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Reading Practice:

Passage 1

Students often ask their teachers: “What is the best way to study?” “How can I learn faster?” Here are a few guidelines to help us to learn better.

The first guideline is “Take it easy”. Don’t overdo it. When learning complex things, such as a foreign language or a science, it is advisable to take breathing spells (一段时间) between learning periods. Most beginners push themselves too long at a time. Instead of practicing for two solid hours, practice only one hour. Then take a breather before doing the second hour of practice of study. Such spaced practice or study is better for learning than continuous practice of the same total length.

Motivation (动机) is an important factor. People learn much faster when they really want to learn. Learning is more efficient when it is fun, less efficient when it is drudgery (辛苦烦人的工作).

The learner needs to be able to measure the progress made. This can be done by testing or by comparing present performance with past performances. Don’t expect your learning skills to increase at the same rate. As you progress, the rate of increase slows down. You mustn’t be discouraged by this. The gains may be smaller, but they are still gains, small steps closer to perfection.

1. The best explanation of “solid” in Para. 2 is “______________”. A) hard B) continuous C) strong D) long

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) Studying for two continuous hours will always make one feel tired. B) A learner will study a subject more efficiently if he has interest in it. C) It’s good to compare your present performance with those in the past. D) Spaced study is important for beginners.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that ____________________. A) if you are not interested in study, you can not learn well B) most beginners study too long at a time C) beginners generally make more obvious progress D) you can only make small progress in the course of study 4. According to the passage, if you want to study well, you have to _______________. A) enjoy the study C) be strict with yourself B) work hard D) keep up with your classmates

5. An advanced learner will do anything but __________________. A) relax when learning C) study efficiently B) find fun in studying D) increase skills at a great speed

Passage 2

Nearly everyone agrees that money doesn’t buy as much as it used to, no matter where you want to spend it. This is certainly true of the paper money that passes so quietly through one’s hands. Inflation steadily eats away its buying power. But what about coins? Unlike notes, metal money becomes more valuable the longer it is held, especially if it is put away where it won’t get scratched or worn. Why is this? One reason is that coins, being more durable, fall more readily into a category for collectors. Naturally, the rarer gold pieces must become more valuable as the price of this metal goes up.

But, curiously, one of the rarest coins in the world is not made of gold, but of the relatively cheaper silver. In 1804, the United States mint struck 19,570 silver dollars. That is what its records show. Today only six of this original number remains and these six are unlikely ever to reach the auction (拍卖) market. So what happened to some 19,564 large silver coins, not the easiest sort of things to lose? One of the more romantic theories is that they were part of the payment to Napoleon for the American territory then known as Louisiana. But they never reached France. Somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, the ship transporting them was sunk, either by a storm or by pirates (海盗). The probable answer to the mystery is that they were melted down since the silver value was greater than the actual value of the coin. What really happened to the rest will probably always remain a mystery. What is known is that whoever can come up with one will find himself instantly rich. 6. People agree that paper money buys _________________. A) as much as it used to C) more than it used to B) less than it used to D) nearly as much as it used to 7. The value of coins __________________. A) increases with time C) never changes B) increases wherever it changes hand D) decreases with time 8. One of the rarest coins in the World is ___________________. A) gold B) silver C) nickel D) an alloy

9. Something happened to the other silver dollars. Which of the following answer is TRUE? A) They went to France. B) They went down with a ship in bad weather. C) They were melted down. D) Nobody knows the truth.

10. The best title for the passage should be __________________. A) The Value of Money B) Paper Money C) Metal Money D) Coin-Collecting

Passage 3

Extinction has recently become a catchword(时髦话).Every day entire species of plants and animals die out, and for the first time in history this is due to the actions of just one species: humans. We already know about five mass extinctions, and now a sixth

seems to be under way. This one is different, because it is man-made. Deforestation(毁林)of the rain forests is just one aspect of the phenomenon. Most people may have heard about that, but few people know that most of the species existing in the rain forests have never been described by science. Often they die out before we ever know they existed. Nobody can tell what treasures we lose, perhaps a cure for cancer or other modern-day disease.

World-famous Harvard professor Edward O. Wilson examines life on our planet in his book The Diversity(多样性)of Life. He doesn’t lecture his readers, but states in a matter-of-fact way what is known about the Earth’s past and the impact of mankind on its plant and animal life. Meanwhile, he suggests solutions for the present crisis.

If you are interested in the future of planet Earth and want to learn to see the bigger picture, this is the book for you. This is no light bedtime reading and will probably leave you feeling uneasy. However, it’s important for people living in the 21st century to think about how we can pass at least part of this diversity on to our children. Recent research shows that Earth needs about 10 million years to restore the lost diversity of species after a great crisis. Ten million years are not much in terms of the life of a planet, but the period is way too long for mankind. Wilson’s book should help us to start a process of reconsideration.

11. Judging from the context, what does the word “extinction” (Line 1, Para 1) mean? A) Death of many plants and animals. B) Killing of wild animals by man. C) Deforestation of the rain forest. D) Dying out of an entire species.

12. In what sense is the present mass extinction different from the five previous ones? A) It is larger in scale. B) It is caused by man.

C) The lost diversity can never be restored. D) It threatens the very existence of humans.

