
更新时间:2024-03-26 07:51:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载






It has been difficult to sit on the bench most of the time, watching my team from the sideline. I always__36__why I am not good enough to be on the floor.After endless hours of work and devotion,__37__myself through drill after drill, the last thing I want is to be a cheerleader.The feeling of being__38__is sometimes too much and drives me to__39__on the spot.I often feel as though my __40__are wasted and my time is eaten away, devoted to__41__. It is heartbreaking to be a spectator (旁观者) for the game I love, knowing that no one has enough faith to give me the chance to__42__on the floor.Tears well up, but I__43__them back.I shouldn't be so__44__over something so silly. Away from the game, it's easier to put my thoughts together, rather than letting my__45__drive my reasoning.I consider__46__I am where I am.I have played basketball my whole life.I have a strong __47__for the sport and always have.There is nothing like the__48__of playing: the swish (飕飕声) of the net, the sweat rolling off my cheeks, even the bruises (青肿) are battle wounds worn__49__after every game. Even if I don' t play much, I participate in every game.I am part of a team of girls who__50__together like a family.I am there for them,__51__they are for me. Should I move on? Or should I stay with my team and continue playing basketball__52__great passion just a little longer? The__53__isn't difficult when I consider the joy that being a part of a team __54__me—and not just any team, but my team.I love basketball and my teammates.When I think about that, my__55__from the bench really isn't so bad after all.


36.A.wonder C.accept 37.A.following C.discovering 38.A.careless C.selfless 39.A.quit C.struggle 40.A.beliefs C.efforts 41.A.something C.anything

B.promise D.realize B.supporting D.pushing B.worthless D.homeless B.stay D.delay B.chances D.experiences B.nothing D.everything

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42.A.perform C.identify 43.A.call C.take 44.A.upset C.scared 45.A.hardships C.feelings 46.A.that C.when 47.A.imagination C.caution

48.A.encouragement C.excitement 49.A.bravely C.regretfully 50.A.fix C.argue 51.A.as C.for 52.A.through C.with 53.A.conflict C.challenge 54.A.cheats C.urges 55.A.request C.view

B.respond D.survive B.give D.hold B.nervous D.amazed B.possessions D.achievements B.why D.whether B.admission D.passion B.embarrassment D.disappointment B.proudly D.painfully B.add D.stick B.if D.though B.over D.from B.patience D.decision B.brings D.controls B.intention D.ambition

36答案:A 我一直“想弄明白”为什么我不能上场。wonder“想知道”。

37答案:D 经过了无数工作和投入,“督促”自己不停地训练,我最不愿意做的就是坐冷板凳。push“督促,激励”。

38答案:B “毫无价值”的感觉有时让人受不了,我有时不得不“退场”。worthless“毫无价值的”;careless“粗心的”;selfless“无私的”;homeless“无家可归的”。

39答案:A quit“退出,辞职”。

40答案:C 我常常觉得自己的“努力”都是白费。efforts“努力”。

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41答案:B 我的时间被吞噬掉了,什么也“没有”投入。

42答案:A 没有人有信心让我“上场”。perform“表现,表演”。 43答案:D 眼泪流了出来,但是我“克制”住了。hold back“阻止”。

44答案:A 我不应该对这件事这么“难过”。upset“难过的”;nervous“紧张的”;scared“害怕的”;amazed“惊讶的”。

45答案:C 远离比赛就能让我精神集中,就不会让我的“感情”左右我。 46答案:B 我“为什么”还没离开篮球界。 47答案:D have a passion for...“对??有热情”。 48答案:C 什么也比不上打球时的“感动”。

49答案:B 每场比赛后,即使身上的淤伤也是令人“骄傲的”。 50答案:D 我们的球队是“粘”在一起的一家人。

51答案:A 我为了她们待在那儿,“因为”她们也是为了我(而在等待)。 52答案:C with great passion“以极大的热情”。

53答案:D 我是离开还是继续做冷板凳这个“决定”不难做出。

54答案:B 当我想到作为球队的一分子能给我“带来的”快乐时,这一决定很容易就可以做出。bring“带来”;cheat“欺骗”;urge“督促”;control“控制”。

55答案:C 我对做冷板凳的“看法”就不那么糟糕了。view“看法,观点”;request“请求”;intention“意愿”;ambition“野心,雄心”。




请对这一现象进行简要介绍,并发表自己的看法。 注意:1.词数:150左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.参考词汇:开博客open one's blog

Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blogs on the Internet.

