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一、Part I Listening Comprehension(30 marks) 1.

Section A (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

Who spent a lot for the wedding according to the conversation? A. The young couple.

B. The bridegroom’s family. C. The bridegroom’s relatives. D. The bride’s family.

【答案】 D


由录音第一句“I hear that Dorthy’s folks paid a lot for the wedding”可知,Dorthy的家里人为婚礼付出了很多,联系下文可知,Dorthy是新娘。因此选D项。 【录音原文】

M: I hear that Dorthy’s folks paid a lot for the wedding.

W: Yeah! Her dad is really loaded. You should have seen all the guests! M: Mostly from the bride’s side.

2. Why does the man want to visit the Statue of Liberty first? A. They have made it the top priority on their agenda. B. He thinks it is a symbol of the United States. C. There are some fancy stores near the statue.

D. It is the best place to have a good view of New York City.

【答案】 B


由录音中男士的话可知,他认为自由女神像代表了美国(it represents what America is all about)。因此选B项。 【录音原文】

M: We’re finally in New York. What’s the first thing on the agenda for today? W: I’d like to have a view of the city from the Empire State Building.

M: Well, I think we should go see the Statue of Liberty first. After all, it represents what America is all about.

W: I’ll go for that, but I’d still like to see downtown Manhattan and visit some of those fancy stores along 5th Avenue.

3. Where did the woman get the coupons?

A. From salespersons. B. From grocery stores. C. From her neighbours.

D. From newspapers and magazines.

【答案】 D


根据录音中女士的话“you wouldn’t believe how much we saved by using all those coupons I collected from the Sunday paper and magzines”可知,优惠券都是从报纸和杂志上收集的。因此选D项。 【录音原文】

M: My goodness, Ellen! You’ve got enough groceries there to feed an army!

W: Actually, you wouldn’t believe how much we saved by using all those coupons I collected from the Sunday paper and magzines.

M: I must admit you’ve made a believer out of me. I sincerely apologize for having asked you to stop collecting what I thought was a bunch of junk mail. 4. What is the man going to do? A. Attend a wedding. B. Visit a country fair. C. Visit an art exhibition. D. Attend a fashion show.

【答案】 C


录音中的两人是在讨论应该穿什么去参加艺术展(art exhibition),男士认为既然能穿牛仔裤出席时装秀(fashion shows)和上电视,那也应该能穿牛仔裤参加艺术展。因此选C项。 【录音原文】

W: What are you wearing to the art exhibition? I understand it’s going to be a rather high-class affair.

M: My blue jeans with a white shirt, tie, and a sport coat. W: Do you think jeans would be appropriate for the occasion?

M: Why not? If those designers of men’s clothes can wear at fashion shows and TV, I’m sure I’ll fit right in. It’s not like I’m going to attend somebody’s wedding. 5. What can we infer about the speakers from the conversation? A. They are discussing the local weather.

B. They are going to help each other in their study. C. Neither of them is going to cheat in exams. D. Neither of them is a top students in their class.

【答案】 B


录音中男士提议帮助女士修改英文论文,女士帮他解决数学题。因此选B项。 【录音原文】

W: Look, I’ll help you with your English paper if you help me with my maths. This problem really had me confused.

M: Great! First, check out my paper for the grammar and spelling. The maths problem should be a breeze.

W: Oh yeah? It might be a breeze for you, but it’s more like a hurricane to me. 6. Section B (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Conversation One

What is the accident happening in Regent Street? A. Two cars ran into each other. B. A double-decker bus is on fire. C. A roadside building is burning.

D. A man was run over by a double-decker bus.

【答案】 B


根据录音中男士的话“There’s a double-decker bus on fire. Everybody is OK?”可知,一辆双层巴士着火了。因此选B项。

7. Where is the crowd standing and singing? A. In Regent Street. B. In Oxford Street. C. In Euston Road. D. In London Road.