13. Why should people be concerned about extinction?

A) Because many existing species have not yet been studied. B) Because the dying species may be of great value to humans. C) Because it may lead to great climate changes on earth.

D) Because the dying species can cure cancer and other diseases.

14. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A) there are now more species on our planet than before

B) every plant or animal is described in the book The Diversity of Life C) without man’s interference every species would have survived D) many species lived and died without ever being noticed by man

15. What is the chief purpose of Edward O. Wilson in writing the book The Diversity of


A) To provide readers with some interesting bedtime reading. B) To help specialists do research on plant and animal life. C) To arouse readers’ interest in the history of our planet.

D) To remind us of the urgency of preserving the diversity of life.

Passage 4

Many companies have run into serious troubles trying to coordinate their sales and promotional efforts. For example, one firm authorized a large promotional drive to introduce a new product in Latin America. The promotion ran smoothly, but someone forgot to coordinate product delivery ― the home office was totally unaware of the sales push and had no plans to ship the product. Consumers were confused and money was wasted when promoted product was not available.

To avoid such occurrences, all plans should be in writing and someone should be responsible for central coordination. Hence, risks are lessened and opportunities to save money may arise. Coca-Cola, for instance, requires that all overseas marketing plans be submitted to the central office well in advance. This gives the company a chance to examine the concepts. Previous experiences with similar plans can be viewed and necessary changes can be suggested. Minor improvements tried overseas with success should also be reported. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Coordination not only reduces the chance of errors, it also provides opportunities to learn improved methods.

With so many details to consider, it is rather understandable why so many firms have blundered. Nevertheless, their errors illustrate the importance of paying attention to details.

16. In the example in the first paragraph, the firm failed because ____. A) its home office didn’t back them up B) it didn’t inform its home office of its plan C) very few customers responded to its efforts D) it abused much money

17. Coca-Cola requires that ____. A) all overseas firms follow the orders by the central office B) all overseas firms turn in plans to the central office before carrying them out C) all minor improvements be reported to the central office D) all failures be recorded in the files in the central office

18. According to the passage, coordination involves ____. A) preventing the company from committing the same error B) passing on orders from the central office C) training personnel from the overseas firms

D) helping overseas firms make minor improvements

19. In the passage, coordination can be compared to ____.

A) a bridge between the central office and overseas firms

B) a passage through which the orders by the central office can reach its overseas firms C) a trial-and-error lab to avoid similar errors

D) a file recording all the cases in the history of the company

20. “Blundered” in the last paragraph means ____. A) “been done with” B) “gone bankrupt” C) “made success” D) “done wrong”

1-5 B A C A D 6-10 B A B D C 11-15 D B B D D 16-20 B B A A D


1. The government claimed the economic situation was improving, while the recent

figures suggested the __________. A) same C) comparison C) reverse D)


2. There must be a legally __________ contract of employment between the private

corporation and the staff members. A) registered B) desirable C) valid D)


3. The opposition parties are __________ the minister’s resignation over the scandal. A) calling for B) bringing forward C) taking on D)

turning on

4. A research team has found that increased __________ to sunlight may decrease the

risk of that kind of cancer. A) explosion B) dispute C) exposure D)


5. All descriptions and information on hotels and guest houses in this advertisement

should be __________ as we have never seen them before. A) justified B) cited C) edited D)


6. She bought __________ a major change in the way her company designed its

products. A) in B) about C) back D) off 7. The old hospital in London Road now __________ a place for the homeless. A) thinks as B) serves as C) considers as D) takes as 8. Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain

__________. A) optional B) compulsory C) available D)


9. The importance of these considerations again will __________ from person to

person, and from one society to another. A) conclude B) take C) undergo D) vary 10. He was always __________ in the company of women, especially girls. A) urgent B) awkward C) applicable D)


11. For more accurate data, we need more ______ equipment to do the research. A) systematic B) expensive C) speculative D) sophisticated 12. For generations the people in these two villages lived in perfect _______.

A) conflict B) distinction C) harmony D) regulation 13. It wasn’t the dinner. It was _______ people talked about at the dinner that

disgusted him.

A) what B) that C) whatever D) those

14. What a beautiful town! It is _______ to think that, just a few years ago, there was

nothing here except beaches. A) rarely B) credible C) skeptical D)


15. Like most of their classmates Alice and Joy also bought some pictures and posters

to _______ the walls of their room. A) consist B) decorate C) charm D) draft 16. Their company is this bank’s most valued _______. A) harmony B) coward C) client D) item 17. There is a fascinating _______ about western China in today’s People’s Daily. A) item B) interval C) undo D) lap

18. The son of Italian immigrants, Lee Iacocca took his first job at Ford Motor Co.

in1946 and ______ up to Ford’s presidency in 1970. A) worked his way B) called for

C) worked out D) worked on

19. The full horror of the war only ________ when you start seeing this television


A) hit home B) take in C) care for D) set aside

20. Mike is an extremely careless man. ________, it was not until he got to an ATM

that it occurred to him he had left his card at home.

A) in occasion B) at occasion C) under occasion D) on one occasion

1-5 C C A C D 6-10 B B A D B 11-15 D C A D B 16-20 D A A A D

