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Unit 2a Entertaining a client


customer satisfaction form 顾客满意调查问卷 complete the form 完成表格 questionnaire 调查问卷 criteria 标准 atmosphere 情调 attentiveness 周到 value for money 物有所值 objective 目标 enhance 提高

mezzanine 中层楼(指介于一层和二层之间) reasonable prices 合理的价格 company presentation 公司业务报告会 interior design 室内装修 group dining 团体用餐

group menu 团体用餐菜单 catering requirement 用餐要求

tour groups 旅游团 birthday party 生日会 corporate events 公司社交活动 wine tasting 品酒会 company presentation 公司业务报告会 business trip 商务旅行 salad 色拉 steak 牛排


What is important when arranging entertainment for clients? ● Venue

● Type of activity ● Cost Suggested Answer

I think three things are important when we arrange entertainment for clients. The first thing to consider is type of activity. Whether the clients are satisfied or not depends on the activity we choose. We must design the activity according to the clients' age, sex, and education background, etc. If most of the clients are young, activity must be exciting and novel. Secondly we need to have a proper venue. It must be convenient for most of the clients to reach. And cost is also important. We must keep the cost under control. It is a business. We must consider the profit.

Unit 2b Corporate hospitality

sales figure 销售数字

the recipe for success 成功秘诀

establish/build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系 trade fair 贸易会

fashion sportswear 运动时装 teenage 少年

production methods 生产方式 head office 总部 design team 设计小组

marketing and sales directors 营销和销售部门的主管 in due time 经过一段时间,到适当的时候 corporate hospitality 商务接待,企业社交 tip 技巧,窍门,忠告 to be in need of 需要 business objectives 商务目标 social setting 社交场合 training consultants 培训咨询 corporate events 商务活动 a social event 社交活动 accommodation 住处 poor timing 时间不当

mixing business with pleasure 将生意与休闲结合起来,生意娱乐两不误 hospitality n. cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests.


e.g. Corporate hospitality 公司接待

fact-finding a. 进行实地调查的,旨在弄清真相的 e.g. on a fact-finding mission 进行实地调查 get down to business 开始谈生意 a round of golf 一局高尔夫 personal assistant (PA) 私人助理

finalize v. to bring (a plan or arrangement, etc) into a finished and complete form.


e.g. After discussing the company visit, the presidents of the two companies finalized the visiting schedule.

经过讨论,两个公司的老总最后确定了公司访问的日程安排。 value v. 重视,尊重

e.g. a valued customer 看重的顾客 a valued customer 看重的朋友

stopover n. a short stay between parts of journey 中途停留 social setting社交场合

pick up acquire, get, or learn 习得,获得 tip n. helpful advice 有用的建议或技巧 prospect n. 可能成为客户的人,潜在客户 a rugby match 橄榄球赛

one-to-one a. between only two people 只在两个人间的 e.g. one-to-one conversation 一对一的谈话,两个人间的谈话。

build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系 establish rapport with clients 与客户建立联系 enhance mutual understanding 增进相互理解 a more colorful life 更为丰富多彩的生活 work and play are one 工作与休息融为一体 difficulty of swapping roles 角色交换的困难 forget your role 忘记自己的角色

too preoccupied with your work 对工作过于专心

establish v/ build a good business relationship 建立良好的业务关系 purposeful a. 有目的的

Milan trade fair:米兰商品交易会 range/scope/line 经营范围

meet(pay) all your expenses: 支付你所有费用

theatre-goer 爱看戏的人

Text translation

Training to be entertaining and making it pay

戴安娜·萨默尔学到一些如何把商务和娱乐更有效地结合起来的窍门。 您今天是否要与客人或与您有业务联系的人共进午餐?您肯定这顿饭的目标明确吗?如果您对最后一个问题的回答是肯定的——享用美味食物的同时,进

一步了解对方。您就可能需要一个培训课程来帮助您提高技巧。幸运的是。现在就有这样一个课程。这个课程叫“在社交环境中影响别人”,这个为期三天的课程由总部设在英国的荷士卫培训咨询公司主办,课程将为您提供在社交环境中筹划并达到商务目的所需要的知识和技巧,同时又保证让您的客户和潜在的客户获得享受。课程强调的第一个重点是,如果您希望与客户一对一的交流,那么带客户人去看橄榄球赛就显得毫无意义 .不过您可以反倒利用体育赛事或歌剧作为一个?契机?,之后安排一次工作餐,以便能和客户更亲切的谈论你公司的杰出成绩,或者你期望达成的生意。





Practical writing: Part IV Writing on P26 Dear Ms Goddard

With reference to your letter of November 13, I am writing to thank you for your kind invitation.

I would be very pleased to accept your invitation to visit Oxford and see Trackplus? production facilities. I would also be interested in meeting your

colleagues at Head Office, the design team in particular. I should also be delighted to accept your offer of arranging for me to see a play in the west end.

Unfortunately, due to a business trip abroad, I am unable to come to England at the end of November as you suggested. However, as I feel it is important that we meet before Christmas I would be grateful if you could tell me if the second week of December would be suitable for you?

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Yours sincerely.

Paolo Fellini.

