第五中学八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the m

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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains


1. Do you see the movie Hou Yi S___________ the Suns?.

2. The coat is a little b__________ big for me. Please give me a small one. 3. Tom is a s__________ boy. The other boys often laugh at him. 4. Please r____________ me of the meeting tomorrow. 5. Jack went to the playground i___________ of going home. 二、选择填空

1. We should try to think up a good way ___________ the problem.

A. solves B. to solve C. solving

2. ___________ you’ve tasted it, you can’t imagine how delicious the dishes are. A. Unless B. Although C. Because 3. __________ the old man finished speaking, they continued to work. A. As long as B. As soon as C. Until

4. May I have a rest? I have already finished _________ the report. A. write B. to write C. writing

5. Teresa is ________ nervous ________ she can’t talk in front of the class. A. too…to B. so…as C. so…that

6. Don’t __________, my children. Keep working hard and you will win the match. A. call up B. set up C. give up 7. I will send you a message as soon as I________ the news.

A. get B. got C. getting 三、选词填空

1. The story is so __________ that we are all __________ (moved/moving) by it. 2. After he finished _________ (do/doing) his homework, he played basketball with his friends.

3. After school he always goes out to play instead of ____________ (stay/staying) at home.

4. We can think of many ways to ____________ (solve/answer) the problem. 5. A car accident _____________ (took place/happened) to him on his way home yesterday.


6. Tom is a warm-hearted student. He always tries ___________ (to help/helping) others. 四、完成句子

1. 你觉得这个新公园怎么样?

_________ _________ you ___________ __________ the new park? 2. 要回答这个问题似乎很容易。

_________ __________ ___________ to answer this question. 3. 除非你诚实友好,否则你是无法交朋友的。

You _________ make friends __________ _________ __________ honest and kind. 4. 让我们远足而不是呆在家里。

Let’s go hiking ___________ __________ staying at home, shall we? 5. 如果你想要成功,你就应该继续尝试并且永不放弃。

If you want to succeed, you should ________ _________ and never give up. 五、根据2d, 完成表格。

What do you think about the story of Yu Gong? Ming Ming It’s really ___________. Yu Gong found a good way to______________. And the story shows us that______________________ if you ___________. Yu Gong kept trying and never _______________. Claudia It’s a little bit _________. We should find other ways to solve the problem_______________ moving the mountains. For example, building a road is ______________________________ than moving a mountain. About the story everyone has ____________________, because there are many ________to a story and many __________________it. ________________________________________________________________________ Teacher 六、看图写愚公移山的故事

____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ ______________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ 2

一、根据句意及首字母提示填入恰当单词。 1. A fish moves its t____________ to swim.

2. You must find a place to h________ when the storm came. 3. Liu Qian is going to perform the m___________ at the party. 4. The students are s___________ while they are taking photos.

5. The clever Monkey King can turn himself into different animals and o_________. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. The little boy ____________ (call) Jack is very clever.

2. The angry mother made her son ___________ (clean) the bedroom. 3. Sue and Mike got _____________ (marry) last year. 4. My sister likes to eat ______________ (west) food. 5. There are many ___________ (monkey) in the mountain.

6. It rained soon and Jack ____________ (hide) behind the tree.

7. I was allowed(被允许) to continue _____________ (use) the library. 三、选择填空

1. After 20 years of hard work, the people ___________ the village ________ a city. A. put; with B. changed; for C. turned; into 2. ——Why is Linlin practicing speaking English? ——_________ abroad for further study.

A. Go B. To go C. Goes

3. Jack fell in love _________ science and goes to the library to read every day. A. in B. for C. with 4. The movie was funny. I couldn’t stop _________.

A. to laugh B. laughed C. laughing

5. The movie is ________ boring ________ my parents can’t stand(忍受) it at all. A. too; to B. as; as C. so; that 6. This photo _______ me of my old friend, Linda.

A. reminds B. tells C. shows 四、完成句子

1. 从前,有一个漂亮的小女孩住在这个小镇上。

_______ _______ _______ ________, there was a beautiful girl living in this small town.

2. 天一黑,我们就赶快回家。

_______ ________ _______ it was dark, we went home quickly together. 3. 这些花非但不长反而枯萎了。

These flowers are shrinking _________ ___________ growing.


__________________The story tells us __________________ _____________________________________________________课时二 ___________________________________ __________________