【答案】 B


根据录音中对这起事故的描述“A large group of people are standing in the middle of Oxford Street”可知,人们站在牛津街正中间。因此选B项。 8. What is the lion doing on the road? A. Looking at the camera. B. Walking around the cars. C. Sitting and looking around. D. Running and roaring.

【答案】 C


根据录音中的描述“It’s sitting in the middle of the road and looking at the cars”可知,狮子坐在马路中间,看着来往的车辆。因此选C项。 9. What is the traffic problem in East London?

A. Somebody is driving on the wrong side of a road there. B. Drivers stop to watch an escaped lion running on a road. C. Too many cars get stuck because of a big parade going on. D. A huge lorry is overturned right in the middle of a road.

【答案】 A


根据录音中的“We have a report coming in now from East London. There’s big traffic problem. Someone is driving on the wrong side of the road”可知,在伦敦东区,有人开车行驶在错误的车道上。因此选A项。

10. When will the traffic news be updated? A. In half an hour. B. At noon. C. In two hours. D. At half past ten.

【答案】 D


录音中最后一句“Next traffic update at half past ten”指出,交通新闻在十点半会继续更新。因此选D项。 【录音原文】

W: Here’s the traffic news. And it’s a busy day out on the roads, isn’t it, John?

M: Yes, it is, Kate. Good morning. We have an accident in Regent Street. There’s a double-decker bus on fire. Everybody is OK, but traffic is moving very slowly. A large group of people are standing in the middle of Oxford Street. I can’t hear them, but I think they are standing in front of the cars and singing! So, traffic isn’t moving. The police are talking to them at the moment. W: Can you tell us anything about the incident on Euston Road?

M: Yes, Kate. There’s a lion—yes, I said a lion—on Euston Road. I’m looking at the camera now. A lot of cars are moving slowly around it. It’s sitting in the middle of the road and looking at the cars…

W: Where did it come from? Do you have any more news?

M: Well, the police say that they think it escaped from the zoo. I’m waiting for more information on that. We have a report coming in now from East London. There’s big traffic problem. Someone is driving on the wrong side of the road.

W: It’s another crazy day for drivers, then. Next traffic update at half past ten. Thanks, John. 11. Conversation Two

What does Liz McCartney think of her winning the prize? A. All her hardworking efforts are paid back.

B. Other hero nominees are better than her. C. She is only a representative of the heroes.

D. People in St. Bernard Parish will love her more.

【答案】 C


录音中Liz在回答是否觉得自己是英雄时,说到自己身边每天都会有很多优秀的人,他们都很努力,由“So?I mean I think this award is again, really a tribute to everybody’s efforts”可知,她认为这个奖是对每个人努力的回报。她只是个代表。因此选C项。 12. What happened to people in St. Bernard Parish according to Liz? A. Many of them lost their homes in a fierce storm. B. A fire broke out and burnt many of their houses. C. A serious earthquake occurred to them suddenly. D. They couldn’t go out because of a huge flood.

【答案】 A


根据录音中的“this award is really about them and their families and their communities and get them back to where before the storm”可知,那里的人们遭受到了风暴的袭击。因此选A项。 13. What doesLiz McCartney say about the prize?

A. It is an honor the people of St. Bernard Parish deserve. B. It shows the courage of the people of St. Bernard Parish.

C. It makes people realize the importance of guarding against disasters. D. It is a reminder there is still much to be done after the disaster.

【答案】 D


根据录音中Liz的话可知,她认为这个奖是关于灾区人们、关于他们的家庭、他们的社区。这让人们意识到家的重要性。也提醒人们灾后还有很多事情要做。因此选D项。 14. How much did Liz get as this year’s CNN Hero of the Year prize? A. 25,000 dollars. B. 50,000 dollars. C. 100,000 dollars. D. 125,000 dollars.

