幸福的家。 A photo of my family .一张我家的照片。

There are three people on the beach .海滩上有三个人。What is he ?他是干什么的?


Come in ,please ./ Please come in.请进! Are you a pupil in Grade Four ?你是一名四年级的小学生吗? Is this your son ? 这是你的儿子吗? Welcome to our school .欢迎来到我们学校。

Are you a pupil ? 你是一名小学生吗? This is our new classmates .这是我们的新同学。 Sit down ,please ./Please sit down . 请坐! My daughter is lovely .我女儿很可爱。

Who is the young woman on the right ? 右边的年轻妇女是谁? What are you ?你是干什么的?

What a beautiful photo ! 多么漂亮的照片! She is a teacher.他是一名老师。

This is my family picture .这是我家的照片/全家福。 Who is on the left ?谁在左边?

The old man on the right is my grandpa.右边的老人是我爷爷。 Where do you live ? 你住在哪?

Who is the girl in the middle ?中间的女孩是谁? What picture is it ?

Banana is not on the left .香蕉不在左边。 What a big family you have !你有一个大家庭。 Who is the girl in the middle ?中间的女孩是谁? Do they live in Xi’an ?他们住在西安吗? The family are getting together .这个家庭正在聚会。 Today is my birthday .今天是我生日。

They are having a big dinner . 他们正在吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。 We live happily in it .我们幸福的住在里面。 I am a pupil in Class Two , Grade Four .我是一名四年级二班的 Where do you live?你住在哪?

Let’s get together this evening .让我们今晚聚会吧。 Is the farm big ? 农厂大吗?

The moon in the sky is bright and round.月亮在空中既明又圆。 I have a cow . 我有一头牛。


This is our new flat.这是我们的新公寓。 Our living room is big.我们的起居室很大。

Welcome to our new flat.欢迎来到我们的新公寓。 Her kitchen is big.她的厨房很大。

The big one is for my parents.大的一间是我父母的。 I live on the farm.我住在农场。

The living room is in the middle.起居室在中间。 You’re a little farmer .你是一位小农民。

Welcome to my farm and have a look .欢迎来到我的农产看一看。 What do you have? 你有什么?

be 的用法口诀 there be 句型口诀

我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; “有”字放前面,

单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 有“啥”放中间,

变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 地点(时间)放后面。

变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 单数is , 复数are ,

疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 注意be的两变化。



① This is my dad. (対画线部分提问) Who is this ?

② His name is Bob Smith.(对画线部分提问) What’s his name ?

③ My name 对画线部分提问) What’s your name ?

④ He is my uncle.(对画线部分提问) Who is he ?

⑤ This boy is my cousin.(对画线部分提问) Who is this boy?

⑥ He is nine. (对画线部分提问) How old is he ?

⑦ This is 改为一般疑问句) Is this my aunt ?

⑧ He is a teacher. (对画线部分提问) What is he ?

⑨ They are my grandpa and grandma . (对画线部分提问) Who are they ?

⑩ This is my friend .(改为一般疑问句) Is this my friend ?

This is my friend . (改为否定句) This is not my friend .

This is my friend . (改为复数句) These are my friends .

She is my grandma .(改为一般疑问句) Is she my grandma ?

This is my aunt . She is kind .(改为一句话) My aunt is kind .

对画线部分提问) How many people are there in your family?


My sister ’s name is Linda . (对画线部分提问) What’s your sister’s name ?

It’s 对画线部分提问) What’s this ?

对画线部分提问) How many footballs are there in his hand?

What is he ?(同义句) What does he do ?

What does your mother? (同义句) What does your mother

21 He is a 对画线部分提问) What is he ?

22 He is 对画线部分提问) Who is he ?

23 He is an engineer . (变为一般疑问句) Is he an engineer ?

24 I’m Linda Smith . (对画线部分提问) Who are you ?

25 What is your mother ? (同义句) What does your mother do ?

26 What is she? (同义句) What does she do ?

27 She is my mother. (对画线部分提问) Who is she ?

28 She is a doctor. (对画线部分提问) What is she ?

29 I’对画线部分提问) What are you ?

30 I’对画线部分提问) What are you ?

31 She’s nine. (对画线部分提问) How old is she ? do ?


32 What about you ? (同义句) How about you ?

33 You’re a pupil in Grade Four .(一般疑问句) Are you a pupil in Grade Four ?

34 Come in ,please . (对画线部分提问) May I come in ?

35 I am a pupil in Class Two. (对画线部分提问) What class are you in ?

36 Is this your son ? (变为陈述句) This is your son .

37 Are you a pupil ? (变为陈述句) You are a pupil .

38 The girl in the middle is me . (对画线部分提问) Who is the girl in the middle ?

39 My mother is on the left . (对画线部分提问) Who is on the left ?

40 The baby is listening to the music. (对画线部分提问) Who is listening to the music?

41 The boys are visiting the history museum. (对画线部分提问) What are the boys doing ?

42 The children are listening to the teacher of English. (对画线部分提问) What are the children doing ? 43 I am reading book . (对画线部分提问) What are you doing ?

44 It’s Sunday evening. (对画线部分提问) What day is it today ?

45 They’re having dinner .(改为一般疑问句) Are they having dinner ?

46 I’m having cakes .(改为否定句) I’m not having cakes .

47 I live in Lanzhou . (对画线部分提问) Where do you live ?


48 He lives in Beijing . (对画线部分提问) Where does he live ?

49 The cow lives on a farm. (对画线部分提问) Where does the cow live ?

50 The monkeys live in the tree . (对画线部分提问) Where do the monkeys live ?

51 They live in a new flat . (对画线部分提问) Where do they live ?

52 They live in Lanzhou . (对画线部分提问) Do they live in Lanzhou ?

53 I live on the farm. (对画线部分提问) Where do you live?

54 Is the farm big ? (改为陈述句) The farm is big .

55 I have a cow ,a dog and a hen . (对画线部分提问) What do you have?

56 My uncle has a horse . (对画线部分提问) What does your uncle have ?

57 The farmer has a cow . (对画线部分提问) What does the farmer have ?

58 The farmers live on his farm . (对画线部分提问) Where do the farmers live?

59 I have a cow ,a dog and a hen .(改为一般疑问句) Do you have a cow ,a dog and a hen ? 60 This is our new flat. (改为一般疑问句) Is this our new flat ?

61 This is our new flat. (改为否定句) This is not our new flat.

62 I live 对画线部分提问) Which floor do you live ?

63 The bedroom is in the middle . (对画线部分提问) Where is the bedroom ?