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Nowadays,_it_is_a_common_phenomenon_that_more_and_more_high_school_students_open_their_own_blogs_on_the_Internet. For one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to showcase their talent, and it is a way to release their pressure, and all this makes it more and more popular with high school students.

But many parents and teachers hold a different view, they think that managing one's blog will take a lot of time and energy, while this should be used to study which is their main responsibility.

In my opinion, I do approve of this activity. Opening and organizing an eye catching blog needs various abilities such as writing, designing, being skilful at computer and so on. Only if we master those abilities can we make a successful blog. As a consequence, we improve ourselves during the procedures of organizing our blogs.

Blog itself is of little harm. It is your attitude towards it that matters. We should take the advantages and avoid some bad effects.






3.帮助别人学习可以使他们树立自信,从而促进友谊。 注意:

1.词数:120~150,短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2.包括所有要点,内容可适当发挥。 Dear Li Hua, How are things going?

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Yours, Li Ping

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Dear_Li_Hua, How_are_things_going?_In your last letter you talked about your recent worry about your study, mentioning that your desk-mate often interrupts you by asking questions. Now I would like to share my opinion with you.

First of all, there is no need to worry about your studies. When you explain something to others, you can get a better understanding of it, which can improve yourself greatly. So it's good for you. Secondly, as we all know, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Although your deskmate is not good at lessons, he might do well in other fields like sports or arts. Therefore you can learn from each other. In addition, top students can help slower ones gain confidence by helping them with their lessons, which may help develop a friendship that both of you will treasure all your life.

I hope my advice can help. And best luck with your learning.

Yours, Li_Ping





1. 仔细品味画面内容,要适当发挥想象,不要作简单描述。 2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

4. 相关词汇:配合 co-operate;和谐的 harmonious;效率 efficiency


Recently, parents, students and teachers sometimes care much about test results, especially when kids fail. Some parents, when their kids fail in an exam, choose to...


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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

Recently,_parents,_students_and_teachers_sometimes_care_much_about_test_results,_especially_when_kids_fail. Some_parents,_when_their_kids_fail_in_an_exam,_choose_to yell at their kids and complain much about present education system while their kids would blame the bad results on teachers. Teachers, who always work hardest, have more complaints like lack of co-operation from parents and less hard work of students. What should be the appropriate attitude towards test results is always under hot discussion. Gladly, most parents nowadays are quite aware of their own responsibilities. They would co-operate more with teachers afterwards and give enough guidance to their kids. Teachers will undoubtedly re-consider and thus improve their teaching methods aiming to increase classroom efficiency. Students will certainly study harder.

In my opinion, it is always the best for family, students and schools to co-operate closely. When kids fail, everybody should be brave enough to bear responsibilities and find practical solutions to avoid similar mistakes. It surely benefits a lot in the construction of a harmonious society as well as forming a friendly relationship between families and schools.

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________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

Recently,_parents,_students_and_teachers_sometimes_care_much_about_test_results,_especially_when_kids_fail. Some_parents,_when_their_kids_fail_in_an_exam,_choose_to yell at their kids and complain much about present education system while their kids would blame the bad results on teachers. Teachers, who always work hardest, have more complaints like lack of co-operation from parents and less hard work of students. What should be the appropriate attitude towards test results is always under hot discussion. Gladly, most parents nowadays are quite aware of their own responsibilities. They would co-operate more with teachers afterwards and give enough guidance to their kids. Teachers will undoubtedly re-consider and thus improve their teaching methods aiming to increase classroom efficiency. Students will certainly study harder.

In my opinion, it is always the best for family, students and schools to co-operate closely. When kids fail, everybody should be brave enough to bear responsibilities and find practical solutions to avoid similar mistakes. It surely benefits a lot in the construction of a harmonious society as well as forming a friendly relationship between families and schools.

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