【答案】 D


根据录音可知,每位英雄都获得25000美元的奖金,而“CNN Hero of the Year Award that’s an additional 100,000 dollars(年度英雄奖会有额外的十万美元)”,因此Liz一共获得125000美元。因此选D项。

15. How will Liz spend the prize money?

A. Setting up a fund for the local community. B. Building houses for more suffering families. C. Buying clothes for victims of the accident. D. Donating it to a charity organisation.

【答案】 B


根据录音中的“we are rebuilding another ten families’ homes, with that money”可知,这笔钱将用来重建十个家庭。因此选B项。 【录音原文】

Anderson(A): The CNN Hero of the Year is Liz McCartney. Do you feel like a hero?

McCartney(M): No, I mean I’m surrounded by amazing people every single day, Anderson, people who are really, really strong and amazingly hardworking. So I don’t, I mean I think this award is again, really a tribute to everybody’s efforts.

A: What do you think the people in St. Bernard Parish think when they see this and hear that you won?

M: Well, I, I hope they are honored, you know, this award is really about them and their families and their communities and get them back to where they were before the storm. When you are in an area where people have suffered so much loss, you realize what’s really important is family, and homes and communites.

A: Do you think this is a reminder to a lot of folks there of , there is still a lot of work that needs to be done there?

M: I surely hope so. I hope the message is loud and clear, that while we are making a lot of progress thanks to all the help that we’ve received, there’s still a long way to go. What I’d like to do tonight is to dedicate this award to everybody in the New Orleans area that was affected by this storm.

A: What’s it been like being here on this night, I mean, you have celebrities, you know, talking about you and this award and your picture being taken, is it surreal?

M: It’s totally weird. You know I am, I am used to, like, walking around in jeans and T-shirts.

A: All of our heroes got 25,000 dollars, you got this year’s CNN Hero of the Year Award that’s an additional 100,000 dollars. Do you think what you plan to do with the money?

M: Oh, absolutely, we are rebuilding another ten families’ homes, with that money, yeah, so it’s going right back into the community. 16. Section C (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short news items. After each item, which will be read only once, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

Why did NASA send New Horizons spacecraft to Pluto? A. To find out its relations with other planets. B. To test its new per-second speed in space.

C. To collect more detailed data about the planet. D. To see whether there are any life forms on it.

【答案】 C


根据录音中的“The probe was sent to grab more pictures and science and other science data on the planet”可知,发射宇宙飞船的目的是进一步获取冥王星的信息。因此选C项。 【录音原文】

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has made the first visit to Pluto, speeding past 14 km per second. Earlier, the space agency released the most detailed picture yet as it hurtled towards the dwarf planet on Tuesday. The probe was sent to grab more pictures and other science data on the planet, as it passed 12,500 km from the surface. 17. What is the title Geneva plans to regain? A. City of Negotiation.

B. Peace Capital of the World. C. UN European Headquarters.

D. Centre of Controlling Nuclear Weapons.

【答案】 B


根据录音第一句“The Swiss city of the Geneva is planning activities to regain the title of ‘Peace Capital of the World’”可知,日内瓦计划重获“世界和平之都”的称号。因此选B项。 【录音原文】

The Swiss city of the Geneva is planning activities to regain the title of “Peace Capital of the World”. Geneva is home to the United Nations European headquarters. Many peace negotiations have taken place in the city. The United States and Soviet Union met there to talk about controlling nuclear weapons. Other talks included ways to end wars in Afghanistan and Lebanon. Talks to end those wars took place in Geneva throughout the 1990s. They were led by the United Nations.

18. What was Merriam-Webster’s criterion for choosing the 2015 Word of the Year? A. Whether it is related to politics, beliefs or discrimination. B. How often it is looked up in its online dictionary. C. Whether it ends in the suffix -ism. D. How often it is used in people’s life.

