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引导定语从句的关系代词有who, whose, whom, which, that 。

引导定语从句的关系副词有whe n, where, why 。


一、w ho引导的定语从句,who在从句中做主语(口语中也可做宾语),修饰表示人的先行词。

This is the man who helped me.

The boy who//whom we saw yesterday is John ' s brother.

二、w hom引导的定语从句,whom在从句中作宾语,修饰表示人的先行词,口语中可以省略。

The doctor (whom) you are looking for is in the room.

The person (whom) you just talked to is Mr. Li.

=The person to whom you just talked is Mr. Li.( 介词后whom 不能省略)

The babies whom the nu rses are look ing after are very healthy.

(固定短语中的介词一般不能拆开,仍放在动词之后。look for / look after /take care of /

put on / take off …)

三、w hose引导的定语从句,whose在从句中作定语,修饰表示人或物的先行词。

Do you know the woma n whose n ame is Mary. Pass me the dictio nary whose cover is black.

He has a frie nd whose father is a doctor.

四、t hat引导的定语从句,that在从句中做主语或宾语、修饰表示人或物的先行词。作宾语时可省略,不能放在介词后面作宾语.(that指人时,相当于who或者whom ;指物时,相当于which) The letter (that//which) I received was from my father.

I can ' t find the letter that//which came this morning.

Do you still remember the days (that//which)we spe nt together ?

This is the man that//who helped me.

The house (that//which) we live in is n ot large. =The house in which we live is not large.

The doctor (that//whom //who)you are look ing for is in the room.

五、w hich引导的定语从句,which在从句中做主语,也可做宾语,或介词的宾语,修饰



This is the book (which/that ) you want.

The buildi ng which//that sta nds n ear the river is our school.

The room in which there is a machine is a workshop.( 介词后面的which 不能省略) The house (which/that) we live in is n ot large.

This is the watch (which/that ) he was looking for.


先行词为不定代词all, few, little, much, everything, nothing, anything 等.

All (that) you have to do is to practise every day. There isn ' t much (that) I cando.

Tell us everyth ing that you know, please.

Is there anything that you don ' t understand?


The first less on (that) I learned will n ever be forgotte n.

This is the best film (that ) I have ever see n.

先行词被all, any, every, few, little, no, some, much 等不定代词修饰时.

I have read all the books (that) you gave me.

先行词被the only, the very, the last, the same 等修饰时.

This is the very book that I want to read.

This is the same book that I want to read.

This is the last time ( that ) I shall give you a less on.

This is the only thing that I can remember.


I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.

I still remember the day on which I first came to Beijing.

(介词+ which可以代替when)

I ' ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.

I remember the days which//that we spe nt together.


This is the place where we lived for five years.

The factory where his father works is in the west of the city.


The factory in which his father works is in the west of the city.

(介词+ which可以代替where)

This is a place which/that I wan ted to visit.

Shan ghai is the city where I was born.


I know the reason why he came late. ( for + which 可以代替why)

The reas on why / for which he was late was that he was ill.


The stude nt who is good at En glish studies hard.

The stude nts who are good at En glish study hard.



I was the only person in my office who was invited.


This was the American Civil War, which lasted 4 years before the North won in the end.

一、用关系代词(that、which 、who、whom 、whose)或关系副词(when、where、

why )填空。

1 . This is the man ______________ wants to see you.

2 . The student _________________ answered the question is Zhang Hua.

3 . The man ________________ you went to see has come.

4 . The man _________________ I met yesterday lent me some money.

5 . The woman ______________________ you saw is our geography teacher.

6 . Here is the pen ______________ you lost the day before yesterday.

7 . These books ___________________ you lent me were very useful.

8 . A clock is a mach ine ________________ tells people the time.

9 . This is the shirt _____________________ I bought yesterday.


10 . The book __________________ is on the table is mine.

11 . The film ___________________ they are talk ing about is very in teresti ng.

12 . I will never forget the people and the places ____________ I have ever visited.

13 . Is there anyone __________________ family is in Beijing?

14 . Show me the boy _____________ mother is a well-k nown sin ger.

15 . The boy ____________ father is a teacher is good at English.

16 . I don ' t know the reason _____________________ he was late for the class.

17 . A birthday is the date ___________ one was born.

18 . Do you know the reason _______ n o one questioned Aristotle's theory for about

2,000 years?

19 . Do you still remember the days __________________ we spent together last term?

