
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:59:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


The melody of American English 语音流畅 连读和略读


一 “辅音+元音”的连读--异性相吸


knock at Look about

look out of look over

get out of get off get in get away

stand up good idea Dad and Mom first of all

come on in a hotel on a sunny day half a year


.May I have a cup of milk? 我能来杯牛奶吗?

2.What do you think of it? 你怎么看? 3.Don’t give up your decision . 不要放弃你的决定

4.Do you think you can grab it? 你觉得你可以抓住它吗? 5.We’ll have to put it off until tomorrow. 我们得推迟到明天了。


2. R音节的连读 --“r/re+元音”



1.They’re my father and mother. 他们是我的爸爸妈妈

2.I looked for it here and there.我到处找这个东西

3.There are some books on the desk. 桌子上有一些书

4.Here is a letter for you. 这是给你的一封信

5.Here are four eggs.这有四个鸡蛋

6.Where are your brother and sister? 你的兄弟姐妹在哪里啊?


The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.(nearer与and不可连读)

3. 同化连读 --“辅音+半元音”连读

T+j= /t / I saw him last year.

D+j=/d / Would you like to introduce your wife? S+j=/ / I miss you so much. z+j=/ / Here is your ticket

4. 击穿现象--辅音+/h/

Beat him Kiss her Let him in Pick him up Hit her Love her

First,I love her Then,I hate her And ,I beat her

But, steel kiss her Then,steel bite her So,I dump her Last, I kill her And,I lose her

二 略读(也即辅音+辅音连读)

1.辅音和辅音的叠合连读 词组练习

bad desk good day deep pond

grab Bob

take care black coffee book case hot tea stop playing keep pace big gate some men

SENTENCES PRACTICE CAMP 句子操练集中营 1. My friend did it. 是我朋友干的

2.He wears a fresh shirt. 他穿着一件崭新的衬衫 3.I did this for the first time. 我第一次做这个

4.She took care of the children. 她来照顾这些孩子们

5.I don’t believe that Ted is a good boy. 我不认为泰迪是个好孩子

2.辅音和辅音失爆连读(即略读) 词组练习

Red book black man hot day good tea

bad boy look good mad John

pet lion sit down red chair good teacher cheap box work hard bad news fat cat red flag


I have read the book. 我已经读过这本书了

2. Put the book on the desk. 把书放在桌子上

3. The rich and the poor have great differences. 穷人富人大不同

4. Let’s have a good talk. 让我们好好聊一下

5. He has made the right choice. 他做对了决定


三 元音+元音的滑音连读 Alex老师的话:

元音和元音的连读实际上是在元音之间插入半元音/j/或/ w/,从而使元音音节之间的过度变的自然、流畅,读起来更加上口。具体情况如下:

a) 前面的单词以元音/e/或/i/结尾(敞口元音包括/ei//i//ai// i//i:/),紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时在两个单词之间出现半元音/j/作为过渡。

b) 前面的单词以/u/或/ u/结尾(合口元音包括/u// u//au/),紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时两个单词之间出现半元音/ w/作为过渡。

c) 为了把两个相邻的词连在一起,人们往往在以/w /或/a/结尾的词后面加上/r/音,以便和后一个词的起首元音连接。 A词组练习

be on time blue on top say it may I weigh it up clue in blew away who else play around stay up see it through Russia and China flew out knew it my only child drama and music the early bird very interesting day in and day out area of agreement I am you are she is shah of Persia go out too often go away law and order any other go on try it I saw it try again throw away no way see off how old no end a banana and an apple


Hey, Listen, If you are not great at it now, don’t worry about it. Just do the best you possibly can.

Tomorrow morning, when you get out of bed, do a little bit better than that. The next day after that, do a little bit better than that.

Don’t get so worried about the person that's next you or the person that you've seen on stage here.

I wonder if I can be quite that good.

Don’t worry about it!

If you want to compete with someone, compete with yourself! Be the best you can possibly be everyday.