【答案】 B


根据录音中的“Merriam-Webster chose its Word of the Year based on how many people look up each word in its online dictionary”可知,韦氏词典挑选年度词的标准是人们在线查找的频率。因此选B项。 【录音原文】

The American dictionary Merriam-Webstar’s 2015 Word of the Year is not even a word. It is a three-letter suffix—-ism. -ism is a noun suffix. defines it as the act, practice, or process of doing something. Major -ism words in 2015 centered on politics, beliefs and discrimination. Merriam-Webster chose its Word of the Year based on how many people look up each word in its online dictionary. It found that seven of the highest-ranking words this years ended in -ism.

19. What measures did the nations agree to take to fight climate change? A. Reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. B. Burning no fossil fuels from now on. C. Planting more trees. D. Using more solar power.

【答案】 A


录音中指出,几乎所有国家都赞同阻止全球气温上升的提议,而其中一个办法就是“?to reduce their greenhouse gases(减少温室气体的排放)”。而化石燃料的燃烧只是产生温室气体的原因之一。因此选A项。加学霸兄微信号(wxxueba)获取最新真题 【录音原文】

Most recently, representatives from nearly 200 nations gathered in Paris to fight climate change. Almost every country agreed to limit the rise in global temperatures. They agreed that the world should not get any warmer than 2 degrees Celsius above what it was in the mid-1700s. This will require nations to reduce their greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide. Those gases are released from the burning of fossil fuels, like oil and gasoline, and they are blamed for raising the temperature of the planet.

20. Where did many of the richest in Britain get their increased wealth? A. From their investments in the stock market. B. From their accumulated bank savings. C. From their business earnings overseas.

D. From their rising private retirement payments.

【答案】 D


根据录音中的“It says much of the increase came from a rise in private retirement payments, called pensions”可知,富人通过私人退休金的上涨获得财富的增加。因此选D项。 【录音原文】

The British government reports that the country’s richest people are increasing their wealth three times as fast as the poorest. The report is adding to worries about inequality in Britain. The Office of National Statistics says the wealth of the richest 10 percent of British households increased by 21 percent between 2012 and 2014. It says much of the increase came from a rise in private retirement payments, called pensions. The wealth of the lowest half of all households increased by just seven percent during the same time. 21. Section D (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are 10 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

The most common legend about the discovery of coffee is that it happened in the ninth century A.D. A goat herder in Ethiopia named Kalil noticed that his goats became very active after they ate red berries from a leafy 1.______. He tried a few berries himself, and he was soon as 2. ______ as his herd. Kalil told other people in his tribe about his experience, and for the next four hundred years, people chewed the berries because they 3.______.

Recent botanical evidence indicates that Coffea arabica was first grown on the plateaus of central Ethiopia. There, the Galla tribe used to mix the beans with animal fat and eat this mixture as a source of 4.______. In 1000 A.D., the Arabs began to boil the beans and 5.______ a drink they called “qahwa,” which means wine, coffee, or any drink made from plants. Coffee was also used by the people of that region to get more energy. However, the Turks were the first to adopt coffee as an everyday drink, often adding 6.______ to the brew. The world’s first coffeehouse was opened in Constantinople in 1475.

The introduction of coffee in Europe 7.______. The delicacy was guarded like a military secret, and transportation of the plant out of the Muslim regions 8.______. In the 1600s, coffee was introduced in Europe by Italian traders through the port of Venice. Soon coffee became a popular European beverage, too. Coffeehouses 9.______ in one country after another, and became popular meeting places. The first coffeehouses were opened in England around 1650, and almost twenty years later coffee 10.______ beer as New York City’s breakfast drink.

Today coffee is drunk in millions of homes and workplaces all over the world, and coffee shops are found at almost every intersection in major cities. 1.

【答案】 bush


(根据录音中的“A goat herder in Ethiopia named Kalil noticed that his goats became very active after they ate red berries from a leafy bush”可知,牧羊人发现他的山羊在吃了灌木丛里的红色浆果后,就变得很兴奋。因此填bush,表示“灌木丛”。) 2.

