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Chapter 6 Problems and Exercises 207
Question1: Level-1 Diagram
CUSTOMERBook check out request1.1 Receive Check-out RequestCheck-out RequestCheck-out Request1.2Generate book ItemBook Item3.0Check for book availabilityBook Availability1.3Generate Customer Customer eligibilityInformationCustomer Information4.1Receive Book ItemCheck out ItemsBook Availability Information2.0Verify Customer Eligibility4.2Generate Check out ItemsCheck out ItemsD1: Book Inventory D1: Book Inventory FileFileLIARBRY WEB CATALOGUEUpdated Book Item5.0Update CatalogueFormatted Book Check-out Item
Question2: Level-1 Diagram
Apps Order1.1Receive Customer OrderPayment InfoConfirmation Of Payment Info1.3Generate Payment InfoPayment InfoConfirmation of Payment InfoPAYMENT PROCESSIONCUSTOMERApps OrderConfirmation of PurchaseConfirmation of Purchase1.2Generate Customer Purchase2.0Update Sales DataFormatted Sold Item1.4 Generate Goods Sales IncrementsSold ItemSold Data 4.2Generate Sold DataGenerated Sold Data4.3Prepare Sales ReportsSold DataD1: Apps Sold File4.1Access Sold DataAPPS DEVELOPERSales Reports
Errors: 1. Data Flow3 should be an outflow in the level-1 diagram. 2. In the level-2 diagram, process 1.4.2 does not have input. 3. DS1 needn’t appear in the level-0
Question10 Level-1 Diagram
Health InfoPATIENTDetails of Demographic Info1.1 Receive Demo InfoDemographic InfoNew Patient Info1.3Verify Demo InfoFormatted Demo Info2.0Collect Health InfoHealth TrendPrescriptionExisting Patient Demo InfoPrevious Health InfoPayment Info4.4Print out Prescription1.2 Generate New Patient InfoUpdated Patient Info3.1Access new health infoHealth InfoD2: Medical Records3.2Update Health informationHealth Info4.2Prescribe Diagnosis resultmedication or treatment4.1Diagnose the patientUpdated Health InformationD1: Patient’s FilePrescription4.3Collect PaymentPayment InfoTreatment Plan3.3Prepare Treatment PlanRecords of The Service3.4Produce Record Of Service
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