英语儿歌 新
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Horse horse
Horse,horse,ga de ga de ga de Horse,horse,yu--- stop
(Horse,horse,ga de ga de ga de Horse,horse,turn around)*3
1 手指游戏 The chimney
Here is the chimney, (拇指向内握拳) here is the top, (另一只手盖住拳头) open the lid, (移开手)
out Santa will pop!(猛地伸出大拇指)
Three little monkeys
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head,
Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more little monkeys jumping on the bed” Two …one.
Two little black birds
Two little blackbirds sitting on the wall,
One named Peter, one named Paul Fly away Peter, fly away Paul Come back Peter, come back Paul.
Ten little fingers
One little, two little, three little fingers Four little, five little, six little fingers Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers Ten fingers on my hands
Here is the beehive
Here is the beehive, where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive One two three four five Bzzzz…
Clap your hands
Clap clap clap your hands as slowly as you can Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can Shake…roll…rub…wiggle your fingers…pound your fists…
Clap and sit Clap clap clap I can clap Jump jump jump I can jump Sit sit sit I can sit.
Where is thumb-kin? Where is thumb-kin?*2 Here I am,*2
How are you this morning?*2 Very well, thank you. Run away.*2 Pointer Tall man Ring man Tiny 英语童谣 One potato
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
Rain rain go away Rain rain go way Come again another day Little Michael wants to play Rain rain go away Fruits
Peach桃子apricot杏子olive橄榄strawberry草莓coconut椰子plum李子haw山楂litchi荔枝Chinese date枣pomegranate石榴cherry樱桃mango芒果chestnut栗子kiwi fruit猕猴桃persimmon柿子 Food
Eggplant茄子ice tea绿茶?mineral water矿泉水mushroom蘑菇cauliflower菜花green bean豆角pea豌豆cucumber黄瓜green pepper青椒chop排骨bean curd豆腐steamed roll花卷steamed bun馒头steamed stuffed bun包子pancake煎饼berry浆果peanut花生sunflower seed瓜子haze nut榛子walnut核桃celery芹菜(Chinese)chives韭菜mashed garlic蒜泥dried persimmon柿饼bamboo shoots竹笋lotus root藕lotus root starch藕粉radish萝卜coffee beans咖啡豆broad beans蚕豆French beans豆角melon seeds瓜子sesame芝麻
sesame paste芝麻酱sesame oil芝麻油hot pickled mustard tuber榨菜kidney bean芸豆sweet potato山芋maize玉米mutton羊肉meat filling肉馅seafood海鲜prawn对虾lobster龙虾dried shelled shrimps虾米pickles小菜 Games
Riddle谜语crossword puzzle纵横拼字谜hunt the thimble藏手帕ludo骰子游戏lotto牌号码牌游戏dominoes多米诺forfeits处罚building block积木puss in the corner五人玩抢位置游戏see saw跷跷板skip rope跳绳pinwheel纸风车gamboling bed蹦蹦床merry go round旋转木马windbell风铃plastic ene橡皮泥swing秋千hula loop呼啦圈scooter滑板车
Body parts
Armpit hair腋毛abdomen腹部thigh大腿hip臀buttock屁股backbone脊柱lung肺waist腰rib肋骨exhale呼出liver肝digest消化absorb吸收chin下巴elbow胳膊肘belly肚子heel脚后跟 Riddle
I’m thin. I’m brown. My nose is short. My tail is long. What am I?---A monkey.
I have red eyes. I have a short tail. I have long ears. I like carrots. What
英语儿歌 新09-09
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