【答案】 overactive 【解析】

(根据录音中的“He tries a few berries himself, and he was soon as overactive as his herd”可知,他自己尝过之后,变得跟他的羊群一样异常兴奋。因此填overactive,表示“过于活跃的”。) 3.


gave quick energy 【解析】

(根据录音中的“for the next four hundred years, people chewed the berries because they gave quick energy”可知,人们在之后的四百年里都通过咀嚼这种浆果来快速获得能量。因此填gave quick energy。) 4.

【答案】 nutrition 【解析】

(根据录音中的“the Galla tribe used to mix the beans with animal fat and eat this mixture as a source of nutrition”可知,盖拉语部落将咖啡豆与动物脂肪混在一起吃,作为一种营养来源。因此填nutrition,表示“营养”。) 5.

【答案】 created a drink 【解析】

(根据录音中的“the Arabs began to boil the beans and created a drink they called ‘qahwa’”可知,阿拉伯人开始将豆子煮沸,制作出叫“qahwa”的饮品。因此填created a drink。) 6.

【答案】 spices 【解析】

(根据录音中的“the Turks were the first to adopt coffee as an everyday drink, often adding spices to the brew”可知,土耳其人是第一个将咖啡作为每日饮品的人,通常会在冲泡时加入香料。因此填spices,表示“香料”。) 7.


came much later 【解析】

(根据录音中的“The introduction of coffee in Europe came much later”可知,咖啡在较晚的时候才被引进欧洲。因此填came much later。) 8.

【答案】 was forbidden 【解析】

(根据录音中的“transportation of the plant out of the Muslim regions was forbidden”可知,穆斯林地区之外的咖啡运输是遭到禁止的。因此填was forbidden。) 9.

【答案】 spread

Questions 1—5

Complete the article with the following sentences. There are two extra sentences that you do not need to use.

A. When we remember something, we use all of our senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing. B. The police often create false memories when they ask crime victims questions.

C. In one experiment on false memories, Loftus talked to people about their childhood. D. Why are many of our childhood memories probably false ones? E. But what is the purpose of the Bugs Bunny experiment?

F. How could a group of strangers all have the same false memory?

G. That is why the police need to be very careful about how they ask questions, says Loftus. 1.

【答案】 C


横线后文中说到,这些人互不相识,但他们当中有36%的人拥有相同的记忆。这是一个实验的结果。那么横线处就是对试验的介绍。因此选C项。 2.

【答案】 F


根据横线后文可知,此段仍然讲的是兔八哥的试验。Loftus说将错误信息输入某人的大脑是十分容易的,只需要告诉此人相关错误信息。这就是解释上文中兔八哥试验中为什么这么多人拥有相同的错误信息。因此选F项。 3.

【答案】 A


横线后文指出,这就是Loftus使用如“毛茸茸的”和“柔软的”这类词的原因,因为这些词帮助人们想象出类似的画面。人们可以利用自己的所有感官来记住一件事。因此选A项。 4.

【答案】 E


横线处的后文指出,兔八哥试验表明了错误记忆的危险性。那么横线处就是询问这个试验说明了什么,即此试验的目的。因此选E项。 5.

【答案】 G


横线处的上文中,Loftus举了警察抓罪犯的例子来说明错误信息的危险性。横线处的下文中说道,如果他们不仔细,就不能发现真相。这里的“他们”指警察,所以警察在询问受害者时要十分仔细。因此选G项。 3. Section C (10 marks)

Questions 1—5 are based on the following passage.

One of the interesting things about languages is the way they change over time. In English, everything from spelling to vocabulary has gone through major changes over the years. In fact, to a modern speaker, the English of 1,000 years ago looks like a foreign language!

The history of English dates back around 1,500 years. At that time, groups of Europeans invaded in England, bringing their language with them. It developed into Old English. Later, in 1066, England was invaded by the Normans from France. The language went through an important shift, leading to what we now call Middle English. Over the next 500 years, the language underwent further shifts, leading to Modern English. As the language has developed over time, many things about it have changed.