20 . Shanghai is the city _____________ I was born.

21 . The house _____________ I lived ten years ago has bee n pulled dow n.

22 . I still remember the day _____________ I first came to the school.

23 . The time ______________ w e got together fin ally came.

24 . Please tell me the reason _____________ you missed the plane.

25 . I don ' t know the reason __________________ he looks unhappy today.

26 . Everything _____________ I know will be taught to the students.

27 . This is the best film _____________ I have ever seen.

28 . The manager walked toward the gate __________ the workers are waiting.

29 . You can ' t go into this room _______________ they are having a meeting.

30 . I still remember the days _____________ w e studied together.

31 . The picture ____________ h as a house and flowers is the one I like best.

32 . He failed in the exam, ____________ surprised us all .

33 . Her parents wouldn ' t le Inharry anyone ____________ family was poor.

34 . Tom, ___________ parents are poor workers, always goes hungry.


( )1. This is the bag ____ my mother bought yesterday.

A. that

B. who

C. whom

D. this

( )2. The man _____ lives next to us is my En glish teacher.

A. whom

B. which

C. who

D. /

( )3. The girl _____ y ou saw in the street is Mary.

A. that

B. whose

C. which

D. as

( )4. Is this the factory _____ a lot of stude nts visited yesterday?


A. the one

B. which

C. who

D. whom ( )5. Is this factory _____ a lot of stude nts visited yesterday?

A. the one

B. that

C. which

D. / ( )6. The on ly Ian guage ___ i s easy to lear n is the mother ton gue.



( )9. Please show me the book _____ y ou bought yesterday.

( )10. This is the best book ____ I have bee n look ing for all this year.


)11. This is the only article of these that ____ w ritten by him.

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are ( )12. The man _____ w as here just now is a doctor.

A. whom

B. who

C. /

D. he

( )13. The boy _____ h as two lovely dogs.

A. who live n ext door

B. which lives n ext door

C. whom lives n ext door

D. that lives n ext door (

)14. Those ______ m ade no mistakes in today ' asxercises please raise your

han ds. A. which

B. whom

C. that

D. who ( )15. Don ' t go in, this is the shop _________ w e have jus t been _____ .

A. /, to

B. that, /

C. where, to

D. which, there

( )16. He is the most careful boy _____ I know.

A. what

B. which

C. as

D. ./

( )17. This is the school ____ Mr. Smith once taught.

A. i n that

B. whe n

C. where

D. there

( )18. Have you visited the house ____ the famous scie ntist was born?

A. where

B. in that

C. that

D. which

( )19. The factory _____ Mr. Li used to work was closed last week.

A. whe n

B. where

C. that

D. which

( )20. Do you still remember the day _____ we first met?

A. that

B. whe n

C. what

D. on that

( )21. The time _____ w e studied together is not easily forgotte n.

A. that

B. whe n

C. where

D. i n which

( )22. Octob er 1,1949 is the day _____ we

A. which

B. that

C. /

D. it (



)7. The girl handed everything _____she had picked A. which

B. in which

C. that )8. ____ clea ns the blackboard should be praised. A. That B. Who C. The one who up in the street to the

D. all D. The stude nts who A. which B. whom C. whose D. this

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. /

ll n ever forget.


they visited last mon th?

)26. I still remember the sitti ng-room my mother and I used to sit

in the

A. whe n

B. that

C. where

D. i n which

)23. October 1,1949 was the day

the People s Republic of China was

foun ded. A. which B. whe n

C. where

D. i n


)24. Is thi s the shop

sells childre n

s cloth ing?

A. which

B. where

C. i n which

D. what

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. the one

eve ning. A. what B. which

C. that

D. where


The film is in terest ing. They saw it last ni






I like Chin ese tea with no thi ng in it.

I like Chin ese


no thi ng in it . 7 . The girl who is wearing the red coat is very clever The girl

the red coat is very clever

8 . The strange thing with three legs was used for drinking long before The stra nge thing three legs was used for drinking long before


答案: 1. that

2. that

3. where

4. where

5. whe n

6. which/ that

8. which

9. that

10. whose


)25. Is this museum

单项选择定语从句1~5 A C A B A 6~10 B C C A D 11~15 C B D D A 16~20 D C A B B 21~26 B B B A D D


5. of

6. un der

7. without 8.

I. with 2. through 3. from 4. by to 9. in 10. at

II. on 12. on 13. of 14. aga inst

15. of


