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Feasibility study of real estate project
in the process of real estate development decision-making analysis, project feasibility study is very important, and for real estate developers to apply for project loans, which provides the basis for business negotiations and signed the contract. Through real estate project feasibility study, can reduce the blindness of investment decision, improve the economic benefits of real estate enterprises and promote the rational use of urban land for the project to bring greater economic benefits and social benefits.
Longhu Jinhai No.1 is a project of real estate Longhu co., LTD., in the key project of Shenyang, in order to further analysis of the project feasibility, constantly improve and supplement the original preliminary planning, based on the lake in the sea no. 1 project feasibility study as the subject, for real estate development's later work to lay the foundation.
In this paper, using the survey method, statistical analysis and induction methods, combined with statistics, marketing, management and other theoretical knowledge for research work.
Paper first to Longhu Jinhai no. 1 project as the background, in the real estate project feasibility study, on the basis of relevant theories, analyzes the macro environment of the project, and then from the plot analysis and attribute definitions, customer analysis and selection, market analysis and selection, project value system construction, project overall orientation, etc, has made the analysis and research, the feasibility study of comprehensive conclusion, put forward some investment advice. Through research papers, designed to improve the project preliminary planning Longhu Jinhai 1 at the same time, for the project of the specific implementation guide, as well as to other interested in Shenyang real estate market of the enterprise to provide certain reference.
The so-called pillar industries, mainly in a historical period, to a country or a region’s economic and social development play a basic role, great benefits; have a profound impact on the industry. The use of the added value of China's exports, the number of practitioners, industry association, the industrial concentration, technological maturity, income elasticity of demand, economic benefits, such as the continued growth of 9 reference standards, and its added value should be accounted for more than 5% of GDP. 1.1 Good Prospects for the Real Estate Market
Moreover, the accelerated urbanization process, the revitalization of old industrial base, Shenyang advantage of regional cities, such as consolidation, which will have an enormous role in pushing forward. Therefore, the realestate industry will continue to contribute to the economic development of the higher rate of employment and improve social conditions and raise living standards of residents, such as play a significant role.
1.2 The Development of the Real Estate Industry will be More Mature
At present, Shenyang has the real estate industry has a high degree of concentration and a certain level of technology. Moreover, in order to more extensive and intense competition to achieve sustainable development, the real estate industry will further improve the management
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