Pronunciation is one of the most obvious areas. For example, in Old English, people said “hus” and “mus”. Now, we say “house” and “mouse”. These days, there are many differences in the way English is pronounced in the U.S., India, and elsewhere. When people live in groups separated by great distances, the pace of change can be fast.

Spelling has also gone through interesting changes. For example, in Old English, one wrote “riht”. A “g” was added in Middle English, making the spelling “right”. Also, in the distant past, people did not always follow standards of spelling. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, scholars like Noah Webster wrote dictionaries which made the spelling more consistent. However, different standards were decided on in England and the U.S. So, some differences remain—for example, “color” vs. “colour”.

Vocabulary changes happen even more quickly. English has grown by borrowing words from languages such as French, Spanish, and Arabic, to name a few. This often happens with types of food—for example, “tofu”. Then there is slang which enters and leaves the language every year! Thirty years ago, one often heard people saying “groovy”, meaning “great”. These days, you’ll rarely hear the word except on old TV shows and movies.

Because English is spoken by so many people worldwide, it really is an exciting time for the language. Just as American and British versions are always changing, so are versions spoken in Canada, Singapore, and elsewhere. At the same time, an entirely new version of English is appearing on the Internet with whole new slang and writing style. In a way, learning English is a never-ending process, even for native speakers! Questions 1—5

Answer the following questions according to the passage.

1.Why does the English of 1,000 years ago seem a foreign language to modern speakers?


Because in English, everything from spelling to vocabulary has gone through major changes over the years. 【解析】

(由文章第一段中的“In English, everything from spelling to vocabulary has gone through major changes over the years”可知,因为英语在过去经历了许多大的变化,所以对现在说英语的人来讲,一千年前的英语就像是一门外语。因此原文中的句子即为答案。) 2.What aspects are discussed to show the changes of English in history?


Pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary. 【解析】

(根据文章第三、四、五段可知,文章从发音、拼写和词汇三个方面来阐述英语从古至今的变化。因此答案为Pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary。) 3.When did scholars try to make English spelling more consistent?


In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 【解析】

(根据倒数第三段可知,在很久之前,人们不总是遵守拼写的规则。然而,“In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, scholars like Noah Webster wrote dictionaries which made the spelling more consistent(在十八世纪和十九世纪,像诺亚·韦伯斯特这样的学者编撰字典,让拼写更连贯。)”,因此答案为In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries。) 4.What are some languages that English has borrowed words from?


Languages such as French, Spanish, and Arabic. 【解析】

(根据文章倒数第二段中的“English has grown by borrowing words from languages such as French, Spanish, and Arabic, to name a few”可知,英语在演变过程中,向法语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语等语言借词。因此答案为Languages such as French, Spanish, and Arabic。) 5.Where can we see an entirely new version of English?


On the Internet. 【解析】

(根据文章最后一段中的“?an entirely new version of English is appearing on the Internet with whole new slang and writing style”可知,在网络上可以找到完整的英语语言版本。因此答案为On the Internet。) 4. Section D (10 marks)

Questions 1—5 are based on the following passage.

Wine can be made with red grapes or white grapes, and, especially in the case of red wines, a number of doctors have reported that a moderate amount of wine has certain health benefits. This may be one of the reasons why the number of people drinking wine has risen over the past years. As new wine-shoppers browse the shelves of their local markets, they face a tough decision. Should they buy a wine with a cork or a screw top? And shoppers are not alone in their dilemma. Wineries are also facing tough choices in the best way to seal their products.

The root of the problem lies in “cork taint”. Cork taint refers to a problem with wine that has been sealed with a bad cork. Traditionally, all corks are made from a special oak tree that grows around the Mediterranean. In the process of making the corks and sealing wine bottles, a certain type of mold may start to grow on some corks. Over time, this mold can produce a chemical that makes the wine inside the bottle taste musty. In fact, the human tongue is so sensitive to this particular compound that people can taste it even diluted up to six parts per trillion!

