2020八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself Period 2 Reading练习(新版)牛津版

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Unit 4 Do it yourself

Period 2 Reading

1.曾经,一度adv. ________ 2.错误,失误n. ________ 3.使充满vt. ________ 4.建议,忠告,劝告 vt.&vi.________→建议 n.________ 单词5.课程;过程n. ________ 闯关 6.已经adv. ________ 7.反而,却adv. ________ 8.经常去;出席vt. & vi. ________ 9.着迷的,狂热的;发疯的 adj.________→(adj. 比较级)________ 10.可怕的adj.________→可怕地adv. ________ 1.对……着迷 ____________ 2.看上去可怕 ____________ 3.犯错误 ____________ 4.张贴 ____________ 短语5.安装 ____________ 互译 6.keep on doing sth____________ 7.make sb angry ____________ 8.not only…but also… ____________ 9.fill…with… ____________ 10.fail to do sth ____________ 精品


1.我的表弟安德鲁对“自己动手做”很着迷。 My cousin Andrew _______________________________ DIY. 2.现在客厅里不仅墙壁是蓝色的,连天花板和地板也是蓝色的。 Now the living room has ______________________ 句型在线 blue walls __________________ a blue ceiling and floor. 3.然后他花了五个小时在墙上固定了书架。 He then ________ five hours ________ ________ the shelf on the wall. 4.我买了一些关于DIY的书给他,我还建议他去参加DIY方面的课程。 I bought some books about DIY for him and I also ________________________________________ a course in DIY. 判断正(T)误(F): ( )1.Suzy's brother Andrew is crazy about DIY. 课文( )2.One Andrew succeeded in putting up a picture on his bedroom wall. 初探 ( )3.Last month, Andrew wanted to paint his bedroom blue. ( )4.It took Andrew five hours to put up the shelf for Suzy. ( )5.Every Sunday Suzy is reading all the books and attending lessons.

●1 mistake n.错误,失误

[观察] He made some mistakes in spelling. 他犯了一些拼写错误。

[探究] mistake为________名词。

[搭配] ______________/make mistakes犯错误



______________无意中,错误地 活学活用

1.2017·新疆建设兵团别怕犯错,我们可以从众多错误中学到东西。 Don't be afraid of ________________ and we can learn from them. ●2 fill vt.使充满

[观察] He hit a pipe and filled the room with water. 他敲裂了水管,弄得房间里到处都是水。 He filled the bag with clothes. 他把包装满了衣服。

[搭配] fill…with…意为“________________”。 [辨析] fill与full


(2)full为________,意为“满的,充满的”,用来说明所修饰________的状态。be full of意为“____________”,相当于______________。



As President Xi says, “If we are ________________ energies to do everything, China Dream is sure to come true.”

●3 advise vt.& vi.建议,忠告,劝告

[观察] I often advise my father to give up smoking. 我经常劝我爸爸戒烟。

[探究] advise后可接__________或________从句。



[拓展] (1)advise的名词形式为________,意为“建议;劝告;忠告”,为________名词,常用some, much, a lot of/lots of, a piece of等修饰;若要说明关于某方面的建议时,用介词________。


3.(1)2017·宜昌—You'd better advise him ________ anything out of the window while driving. —I will. He has to know it's dangerous. A.not throwing B.no throwing C.not to throw D.don't throw

(2)2017·滨州—What a good ________ you've given me! Thanks a lot. —My pleasure. A.information B.news C.suggestion D.advice

●1 My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. 我的表弟安德鲁对“自己动手做”很着迷。

[探究] crazy为________词,意为“着迷的,狂热的;发疯的”。常用短语:be crazy about…意为“对……着迷;热衷于……”。



He likes music, especially he _______________________________ pop music.

●2 Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor. 现在客厅里不仅墙壁是蓝色的,连天花板和地板也是蓝色的。

[探究] not only…but also…意为“________________”,连接两个并列成分。当连接两个________时,________动词要与最近的________在________和________上保持一致(就近原则)。

[拓展] (1)both…and…连接两个________时,谓语动词用________形式。




________________或者……或者……(选其一) ________________既不……也不……(两者都不) 2.(1)2017·通辽—What's your favourite film?

—The Martian. It ________ shows a lot of imagination,________ has a sense of humour. A.too; to B.neither; nor C.either; or D.not only; but also

(2)2017·丹东I'm going to Shanghai. ________ my mum ________ dad are going with me. A.Neither; nor B.Either; or C.Both; and

D.Not only; but also

●3 He then spent five hours putting up the shelf on the wall. 然后他花了五个小时在墙上固定了书架。

[探究] ____________意为“(把架子、橱柜等)固定(在墙上)”。 [拓展] put up还有“________;建造;搭建;________”之义。 [搭配] ____________ 穿上 ____________推迟,拖延 ____________ 扑灭,熄灭 ____________ 放下,写下 ____________ 安装

3.2017·宿迁Andrew once tried to ________ a brighter light in his bedroom, but he failed in the end.



A.put in B.put on C.put out D.put up



详解详析 Period 2 Reading

【课前自主预习】 单词闯关

1.once 2.mistake 3.fill

4.advise; advice 5.course 6.already 7.instead 8.attend 9.mad; madder 10.terrible; terribly 短语互译

1.be crazy about 2.look terrible 3.make a mistake 4.put up 5.put in 6.不停地做某事 7.使某人生气 8.不但……而且…… 9.用……填充…… 10.做某事失败 句型在线

1.is crazy about 2.not only; but also 3.spent; putting up 4.advised him to take 课文初探 1—5 FFFTF 【课堂互动探究】 词汇点睛

●1 可数; make a mistake; by mistake



making mistakes

●2 用……填充……; 动词; with; fill…with…; be filled with; 形容词; 物; 充满……; be filled with

full of/ filled with

●3 动词不定式; that; advice; 不可数; on/about

(1)C 考查非谓语动词。句意:你最好建议他在行车的时候不要向窗外扔任何东西。此题考查动词短语advise sb not to do sth,意为“建议某人不要做某事”。故选C。

(2)C 考查名词辨析。information意为“信息”,是不可数名词;news意为“消息”,是不可数名词;suggestion意为“建议”,是可数名词;advice意为“建议”,是不可数名词。由句中的不定冠词a可知,此处应选可数名词单数。故选C。

句型透视 ●1 形容 is crazy about

●2 不仅……而且……; 主语; 谓语; 主语; 人称; 数; 主语; 复数; either…or…; neither…nor… (1)D 考查连词辨析。too…to…意为“太……而不能”;neither…nor…意为“既不……也不”;either…or…意为“或者……或者……”;not only…but also…意为“不但……而且……”。句意:“你最喜欢的电影是什么?”“《火星救援》。它________有想象力,________有幽默感。”故答案为D。

(2)C 考查连词辨析。句意:我将要去上海。我妈妈和爸爸将和我一起去。both…and…意为“不但……而且……”,连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词用复数。故答案为C。

●3 put up; 举起; 张贴; put on; put off; put out; put down; put in

A 考查动词短语辨析。put in意为“安装”;put on意为“穿上,上演”;put out意为“扑灭,伸出”;put up意为“悬挂,张贴”。句意:安德鲁曾经试图在他的卧室里安装一盏更明亮的灯,但是最终失败了。故此题答案为A。


1.crazy 2.terrible 3.in 4.power 5.filled 6.but 7.above 8.higher 9.more 10.attending