How big is the problem of cork taint? Some experts from the wine industry claim cork taint affects one out of every ten bottles of wine. And as one spokesperson for an American winery says, “No other packaging industry in the world would put up with that kind of failure rate.”

Some wine makers see a possible solution to the problem of cork taint through adopting the tried and true method of sealing bottles with screw tops. However, many wineries are still playing it safe and sticking to corks for two reasons. First, there is the old belief among cork users that small amounts of oxygen are able to penetrate corks. This oxygen, they say, is necessary for the proper aging of fine wines, especially those aged 10 years or more. Screw tops do not allow for any oxygen to get into the bottles after they are sealed.

Another problem arises from the image screw tops have with the public. In most people’s minds, screw tops are only found on cheap, low-quality wines. It will take a lot of efforts from wineries to re-educate the public if they want to change the image of screw tops. In addition, there is the problem of losing the romantic, elegant mood produced by the ceremonial popping of the cork. Consumers don’t seem to feel the same thrill when unscrewing a top. Questions 1—5

Complete the summary with words from the passage, changing the form when necessary, with only one word for each blank.

The wine industry is facing a 1.______. What is the best way to seal wine bottles? Many people think that it is only proper for wine 2.______ to be sealed with corks. They believe that oxygen needs to be able to 3.______ the cork. Other experts, however, suggest that wineries change to screw tops. Using corks can lead to cork taint, a bad taste in the wine caused by 4.______. However, it is unlikely that the public will accept this solution. They will most likely 5.______ to buying wine with corks for the romantic and elegant mood it brings. 1.

【答案】 dilemma 【解析】

(根据原文第一段最后三句话“Should they buy a wine with a cork or a screw top? And shoppers are not alone in their dilemma. Wineries are also facing tough choices in the best way to seal their products”可知,消费者因不知是买带软木塞的酒还是带螺旋盖的酒而陷入两难,造酒厂在密封产品的选择上也很困难。因为只能填入一个词,不能填tough choice,因此填dilemma,表示“进退两难”。) 加学霸兄微信号(wxxueba)获取最新真题 2.

【答案】 bottles


(根据题干的意思,许多人认为红酒酒瓶用软木塞密封才合适。很明显,这里应该是密封红酒酒瓶。因此填bottles。) 3.

【答案】 penetrate 【解析】

(根据原文倒数第二段中第三句“there is the old belief among cork users that small amounts of oxygen are able to penetrate corks”可知,人们认为软木塞能让少量空气进入。因此填penetrate,表示“渗透,穿透”。) 4.

【答案】 mold 【解析】

(根据原文第二段可知,使用软木塞会产生的一个重大问题是“cork taint(软木塞污染)”。从“In the process of making the corks and sealing wine bottles, a certain type of mold may start to grow on some corks”中可知,软木塞污染即一种霉菌。因此填mold。) 5.

【答案】 stick


(根据原文最后一段可知,在大多数人心里,螺旋盖让人感觉不上档次,也不能像软木塞那样可以给人开瓶的喜悦与激动。人们还是会选择买软木塞的红酒。注意题干中横线后文跟的是to doing sth.,stick to doing sth.不改变某事物,坚持某事。因此填stick。) 五、Part V Translation(15 marks) 1. Section A (5 marks)

Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Kite flying is one of the most popular traditional sports in China. Kite, called Feng Zheng in Chinese, originated in China and it has been praised as the forerunner of modern aircrafts. Its history can be traced back to more than 2,000 years ago. Legend has it that, the first Chinese kites were made of wood by the famous architect and carpenter Lu Ban during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC); after the invention of paper, kites began to be made of this new material. People nowadays make colourful kites in the shapes of animals, birds, butterflies, fishes, etc.



